What’s the easiest way to preview data from an image column? - sql

I have some columns with image data type and I want to preview (or browse) the data in those tables. When I use Select top 1000 rows in SQL Server Management Studio, the value of image columns is displayed in hexadecimal. What’s the easiest way to preview those images since the hex-value is not useful to me?
PS.: database is not under my control, so changing data type is not an option.

If you have LinqPad installed, previewing images is simple. Query your record, convert the binary data to an image, then dump the output to the preview window.
Edit: If you aren't aware, LinqPad is a free utility that can be used for many things, such as a replacement for management studio. Most of the time I use it as a scratch pad for .Net for throw-away programs, test code, and samples.
var entity = // fetch data
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(entity.Image.ToArray()))
Here's what the result looks like:

I would write a proc (or query; see below) to export the binary out to the file system and then use any old off the shelf photo management utility (i.e. Windows Photo Viewer) to take a look at what's inside.
If your clever in your file naming you could give yourself enough information about each image in the name to quickly find it in the database again once you've visually located what your looking for.
Here is a proc that will export binary to the file system. I modified from this sample code. It's untested but should be extremely close for concept. It's using BCP to export your binary. Check here for the full docs on the BCP utility.
The proc also gives you the ability to export everything in the table, or only a single row based on a the passed primarykey. It uses a cursor (yuck), as well as some dynamic sql (yuck, yuck) but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
#PriKey INT,
#OutputFilePath VARCHAR(500)
IF #PriKey IS NULL /* export all images */
SELECT 'BCP "SELECT MyImage FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
WHERE PrimaryKey =' + CAST(PrimaryKey AS VARCHAR(25)) +
'" queryout ' + #OutputFilePath + MyImageName + '.' +
MyImageType + ' -S MyServer\MyInstance -T -fC:\Documents.fmt'
FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
OPEN curExportBinaryImgs
FETCH NEXT FROM curExportBinaryImgs INTO #sql
EXEC xp_cmdshell #sql, NO_OUTPUT
FETCH NEXT FROM curExportBinaryImgs INTO #sql
CLOSE curExportBinaryImgs
DEALLOCATE curExportBinaryImgs
ELSE /* Export only the primary key provided */
SELECT #sql = 'BCP "SELECT MyImage FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
WHERE PrimaryKey =' + CAST(PrimaryKey AS VARCHAR(25)) +
'" queryout ' + #OutputFilePath
+ MyImageName + '.' + MyImageType +
' -S MyServer\MyInstance -T -fC:\Documents.fmt'
FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
WHERE PrimaryKey = #PriKey
EXEC xp_cmdshell #sql,NO_OUTPUT
This is all assuming of course that what is stored in your Image column is actually an image and not some other file type. Hopefully if it is an image you also know the type, bmp, jpg, png, gif, etc.
If you don't want the hassle or reusability of a full blown proc try single query like this:
DECLARE #OutputFilePath VarChar(500) = /* put output dir here */
SELECT 'BCP "SELECT MyImage FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
WHERE PrimaryKey =' + CAST(PrimaryKey AS VARCHAR(25)) +
'" queryout ' + #OutputFilePath + MyImageName + '.' +
MyImageType + ' -S MyServer\MyInstance -T -fC:\Documents.fmt'
FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
OPEN curExportBinaryImgs
FETCH NEXT FROM curExportBinaryImgs INTO #sql
EXEC xp_cmdshell #sql, NO_OUTPUT
FETCH NEXT FROM curExportBinaryImgs INTO #sql
CLOSE curExportBinaryImgs
DEALLOCATE curExportBinaryImgs

The image type isn't for storing images, it's just 'variable-length binary data'. This type is deprecated and you should now use varbinary(max) for variable length binary data.
Since the SQL Server has no knowledge of what type of binary data has been stored (.zip, .exe, .jpg, .anything) it's not surprising Management Studio doesn't provide a preview.
You definitely can't preview these data types in Managment Studio, but I like the solution given by #RTomas.

There is a really great add-in for SSMS SSMSBoost which which provides plenty of useful features, and of course the simplest way to preview images stored in SQL(at least in my opinion)
NOTE : You must restart SSMS after installing this add-in.
Install it and enjoy previewing images just with : RightClick > Visualize As > Picture

I don't know of a way to accomplish this in Management Studio. You'd probably be better server writing a simple application that can query the database and then convert the hex into the correct image type (.jpg, .png, etc). There are also commercial applications that will do this for you.

