How to set database name as a variable in SSIS? - variables

In my current project, the database name keeps changing and I do not want to modify my OLE DB Sources each time. Thus I want to set it as a variable. That is, in each OLE DB Source, I could use it as a parameter. However, it seems SSIS doesn't allow database name to be transferred as a parameter. So what should I do to minimize my changes?
I wish to do something like this SQL statement in OLE DB Source:
Select OrderID
From ?.Order
And I just need to modify my variable when the database name is changed.
Thanks for any solutions!

you need to add package configurations to your package and set the database name of the connection manager as one of the configurations
Just right click any blank area on the control flow and select "package configuration" and follow the wizard.
I Suggest you start with a XML configuration because its easier to understand.

A couple of suggestions for you:

I like to manage Server\Instance.Database at the connection manager and Schema.Table or View at the task or adapter level. I recommend externalizing connection manager connection strings. You can use Package Configurations to do this, or you can manage it yourself (I use a table with ConnectionName and ConnectionString columns, and encrypt the ConnectionString column). In my opinion, a hard-coded database name inside an SSIS package is not a best practice.
I recently recorded a couple sessions on SSIS Connections management - one for 2005, 2008, and 2008 R2; another for 2012. I have also recorded a session on managing configurations in SSIS (although the audio is poor).
I hope these help.

Check out this terrific post on how to parameterize the database name. This a very thorough blog post on the topic of parameters and environments in SSIS.


SSIS connection manager cannot find my SQL Server database

This is my very first step in SSIS and I am trying to migrate data from an excel sheet into my database.
I am following different tutorials and I am at the point where I need to set up my destination.
Therefore through Connection Manager I try to find my database and select it.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the server name dropdown. But I use daily my SQL Server database.
I typed in the server name and it was able to recognize it and populate the available databases after.

Pass a catalog via variable into an SQL connection manager in SSIS

I have an execute SQL task that captures the latest snapshot database that is created on another server. I want to put that new Snapshot name into my connection manager so I can move the data I need from it into a data warehouse. I have the new database name saved as a variable. Thanks in advance.
You will want to use an expression to change the properties of the connection manager. Expressions can be a very powerful tool in SSIS. Check out this article for a good read on expressions in SSIS. (The section entitled, "Accessing a Component’s Properties" might be exactly what you need.)

Merge Tables between Databases

I would like to move all the rows inside a couple of tables from one SQL Server database into another SQL Server located in a different remote server. This means I cannot connect to both at the same time, so the exchange should have to be done via file or a similar procedure. The tables have identical column definition, meaning it is only the data inside what differs. Also important to note, I do not expect a full overwrite, but rather a merge into the second database.
You can use SQL Management Studios export/import tool. It can extract data in CSV file, so you can save it on a disk, after that change connection to the new server and run import with exported file. This should do a trick.
Here is a nice and quick tutorial:
Could you create a linked server?
use SSIS it will be good it can be automated as well as you can change your configurations also . tomorrow if you got different server you just have to change connection strings and if it is a daily task use SSIS .

Making OCA with sync service utilize dynamic table name

I'm working an OCA application based on a SQL server db and a SQL CE client db. Each user has there own table in the on the SQL server db. Each user's table has the same schema but can have different data. I'd like to make the synctable name to be dynamically set in the client application based on the their SQL server DB table name (which is set as userID + "__usersdatatable").
The sync service runs without problems when I don't attempt to change anything. My latest idea was to change SyncTable.TableName = "jsmith_usersdatatable"; in the LocalDataCache1SyncAgent.cs in the oninitialized() method. However, I get the following error:
"Unable to initialize the client database, because the schema for table 'zlentz_GOBOS'
could not be retrieved by the GetSchema() method of DbServerSyncProvider. Make sure
that you can establish a connection to the client database and that either the
SelectIncrementalInsertsCommand property or the SelectIncrementalUpdatesCommand
property of the SyncAdapter is specified correctly."
In short the idea is that each OCA will need to sync to a different table (bidirectional).
I'm obviously no SQL or sync Services expert so advice would helpful. :)
Thanks in advanced!
After learning more about the Sync Framework it was apparent that I needed to work outside the wizard.
For future viewers the following link was very helpful:

Stored Procedure to generate insert and create SQL for database

How can I move a db from one server to another (I only have access to the database with mylittleadmin). Like the title says, I guess the "easiest" way would be by generating SQL with a stored procedure.
I'm using SQL Server 2008 on both servers.
In the codeplex project Extreme T-SQL Script I have written T-SQL procedures to script the content of tables. I just abandoned its use myself in favor of ssms tools pack, but the later is no option for you.
When using these procedures in SSMS or VS the main problem is that Microsoft has limits on max column width and max length of output from Print-Statements.
I can't predict, which such limits exist when using mylittleadmin.
It depends on which datatypes and which varchar length you are using. Writing scripts that handle special needs is possible.
Further you need something to script the database objects first and it might be difficult to find something for that, as most people just use SSMS for this purpose. sp_helptext might help to script procedures.
In SSMS, you have the ability to copy or move a database from one instance of SQL Server to another. You can right-click on the database in SSMS, choose Tasks and then Copy Database...
Or, of course, you can simply backup the DB and restore on your target server.
(I have no idea what 'myLitleAdmin' is that you referred to)
You dont need to make a stored procedure. The easiest way to do it is by right click on your database -->task-->back up and create a backup.
after that you can restore your database on the other server.
If you have a license for myLittleAdmin then do as their web states. It says
"Purchasing a license gives you unlimited mail support.
Send your request at"
Actually I found out that you could make a backup of the database in myLittleAdmin. The resulting .bak file was then emailed to me as a link.
Thanks for the comments though, voted up some of them :)