Activeadmin - undefined method `batch_action'? - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to use activeadmin's batch_action so I can run actions on more than one record. However when trying to run my rails server I get the following error.
undefined method `batch_action' for #<ActiveAdmin::ResourceDSL:0xb11f980> (NoMethodError)
Here is the activeadmin resource code:
ActiveAdmin.register Product do
batch_action :destroy, false
filter :name
index do
column :name
controller do
def current_company
I'm not sure where I'm getting it wrong - I need to show a corresponding checkboxes against the records and then define a batch action. Where am I getting it wrong here?

Got the answer :) was a wrong entry in my gemfile.


Rails 5 Minitest ActionView::Template::Error: nil is not a valid asset source

I upgraded my Rails Application from 4.2 ->
Other TESTS works fine (e.g. Model, Helper, Feature), but havinf trouble with my Controller Test.
I have read about Keyword arguments in controller & integration tests in Rails 5. So I changed the code structure as given below...
ActionView::Template::Error: nil is not a valid asset source
setup do
#logo = plogos(:main_logo)
test "should get edit" do
puts // just to check...working fine
get :edit, params: {id:}
assert_response :success
But I got new error with ActionView.
Is there anyone encountered and fixed the same issue, please help!
Thank you!
You may want to add some logtrace, probably it hints you where it went wrong.
May it be that the main_logo-fixture doesn't have an image? Since Rails 5 image_tag raises this error when given an nil-value, see also: Rails, "nil is not a valid asset source" for a particular image_tag (Carrierwave)
Besides that, typically the new scaffolded code would look as follows:
require 'test_helper'
class LogosControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
setup do
#logo = plogos(:main_logo)
test "should get edit" do
get edit_logo_url(#logo)
assert_response :success

ActiveAdmin STI error on show action but not edit

I am setting up an active_admin app and have the following STI structure
class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :type
class Contractor < Organization
def self.model_name
return Organization.model_name
class Supplier < Organization
def self.model_name
return Organization.model_name
Using Active Admin I have a resource for Organization. Works fine for edit but not for the show action.
e.g. I created a new organization and set the type to 'Supplier' (also tried with Contractor) then when I save it redirects to /admin/organizations/20
I get the following error at that path
undefined method `association_class' for nil:NilClass
Extracted source (around line #1):
1: insert_tag renderer_for(:show)
BUT: works fine to go to /admin/orgnizations/20/edit
Anyone able to tell me what I am doing wrong?
OK. So..... as it turns out my issue was that I had an association with organization called 'owner' using the User class.
To fix this issue (which I still don't fully understand I simply did an override of the show action active admin like so
ActiveAdmin.register Organization do
show do |ad|
attributes_table do
row :name
row :owner do |record|
owner = User.find(record.owner_id)
link_to owner.full_name, admin_user_path(owner)
row :type
Basically this override gave me better control over how active admin fetches the owner.
Hope this helps someone else and please let me know if there are better solutions out there :)

how can I make a simple route on rails and can I use it for an ajax form?

Ive been trying to create a simple route on rails, following this instructions
my problem is that when I want to enter to my method I get a weird error.
I have a controler user and on my routes I wrote something like this
resources :users do
match "/custom/" => "user#custom"
So, at my controller I add this code
def custom
#user = User.find(params[:user_id])
but when I try to enter doing localhost:3000/users/1/custom I get an error like
uninitialized constant UserController
doing rake routes I can see
user_custom /users/:user_id/custom(.:format) user#custom
Any idea how to solve this problem?
I want this route to submit a form... is it possible to use this route (if i make it run) for use ajax? I want to submit a form.
Change your route to:
resources :users do
match "/custom/" => "users#custom"
You should avoid the use of match though, since it will be deprecated in Rails 4. Try this instead
resources :users do
get :custom, on: :member
get is the verb, :custom the route and on: :member means that you are looking for a /users/:id/custom route instead of a /users/custom one. If you are looking for the latter, do this:
resources :users do
get :custom, on: :collection
Another way to do it is like this, which I prefer:
resources :users do
get 'custom', on: :collection
That gives you a route of /users/custom. If you were do use on: :member, then it would give you a route of /users/:id/custom.
You can also use a block for defining multiple custom actions for collections or members.
For example:
resources :users do
collection do
get 'custom'
post 'some_other_method'
member do
get 'some_action'

Cannot find FakeInput

I am trying add a fake input to simple_form using the following suggestion (rails simple_form fields not related to the model), but it does not work for me.
This is my HAML code for adding a fake input field.
= f.input :agrees_to_terms, :as => :fake
I put the following class in app/inputs/fake_input.rb
class FakeInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput
# This method only create a basic input without reading any value from object
def input
template.text_field_tag(attribute_name, nil, input_html_options)
I get the following runtime error
No input found for fake
I have two initializers that were generated by Rails Composer: simple_form.rb and simple_form_bootstrap.rb
How can I make Rails find my FakeInput class?
I had the same issue, and a server restart resolved it.

FactoryGirl + RSpec + Rails 3 'undefined method <attribute>='

I'm fairly new to rails and TDD (as will no doubt be obvious from my post) and am having a hard time wrapping my brain around Rspec and FactoryGirl.
I'm using Rails 3, rspec and factory girl:
gem 'rails', '3.0.3'
# ...
gem 'rspec-rails', '~>2.4.0'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
I have a user model that I've been successfully running tests on during development, but then needed to add an attribute to, called "source". It's for determining where the user record originally came from (local vs LDAP).
In my factories.rb file, I have several factories defined, that look something like the following:
# An alumnus account tied to LDAP
Factory.define :alumnus, :class => User do |f|
f.first_name "Mickey"
f.last_name "Mouse"
f.username "mickeymouse"
f.password "strongpassword"
f.source "directory"
I have a macro defined (that's been working up until now) that looks like this:
def login(user)
before(:each) do
sign_out :user
sign_in Factory.create(user)
I'm calling it in multiple specs like so (example from users_controller_spec.rb):
describe "for non-admins or managers" do
it "should deny access" do
get :index
response.should redirect_to(destroy_user_session_path)
If I don't specify the "source" attribute, everything works OK, but as soon as I do, I get an error like so when running the test
12) UsersController for non-admins or managers should deny access
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined method `source=' for #<User:0x00000100e256c0>
I can access the attribute no problem from the rails console and the app itself, and it's listed in my attr_accessible in the user model. It's almost as though Rspec is seeing an old version of my model and not recognizing that I've added an attribute to it. But if I put the following line into my user model, the error disappears
attr_accessor :source
... which indicates to me that it is actually looking at the correct model.
How about running this?
rake db:test:load
[If you added a new attribute you'd need to migrate it to the test database.]
if you don't use schema.rb (e.g. you have set config.active_record.schema_format = :sql)
you should run
rake db:test:prepare