grid filter in dojo - dojo

can any one help with filtering multiple condition in dojo grid.
im using grid.DataGrid and json data.
data1 = {items: [ {"id":1,"media":"PRINT",pt:"Yellow Directory"},
{"id":2,"media":"DIGITAL",pt:"Social Media"},{id":3,"media":"DIGITAL",pt:"Yellow Online"}
],identifier: "id"};
the above line is just displaying the record with b value.
i need the record with both the values.
can any one help me with this.???

So you want the records that have any of the specified ids?
It comes down to the capabilities of the store you're using. If you're using a Memory store with SimpleQueryEngine, then you can specify a regex or an object with a test function instead:
grid.filter({id: {
test: function(x) {
return x === 'a' || x === 'b';
If you're using JsonRest store, then you get to choose how your queries are processed server-side so you could potentially pass in an array of interesting values and handle that in your own way on the server. (i.e. filter({id:[a,b]}))


How to make ag-Grid table responsive such that headers and rows are transposed?

See the "Collapse Rows" animated example:
That's similar to what I want to achieve.
I'd like my table to be responsive using the approach of reorganizing itself such that it shows each original row transposed (but also transpose the headers and duplicate them so that they label each row).
ag-Grid seems like a phenomenal library that has countless features, so I was surprised that the docs seem not to specify how to accomplish my goal.
Unfortunately this feature is not available out of the box.
This is actually a feature request which can be found here:
AG-3142 Allow the grid to change columns for rows (transpose rows), so the grid show each row as one column, and each column as a row
To achieve this, you would have to write a function yourself to transpose the rows into one column.
You can then leverage Grid API methods to update the column and row data accordingly.
I've created a simple plunker which does this based on a button click:
function onBtnClick() {
let newColumnDefs = [{ field: 'transposed_rows' }];
let newRowData = [];
gridOptions.api.forEachNode((node) => {
let nodeDataValues = Object.values(;
nodeDataValues.forEach((val) => newRowData.push({ transposed_rows: val }));

cross tab/pivoting in pentaho CDE

I am trying to create a dynamic pivoting in postgresql. my query is including 3 dimensions in which one includes a case statement. and one measure. I have tried various solutions found on web but none is working.
I am looking for a script which converts normal query to a pivoted table. pls help me with this.
You have 3 options, basically:
write your query in MDX, which can easily return a pivoted table; requires Mondrian schema first;
use a Kettle datasource and denormalise your data with PDI;
write a denormalisation function in your postFetch method of the table component: it gets the data coming from the query and manipulates it before passing it to the table renderer.
Code snippet to guide you through the process of denormalising in the postFetch of the component:
var resultset = data.resultset;
var metadata = data.metadata;
// doStuff - this is the bit you'll have to code according to your needs. The resultset array has 1 element for each row of data; the metadata array holds metadata info such as colName, colType and output index.
var newResultset = someFunction(resultset);
var newMetadata = someOtherFunction(metadata);
// set data to the new values
data.resultset = newResultset;
data.metadata = newMetadata;
// return the modified data object to the component
return data;