Using linqpad the code could become even simpler
Ones you have the entity/type with you on the binary data column you would see .ToImage() method
For my case I am looping through all the rows and publishing all binary columns to images.
Hope it helps.
var yourData_Or_List = // fetch data


bcp outfile not found

I'm trying to run the script below, but it returns null. When I run the DOS command, it generates the file normally.
SET #str = 'bcp "Select * FROM WDG.dbo.Facilidade" queryout "w:\xyzTable.txt" -S "WDG-NOTE24\MSSQLWDG" -T -c -t ; '
EXEC xp_cmdshell #str
I need to return a separate txt file for ';' with query data
Given your error in your comments i will follow this link and as i described earlier its an access problem to your folder.
Remember it should be given to your Sql service account user and not your self
BCP unable to open BCP host access
I managed to make it work, I found the command below that tests if it has access to the directory.
For some reason did not accept the old path, so I created another one on another disk and it worked.
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'DIR C:\sql'
Very thank's for help.
I have a problem, at the end of my import file, it comes with the text '--END--', and when the bulk insert is going to render, it displays an unexpected end message.
I can put some parameter so that when it finds the text it finishes the import.
declare #sql varchar(max)
set #sql = 'BULK INSERT Temp_Facilite FROM ''' + ##FullPath + '''WITH (FIRSTROW = 2,CODEPAGE = ''RAW'',FIELDTERMINATOR = '';'',ROWTERMINATOR = ''0x0A'',MAXERRORS = 3, KEEPNULLS );'
exec (#sql)

How to Add Extensions to Respective File Types - Edited & Updated?

There are two types of files; TIF, & TXT stored in two different (Windows Server 2008 and a Networked Attached Storage) servers, shares, and folders without any extensions. Files will be copied over to another storage area. Approximately 92 million files. Any of the two different file types could be in any of the folders. Examples given below:
SQL server database has a view, which has columns for the file type and UNC for each respective file in addition to other columns that are needed for the reports. Using a case statement, I am able to add the extensions to UNC path as shown in the two examples below:
Examples of UNC with extensions added using a case statement
`( `case when filetype = 'PAG' THEN cabinet.dbo.Imnet2UNC(imnet) + '.TIF' when filetype = 'CLD' THEN cabinet.dbo.Imnet2UNC(imnet) + '.TXT' END )`
Now I want to be able to add extensions to these files so that when users click on the UNC path in the reports they are able to automatically open the file instead of selecting an application to open it.
What are the different and/or best way to accomplish this task? Can we write some sort of a script, which basically loops through the records in the sql server view, identify the file type and finally rename the files by adding the appropriate extensions.
I look forward to your help in this regard.
P.S. This is my first time ever posting a question on a technical forum. Thanks everyone for guiding me on how to post questions here on Stack Overflow.
The solution is given below:
DECLARE #UNC AS varchar(255), #Filetype AS varchar(255), #CMD AS VARCHAR(255)
declare #HPF_Test as cursor;
select UNC, Filetype
from HPF_Test;
Fetch NEXT from #HPF_Test into #UNC, #Filetype;
While ##fetch_status=0
SELECT #CMD = 'REN ' + #UNC + ' '
+ case when #Filetype = 'TIF' THEN '.TIF' when #Filetype = 'TXT' THEN '.TXT' when #Filetype = 'XML' THEN '.XML' END
exec master..xp_cmdshell #CMD
Fetch next from #HPF_Test into #UNC, #Filetype
close #HPF_Test;
deallocate #HPF_Test;

