Perform on Next Run Loop: What's Wrong With GCD? - objective-c

I'm trying these two approaches:
[self handleClickAsync];
[self performSelector:#selector(handleClickAsync) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
in response to a button press.
The second allows the UIButton to highlight as one would expect and perform the handleClickAsync on the next run loop (I suppose: "sometime later" for sure). The first does not allow the UIButton instance to light up until the operation is completely done.
What is the correct way to do this with GCD, or is performSelector still the only way?

I believe the answer is found here in a discussion of the main dispatch queue:
This queue works with the application’s run loop (if one is present) to interleave the execution of queued tasks with the execution of other event sources attached to the run loop.
In other words, the main dispatch queue sets up a secondary queue (alongside the standard event queue provided by UIApplicationMain() for handling blocks submitted to the main queue.
When blocks are present in the queue, the run loop will alternate dequeuing tasks from the main event queue and the dispatch queue. On the other hand, the reference for the delay parameter of -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: notes that:
Specifying a delay of 0 does not necessarily cause the selector to be performed immediately. The selector is still queued on the thread’s run loop and performed as soon as possible.
Thus, when you use perform selector, the operation is queued at the end of the main event queue, and will not be performed until after everything in front of it in the queue (presumably including the code to unhighlight the UIButton) has been processed. When you use the main dispatch queue, however, it adds the block into the secondary queue which then likely gets processed immediately (i.e., on the next run loop) assuming there are no other blocks in the main queue. In this case, the code to unhighlight the button is still sitting in the main event queue while the run loop processes the event from the secondary block queue.

I think this will hit your point:
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
//bla bla bla


Display UI, from a background thread without breaking the flow

I have a code executing in the background thread, which is performing some kind of computation and is within a do-while loop. Due to some changes in the requirements, I have to display a UI to prompt user for input. This UI code will have to be done in the main thread, and after the prompt is entered, the logic needs to continue. Using a dispatch_async on main thread, I can display the UI, but Step -2 should not continue, until the UI is done. What is the best way to accomplish this, without breaking the flow of the code and moving units into blocks?
For example:
-(void) compute
//calculate some data
// Step -1...
// Step -2
} while(flag)
Between Step 1 and Step 2, I want to display a prompt. What is the best way to do so? Is it okay, to block this background thread using a mutex, which will get fired, by the main thread after the UI is done?
For this I would use GCD (Grand Central Dispatch). You can easily execute a block synchronously on the main thread (or asynchronously if you prefer), using dispatch_sync (or dispatch_async). I personally use my wrapper class EX2Dispatch in my EX2Kit library (, but it's the same thing.
As an example, you would do something like this:
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Do some stuff to the UI
I was reading it as needing to display information to the user based on the earlier calculation, but if you need a response from the user before continuing, then the loop needs to break after showing the alert, then be called again.
You could use an instance variable to track how far into the loop you are, so that it can be resumed at the same point in the UIAlertView's button clicked delegate method.
Try this
dispatch_queue_t mainQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
dispatch_async(mainQueue, ^(void) {
//do stuff here

How do you schedule a block to run on the next run loop iteration?