fnReloadAjax(url): two requests

I'd like to refresh my table when new item is added. I use such code:
$("#frm_create_user").submit(function() {
var formData = getFormData($("#frm_create_user"));
type: "POST",
url: getApiUrl("/user"),
dataType: "json",
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({user:{user_ref: formData.user_ref}}),
}).done(function(r) {
oTable.fnReloadAjax(getApiUrl("/users?sSearch=" + r.user.userid));
return false;
But for some reason, I can see two requests instead of one.
The first one is correct - http://symfony/app_dev.php/api/users?sSearch=kZoh1s23&_=1394204041433
And the second one is confusing - http://symfony/app_dev.php/api/users?sSearch=kZoh1s23&sEcho=3&iColumns=8&sColumns=&iDisplayStart=0&iDisplayLength=25&mDataProp_0=userid&mDataProp_1=user_ref&mDataProp_2=password&mDataProp_3=vpn_password&mDataProp_4=status_id&mDataProp_5=expire_account&mDataProp_6=created&mDataProp_7=&sSearch=&bRegex=false&sSearch_0=&bRegex_0=false&bSearchable_0=true&sSearch_1=&bRegex_1=false&bSearchable_1=true&sSearch_2=&bRegex_2=false&bSearchable_2=true&sSearch_3=&bRegex_3=false&bSearchable_3=true&sSearch_4=&bRegex_4=false&bSearchable_4=true&sSearch_5=&bRegex_5=false&bSearchable_5=true&sSearch_6=&bRegex_6=false&bSearchable_6=true&sSearch_7=&bRegex_7=false&bSearchable_7=true&iSortCol_0=0&sSortDir_0=asc&iSortingCols=1&bSortable_0=true&bSortable_1=false&bSortable_2=true&bSortable_3=true&bSortable_4=true&bSortable_5=true&bSortable_6=true&bSortable_7=true&_=1394204041505
If I remove fnReloadAjax() line, these two requests gone so that it looks like it is caused by fnReloadAjax()
How may I fix it to have only http://symfony/app_dev.php/api/users?sSearch=kZoh1s23&_=1394204041433 requests?
All these confusing parameters are Informations that your server sided script might need to clamp the data that has to be returned to dataTables.
Since I don't know your server sided code, I can only break up what they are good for:
&sEcho=3 //No need to react to this, it's just the result of the last ajax call
&iColumns=8 //Your table has 8 columns
&iDisplayStart=0 //You are on page 1
&iDisplayLength=25 //you want to display up to 25 entrys per page
&mDataProp_0=userid //Your first colum gets the value of [userid]
&mDataProp_1=user_ref //Your first colum gets the value of [user_ref]
&mDataProp_2=password //Your first colum gets the value of [password]
&sSearch=12345&bRegex=true//Your first column is filtered by userid 12345 and this value should be treated as a regex by your datasource
&sSearch_0=&bRegex_0=false//Your second column is not filtered and should not be treated as a regex by your datasource
&iSortCol_0=0&sSortDir_0=asc //your first column should be sorted ascending
&iSortingCols=1 //you have one column that is sortable
&bSortable_0=true //Column 0 is sortable
&bSortable_1=false //Column 1 is not sortable
Your server sided script should react to these values. In case of a mysql datasource it should set up its where clause to the filtering parameters, limit it by pagenumber and items per page, and sort according to the sortinfo.
All this is needed if you want to use the luxury features of datatables like pagination, sorting, individual column filtering, clamping ajax return values to minify serverload when working with thousands of entrys.
If you don't need that, just ignore the additional parameters in your server script and just react to the data you need. But leave them in, you might need them later:-)
Hope this helps

dijit filteringSelect with min length

I can't seem to find a way to require the filtering select input to be of a certain length. I've tried like this:
new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
'name': 'bla',
'store': jsonRestStore,
'searchAttr': "name",
'pattern': '.{3,}',
'regExp': '.{3,}'
but it doesn't change a thing. I want the filtering select to only query the store, if at least 3 characters have been entered. Can't be that exotic a requirement, can it? There are thousands of items behind that store, so querying that with just 1 or 2 characters is slow.
I did a bit more searching and found this post on the dojo mailing list. To summarize, there is no way to native support in the FilteringSelect for it, but it is extremely easy to implement.
// custom min input character count to trigger search
minKeyCount: 3,
// override search method, count the input length
_startSearch: function (/*String*/key) {
if (!key || key.length < this.minKeyCount) {
Also in the API Docs, there is a searchDelay attribute, which could be helpful in minimizes the number of queries.
Delay in milliseconds between when user types something and we start searching based on that value

dojo query for multiple values with setQuery

I'm having trouble getting the syntax right for a setQuery method call for multiple values, i.e.
setQuery({x : 1}) or setQuery({x : 2})
combined. Or do I need to use filter?
In case you are using Dojo Store API I think one way to query using function is described here
You can modify it like this
return item.x == 1 || item.x == 2;
That will depend on the store you are using.
In order to do that easier, you should use
Dojo tool kit, and or read store
using that store you can use setQuery as:
yourgrid.setQuery({complexQuery:"x:1 OR x:2"});