TransactSQL to run another TransactSQL script

I have 10 transact SQL scripts that each create a table and fill it with data.
I am attempting to create 1 master sql script that will run each of the 10 other scripts.
Is there a way with TSQL / TRANSACTSQL for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to execute another tsql script from within the current tsql script?
This is intended to be run through the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Try this if you are trying to execute a .sql file in SSMS:
:r C:\Scripts\Script1.sql
:r C:\Scripts\Script2.sql
:r C:\Scripts\Script3.sql
note: for this to run turn on sql command mode (Query > SQLCMD Mode)
If these are scripts you run fairly often you might consider dropping them in a stored proc and running them that way...
You can also do it through sqlcmd (which I believe is more common):
sqlcmd -S serverName\instanceName -i C:\Scripts\Script1.sql
Or just use openrowset to read your script into a variable and execute it:
SELECT #SQL = BulkColumn
( BULK 'MeinPfad\MeinSkript.sql'
--PRINT #sql
EXEC (#sql)
I find it useful to define a variable with the path, if I want to execute a set of scripts, say to run a test, something like:
:setvar path "C:\code\branch-qa"
:r $(path)\tables\client.sql
:r $(path)\tables\item.sql
:r $(path)\proc\clientreport.sql
exec clientreport
You can use osql or better yet the newer sqlcmd almost interchangeably. I am using osql in this example only because I happened to have a code sample sitting around but in production I am using sqlcmd. Here is a snipped of code out of a larger procedure I use to run update scripts against databases. They are ordered by major, minor, release, build as I name my scripts using that convention to track releases. You are obviously missing all of my error handing, the parts where I pull available scripts from the database, setup variables, etc but you may still find this snippet useful.
The main part I like about using osql or sqlcmd is that you can run this code in ssms, or in a stored procedure (called on a scheduled basis maybe) or from a batch file. Very flexible.
--Use cursor to run upgrade scripts
FROM #Scripts
ORDER BY Major, Minor, Release, Build
OPEN OSQL_cursor
WHILE (##fetch_status <> -1)
IF ((##fetch_status <> -2) AND (#result = 0))
SET #CommandString = 'osql -S ' + ##ServerName + ' -E -n -b -d ' + #DbName + ' -i "' + #Dir + #name + '"'
EXEC #result = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell #CommandString, NO_OUTPUT
IF (#result = 0)
SET #Seconds = DATEDIFF(s, #LastTime, GETDATE())
SET #Minutes = #Seconds / 60
SET #Seconds = #Seconds - (#Minutes * 60)
PRINT 'Successfully applied ' + #name + ' in ' + cast(#Minutes as varchar)
+ ' minutes ' + cast(#Seconds as varchar) + ' seconds.'
SET #LastTime = GETDATE()
SET #errMessage = 'Error applying ' + #name + '! The database is in an unknown state and the schema may not match the version.'
SET #errMessage = #errMessage + char(13) + 'To find the error restore the database to version ' + #StartingVersion
SET #errMessage = #errMessage + ', set #UpToVersion = the last version successfully applied, then run ' + #name
SET #errMessage = #errMessage + ' manually in Query Analyzer.'
IF #name = (#UpToVersion + '.sql')
GOTO CleanUpCursor --Quit if the final script specified has been run.
The simplest way would be to make your scripts stored procedures, and to call (via the EXECUTE command) each procedure in turn from a central procedure. This is ideal if you're going to run the exact same script(s) over and over again (or the same script with different parameters passed in).
If your scripts are .sql (or any kind of text) file, as #Abe Miesller says (upvoted) you can run them from within SSMS via the :r command, when SQLCMD mode is enabled. You would have to know and script the exact file path and name. This cannot be done from within a stored procedure.
A last alternative, usable with "known" file names and necessary for arbitrary file names (say, all files currently loaded in a subfolder) is to leverage the power of extended procedure XP_CMDSHELL. Such solutions can get compelx pretty fast (use it to retrieve list of files, build and execute via xp_cmdshell a string calling SQLCMD for each file in turn, manage results and errors via output files, it goes on and on) so I'd only do this as a last resort.
Assuming you want to keep the 10 scripts in their own individual files, I would say the easiest way to do what you want would be to create a batch file that executes osql.exe to execute the 10 scripts in the order you want.

Control stored procedure outputs

I have the following stored procedure:
SET #sql = 'RESTORE DATABASE ' + quotename(#dbname) + '
FROM DISK = N''E:\sql\template_' + #dbnamebak + '.bak''
MOVE N''FromTemplate' + #dbname + '.Data'' TO N''E:\sql\' + #dbname + '.mdf'',
MOVE N''FromTemplate' + #dbname + '.Log'' TO N''E:\sql\' + #dbname + '_log.LDF'', NOUNLOAD';
EXEC (#sql);
I would like to make the output either 1 or 0 instead of:
Processed 8584 pages for database 'DatabaseName', file 'DatabaseName.Data' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'DatabaseName', file 'DatabaseName' on file 1.
RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 8585 pages in 3.929 seconds (17.899 MB/sec).
Is it possible to control this?
Using SQL Server 2005.
What does "output" mean? There are at least four ways to return information from a stored procedure: result set(s), output parameter(s), PRINT and the return code.
I don't think you can suppress the output, but you could put your RESTORE statement inside a TRY/CATCH block. If the RESTORE fails, return your failure code from the CATCH block, otherwise return success from the main procedure body.
Alternatively, don't use a stored procedure but an external script. I find that's actually much easier in many cases when working with backups and other operations that require you to manipulate filenames and even physical files. You could use Smo from a Powershell script, for example.

Transfering the content of a variable to file in SQL Server 2k5

How do we transfer the content of a string variable to a file on a SP? I need to do these:
Create an empty text file from an SP
Push the content of a variable (whose len is 25487) to the newly created file
The variable size is Varchar(Max), and this is the code I am trying to make work (but it ain't [Sad] ) ---
Declare #cmd sysname
Declare #ReqContent Varchar(max)
SET #cmd = 'echo ' + #ReqContent + ' > C:\DD4TRD.txt'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell #cmd ,NO_OUTPUT
Check out this sproc from Reading and Writing Files in SQL Server using T-SQL.