I am developing an iPad application and I would like to have a vertical UINavigationBar ( in the left of my view), is this possible to do? How I can i do this? Thanks.
You can't do this, instead you can use UIImage with same look like UINavigationBar and Button and place them vertically.
I think you're talking about one similar to the one tweetbot implements. If so you're going to have to create your own using images & a view, or rotate your navigation bar. Or you can check FSVerticalTabBarController and edit it to your needs.
I've seen many apps creating a side bar on the left like the image above. Apparently this is not a split view controller since the size is fix for that.
Anyone know how to do it? May I get some directions or advice on this?
It is shown in this tutorial, how you can implement that kind of "custom side Tab Bar", he did a video about it too.
That can be done simply by adding to your main view a UIView with a "vertical" frame, e.g. (0, 0, 44, screenHeight). That view should be then populated with all the icons you need...
There is nothing more to it, as far as I can see.
You can't use the default UITabBarController from iOS. You will need to do your custom tab bar. You could use an UIView with some UIButtons added as subviews.
If you create an iPad Master-Detail Application and use Portrait orientation, it gives you a slide out tableView on the left.
1. How do you make it to show on the right?
Also, in the landscape orientation, it is split in into two views.
How do you make it so that it will be the same as the Portrait View, like slide the TableView out?
Is it possible to adjust the size of the Detail View?
If you dont want two views in landscape, why do you need a splitView at all? You can just have a UIView with a popover button on the top bar. Then you can add the tableviewcontroller to the popover. To show it to the right you can define the rect or use the rightbarbuttonitem to add the popover.
You can have master on right by passing masterviewcontroller as second parameter to the array assigned to splitViewController.viewcontroller. However, you cannot resize the master and detail views. Hence you will end up having a bigger masterView than the detailview.
Looking at limited functionality of UISplitViewController, it may not be possible to have master on right(properly working as per your requirements). You can have your own controller to get this done or try using opensource options like MGSplitViewController.
you may also like to look into this discussion
I found a ColorPicker (ILColorPicker) that takes the whole screen on an iPhone. I want to use it in my iPad app (XCode4 using StoryBoards)... it's asking me to "In your view controller's XIB, add a UIView and then set it's class to ILColorPickerView ". I don't want to use the entire scene, just a small part of it... is there another way I can accomplish this? (using Layers, frames, etc)?
You could programmatically create a popover (UIPopoverViewController), and put the color picker as the view for your popover.
I have to implement a vertical tabbar for the iPad in objective-c similar to this example: Example. I will have to use a UISplitViewController and somehow place the UIButtons inside the details view. I am grateful for any ideas.
If you still wants to implement that thing using Vertical TabBar, You can check this link
What kind of UITableView UITableViewStylePlain or UITableViewStyleGrouped is used by iPad Reminders on the left side? How could I create exact the same layout?
What kind of separator line is used?
It looks to me as if they're using UITableViewSTylePlain and hosting the UITableView inside their own controller that lays it out with rounded corners, the search thingy, the dark colors, etc. They're rendering a custom separator line. You will basically have to do custom everything to implement a view that looks exactly the same. You'll have to have your own custom UITableViewCell as well, with a custom check-mark accessory view.