Implement UITableView from different ControllerClass as Subview - objective-c

I'm trying to implement a TableView from a different (Table)ViewController into a Scrollview. I'm literally trying for hours now and I can't figure out the problem. The error I get is:
-[UISectionRowData numberOfSectionsInTableView:]:
unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x687fdb0 2012-05-07
16:47:18.966 Test2[12212:f803] * Terminating app due to uncaught
exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UISectionRowData
numberOfSectionsInTableView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
This is the code Segment I'm working with (Implemented in the viewDidLoad() method):
DateSubviewController *dateSubviewController = [[DateSubviewController alloc] init];
//This is the tableViewController which handles the code from the tableView I want to implement.
NSArray *views = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [dateSubviewController view], nil];
self.scrollView.delegate = self;
self.pageControlBeingUsed = YES;
for (int i = 0; i < views.count; i++) {
CGRect frame;
frame.origin.x = self.scrollView.frame.size.width * i;
frame.origin.y = 0;
frame.size = self.scrollView.frame.size;
UITableView *subview = [views objectAtIndex:i];
[self.scrollView addSubview:subview];
subview = nil;
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.scrollView.frame.size.width * views.count, self.scrollView.frame.size.height);
The scrollview is working on it's own (Tested it with different colored frames).
The problem seems to be, that [dateSubviewController view] doesn't call the methods required for the tableView to Work. The view outlet is hooked up with the tableView but "greyed out" in the storyboards. I thought it might be pointing to a wrong view, so I already tried deleting the tableView and hook it up again. This had no effect. The crash appears right after the whole viewDidLoad() method is done.
When I try to use
NSArray *views = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [dateSubviewController dateTable], nil];
(dateTable is the tableView I try to implement) to access the tableView directly the array views contains 0 elements in debugging. The TableView delegate methods aren't called either. But it doesn't crash.
I don't know what to do anymore. I'm working on this problem for about 6 hours now, debugged several times, did Internet research but didn't find anything. Thanks for your time!

After hours of work I now figured out this was a problem with the autoreleasepool. When I initialised the viewController...
DateSubviewController *dateSubviewController = [[DateSubviewController alloc] init]; was a local variable and got released as soon as the viewDidLoad() method finished. I had to use it as an instancevariable! I hope this fixes the error for a future reader too!
In headerfile of the class where you want to initialise the ViewController:
#property (strong, nonatomic) DateSubviewController * dateSubviewController;
Then initialise it in this way:
self.dateSubviewController = [[DateSubviewController alloc] init];

According to the error, it should be clear to you that your tableView's dataSource does not respond to the method the tableView needs. Since I guess that you already have an object that should be this dataSource (one that implements tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:), it's likely that you did not set the tableView's dataSource property to this object, but to another one. Check your code or your Xibs, and fix your tableView's dataSource link.
Do this first.
You may have other problems after. You'll see. But fix this first, and learn to read and understand your errors. Document yourself on words that you do not understand, such as "instance", "selector", "exception". Understanding errors is the key to successful debugging.


What are the possible reasons why -(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath didn't get called?

