how can I obtain all tags in rally api - rally

We use tags to identify our completed user stories. Now we have a need to automatic that process by querying tags and generate a list of user stories that associate to that tag.
I have found the following link very useful:
Rally: Query Filtered to Specific Tags
However, I'd like to somehow query Rally so I can get a list of all the tags first so users has the freedom to pick a tag they want to query. Any idea how to accomplish that? Thanks in advance.

If you are using SDK 1.0 you can use the code below to get all allowable tags. All you should have to do it supply a function named "callback" to handle your results.
queryConfig = {
type : 'defect',
key : 'defects',
query: '(Archived = false)',
fetch: 'Name,Priority'
var rallyDataSource = new'__WORKSPACE_OID__',
rallyDataSource.findAll(queryConfig, callback);


Podio API JS - Update relationship field of a Item

Using NodeJS, I am trying to update relationship field which link to another app (contacts-leads). I have try all combination but still getting error. I think I have the necessary data to post, app_id, item_id, external_id..etc. I need help with forming JSON structure.
p.request('put','item/<Item_Id>/value', data)
var data {....}
value:'<value>' (value is the app_item_id of the link to application; that is the number in URL)
app_item_id: '<app_item_id>'
I was able to update non-relationship field without problem.
Well, going to answer my own question. That will work for single app link, not sure about multiple ones.
data = {
"<external_id>": {
"apps": [{"app_id": <app_id>}],
"value: <app_item_id>

Categories list in Piranha CMS?

I'm using Piranha Core 8 with Aspnetcore 3. So far everything is going well. (I love Piranha!)
My current problem is when building a Sidebar with a list of categories.
I can't figure out how to retrieve all categories from the Api.
So far, I can get a list of posts, and perhaps iterate over them to collect the categories but this seems inefficient.
Any one know how to retrieve a list of all the categories from the cshtml pages?
You can get the full list of taxonomies per Archive by calling the Api.
var categories = await api.GetAllCategoriesAsync(archiveId);
var tags = await api.GetAllTagsAsync(archiveId);
Best regards
From the razor page I got it working this way :
var archiveId = WebApp.CurrentPost == null ? WebApp.CurrentPage.Id : WebApp.CurrentPost.BlogId;
var categories = await WebApp.Api.Posts.GetAllCategoriesAsync(archiveId);
var tags = await WebApp.Api.Posts.GetAllTagsAsync(archiveId);

Orchard Search multiple fields with same term

I am trying to create a custom search module based on the Orchard.Search. I have created a custom field called keywords which I have successfully added to the index. I want to match content where the title, body or keywords match. Adding these using .WithField or passing a string array of fields tests for each field matching the term, I need these to return content if there is a match in any of the fields. I have included examples of how I am using both methods below.
Examples of how I am using the search builder:
var searchBuilder = Search()
.WithField("type", "Cell").Mandatory().ExactMatch()
.WithField("body", query)
.WithField("title", query);
.WithField("cell-keywords", query);
String Array FieldNames:
string[] searchFields = new string[2] { "body", "title", "cell-keywords"};
var searchBuilder = Search().WithField("type", "Cell").Mandatory().ExactMatch().Parse(searchFields, query, false);
If anyone could point me in the right direction that would fantastic :)
A colleague wrote an article on this on his blog, should prove helpful
I have resolved my issue!
The problem was when I was adding my keywords field to the index on the part handler. There were content items with NULL which was causing an error which I missed!!

Query allowed values of an attribute in Rally using javascript

Could someone tell me how to query allowed values of an attribute in Rally using javascript?
Particularly, I want to query all possible states of a Defect
I know that it can be done with REST api
DynamicJsonObject allowedValues = restApi.GetAllowedAttributeValues("defect", "state");
Is there a javascript equivalence?
You can use RallyDataSource from the App SDK (note, this is the original one, not the new ExtJS-based SDK currently in preview). See the Attribute Values example on this page:
You may wish to try something along the lines of:
queryConfig = {
type: 'Defect',
key : 'defectStates',
attribute: 'State'

Add users to UserMulti field type using Client Object Model

I'm bit of a SharePoint noobie so please bear with me.
I need to be able to create a new list item in one our custom list using the client object model. I have been following the example described on the MSDN site and for the most part this has worked.
We have a list that contains several fields including a UserMulti field type. I am having problems adding users to this field. So far I have tried the following but this somehow always seems to default to the system account rather than the user specified in the field.
listItem["ProjectMembers"] = "1;#domain\\johndoe";
Do I need to do some type of lookup first? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
It took a little while but I figured it out in the end. Below are two approaches you can take
Assign a Principal to the list item
var principal = _rootWeb.EnsureUser("domain\\johndoe") as Principal;
listItem["ProjectMembers"] = principal;
Assign an list of FieldUserValue if you need to assign more than one user to the field.
string[] users = { "domain\\johndoe", "domain\\peterpan" };
var projectMembers = users
.Select(loginName => FieldUserValue.FromUser(loginName))
listItem["ProjectMembers"] = projectMembers;
I'm sure there's better ways of doing things and you could combine the two to ensure that the users are valid before adding them to the list, but this is working so far. Hope this help someone else.
Microsoft has a wiki article, "SharePoint: A Complete Guide to Getting and Setting Fields using C#" that can help.
It includes this sample code.
var lotsofpeople = new SPFieldUserValueCollection(web, item["lotsofpeoplefield"].ToString());
var personA = web.EnsureUser("contoso\\fred");
var personAValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, personA.ID, personA.LoginName);
var personB = web.EnsureUser("contoso\\barnie");
var personBValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, personB.ID, personB.LoginName);
item["lotsofpeoplefield"] = lotsofpeople;