I'm working on a bit of code where we're creating object models but the models have generic keys. For example
class myContact {
var key;
var value;
And then in the code instantiating them as follows
myContact = new myContact()
myContact.key = 'address'
myContact.value = '123 my address'
myContact2 = new myContact()
myContact2.key = 'secondAddress'
myContact2.value = '123 my other address'
And then attaching them to a parent object like
myBank = new company();
To me this feels wrong as the model is so loosely defined. However you do know from the class name it's going to be some sort of contact information.
At the same time I can see why this might be useful as if we want to add a different type of contact in future this kind of methodology makes it easy to do so.
Can any one explain to me if this is good practice? Bad practice and the reasons why?
My initial thoughts:
Good practice
Easy to extend contact types in future.
Easy to loop through contact information for myBank and get the data.
Bad practice
If you want to update a specific contact type you have to loop
through to find the correct key.
I've never written code like this which is why it feel like bad practice
even though it's perfectly acceptable.
Anemic model, there's no real need to be a class.
There's no defined key so we can't delete or add a contact easily without searching through them all again.
There's no definition of what a contact is or should be.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
edited: Adding some more thoughts as I go alone
in my opinion, there is nothing bad with 'custom fields'. it's rather popular in all systems that allow user to define their own fields (e.g jira, phone books, etc). usually there are some basic, predefined fields/keys like name, id, email etc, which are used e.g. for searching or authentication. the only thing i don't like in this code is the anemic model. if you make a class myClass (change that name!) and then give public access to all its fields, then why do you need a class? class is about encapsulation.
To me this feels wrong as the model is so loosely defined.
"Doctor, it hurts when I do this" - "Then don't do that".
Do you need a loose model to represent it? Then go for it. If not, if you feel it is only a burden, choose a simpler solution.
Apparently, there is no current need for it. What are the chances of this need to arise in the future? How would such a refactoring impact your codebase? Can you even make assumptions on that yet?
It may make sense in this case to apply the YAGNI principle in this case.
A recent question here made me rethink this whole helper classes are anti pattern thing.
asawyer pointed out a few links in the comments to that question:
Helper classes is an anti-pattern.
While those links go into detail how helperclasses collide with the well known principles of oop some things are still unclear to me.
For example "Do not repeat yourself". How can you acchieve this without creating some sort of helper?
I thought you could derive a certain type and provide some features for it.
But I bellieve that isnt practical all the time.
Lets take a look at the following example,
please keep in mind I tried not to use any higher language features nor "languagespecific" stuff. So this might been ugly nested and not optimal...
//Check if the string is full of whitepsaces
bool allWhiteSpace = true;
if(input == null || input.Length == 0)
allWhiteSpace = false;
foreach(char c in input)
if( c != ' ')
allWhiteSpace = false;
Lets create a bad helper class called StringHelper, the code becomes shorter:
bool isAllWhiteSpace = StringHelper.IsAllWhiteSpace(input);
So since this isnt the only time we need to check this, i guess "Do not repeat yourself" is fullfilled here.
How do we acchieve this without a helper ? Considering that this piece of Code isn't bound to a single class?
Do we need to inherit string and call it BetterString ?
bool allWhiteSpace = better.IsAllWhiteSpace;
or do we create a class? StringChecker
StringChecker checker = new StringChecker();
bool allWhiteSpace = checker.IsAllwhiteSpace(input);
So how do we acchieve this?
Some languages (e.g. C#) allow the use of ExtensionMethods. Do they count as helperclasses aswell? I tend to prefer those over helperclasses.
Helper classes may be bad (there are always exceptions) because a well-designed OO system will have clearly understood responsibilities for each class. For example, a List is responsible for managing an ordered list of items. Some people new to OOD who discover that a class has methods to do stuff with its data sometimes ask "why doesn't List have a dispayOnGUI method (or similar such thing)?". The answer is that it is not the responsibility of List to be concerned with the GUI.
If you call a class a "Helper" it really doesn't say anything about what that class is supposed to do.
A typical scenario is that there will be some class and someone decides it is getting too big and carves it up into two smaller classes, one of which is a helper. It often isn't really clear what methods should go in the helper and what methods should stay in the original class: the responsibility of the helper is not defined.
It is hard to explain unless you are experienced with OOD, but let me show by an analogy. By the way, I find this analogy extremely powerful:
Imagine you have a large team in which there are members with different job designations: e.g, front-end developers, back-end developers, testers, analysts, project managers, support engineers, integration specialists, etc. (as you like).