I got a really strange problem.
My tableView has all the delegate and datasource set up.
Everything is fine.
However, clicking the rows do not activate:
-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
I used custom cells.
After I click and click and click and click and click, sometimes it goes through.
I wonder what can possibly cause that? It's as if the customCell is "absorbing" the touch event or something or what?
Could that be why? If so, if we want to implement customCell and we want the tableView to handle the touch up event, what should we do?
Additional symptom:
If I remove user interaction enabled from the custom cell then the problem is solved with a catch.
However, clicking the button will somehow erase all the label texts in the customCell.
The implementation of the custom Cell is the following:
- (BGUIBusinessCellForDisplay *) initWithBiz: (Business *) biz
if ( == nil) //First time set up
self = [super init]; //If use dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier then I shouldn't change the address self points to right
NSString * className = NSStringFromClass([self class]);
//PO (className);
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:className owner:self options:nil];
self.frame =self.view.frame;
[self addSubview:self.view]; //What is this for? self.view is of type BGCRBusinessForDisplay2. That view should be self, not one of it's subview Things don't work without it though
if (biz==nil)
return self;
_biz = biz;
self.prominentLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Isi: %#", biz.isiString];
self.Title.text = biz.Title; //Let's set this one thing first
//if([self.distance isNotEmpty]){
self.DistanceLabel.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%dm",[biz.Distance intValue]];
self.PinNumber.text =biz.StringPinLineAndNumber;
NSString * URLString=nil;
//self.boolImage=[NSNumber numberWithBool:true];
Image * image=(biz.Images.allObjects)[0];
URLString = image.URL;
URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"",URLString.UTF8Encode];
//url=[NSURL URLWithString:image.URL];
float latitude = biz.getCllLocation.coordinate.latitude;
float longitude = biz.getCllLocation.coordinate.longitude;
URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#",%f&markers=size:small|color:blue|%f,%f",latitude,longitude,latitude,longitude];
URLString = URLString.UTF8Encode;
//Should add code and add loading indicator here
[BGHPTools doBackground:^{
UIImage * imageBiz = [BGMDImageCacherAndDownloader getImageFromURL:URLString];
[BGHPTools doForeGround:^{
[self.Image makeRound];
/*if (self.tableViewCell == Nil)//Instantiate that tableviewCell
} = bis;
self.pinLbl.text = bis.StringPinLineAndNumber;
/*[dict objectForKey:#"Title"];
self.address=[dict objectForKey:#"Street"];
CLLocation * cll=[[CLLocation alloc]initWithLatitude:[[dict objectForKey:#"Latitude"] doubleValue] longitude:[[dict objectForKey:#"Longitude"] doubleValue]];
self.distance=[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[cll distanceFromLocation:[cachedProperties currentLocation]]];*/
return self;
Update: I already figure out why the texts are gone. Turns out my background is white. When a row got selected, the text suddenly turn into white. So by setting selected style to blue I sort of get that "fixed".
However, I still do not see where in my code I specify that all label texts should be white if the underlying tableViewCell is selected.
After all, what's selected is the cell, not the label. How the hell the label knows that it has to turn white is beyond me.
If you are using a Storyboard to handle the interface, instead of using:
-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Try using
#pragma mark --- Push selectedObject to the detailView ---
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
RRAppDelegate *myAppDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:#"PushObjectSegue"]) {
NSIndexPath *selectedRowIndex = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
RRObjectViewController *detailViewController = [segue destinationViewController];
detailViewController.selectedObject = [myAppDelegate.goals objectAtIndex:selectedRowIndex.row];
I was having the same problem with the method you used and instead used this, it started working perfectly. Of course you'd have to adapt the code to your app's viewControllers and data source because I used my AppDelegate as the datasource, and I wasn't using a custom cell.
The most likely thing is that a view in your custom cell is absorbing the touch. Sometimes this is what you want, e.g. a button that does something, rather than selecting the entire cell. Assuming you don't want this, then just set those views' userInteractionEnabled property to NO.
--Additional code for custom NIB loading.
All you have to do is register the NIB in your viewDidLoad routine:
[tableView registerNib: [UINib nibWithNibName:#"yourCellNibName" bundle:nil] forCellReuseIdentifier:#"yourCellTypeID"]
and then in your cellForRowAtIndexPath just call:
newCell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier #"yourCellTypeID"];
return newCell;
And it will load a cell from your XIB (or give you one from the previously used queue).
I just want to update that I think I have figured out what the problem is but still can't solve that quite right yet. And well the update is comprehensive so I think it should be an answer though I hope it's not the answer because some puzzle is still missing.
All the problem is interrelated.
The problem is in this line:
[self addSubview:self.view];
I basically turn that into:
Basically the my custom view cell has a view whose type is also tableViewCell. That view cover the real tableViewCell.
That's why when user interaction is enabled, that view will absorb the user's interaction.
That's also why the label "disappear". What happen is the label doesn't disappear. The label got highlighted and become white. However, what's highlighted is the tableViewCell not the opague view. The white opague self.view is still white while the tableCell itself is tinted with blue. So the label becomes white in the middle of white background and is gone.
I think I should replace [self addSubview:self.view] into self= self.view
However, that would mean changing the value of self. Yes it's in init. But it's still awkward. If anyone has the WAY to implement custom subclass of UI with XIB it'll be great because I haven't found one till now.
I wonder if we can draw a pointer to an XIB and specify that the outlet is self itself.
If that fail, I'll set background of self to white and background of self.view to transparent.
After tons of error and trying I did this:
self.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
//self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
self.frame =self.view.frame;
//Suck all the subviews from my minions
for (UIView* aSubView in self.view.contentView.subviews) {
[self.contentView addSubview: aSubView];
//[self.contentView add]
Basically I "move" all the subViews of my view object to my self object. There is a catch though that when subclassing tableViewCell I should move the subviews of the contentView. Who knows why.
At the end I just set self.view to nil for it's no longer needed and my program works as expected.
Also to set background of your tableViewCell, you need also to set the background of self.contentView rather than self.view.
Another approach you can try is to use story board. Alternatively you can just move the contentView of the self.view to self.
Make sure you'r implementing that method and not

