Symfony 2 & FOSUserBundle : authenticate user after resetting password - authentication

When overriding FOSUserBundle resetting password controller, there is a function call to "authenticateUser" method (line 104) :
My problem is that I already override the Symfony authentication handler, and have my own logic when a user logs in.
Here is my authentication handler :
/* ... all includes ... */
class AuthenticationHandler implements AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface, LogoutSuccessHandlerInterface
private $router;
private $container;
public function __construct(Router $router, ContainerInterface $container)
$this->router = $router;
$this->container = $container;
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
// retrieve user and session id
$user = $token->getUser();
/* ... here I do things in database when logging in, and dont want to write it again and again ... */
// prepare redirection URL
if($targetPath = $request->getSession()->get('_security.target_path')) {
$url = $targetPath;
else {
$url = $this->router->generate('my_route');
return new RedirectResponse($url);
So, How could I call the "onAuthenticationSuccess" method from my authentication handler in the ResettingController ?
In order to avoid rewriting the same code...
Thanks for your help !

You should call your onAuthenticationSuccess method loading it as a service. In your config.yml:
class: Acme\Bundle\Service\AuthenticationHandler
container: "#service_container"
And then, call it in the authenticateUser function:
protected function authenticateUser(UserInterface $user) {
try {
} catch (AccountStatusException $e) {
// Don't authenticate locked, disabled or expired users
$providerKey = $this->container->getParameter('fos_user.firewall_name');
$token = new UsernamePasswordToken($user, null, $providerKey, $user->getRoles());
$request = $this->container->get('request');
$this->container->get('authentication_handler')->onAuthenticationSuccess($request, $token);
this do the trick and pass through your custom auth handler. More info.


Symfony 4: Fetching user from DB ind custom user provider returns "Bad Credentials"

I am building an API based on Symfony 4.
In my custom user provider I dump the users email and the user data from database.
The email is shown but the second dump does not appear.
While fetching the user data it returns "Bad Credentials".
Here is my user provider:
// src/Security/User/WebserviceUserProvider.php
namespace App\Security\User;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UnsupportedUserException;
class WebserviceUserProvider implements UserProviderInterface
private $doctrine;
public function __construct (\Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry $doctrine)
$this->doctrine = $doctrine;
public function loadUserByUsername($email)
$userData = $this->doctrine->getManager()
->createQueryBuilder('SELECT u FROM users u WHERE = :email')
->setParameter('email', $email)
// pretend it returns an array on success, false if there is no user
if ($userData) {
$username = $userData['email'];
$password = $userData['password'];
$salt = $userData['salt'];
$roles = $userData['roles'];
// ...
return new WebserviceUser($username, $password, $salt, $roles);
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(
sprintf('Username "%s" does not exist.', $username)
public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user)
if (!$user instanceof WebserviceUser) {
throw new UnsupportedUserException(
sprintf('Instances of "%s" are not supported.', get_class($user))
return $this->loadUserByUsername($user->getUsername());
public function supportsClass($class)
return WebserviceUser::class === $class;
If I send my json login data it returns the following:
string(13) "" {"code":401,"message":"Bad credentials"}
Does anyone know this problem?

