How to initialize a NSMutableArray in Objective C? - objective-c

I come from a Java background and I am learning Objective C. I am trying to create a class that has a string array and a member function to modify the Array. My code looked like this:
#implementation TAWChapter
#synthesize mSubject;
#synthesize mItems;
- (id) init{
self.mItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (void) setSubject:(NSString *)subject{
self.mSubject = subject;
- (void) addItem:(NSString *)item{
[self.mItems addObject:#"asdf"];
Which didn't work. I got a "[__NSArrayI addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance " and a "NSInvalidArgumentException". After searching on internet, I changed the single line in the constructor to:
self.mItems = [self.mItems init];
It worked, but why? From a Java developer's point of view the first one makes more sense than the second one. And I have another line it's the same as the first one but it's working(not in a constructor). Can someone explain this to me please?

First of all, you should adhere to Objective-C coding conventions. In Objective-C, classes don't have constructors, they have initialisers. In Objective-C, initialisers invoke the initialiser of the superclass, so it should look like this:
- init
self = [super init];
if (!self) return nil;
// set up other stuff here
return self;
Second, unless you are using ARC, you might have a memory leak. The first line of your initialiser assigns an object that you own to a property that also likely takes ownership. You should use either:
// property takes care of ownership
self.mItems = [NSMutableArray array];
// assign to instance variable directly with owned object
mItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Apple sometimes discourage the use of accessor methods in initialisers because it can fiddle with things like KVO, but consistent use of accessor methods ensures proper object ownership and memory management.
By changing your line in your initialiser to:
self.mItems = [self.mItems init];
does nothing. When your initialiser method is called (which is typically just after it has been allocated), all instance variables are automatically set to nil. So what you are doing is just:
self.mItems = [nil init];
which is just:
self.mItems = nil;
and, don't use init without first allocating an instance, and never use init more than once.
If you do not let the superclass initialise itself, then it may manifest as problems in other areas. Do a Build & Analyze and ensure you have fixed up any issues pointed out by the analyser.

Since objective-c is a superset of c, it's basically c with some "OO" syntax sugar. Before you can create (or use!) an object, you must alloc space for it in the heap. you do this with [Class alloc]. The next step is the initialization of that space. alloc returns a pointer to that space in the heap, which you initialize with init ;)
So you call Class *myObjc = [[Class alloc] init];.
If you use inheritance (which you do since you inherit from NSOBject), you must make sure that your superclass initialized everything properly, thats the call to super. To make sure you don't get a runtime error, check for self != nil, which you do implicitly with if(self)
self.mItems = [self.mItems init]; // doesn't do anything, since you call the getter for mItems with self.mItems and try to init. then you try to set mItmes to itself.
use this code:
#implementation TAWChapter
#synthesize mSubject, mItems;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
mItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (void) setSubject:(NSString *)subject{
mSubject = subject;
- (void) addItem:(NSString *)item{
[mItems addObject:item];

You should call super and assign its result to self in your init method:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.mItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;

The another way could be creating NSMutableArray from NSArray:
NSMutableArray *myMutableArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:myArray];


Overriding init method to allocate memory for instance variable object

I am attempting to override the init method of a class so that initializing the object also initializes the ivar object:
if (self = [super init])
someIVarObject = [SomeClass alloc] init];
return self;
1) Would this code even work, and even so, is this solution discouraged?
2) Why is the if condition not == ? Is it an assignment? If so, why the if?
Sorry if this is obvious! >_<
Yes, it would work, and afaik it's still the way it should be done.
What it does is to call [super init] and allows it to do one of three things;
Return self (ie the same object self is already set to.
Return an entirely new object.
Return nil for failure.
The result is then assigned to self, which makes sure that the rest of the constructor operates on the correct object in case it changed. The if is there to catch the case where [super init] returned nil, in which case the rest of the constructor should be skipped.
1) Here you are declaring a local variable someIVarObject. You should have declared this within the interface or implementation of your class in curly braces, and should then assign it as someIvarObject = .... An example:
#implementation MyClass {
SomeClass *someIvarObject;
- (id)init
if(self = [super init])
someIvarObject = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
return self;
2) It is an assignment. There is a long history behind this idiom but it mostly comes down to handling the possibility that [super init] returns a different object than init was originally invoked upon.
if(self = [super init])
will work, but it will give you a compiler warning (unless you've turned off this warning).
You can also suppress the warning by using double parenthesis:
if((self = [super init]))
My current preference:
self = [super init];
You've got some typos, unbalanced brackets, and the thing you say is an ivar is not an ivar (you declare it inside the if, which makes its scope local to that block. You want to put instance variables in the {}s after your #implementation or #interface declarations). But yes, this is generally how this would work.
However, I'd take a hard look at whether you really need an ivar or not. I can't remember the last time I used one in my code. 99% of the situations I used to use them in, a #property is now a much better solution.
As an added benefit, #propertys synthesize their own getters and setters, (usually) obviating the need to write manual allocing boilerplate, thus making this question moot.
1) this code will work but this line:
SomeClass *someIVarObject = [SomeClass alloc] init];
makes a little sense. Declare SomeClass *someIVarObject in .h file and initialize it in init like this:
someIVarObject = [SomeClass alloc] init];
2) this line if (self = [super init]) is equivalent to:
self = [super init]; if (self != nil)
i.e. it ensures that init method of the base class has returned a proper value