Each role you can think of as a class: it has certain responsibilities and the people fulfilling those responsibilities hopefully have the necessary knowledge to execute them. These roles will interact in a similar way to classes interacting.
Now imagine it is discovered that the back-end developers find their job too complicated. You can hire more if it is simply a throughput problem, but perhaps the problem is that the task requires too much knowledge across too many domains. It is decided to split up the back-end developer role by creating a new role, and maybe hire new people to fill it.
How helpful would it be if that new job description was "Back-end developer helper"? Not very ... the applicants are likely to be given a haphazard set of tasks, they may get confused about what they are supposed to do, their co-workers may not understand what they are supposed to do.
More seriously, the knowledge of the helpers may have to be exactly the same as the original developers as we haven't really narrowed down the actual responsibilities.
So "Helper" isn't really saying anything in terms of defining what the responsibilities of the new role are. Instead, it would be better to split-off, for example, the database part of the role, so "Back-end developer" is split into "Back-end developer" and "Database layer developer".
Calling a class a helper has the same problem and the solution is the same solution. You should think more about what the responsibilities of the new class should be. Ideally, it should not just shave-off some methods, but should also take some data with it that it is responsible for managing and thereby create a solution that is genuinely simpler to understand piece by piece than the original large class, rather than simply placing the same complicated logic in two different places.
I have found in some cases that a helper class is well designed, but all it lacks is a good name. In this case, calling it "Builder" or "Formatter" or "Context" instead of "Helper" immediately makes the solution far easier to understand.
Disclaimer: the following answer is based on my own experience and I'm not making a point of right and wrong.
IMHO, Helper classes are neither good nor bad, it all depends on your business/domain logic and your software architecture.
Here's Why:
lets say that we need to implement the idea of white spaces you proposed, so first I will ask my self.
When would I need to check against white spaces?
Hence, imagine the following scenario: a blogging system with Users, Posts, Comments. Thus, I would have three Classes:
Class User{}
Class Post{}
Class Comment{}
each class would have some field that is a string type. Anyway, I would need to validate these fields so I would create something like:
Class UserValidator{}
Class PostValidator{}
Class CommentValidator{}
and I would place my validation policies in those three classes. But WAIT! all of the aforementioned classes needs a check against null or all whitespaces? Ummmm....
the best solution is to take it higher in the tree and put it in some Father class called Validator:
Class Validator{
//some code
bool function is_all_whitespaces(){}
so, if you need the function is_all_whitespaces(){} to be abstract ( with class validator being abstract too) or turn it into an interface that would be another issue and it depends on your way of thinking mostly.
back to the point in this case I would have my classes ( for the sake of giving an example ) look like:
Class UserValidator inherits Validator{}
Class PostValidator inherits Validator{}
Class CommentValidator inherits Validator{}
in this case I really don't need the helper at all. but lets say that you have a function called multiD_array_group_by_key
and you are using it in different positions, but you don't like to have it in some OOP structured place you can have in some ArrayHelper but by that you are a step behind from being fully object oriented.
This is a question independent from languages.
Conceptually, it's good to code for interfaces(contracts) instead of specific implementations. I've got no problem understanding merits about the practice.
However, when I really code in that practice, the users of my classes, from time to time need to cast the interfaces for specific needs of specific functions provided by specific classes that implement that interface.
I understand there must be something wrong, either on my side or on the user's side, as the interface should expose all methods/properties(in the case of c#) that can possibly be necessary.
The code base is huge, and the users are clients.
It won't be particularly easy to make changes on either side.
That makes me wonder some downsides about using interface as parameter and return type.
Can people please list demerits of the practice? And please, include any solution if you know how to work around it.
Thanks a lot for enlightening me.
To be a bit more specific:
Assume we have a class called DbInfoExtractor. It has a public method GetInfo, as follows:
public IInformation GetInfo(IInfoParam);
where IInformation is an interface implemented by specific classes like VideoInfo, AudioInfo, TextInfo, etc; IInfoParam is an interface implemented by specific classes like VidoeInfoParam, AudioInfoParam, TextInfoParam, etc;
Apparently, depending on the specific object passed into the method GetInfo, the DbInfoExtractor needs to take different actions, as it is reasonable to assume that for different types of information, the extractor considers different sets of aspects(e.g. {size, title, date} for video, {title, author} for text information, etc) as search keys and search for relevant information in different ways.
Here, I see two options to go on:
1, using if ... else ... to decide what actually to take depending on the type of the parameter the GetInfo method receives. This is certainly bad, as avoiding this situation is one the very reasons we use polymorphism.