Symfony authenticate user with external api key

I am trying to authenticate a user via external api key request following this
What is ["#your_api_key_user_provider"] ?
If I put something like ["test"] I get an error.
This is my ApiKeyAuthenticator.php:
// src/Acme/HelloBundle/Security/ApiKeyAuthenticator.php
namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Security;
use ////
class ApiKeyAuthenticator implements SimplePreAuthenticatorInterface
protected $userProvider;
public function __construct(ApiKeyUserProvider $userProvider)
$this->userProvider = $userProvider;
public function createToken(Request $request, $providerKey)
if (!$request->query->has('apikey')) {
throw new BadCredentialsException('No API key found');
return new PreAuthenticatedToken(
public function authenticateToken(TokenInterface $token, UserProviderInterface $userProvider, $providerKey)
$apiKey = $token->getCredentials();
$username = $this->userProvider->getUsernameForApiKey($apiKey);
if (!$username) {
throw new AuthenticationException(
sprintf('API Key "%s" does not exist.', $apiKey)
$user = $this->userProvider->loadUserByUsername($username);
return new PreAuthenticatedToken(
public function supportsToken(TokenInterface $token, $providerKey)
return $token instanceof PreAuthenticatedToken && $token->getProviderKey() === $providerKey;
While the user provider is this:
// src/Acme/HelloBundle/Security/ApiKeyUserProvider.php
namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Security;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UnsupportedUserException;
class ApiKeyUserProvider implements UserProviderInterface
public function getUsernameForApiKey($apiKey)
// Look up the username based on the token in the database, via
// an API call, or do something entirely different
$username = ...;
return $username;
public function loadUserByUsername($username)
return new User(
// the roles for the user - you may choose to determine
// these dynamically somehow based on the user
public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user)
// this is used for storing authentication in the session
// but in this example, the token is sent in each request,
// so authentication can be stateless. Throwing this exception
// is proper to make things stateless
throw new UnsupportedUserException();
public function supportsClass($class)
return 'Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User' === $class;
The service should be just this:
# ...
class: Acme\SeedBundle\Security\ApiKeyAuthenticator
arguments: ["#ApiKeyUserProvider"]
But i got this error: The service "apikey_authenticator" has a dependency on a non-existent service "apikeyuserprovider".
That is the user provider service that you should have created following this doc:
So you register your user provider as a service IE: apikey_userprovider
Then pass it using ["#apikey_userprovider"]
So your Services File should look like:
apikey_userprovider.class: Acme\HelloBundle\Security\ApiKeyUserProvider
apikey_authenticator.class: Acme\SeedBundle\Security\ApiKeyAuthenticator
class: %apikey_userprovider.class%
class: %apikey_authenticator.class%
arguments: ["#apikey_userprovider"]
You need to define your user provider as a service. This is what the # operator is telling symfony to look for. Defining your classes in the parameters is just part of Symfony Coding Standards

Where do i override authentication method in yii?

I need to override both authentication (for when user's trying to logging in) and also the function is being used to check if the user is logged in in the header of the application (the function that check the sessions and cookie to check if the user is logged in) but i don't know where are these methods? and also i don't know how to find where are these methods!