Making an UILabel appear in another view once pressed in one view

I have 2 views
The sound view has a sound on it (IBAction).
- (IBAction)oneSound:(id)sender; {
if (oneAudio && oneAudio.playing) {
[oneAudio stop];
[oneAudio release];
oneAudio = nil;
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"1k" ofType:#"mp3"];
if (oneAudio) [oneAudio release];
NSError *error = nil;
oneAudio = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path] error:&error];
if (error)
NSLog(#"%#",[error localizedDescription]);
oneAudio.delegate = self;
[oneAudio play];
mainText.text =#"test";
And the ShowViewController needs to display the uilabel thats been pressed from the sound button
I want it so once the user has pressed the sound on SoundViewController, the uilabel appear on the showviewcontroller as it appear on the soundviewcontroller at the moment
Well, you can do this by
retain the UILabel
remove it from it's superview
add it to the other view
release it
You'll need access to the ShowViewController from the SoundViewController. So you'll have to define a connection between the two views (via IBOutlet or retained property, most likely).
I'm not sure what variable in the above code is your UILabel, so replace 'sender' with the correct ivar (mainLabel, maybe?):
[sender retain];
[sender removeFromSuperview];
[showViewController.view addSubview:sender];
[sender release];
To clarify, the variable in the above code "sender" is the object that triggered this method. Whatever you have connected to the IBAction in the nib. In this case it would probably be a UIButton. You probably have to add an IBOutlet for your UILabel, and attach it to the correct UILabel in your nib file and use that IBOutlet in place of "sender".
You should probably read up on view hierarchy and view controllers. What you're trying to do is remarkably easy, and there are about a dozen ways to make it happen, but you have to understand how to structure your app correctly first. The most obvious issue is that the two view controllers need to have a reference to each-other in order to pass views back and forth. I can't send a view to another view if I don't know where that other view is. The views can be connected in IB, in code when they are created, etc.
view is a property of UIViewController. Assuming your ShowViewController is a subclass of UIViewController, it will have a view property. Perhaps your showViewController ivar isn't correctly typed? (if the type is id for example, it will give a warning when you try to access it's view property).

