When is it a good idea to give an ADT a name data member? - naming-conventions

If I have a Store class, I can write
Store starbucks;
Here, the variable name is the name of the object itself.
Alternatively, I can write
Store shop( "starbucks" );
where a name variable inside Store is initialized with "starbucks". Here, the variable name is generic but the object contains the specific store name.
Which is preferable, and when?

I can't think of a real world use for Store starbucks;. Any time you wanted to add a new store you would have to write all new code and recompile. Outside of test data, for unit tests and whatnot, this should never be used.
For similar reasons, hard coding Store shop( "starbucks" ); is also a bad idea. Again, changing instance data should not cause you to recompile your code.
Most code that I've written uses a combination of user input and a data store to create instances. This is done something like Store shop; shop.load(); or more likely Store shop = storeFactory.getStore();
In addition, I prefer to use the type of the object as the name of the object. This would make the example Store store = storeFactory.getStore();. It lowers the cognitive load of the reader, because they don't have to remember that shop is of type Store.


Const Variable in "Type"-Statement vba

I want to sum up my Const Variables in a VBA Makro like this:
Private Type Company
Public Const CompanyNameColumns As String = "14"
Public Const CompanyNameStartRow As Integer = 5
Type End
I can't run this code.
I think the problem is, that there is no possibility of defining a Const within a Type Statement.
Has anybody a workaround for that?
So, it took me a second, but then it smacked me like a ton of bricks what's going on here.
TL;DR: You can't assign values during definition of a type, but there is a proper way to do what you're trying to do.
The reason you can't assign to it is because you're defining a type. I know that sounds cyclical and redundant, but that's exactly what is going on. You're trying to assign values in a place that is meant to define a data structure. That's all a UDT does. It defines a structure. It makes no sense to assign values to a structure.
As you've found, one solution is to create a new module and store your constants there.
Public Const CompanyNameColumns As String = "14"
Public Const CompanyNameStartRow As Integer = 5
Which then gets called like this...
And this is fine, but runs the risk of becoming a catch all. It would be much better to move these into a class module along with the logic they relate to. That way all of the related logic and data are in one place instead of scattered about multiple *.bas files in your project.
If you're going the class route, but the classes only hold this data structure, without any real state, you might want to consider making them global default instances. This is similar to what is known as "static" classes in other languages.
I worked around this Problem now by just defining a new Module. Named it Company and put the Consts in there!

RavenDb GenerateDocumentKey

I need to generate Id for child object of my document. What is the current syntax for generating document key?
session.Advanced.Conventions.GenerateDocumentKey(document) is not there anymore. I've found _documentSession.Advanced.DocumentStore.Conventions.GenerateDocumentKey method but its' signature is weird: I am okay with default key generation algorithm I just want to pass an object and receive an Id.
The default implementation of GenerateDocumentKey is to get the "dynamic tag name" for the class, and append a slash. For example, class Foo would turn into Foos/ which then goes through the HiLoKeyGenerator so that ids can be assigned on the client-side without having to consult the server each time.
If you really want this behavior, you could try to use the HiLoKeyGenerator on your own, but have you considered something simpler? I don't know what your model is, but if the child thing is fully owned by the containing document (which it should be, to be in the same document) have you have several much easier options:
Just use the index within the collection
Keep a int NextChildThingId property on the document and increment that every time you add a ChildThing
Just use a Guid, although those are no fun to read, type, look at, compare, or speak to someone over the phone.

Overextending object design by adding many trivial fields?

I have to add a bunch of trivial or seldom used attributes to an object in my business model.
So, imagine class Foo which has a bunch of standard information such as Price, Color, Weight, Length. Now, I need to add a bunch of attributes to Foo that are rarely deviating from the norm and rarely used (in the scope of the entire domain). So, Foo.DisplayWhenConditionIsX is true for 95% of instances; likewise, Foo.ShowPriceWhenConditionIsY is almost always true, and Foo.PriceWhenViewedByZ has the same value as Foo.Price most of the time.
It just smells wrong to me to add a dozen fields like this to both my class and database table. However, I don't know that wrapping these new fields into their own FooDisplayAttributes class makes sense. That feels like adding complexity to my DAL and BLL for little gain other than a smaller object. Any recommendations?
Try setting up a separate storage class/struct for the rarely used fields and hold it as a single field, say "rarelyUsedFields" (for example, it will be a pointer in C++ and a reference in Java - you don't mention your language.)
Have setters/getters for these fields on your class. Setters will check if the value is not the same as default and lazily initialize rarelyUsedFields, then set the respective field value (say, rarelyUsedFields.DisplayWhenConditionIsX = false). Getters they will read the rarelyUsedFields value and return default values (true for DisplayWhenConditionIsX and so on) if it is NULL, otherwise return rarelyUsedFields.DisplayWhenConditionIsX.
This approach is used quite often, see WebKit's Node.h as an example (and its focused() method.)
Abstraction makes your question a bit hard to understand, but I would suggest using custom getters such as Foo.getPrice() and Foo.getSpecialPrice().
The first one would simply return the attribute, while the second would perform operations on it first.
This is only possible if there is a way to calculate the "seldom used version" from the original attribute value, but in most common cases this would be possible, providing you can access data from another object storing parameters, such as FooShop.getCurrentDiscount().
The problem I see is more about the Foo object having side effects.
In your example, I see two features : display and price.
I would build one or many Displayer (who knows how to display) and make the price a component object, with a list of internal price modificators.
Note all this is relevant only if your Foo objects are called by numerous clients.