** The reason of ovveride is to also check a Flag, if the flag is FLASE don't authenticate the user, or even if the user is also authenticated on page change (header reload) log-out the user if the flag changed to FLASE**
It would be appreciated if you also helping me to find adequate references that can help me in similar situations beside yii/wiki and google i tried them :)
For custom authentication extend CUserIdentity class:
class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity
private $_id;
* Authenticates a user.
* #return boolean whether authentication succeeds.
public function authenticate()
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->condition = 'LOWER(';
$criteria->params = array(':email' => $this->username);
$member = Member::model()
if ($member === null) {
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;
} elseif (!hash::check($this->password, $member->pass_hash)) {
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID;
} elseif (! $member->is_approved) {
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USER_NOT_APPOVED;
} else {
$this->_id = $member->id;
$this->username = $member->full_name;
$this->setState('email', $member->email->email);
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;
return !$this->errorCode;
* #return integer the ID of the user record
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
then create custom form (app/models/MainLoginForm.php):
* MainLoginForm class.
* MainLoginForm is the data structure for keeping
* user login form data.
class MainLoginForm extends CFormModel
public $email;
public $password;
public $rememberMe;
* Declares the validation rules.
* The rules state that email and password are required,
* and password needs to be authenticated.
public function rules()
return array(
array('email', 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim'),
array('email', 'required',
'message' => Yii::t('auth', 'Email address is required.')),
array('email', 'email',
'message' => Yii::t('auth', 'Enter a valid Email address.')),
array('password', 'required',
'message' => Yii::t('auth', 'Password is required.')),
// password needs to be authenticated
array('password', 'authenticate'),
array('rememberMe', 'safe'),
* Declares attribute labels.
public function attributeLabels()
return array(
'email' => Yii::t('auth', 'Email Address'),
'password' => Yii::t('auth', 'Password'),
'rememberMe' => Yii::t('auth', 'Remember me.'),
* Authenticates the password.
* This is the 'authenticate' validator as declared in rules().
public function authenticate($attribute, $params)
// we only want to authenticate when no input errors
if (! $this->hasErrors()) {
$identity = new UserIdentity($this->email, $this->password);
switch ($identity->errorCode) {
case UserIdentity::ERROR_NONE:
$duration = ($this->rememberMe)
? 3600*24*14 // 14 days
: 0; // login till the user closes the browser
Yii::app()->user->login($identity, $duration);
$this->addError('', Yii::t('auth',
'Incorrect username/password combination.'));
and finally update your login method (actionLogin):
$form = new MainLoginForm;
if (isset($_POST['MainLoginForm'])) {
$form->attributes = $_POST['MainLoginForm'];
$valid = $form->validate();
if ($valid) {
// redirect
For auto logout you can extend CController:
class MainBaseController extends CController
public $settings = array();
public function init()
// set global settings
// $this->settings = ...
if (YOUR_FLAG_VALIDATION AND !Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
and then use custom base controll:
class YourController extends MainBaseController