2, We should call IInfoParam.TakeAction(), and each specific implementation of IInfoParam has its own TakeAction() method to actually search and find the corresponding information from the database.
This options seems better, but still quite bad, as it shouldn't be the parameter that takes action searching and finding the information; it should be the responsibility of DbInfoExtractor.
So how can I delegate the TakeAction back to DbInfoExtractor? (I actually wrote some code to do this, but it's neither standard nor elegant. Basically I make parameter classes nested classes in DbInfoExtractor, so that they can call various versions of TakeAction of DbInfoExtractor.)
Please enlighten me!
Why not
public IVideoInformation GetVideoInformation(VideoQuery);
public IAudioInformation GetAudioInformation(AudioQuery);
// etc.
It doesn't look like there's a need for polymorphism here.
The query types are Query Objects, if you need those. They probably don't need to be interfaces; they know nothing about the database. A simple list of parameters (maybe just ID) might be sufficient.
The question is what does the client have, and what do they want? That's your interface.
Switch statements and casting are a smell, and typically mean that you've violated the Liskov substitution principle.
I don't really understand why it's generally good practice to make member variables and member functions private.
Is it for the sake of preventing people from screwing with things/more of an organizational tool?
Basically, yes, it's to prevent people from screwing with things.
Encapsulation (information hiding) is the term you're looking for.
By only publishing the bare minimum of information to the outside world, you're free to change the internals as much as you want.
For example, let's say you implement your phone book as an array of entries and don't hide that fact.
Someone then comes along and writes code which searches or manipulates your array without going through your "normal" interface. That means that, when you want to start using a linked list or some other more efficient data structure, their code will break, because it's used that information.
And that's your fault for publishing that information, not theirs for using it :-)
Classic examples are the setters and getters. You might think that you could just expose the temperature variable itself in a class so that a user could just do:
Location here = new Location();
int currTemp = here.temp;
But, what if you wanted to later have it actually web-scrape information from the Bureau of Meteorology whenever you asked for the temperature. If you'd encapsulated the information in the first place, the caller would just be doing:
int currTemp = here.getTemp();
and you could change the implementation of that method as much as you want. The only thing you have to preserve is the API (function name, arguments, return type and so on).
Interestingly, it's not just in code. Certain large companies will pepper their documentation with phrases like:
This technical information is for instructional purposes only and may change in future releases.
That allows them to deliver what the customer wants (the extra information) but doesn't lock them in to supporting it for all eternity.
The main reason is that you, the library developer, have insurance that nobody will be using parts of your code that you don't want to have to maintain.
Every public piece of your code can, and inevitably will get used by your customers. If you later discover that your design was actually terrible, and that version 2.0 should be written much better, then you realise that your paying customers actually want you to preserve all existing functionality, and you're locked in to maintaining backwards compatibility at the price of making better software.
By making as much of your code as possible private, you are unreservedly declaring that this code is nobody's business and that you can and will be able to rewrite it at any time.
It's to prevent people from screwing with things - but not from a security perspective.
Instead, it's intended to allow users of your class to only care about the public sections, leaving you (the author) free to modify the implementation (private) without worrying about breaking someone else's code.
For instance, most programming languages seem to store Strings as a char[] (an array of characters). If for some reason it was discovered that a linked list of nodes (each containing a single character) performed better, the internal implementation using the array could be switched, without (theoretically) breaking any code using the String class.
It's to present a clear code contract to anyone (you, someone else) who is using your object... separate "how to use it" from "how it works". This is known as Encapsulation.
On a side note, at least on .NET (probably on other platforms as well), it's not very hard for someone who really wants access to get to private portions of an object (in .NET, using reflection).
take the typical example of a counter. the thing the bodyguard at your night club is holding in his hands to make his punch harder and to count the people entering and leaving the club.
now the thing is defined like this:
public class Counter{
private int count = 0;
public void increment()
public void decrement()
As you can see, there are no setters/getters for count, because we don't want users (programmers) of this class, to be able to call myCounter.setCount(100), or even worse myCounter.Count -= 10; because that's not what this thing does, it goes up one for everyone entering and down for everyone leaving.
There is a scope for a lot of debate on this.
For example ... If a lot of .Net Framework was private, then this would prevent developers from screwing things up but at the same time it prevents devs from using the funcionality.
In my personal opinion, I would give preference to making methods public. But I would suggest to make use of the Facade pattern. In simple terms, you have a class that encapsulates complex functionality. For example, in the .net framework, the WebClient is a Facade that hides the complex http request/response logic.