Initialization methods

i have a MyObject. when my program runs, i create a new MyObject
self.myObject = [[MyObject alloc] initWithStuff:stuff];
later in my code, i need to create a new MyObject.
my question is, do i need to create a new MyObject with an "init" method?
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface MyObject : NSObject
-(id)initWithStuff:(NSString *)stuff;
-(id)initWithNewStuff:(NSString *)newStuff;
-(id)newObjectWithStuff:(NSString *)newStuff;
-(id)initWithStuff:(NSString *)stuff;
if (self = [super init])
self.myStuff = stuff;
return self;
-(id)initWithNewStuff:(NSString *)newStuff;{
if (self = [super init])
self.myStuff = newStuff;
return self;
-(id)newObjectWithStuff:(NSString *)newStuff;
self.myStuff = newStuff;
return self;
or can i use a non-init method to create it?
in my code:
self.myObject = [[MyObject alloc] initWithNewStuff:newStuff];
self.myObject = [self.myObject newObjectWithStuff:newStuff];
i guess my question boils down to: what does
if (self = [super init])
working with other objects such as dictionaries, i know "NSDictionary *myDict = myOtherDict" is perfect valid.
You can name your custom initializers as you want, but there's a convention to start your initializer method with "init".
In examples you wrote, the objects are a subclass of NSObject the the root class of all hierarchies. The keyword super refers to the class above in the hierarchy (your class's superclass), so basically, you're calling the init method of NSObject which creates and initializes an object right after memory has been allocated for it (that's what alloc method does). Then, you check if the method returned an object and initialize your own properties.
Take a look at this guide and make sure you understand everything what is in there .
When you are calling
self.myObject = [self.myObject newObjectWithStuff:newStuff];
you just making reference on an existing memory location. If you really want a new object You should call like
self.myObject = [[MyObject alloc] initWithNewStuff:newStuff];
The alloc key word allocates memory for a variable

(Objective-C)Is it safe to redefine self within class method?

Is it safe to reinitialise self within a class method?
MyClass * a = [[MyClass alloc]init];
#implementation MyClass
if(self = [super init])
return self;
self = [self init];
will a point to the reinitialized instance of MyClass?
Thank You,
Provided that (a) your class and its superclasses can be re-init'ed without leaking memory or resources and (b) you know that your class and its superclasses inits all return the self they are passed and not a reference to some other object, then yes...
Otherwise things will go wrong. Consider your redefine method; in the body of this method self is just a local variable whose contents is initialized to point to some object. Changing the value in that local variable does not change the object it originally pointed at, or the value of any other variables which point to that object. E.g. consider the variation:
#implementation Q
- (void) redefine
self = [[Q alloc] init]; // changes the *local* self to refer to a new object
Q *someQ = [[Q alloc] init]; // allocate an object
[someQ redefine]; // NO effect on someQ, another Q is just created and leaked
Clearly this does not alter someQ, and your version may not either. Your code will have the effect you wish if and only if you know init always returns the object it was passed - which is not guaranteed in Obj-C.
As long as init returns self, which it normally does, nothing will go wrong.
But you probably want to split your initialization to some separate method, which you can call from both init and redefine.
You need to return your new object from -init, not simply assign a new value to self. And you must remember to release the old self, since it was created with +alloc. Caveats aside though, returning a different object from -init is explicitly allowed. That's why you'll see newbies being corrected when they write something like this:
// Bad example! Do NOT do this!
Foo *foo = [Foo alloc];
[foo init];
This is an anti-pattern because -init is not required to return the same object it was called on. That means the above can end up assigning foo to point to an object that's been released, instead of to the object that was initialized in its place. This is why you always see +alloc and `init chained together like so:
Foo *foo = [[Foo alloc] init];
It's also why you need to reassign self when calling super's -init, because it may also have returned a different object.
self = [super init];

Doesn't the standard object initialization in Objective-C lead to memory leaks?

The standard way to create an object in Objective-C looks like this:
MyClass* object = [[MyClass alloc] init];
The standard implementation of MyClass's init method would look something like this:
-(id) init
self = [super init];
if(self) { /* initialize */ }
return self;
Aside from some syntax changes, and excluding factory methods, that seems to be the recommended way to write an init method, and to use it.
As I understand it, the purpose of self = [super init]; is to handle the case where [super init] fails. But if it does fail, and returns nil, wouldn't there be a memory leak? The reason being that MyClass's init will return nil, object will be nil, there will be no more pointers that reference the object allocated with [MyClass alloc], and therefore no way to release it.
These are the two solutions I can think of are, but I haven't seen either one in regular practice.
After a call to alloc, check the results before calling init:
MyClass* object = [MyClass alloc];
if(object == nil) { /*handle the error */ }
else { object = [object init]; }
Or, if [super init] fails, release the memory. Something like this:
-(id) init
id temp = [super init];
if(!temp) { [self release]; }
self = temp;
if(self) { /* initialize */ }
return self;
Am I wrong in that reasoning? It could be argued that [super init] is unlikely to fail, but then why assign the results of it to self and check for nil? I'd be happy to see some clarification.
If [super init] wants to return nil, it should also call release on self.
An init method should get rid of the object if it decides to abort and return nil.
However, that's just what the if (self) covers. The self = [super init] serves another purpose: An init method is allowed to return something other than the object that the message was sent to. For a real-life example, [NSArray alloc] returns a dummy object, and that object's various init… methods return the real array.