ABAP create object

Below is a code snippet that is creating object.
Form userexit_save_document_prepare.
data: /bks/exitmanager type ref to /bks/exit_manager.
create object /bks/exitmanager
exporting main_prog = 'SAPMV45A'
include /bks/exitman.
I got this from the documentation
For performance reasons, the parameters "main_prog" and "exit_form" should be filled, in the case of userexits, which are performed very often like "user_field_modification" in "SAPMV45A" which is called for every single screen-field.
1) What happened exactly behind when create object /bks/exitmanager is called? memory allocated for the object etc?
2) Why for performance reasons the exporting parameters of create object needs to be filled?
I'm not 100% sure, but here is my best guess:
an object called /bks/exitmanager is constructed (which is an oject of the class /bks/exit_manager or more specific a reference/"pointer" to an object of this class) .. the required memory allocated etc., but also the "constructor" code is called (probably sets some instance variables as passed to the call).
If you're explicitly passing these parameters, they don't have to be "calculated" at run-time (e.g. by looking at the call stack). This should save some time, especially if it would have to be done quite often (as described in the documentation).
It would help to see what /bks/exit_manager actually is, and a brief explanation of what you are trying to accomplish.
Expanding on what IronGoofy wrote:
data: /bks/exitmanager type ref to /bks/exit_manager
This creates a reference pointer in the ABAP memory of your program, much like a field symbol. Also it must be already delared. If it is in the include, you need to move the include.
create object /bks/exitmanager
exporting main_prog = 'SAPMV45A'
This creates an object instance based on the declared class, and assigns it to the referance pointer. It does this by calling the constructor method first.
Only by examing /bks/exit_manager will you find out exactly what you need to export.
It's impossible to tell what's going on and why the parameters should be passed without taking a look at the constructor of /BKS/EXIT_MANAGER. It's a common pattern though to keep a buffer of settings (think of a static hashed table with the key being the parameters and the value holding whatever is complicated and time-consuming to fetch). In this case, I would have expected a protected constructor that cannot be accessed directly, but only using a static factory method that uses a hashed table to keep the references of the exit handler itself - optimally using weak references...

DoJo get/set overriding possible

I don't know much about Dojo but is the following possible:
I assume it has a getter/setter for access to its datastore, is it possible to override this code.
For example:
In the dojo store i have 'Name: #Joe'
is it possible to check the get to:
if name.firstChar = '#' then just
return 'Joe'
if name.firstChar = '#' then set to #+var
Is this sort of thing possible? or will i needs a wrapper API?
You can get the best doc from http://docs.dojocampus.org/dojo/data/api/Read
First, for getting the data from a store you have to use
getValue(item, "key")
I believe you can solve the problem the following way. It assumes you are using a ItemFileReadStore, you may use another one, just replace it.
dojo.declare("MyStore", dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore, {
getValue:function(item, key){
var ret = this.inherited(arguments);
return ret.charAt(0)=="#" ? ret.substr(1) : ret;
And then just use "MyStore" instead of ItemFileReadStore (or whatever store you are using).
I just hacked out the code, didn't try it, but it should very well show the solution.
Good luck
Yes, I believe so. I think what you'll want to do is read this here and determine how, if it will work:
The following statement leads me to believe the answer is yes:
By requiring access to go through
store functions, the store can hide
the internal structure of the item.
This allows the item to remain in a
format that is most efficient for
representing the datatype for a
particular situation. For example, the
items could be XML DOM elements and,
in that case, the store would access
the values using DOM APIs when
store.getValue() is called.
As a second example, the item might be
a simple JavaScript structure and the
store can then access the values
through normal JavaScript accessor
notation. From the end-users
perspective, the access is exactly the
same: store.getValue(item,
"attribute"). This provides a
consistent look and feel to accessing
a variety of data types. This also
provides efficiency in accessing items
by reducing item load times by
avoiding conversion to a defined
internal format that all stores would
have to use.
Going through store accessor function
provides the possibility of
lazy-loading in of values as well as
lazy reference resolution.
I'd love to give you an example but I think it's going to take a lot more investigation.