Can't access UIView in external method

I'm new to Objective-C, so the way I'm going about this might be ludicrous, but here goes:
I have a login form in my iPhone application. When the user has entered their credentials, they hit Done in the top right corner, which triggers an IBAction and a custom progress indicator pops up. I've created this indicator by using a class containing an instance method named showProgressIndicator. showProgressIndicator creates and returns a UIView, which I then add to my view like so:
ProgressIndicatorElement *ProgressIndicator = [[ProgressIndicatorElement alloc] init];
box = [ProgressIndicator showProgressIndicator];
[self.view addSubview:box];
I have of course declared box as a UIView in my header file. The progress indicator pops up beautifully and in the meantime I'm doing a behind-the-scenes URL request that, when finished, calls another method in my view controller named receivedServerResponse. Now, what I want to do is to remove the progress indicator, which is why I'm doing this:
- (void)receivedServerResponse {
[box removeFromSuperview];
But nothing happens at all. I'm not getting any errors or warnings, and the code is being highlighted just as if everything was running smoothly. I've tried retaining the indicator in my IBAction, but that doesn't help either.
Hope you can help out!
Here is the showProgressIndicator method:
- (UIView *)showProgressIndicator {
box = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(85, 190, 210, 140)];
box.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.0 / 255 green:0.0 / 255 blue:0.0 / 255 alpha:.6];
box.layer.cornerRadius = 8;
UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge];
spinner.layer.frame = CGRectMake((box.layer.bounds.size.width - spinner.layer.bounds.size.width)/2, 20, spinner.layer.bounds.size.width, spinner.layer.bounds.size.height);
[spinner startAnimating];
[box addSubview:spinner];
UILabel *titleInBox = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 65, 150, 20)];
titleInBox.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16];
titleInBox.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
titleInBox.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
titleInBox.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
titleInBox.text = #"Authorizing...";
[box addSubview:titleInBox];
return box;
Second update:
#Deepak just pointed out in the comments that I might be running two different instances of my view controller, which actually seems to be the case. In the external class that handles the aforementioned URL request, I get back to the view controller's receivedServerResponse method by doing this:
- (void)requestFinished:(ASIHTTPRequest *)request {
NSString *responseString = [request responseString];
SignInViewController *viewController = [[SignInViewController alloc] init];
[viewController receivedServerResponse];
Without spreading myself too thin (probably too late ;)), ASIHTTPRequest is set up so that if you call one method that performs an asynchronous URL request, a predefined method called requestFinished (above) is called, which is why I've had to call my view controller this way, because I can't access the returned value in an easier way (that I know of).
Creating a new instance of SignInViewController is not the correct way. It only seems correct to maintain a weak reference (assigned property) of the SignInViewController object. Say your class is RequestHandler.
#interface RequestHandler: [..] {
#property (nonatomic, assign) SignInViewController * signInViewController;
#implementation RequestHandler
#synthesize signInViewController;
- (void)requestFinished:(ASIHTTPRequest *)request {
NSString *responseString = [request responseString];
[signInViewController receivedServerResponse];
So when you're creating a RequestHandler object within the SignInViewController instance, you do,
RequestHandler * requestHandler = [[RequestHandler alloc] init];
requestHandler.signInViewController = self;
Note, you can also look at delegation and notifications.
I think part of the problem may be with memory management. If showProgressIndicator does not return an autoreleased object, try releasing box after adding it as a subview, like so:
[self.view addSubview:box];
[box release];
box may not disappear if box is not deallocated when removed from the superview.
My other recommendation is that instead of doing it the way you are doing, creating a view, adding it, and then trying to removing it, you might want to try adding box as a subview when the login view is created and setting its hidden property to YES then unhiding it later when necessary.
Based on your update: You have some memory management issues in showProgressIndicator. Whenever you alloc an object, you should release it. In this case, release all of your variables after adding them as subviews as I mentioned above. box however should be returned as an autoreleased object since showProgressIndicator does not know when it will need to be released. For that you should replace return box; with return [box autorelease];
You need to send the activity indicator a stopAnimating message when you want the animation to stop. There's no need to remove it from its superview; instead, simply make sure that its hidesWhenStopped property is set to YES.
How about adding box view on window in appDelgate? Give a tag to your boxView and in the remove method get the boxView back by using tag. For example if you give tag 99
- (void)receivedServerResponse {
UIView *box = [window viewWithTag:99];
[box removeFromSuperview];
also you don't need to declare an instance variable in header file. and you can access progress indicator anywhere in the application.
Without spreading myself too thin (probably too late ;)), ASIHTTPRequest is set up so that if you call one method that performs an asynchronous URL request, a predefined method called requestFinished (above) is called, which is why I've had to call my view controller this way, because I can't access the returned value in an easier way (that I know of).
ASIHTTPRequest calls -requestFinished: on the object you set as the request's delegate. You should design your classes such that this delegate object either has a reference to the view controller you want it to act on or has some means of notifying that view controller to take action.
The easiest solution might be to make the controller the request's delegate.

unrecognized selector sent to instance - trying to check a uilabel text value in a view