Array Via Setter?

This is just a test to help me learn Objective-C, it uses NSMutableArray to add tire objects to an instance variable in a car object:
#interface CarBody : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *tires;
// Should this be (id *) it works but I was convinced it would be pointer?
- (void) addTire:(id)newTire;
#interface TireSnow : NSObject {
#implementation CarBody
- (void) addTire:(id)newTire {
[tires addObject:newTire];
// ** Release here or in main()?
- (id) init {
[super init];
tires = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSLog(#"_init: %#", NSStringFromClass([self class]));
return self;
- (void) dealloc {
NSLog(#"_deal: %#", NSStringFromClass([self class]));
[tires release];
[super dealloc];
I do have a few questions ...
In the addTire method, is the (id) right, I thought it was going to be (id *)
Releasing the item I am adding to the array, should I do it inside the setter or in main() after I call it?
Am I allocating / releasing the NSMutableArray (tires) in the right place, it feels right?
Is there a way to do this with NSArray (as I only want 4 tires), I did try this but got mixed up trying to alloc the array and define its size.
thanks in advance for any help ...
I am reading the memory management rules, but they do take some time to absorb and do require a certain level of understanding that is difficult to gain when starting out. What I am wondering about in this situation is where would I release the newSnowTire that I alloc in main. When I add it to the array in the setter does that create a new object in the array (thats my understanding) so my thinking was that I would need to release the instance I got from alloc?
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
CarBody *newCarBody_001;
TireSnow *newSnowTire_001;
newCarBody_001 = [[CarBody alloc] init];
newSnowTire_001 = [[TireSnow alloc] init];
[newCarBody_001 addTire:newSnowTire_001];
// Clean up
[newCarBody_001 release];
[newSnowTire_001 release];
[pool drain];
return 0;
Just added the code to generate all 4 tires with the tire release moved into the loop after the setter is called.
for(int loopCounter=0; loopCounter<4; loopCounter++) {
newSnowTire_001 = [[TireSnow alloc] init];
[newCarBody_001 addTire:newSnowTire_001];
[newSnowTire_001 release];
I just checked this and it is correct ...
NewSnowTire_001 (alloc) RetainCount = 1
NewSnowTire_001 (addTire) RetainCount = 2
NewSnowTire_001 (release) RetainCount = 1
NewSnowTire_001 Finally Released by dealloc method.
(id) or (TireSnow*) is similar, I had problems with understanding this in the beginning too. So basically an object is of a pointer type (kind of), but the id is already a pointer, so you don't need a * after it.
In main. Releasing should happen in the same place as the alloc/retain/copy.
Seems okay to me.
You can use [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]. This is only a hint to the array, it will automatically expand if you insert more items. Check [tires length] in the addTire method.
Your -init should look more like this:
if (self = [super init]) {
// init here
return self;
This allows self to be nil if something breaks in the init-chain.
You should use id (not id*). Objective-C do not have a concept of a root object as you have in for example Java, where java.lang.Object is the root class for any and all classes. Cocoa adds two root classes (classes without a super class) named NSObject, and less common NSProxy. id is a pointer to any object regardless of super class.
It is unfortunate that id, and also Class, are defined as a pointers, which means they are the only places where you should not add the '*' character when defining references. An unfortunate legacy from the old days.
Release in main, you should always release objects int he same scope that you create or retain them. The addTire: method is exceptionally god example of this, never release objects that has been handed to you as an argument. Only release objects handed to you as a result (And even then only from the alloc, new and copy method).
The allocation and release of the instance variable tires is a schoolbook example of where it should be done. I would expand the init to check for the super class result, as this though (Never trust super to always work, or even return the same instance):
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
tires = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSLog(#"_init: %#", NSStringFromClass([self class]));
return self;
You can use NSArray if you have access to all four tires from the start. Best way would probably be to require the tires in the init method. If that is not a possibility then you have nothing to gain from using an NSArray over a NSMutableArray.
The type id is defined like this (in objc.h):
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
So id is already a pointer to an object. An id* would be a pointer to a pointer.
As for where you should release the tire — there's nothing in the code you posted that shows a need to release it at all. That object never claims ownership of the tire, so it has no need to release it. If something claimed ownership of the tire somewhere else in your code, then that object has a responsibility to release its claim when it's finished.
This is explained in the Objective-C memory management rules. It's pretty short and a must-read.