Also ... Keep classes simple ... and you should have few public methods. That is a better abstraction than having large classes with lots of private methods
It is useful to know how an object s 'put together' have a look at this video on YouTube
I am currently implementing something similar to an hospital intra site, where doctors can see info about their patients.
Currently, I have a LOT of info regarding each Client: his full name, date of birth, blood type, where he lives, diseases he had, etc.
My first attempt was something of the form:
class Client {
private string fullName;
private Date dateOfBirth;
public Get/Set FullName()
public Get/Set DateOfBirth()
which is basically putting everything together under the same class.
After a while I decided that maybe I should pack together similar concepts into a more general one. For example, I can encapsulate both userName and password into the same concept -- LoginInfo, for example.
If doing this, should I provide all the getters/setters on the Client class that delegate the work to the correct inner concepts, or should I just put getters for the concepts themselves? The first approach would shield the outside world to the Client class implementation, but then maybe, we wouldn't win that much by having all these innner concepts.
Should code outside the Client class even know the different kinds of concepts that'd use inside it?
Any other idea / approach?
I still don't know much about what methods I'll need to have on the Client class. Maybe if there are a lot, it'd be definetely good idea to use small inner concepts to group similar methods in themselves, instead of having such a loose coupled big class.
The data of Client will all be persisted using a standard database, if that makes any difference.
I would say it is useful to pack related pieces of data into common classes. I would only provide delegating getters/setters in Client for very commonly used properties though (if even then - it should be a case by case decision). If a concept makes sense in the problem domain, it is fine to expose it to the outside world too. Your LoginInfo is a marginal detail in this regard, but disease history, health check results etc. etc. are prime candidates for this.
I would also recommend you check out Martin Fowler's excellent Analysis Patterns, which dedicates a chapter to health care patterns; you may probably get some useful ideas out of it.
Something to consider when deciding how to organize data: are there any requirements for tracking history of data. For example, do you need to know what the patient's address was 5 years ago (in addition to knowing their current address, of course)? If so, making that "historically-sensitive" data its own class, will likely make it easier for you down the road. Of course, some data won't be "historically-sensitive" - date of birth for example. :)
Something else to consider: what data will be shared among patients? If you maintain data about family medical history, should that data be shared among siblings? If so, then encapsulating that data in its own object will save you lots of copy/synchronization pain later.
These aren't the only considerations when analyzing your data. But they're definitely part of the puzzle.
A lot of the time I will have a Business object that has a property for a user index or a set of indexes for some data. When I display this object in a form or some other view I need the users full name or some of the other properties of the data. Usually I create another class myObjectView or something similar. What is the best way to handle this case?
To further clarify:
If I had a class an issue tracker and my class for an issue has IxCreatedByUser as a property and a collection of IxAttachment values (indexes for attachment records). When I display this on a web page I want to show John Doe instead of the IxCreatedByUser and I want to show a link to the Attachment and the file name on the page. So usually I create a new class with a Collection of Attachment objects and a CreatedByUserFullName property or something of that nature. It just feels wrong creating this second class to display data on a page. Perhaps I am wrong?
The façade pattern.
I think your approach, creating a façade pattern to abstract the complexities with multiple datasources is often appropriate, and will make your code easy to understand.
Care should be taken to create too many layers of abstractions, because the level of indirection will ruin the initial attempt at making the code easier to read. Especially, if you feel you just write classes to match what you've done in other places. For intance if you have a myLoanView, doesn't necessarily you need to create a myView for every single dialogue in the system. Take 10-steps back from the code, and maybe make a façade which is a reusable and intuitive abstraction, you can use in several places.
Feel free to elaborate on the exact nature of your challenge.
One key principle is that each of your classes should have a defined purpose. If the purpose of your "Business object" class is to expose relevant data related to the business object, it may be entirely reasonable to create a property on the class that delegates the request for the lookup description to the related class that is responsible for that information. Any formatting that is specific to your class would be done in the property.
Here's some guidelines to help you with deciding how to handle this (pretty common, IMO) pattern:
If you all you need is a quickie link to a lookup table that does not change often (e.g. a table of addresses that links to a table of states and/or countries), you can keep a lazy-loaded, static copy of the lookup table.
If you have a really big class that would take a lot of joins or subqueries to load just for display purposes, you probably want to make a "view" or "info" class for display purposes like you've described above. Just make sure the XInfo class (for displaying) loads significantly faster than the X class (for editing). This is a situation where using a view on the database side may be a very good idea.