I want to be able to execute a block on the next run loop iteration. It's not so important whether it gets executed at the beginning or the end of the next run loop, just that execution is deferred until all code in the current run loop has finished executing.
I know the following doesn't work because it gets interleaved with the main run loop so my code might execute on the next run loop but it might not.
//my code
The following I believe suffers the same problem as above:
dispatch_after(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
//my code
Now I believe the following would work as it is placed at the end of the current run loop (correct me if I'm wrong), would this actually work?
[self performSelector:#selector(myMethod) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
What about a timer with a 0 interval? The documentation states: If seconds is less than or equal to 0.0, this method chooses the nonnegative value of 0.1 milliseconds instead. Does this translate to guaranteeing execution on the next run loop iteration?
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0 target:self selector:#selector(myMethod) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
That's all the options I can think of but I'm still no closer to executing a block (as opposed to calling a method) on the next run loop iteration with the guarantee that it won't be any sooner.
You might not be aware of everything that the run loop does in each iteration. (I wasn't before I researched this answer!) As it happens, CFRunLoop is part of the open-source CoreFoundation package, so we can take a look at exactly what it entails. The run loop looks roughly like this:
while (true) {
Call kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers observer callbacks;
Call kCFRunLoopBeforeSources observer callbacks;
Perform blocks queued by CFRunLoopPerformBlock;
Call the callback of each version 0 CFRunLoopSource that has been signalled;
if (any version 0 source callbacks were called) {
Perform blocks newly queued by CFRunLoopPerformBlock;
if (I didn't drain the main queue on the last iteration
AND the main queue has any blocks waiting)
while (main queue has blocks) {
perform the next block on the main queue
} else {
Call kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting observer callbacks;
Wait for a CFRunLoopSource to be signalled
OR for a timer to fire
OR for a block to be added to the main queue;
Call kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting observer callbacks;
if (the event was a timer) {
call CFRunLoopTimer callbacks for timers that should have fired by now
} else if (event was a block arriving on the main queue) {
while (main queue has blocks) {
perform the next block on the main queue
} else {
look up the version 1 CFRunLoopSource for the event
if (I found a version 1 source) {
call the source's callback
Perform blocks queued by CFRunLoopPerformBlock;
You can see that there are a variety of ways to hook into the run loop. You can create a CFRunLoopObserver to be called for any of the “activities” you want. You can create a version 0 CFRunLoopSource and signal it immediately. You can create a connected pair of CFMessagePorts, wrap one in a version 1 CFRunLoopSource, and send it a message. You can create a CFRunLoopTimer. You can queue blocks using either dispatch_get_main_queue or CFRunLoopPerformBlock.
You will need to decide which of these APIs to use based on when you are scheduling the block, and when you need it to be called.
For example, touches are handled in a version 1 source, but if you handle the touch by updating the screen, that update isn't actually performed until the Core Animation transaction is committed, which happens in a kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting observer.
Now suppose you want to schedule the block while you're handling the touch, but you want it to be executed after the transaction is committed.
You can add your own CFRunLoopObserver for the kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting activity, but this observer might run before or after Core Animation's observer, depending on the order you specify and the order Core Animation specifies. (Core Animation currently specifies an order of 2000000, but that is not documented so it could change.)
To make sure your block runs after Core Animation's observer, even if your observer runs before Core Animation's observer, don't call the block directly in your observer's callback. Instead, use dispatch_async at that point to add the block to the main queue. Putting the block on the main queue will force the run loop to wake up from its “wait” immediately. It will run any kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting observers, and then it will drain the main queue, at which time it will run your block.
Rob answer is great and informative. I'm not trying to replace it.
Just reading the UIView documentation, I found :
A block object to be executed when the animation sequence
ends. This block has no return value and takes a single Boolean
argument that indicates whether or not the animations actually
finished before the completion handler was called. If the duration of
the animation is 0, this block is performed at the beginning of the
next run loop cycle. This parameter may be NULL.
So an easy solution would be:
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0, animations: {}) { _ in
// anything
I do not believe there is any API that will allow you to guarantee code gets run on the very next event loop turn. I'm also curious why you need a guarantee that nothing else has run on the loop, the main one in particular.
I can also confirm that using the perforSelector:withObject:afterDelay does use a runloop-based timer, and will have functionally similar behavior to dispatch_async'ing on dispatch_get_main_queue().
Actually, after re-reading your question, it sounds like you only need the current runloop turn to complete. If that is true, then dispatch_async is exactly what you need. In fact, all of the code above does make the guarantee that the current runloop turn will complete.
I wrote myself an NSObject category which accepts a variable delay value, based on another stackoverflow question. By passing a value of zero you are effectively making the code run on the next available runloop iteration.
dispatch_async on mainQueue is a good suggestion but it does not run on the next run loop it is inserted into the current run in the loop.
To get the behavior you are after you will need to resort to the traditional way:
[self performSelector:#selector(myMethod) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
This also gives the added advantage is it can be canceled using NSObject's cancelPreviousPerforms.

performSelectorOnMainThread and waitUntilDone, for NSURLConnection

I am not clear about what does waitUntilDone do, but I found this thread:
What is the significance of WaitUntilDOne in performSelectorOnMainThread?
which makes me a bit clear, however, if I perform some selector which makes NSURLConnection(which is asyncrhonous) and waitUntilDone set to YES, what will happen then? It will wait for the method to execute, but the method actually does some asynchronous operation(ie NSURLConnection), then what is the impact?
NSURLConnection is asynchronous. Your code runs on the main thread, and it makes delegate calls to you as the download progresses. You don't need to, and should not, run an NSURLConnection from a background thread.
If you DO have code that needs to run on a background thread, you can use the preformSelectorOnMainThread method to send messages from your worker thread to the main thread. One common reason to do this is that you can't update the UI from a background thread. You'd invoke a method to update the UI on the main thread.
The flag waitUntilDone controls what happens after the performSelectorOnMainThread call. If waitUntilDone is false, your background thread continues on with the next line without waiting for the code on the main thread to finish.
If waitUntilDone is true, your background thread will block until the main thread finishes performing the selector that you sent it.