Symfony2 custom authentication provider bad credentials

I'm implementing a custom authentication provider for using an external api following roughly the cookbook on the symfony website.
It works almost everything correctly, the listener listens the login form properly, then it calls the authenticate function which returns the authenticated token, the problem is that even if i set a authenticated token to the securityContextInterface, the system returns to the login page with wrong credentials.
Under the code i've used
What could it be?
pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
security: false
pattern: ^/app/login$
security: false
provider: in_memory
pattern: ^/app
login_path: /app/login
check_path: /app/login_check
path: /app/logout
target: /
api: true
class: Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\Security\Authentication\Provider\ApiProvider
arguments: ['', %kernel.cache_dir%/security/nonces]
class: Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\Security\Firewall\ApiListener
arguments: [#security.context, #security.authentication.manager, %api.url%]
namespace Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\DefinitionDecorator;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\NodeDefinition;
use Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory\SecurityFactoryInterface;
class ApiFactory implements SecurityFactoryInterface
public function create(ContainerBuilder $container, $id, $config, $userProvider, $defaultEntryPoint)
$providerId = 'security.authentication.provider.api.'.$id;
->setDefinition($providerId, new DefinitionDecorator(''))
->replaceArgument(0, new Reference($userProvider))
$listenerId = 'security.authentication.listener.api.'.$id;
$listener = $container->setDefinition($listenerId, new DefinitionDecorator(''));
return array($providerId, $listenerId, $defaultEntryPoint);
public function getPosition()
return 'pre_auth';
public function getKey()
return 'api';
public function addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node)
namespace Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\Security\Firewall;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ListenerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationManagerInterface;
use Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\Security\Authentication\Token\ApiUserToken;
use Httpful\Request;
class ApiListener implements ListenerInterface {
protected $securityContext;
protected $authenticationManager;
protected $container;
public function __construct(SecurityContextInterface $securityContext, AuthenticationManagerInterface $authenticationManager, $api)
$this->securityContext = $securityContext;
$this->authenticationManager = $authenticationManager;
//Prendo l'url delle api
//Viene passato da services.yml alla classe
$this->api = $api;
public function handle(GetResponseEvent $event)
$request = $event->getRequest();
$data = $request->request->all();
//Esiste username e password ?
if(!array_key_exists('_username', $data) || !array_key_exists('_password', $data)) {
//Ritorna alla pagina di login con bad credentials
//Autentico in remoto
$username = $data['_username'];
$password = $data['_password'];
$response = Request::post($this->api."/token/new.json")
'username'=> $username,
'password'=> $password))
$decode = json_decode($response);
//Se esiste allora vado avanti se no muoio
if(!$decode->success) {
$token = new ApiUserToken();
$token->token = $decode->token;
try {
$authToken = $this->authenticationManager->authenticate($token);
} catch (AuthenticationException $failed) {
// ... si potrebbe loggare qualcosa in questo punto
// Per negare l'autenticazione, pulire il token. L'utente sarĂ  rinviato alla pagina di login.
// Negare l'autenticazione con una risposta HTTP '403 Forbidden'
//$response = new Response();
If i write:
$authToken = $this->authenticationManager->authenticate($token);
var_dump($authToken); die();
The results is:
object(Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\Security\Authentication\Token\ApiUserToken)#4780 (5) {["user":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken":private]=> object(Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User)#4782 (7) { ["username":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User":private]=> string(4) "user" ["password":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User":private]=> string(15) "10dmao!?postino" ["enabled":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User":private]=> bool(true) ["accountNonExpired":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User":private]=> bool(true) ["credentialsNonExpired":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User":private]=> bool(true) ["accountNonLocked":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User":private]=> bool(true) ["roles":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User":private]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "ROLE_USER" } } ["roles":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken":private]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\Role)#4779 (1) { ["role":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\Role":private]=> string(9) "ROLE_USER" } } ["authenticated":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken":private]=> bool(true) ["attributes":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken":private]=> array(0) { } }
So it is correct.
namespace Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\Security\Authentication\Token;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken;
class ApiUserToken extends AbstractToken
public $token;
public function __construct(array $roles = array())
// If the user has roles, consider it authenticated
public function getCredentials()
return '';
namespace Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\Security\Authentication\Provider;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\AuthenticationProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\NonceExpiredException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Manuel\Myapp\MyAppBundle\Security\Authentication\Token\ApiUserToken;
class ApiProvider implements AuthenticationProviderInterface
private $userProvider;
private $cacheDir;
public function __construct(UserProviderInterface $userProvider, $cacheDir)
$this->userProvider = $userProvider;
$this->cacheDir = $cacheDir;
public function authenticate(TokenInterface $token)
//Devo aggiungere utente
$user = $this->userProvider->loadUserByUsername("user");
if ($user) {
$authenticatedToken = new ApiUserToken($user->getRoles());
return $authenticatedToken;
throw new AuthenticationException('The API authentication failed.');
public function supports(TokenInterface $token) {
return $token instanceof ApiUserToken;
I've resolved modifying security.yml
pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
security: false
pattern: ^/app/login$
security: false
pattern: ^/app
api: true
path: /app/logout
target: /
and ApiListener.php
public function handle(GetResponseEvent $event) {
if( $this->securityContext->getToken() ){
Because on every url under firewall (app/*) symfony calls the handle method of my listener, if the user is already logged the security token is already setted and I return
and check_login function
public function securityCheckAction() {
// The security layer will NOT intercept this request
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('manuel_myapp_index_after_login'));
check_login is the action of the login form, the check_login action is under firewall, so, the handle method of my listerner will be called for the first time, if credentials are correct (using my external api) I forced symfony to use the in_memory user for login and than the check_login action will be executed.
Then, when the user visit another page under firewall, the handle method will be recalled but the authentication token is already setted, so the handle method will return and all works
External api login now works !