Up front, let me just say that I know the code I'll be showing below is probably inefficient, but I'm doing this "the hard way" because that's usually how I get things to stick when I'm learning...
I've created a class that I'm calling at runtime and within that is a label (I'll be adding more labels dynamically, etc.) When I check the container that will hold these views, I first check to see if there are any other views within it already. If not, I add the view directly. If there are other views already in there, I need to check that it won't put two of the same item in there. Since these are based on a single class, my current line of madness is to use the "headerLabel" outlet I've set up in the xib for this class. So...
In PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem.h:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UILabel *headerLabel;
#property(nonatomic, retain)UILabel *headerLabel;
In PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem.m, I add: #synthesize headerLabel; after #implementation.
In ViewController.m:
#import "PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem.h"
// ... And after a long list of code-based view setup, I call a method that includes the following ... //
if([[physExamDetailsNoteItems subviews] count] > 0)
NSLog(#"More than one item already exists in the container, check preexisting items for %# to eliminate duplication...", sender.currentTitle);
for (PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem *subview in [physExamDetailsNoteItems subviews]) {
NSLog(#"subview.headerLabel.text = %#", subview.headerLabel.text);
if (subview.headerLabel.text != sender.currentTitle) {
NSLog(#"%# doesn't exist in the container, add it as a new item...", sender.currentTitle);
PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem *noteItem;
noteItem = [[PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem alloc] initWithNibName:#"PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[physExamDetailsNoteItems addSubview:noteItem.view];
noteItem.headerLabel.text = sender.currentTitle;
NSLog(#"No items exist in the container, add a new item...");
PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem *noteItem;
noteItem = [[PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem alloc] initWithNibName:#"PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[physExamDetailsNoteItems addSubview:noteItem.view];
noteItem.headerLabel.text = sender.currentTitle;
I'm getting the error at this section:
PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem *subview in [physExamDetailsNoteItems subviews]) {
NSLog(#"subview.headerLabel.text = %#", subview.headerLabel.text);
I have the headerLabel outlet rigged from the File's Owner object to the label view within IB, and when the enclosing method runs the if condition for the first time, it uses the else clause and populates my container view and changes the label text just as I want it to, but once it is called again and looks for the headerLabel for a comparison, it bails and I get:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIView headerLabel]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4b17470'
Thanks in advance!
Because you are asking for all subviews, you are really getting all subviews. Clearly one or more of them are not of the class you are looking for. It's generally not safe to count on subviews of a given view to only be the views you have added yourself.
You should definitely change your fast enumeration declaration to use the UIView class as suggested by ennuikiller. But the fix to your crash will be to test that a given subview is of the expected class before calling your method on it, like so:
for (UIView * subview in [physExamDetailsNoteItems subviews]) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem class]]) {
PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem * noteItem = (PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem *)subview;
NSLog(#"noteItem.headerLabel.text = %#", noteItem.headerLabel.text);
This way, you'll use the dynamic runtime to ensure that the objects you're operating on are they type you expect.
I think your need to declare the fast enumeration like so:
for (UIView *subview in [physExamDetailsNoteItems subviews]) {
and not as
PhysicalExamDetailsNoteItem *subview in [physExamDetailsNoteItems subviews])
After all you are processing UIView, not UIViewControllers.

Setting a ViewController's properties after instantiation

I'm creating an instance of a viewController, and then trying to set the text on of it's properties, a UILabel.
BoyController *boyViewController = [[BoyController alloc] initWithNibName:#"BoyView" bundle:nil];
NSString *newText = [astrology getSignWithMonth:month withDay:day];
boyViewController.sign.text = newText;
NSLog(#" the boyviewcontroller.sign.text is now set to: %#", boyViewController.sign.text);
[newText release];
I tried this, but it didn't work...
So I tried the following:
BoyController *boyViewController = [[BoyController alloc] initWithNibName:#"BoyView" bundle:nil];
UILabel *newUILabel = [[UILabel alloc] init];
newUILabel.text = [astrology getSignWithMonth:month withDay:day];
boyViewController.sign = newUILabel;
NSLog(#" the boyviewcontroller.sign.text is now set to: %#", newUILabel.text);
[newUILabel release];
But no avail..
I'm not sure why I can't set the text property of the UILabel "sign" in boyViewController..
The problem here is that the initializer does not actually load the nib file into memory. Instead, loading the nib is delayed until your application requests the view controller's view property. As such, your controller's sign property is null when you access it.
Manually requesting the controller's view property would make your example work...
BoyController *boyViewController = [[BoyController alloc] initWithNibName:#"BoyView" bundle:nil];
[boyViewController view]; // !!!: Calling [... view] here forces the nib to load.
NSString *newText = [astrology getSignWithMonth:month withDay:day];
boyViewController.sign.text = newText;
// and so on...
However, I'd guess that what you're really trying to do is create and configure your view controller before setting it free to do it's own thing. (Perhaps to display it modally, say.) Calling [... view] manually is not going to be a long-term solution.
Better is to set a separate property on your view controller for the label text and then implement viewDidLoad to assign it to the label:
#interface BoyViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UILabel *label;
NSString *labelText;
#property(nonatomic, copy)NSString *labelText;
#synthesize labelText;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[label setText:[self labelText]];
// and so on...
This has the added benefit of your label text being reset in case the view is purged during a low memory event.
Did you bind your outlets at Interface Builder?
It seems that you need to bind sign outlet of the first example into Interface Builder in order to actually set that text to whatever you want.
Once you bind your outlet to the actual UI component at Interface Builder, then you should be able to do something like:
NSString *newText = [astrology getSignWithMonth:month withDay:day];
[[boyViewController sign] setText:newText];
This is what you need to know about binding.
Your second example does not make sense at all to me.