Better way to Trigger Asynchronous Callbacks in Objective-C

I am looking for a better way to do this, if possible.
I have an asynchronous callback that updates a local sqlite database. I set a flag in a singleton variable (archiveUpdateComplete) when the update completes. I sleep in a do-while until the flag gets set to true, then I hydrate my tableview. Would like to remove sleep()! Thanks for any suggestions.
#define kBgQueue dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0)
- (void)viewDidLoad
dispatch_async(kBgQueue, ^{
//Hydrate word archive table view
do {
} while ([sharedManager archiveUpdateComplete]==NO);
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(hydrateWordArchive) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
//Run custom activity indicator
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[MBProgressHUD hideHUDForView:self.view animated:YES];
If you need to poll
Polling/sleeping is rarely necessary or good. As an alternative:
You can attach an NSTimer to the main thread's run loop.
The selector the timer calls can test [sharedManager archiveUpdateComplete]
if YES is returned, then
invalidate the timer
call [MBProgressHUD hideHUDForView:self.view animated:YES];
If you don't need to poll
There are a few immediate alternatives. Which you choose depends on what knows about what:
If your manager knows who to message following completion, then the manager can simply message it. If that must occur on the main thread you can use -[NSObject performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:] to forward to the main thread. You may also see this approach with delegates. In the case of a singleton, it doesn't make a lot of sense to take this route.
If your manager does not know who is interested in the change/completion, your manager can post a NSNotification after the task has finished (on the current thread or from the main thread).
Key Value Observing (KVO) is another option.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but why don't you just use a completion callback for this?
In other words, you change your computation to "think" in terms of nested blocks. The first async block (on some concurrent queue) does the work of updating the database, and when it's done it dispatches another async block (to the same concurrent queue) which hydrates the tableview. Finally, from that block you dispatch_async yet another block on the main queue which updates the UI, since that's the only bit that needs to execute on the main queue.
Rather than poll, in other words, you want to chain your async operations. See COMPLETION CALLBACKS section of the man page for dispatch_async().

Interrupting a loop using NSNotification

I have a class containing a method with a loop. I need to be able to break the loop if a certain event (e.g. button press) occurs.
I am using the NSNotificationCenter to notify the class containing the loop when the button is pressed.
However, If I press the button while the loop is being executed, the notification occurs after the loop is complete instead of interrupting the loop.
I'm guessing this is because it is operating in the same thread.
So how do I get the NSNotificationCenter operating in a background / different thread? Is this possible? Or is there a better way to do it?
It's not just the notification center.
I have a class containing a method with a loop. I need to be able to break the loop if a certain event (e.g. button press) occurs.
The events for that button press come in on the main thread. If your loop is running on the main thread, then the button press itself does not get processed until your loop is finished. The notification is posted immediately, relative to the button press actually getting processed by your application.
Or, in list form:
The user presses the button.
Your loop runs out of things to do and returns.
The button press arrives in your application and is turned by the button into an action message.
You post the notification.
You receive the notification.
The delay that you're seeing is between steps 1 and 2; step 4 happens immediately after step 3.
Notifications on a local (not distributed) NSNotificationCenter are dispatched on the thread you post them from, so posting it from your action method means that it will be dispatched on the main thread. This is normal and OK.
Move the loop, not the notification, to a background thread, dispatch queue, or operation queue. If you use an operation queue, you may not need the notification at all, as you can tell an operation queue to cancel all pending operations. (Your operations will need to check at any appropriate time(s) whether they have been canceled; for reasons previously discussed, killing a thread/operation at a random time is a Bad Idea.)
Background threads, blocks, and operations can communicate back to the main thread when needed (e.g., to update the UI). To send a message through the main thread's run loop, use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:. To dispatch a block on the main thread, use dispatch_async and dispatch_get_main_queue. To schedule an operation on the main thread, add it to [NSOperationQueue mainQueue].
For more info, read the Concurrency Programming Guide and the Notification Programming Topics.
I would run your loop in a separate thread, and have an instance variable BOOL abort;, when your button press notification comes in, set abort = TRUE; then in the loop check this value and exit if it is true.
I would run the loop in a separate thread. Even better, make it an NSOperation so that you can call [.. cancel]. Just make sure to use performSelectorOnMainThread when updating the UI from the NSOperation object. It's not a good idea to have a long running loop on the main thread.
You can't put the notification center on another thread. That object is out of your control. The problem isn't so much that they are on the same thread as that you are not allowing the run loop, which is responsible for handling the button press, to do anything. (There's one and only one run loop per thread.) As has been stated by both edsko and Peter Hosey, the button press itself, and in fact your entire UI, is stopped while your loop is running. It is generally a good idea to put long-running operations onto a background thread, then call back to the main thread to update the UI, performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: being an easy way to do such a call back.
That said, if you were to keep the loop on the main thread, you need to let control return to the run loop periodically so that the button press will be registered. There are two ways I can think of to do this. First, you can explicitly give the run loop control briefly during each iteration of your loop:
while( !buttonWasPressed ){
// Do work...
// Let the run loop do some processing before the next iteration.
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]];
Or, you can make a single method that consists only of the code from your loop, and use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to have the method repeatedly called while still allowing the run loop to work:
- (void) loopTheLoop {
if( buttonWasPressed ) return;
// Do work...
// Run this method again as soon as possible.
[self performSelector:#selector(loopTheLoop)