Load a listener before the security or custom provider

I'm working on a custom provider that works exactly like a classical user form, however I have to give a second parameter to identify the user: a websiteId (I'm creating a dynamic website plateform).
So a username is no more unique, but the combinaison of username and websiteId it is.
I successfully created my custom authentication, the last problem I have is to get the websiteId from the domain thanks to a listener, it works, but infortunately the method that get the website id from the domain is loaded after my authentication provider, so I can't get the websiteId in time :(
I tried to change the listener priority (test 9999, 1024, 255 and 0, and negative numbers -9999, -1024, -255 etc...), in vain, it's loaded always after.
Here my code:
# Listeners _________________
class: Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Services\Listener\WebsiteListener
- #doctrine
- #sybio.website_manager
- #translator
- %sybio.states%
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: onDomainParse, priority: 255 }
# Security _________________
class: Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Security\Authentication\Provider\WebsiteUserProvider
arguments: [#website_listener, #doctrine.orm.entity_manager]
My listener is "website_listener", and you can see i use it for my sybio_website.user_provider as argument.
// ...
class WebsiteListener extends Controller
protected $doctrine;
protected $websiteManager;
protected $translator;
protected $websiteId;
* #var array
protected $entityStates;
public function __construct($doctrine, $websiteManager, $translator, $entityStates)
$this->doctrine = $doctrine;
$this->websiteManager = $websiteManager;
$this->translator = $translator;
$this->entityStates = $entityStates;
* #param Event $event
public function onDomainParse(Event $event)
$request = $event->getRequest();
$website = $this->websiteManager->findOne(array(
'domain' => $request->getHost(),
'state' => $this->entityStates['website']['activated'],
if (!$website) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException($this->translator->trans('page.not.found'));
$this->websiteId = $website->getId();
* #param integer $websiteId
public function getWebsiteId()
return $this->websiteId;
$websiteId is hydrated, not in time as you will see in my provider...
namespace Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Security\Authentication\Provider;
// ...
class WebsiteUserProvider implements UserProviderInterface
private $em;
private $websiteId;
private $userEntity;
public function __construct($websiteListener, EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
$this->websiteId = $websiteListener->getWebsiteId(); // Try to get the website id from my listener, but it's method onDomainParse is not called in time
$this->userEntity = 'Sybio\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\User';
public function loadUserByUsername($username)
// I need the websiteId here to identify the user by its username and the website:
if ($user = $this->findUserBy(array('username' => $username, 'website' => $this->websiteId))) {
return $user;
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('No record found for user %s', $username));
// ...
So any idea will be appreciate ;)
I spent a lot of time to set up my authentication configuration, but now I can't get the websiteId in time, too bad :(
Thanks for your anwsers !
I had also other files of my authentication system to understand, I don't think I can control the provider position when loading, because they're witten in the security.yml config:
// ...
class WebsiteAuthenticationProvider extends UserAuthenticationProvider
private $encoderFactory;
private $userProvider;
* #param \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface $userProvider
* #param UserCheckerInterface $userChecker
* #param $providerKey
* #param EncoderFactoryInterface $encoderFactory
* #param bool $hideUserNotFoundExceptions
public function __construct(UserProviderInterface $userProvider, UserCheckerInterface $userChecker, $providerKey, EncoderFactoryInterface $encoderFactory, $hideUserNotFoundExceptions = true)
parent::__construct($userChecker, $providerKey, $hideUserNotFoundExceptions);
$this->encoderFactory = $encoderFactory;
$this->userProvider = $userProvider;
* {#inheritdoc}
protected function retrieveUser($username, UsernamePasswordToken $token)
$user = $token->getUser();
if ($user instanceof UserInterface) {
return $user;
try {
$user = $this->userProvider->loadUserByUsername($username);
if (!$user instanceof UserInterface) {
throw new AuthenticationServiceException('The user provider must return a UserInterface object.');
return $user;
} catch (UsernameNotFoundException $notFound) {
throw $notFound;
} catch (\Exception $repositoryProblem) {
throw new AuthenticationServiceException($repositoryProblem->getMessage(), $token, 0, $repositoryProblem);
// ...
The factory:
// ...
class WebsiteFactory extends FormLoginFactory
public function getKey()
return 'website_form_login';
protected function getListenerId()
return 'security.authentication.listener.form';
protected function createAuthProvider(ContainerBuilder $container, $id, $config, $userProviderId)
$provider = 'security.authentication_provider.sybio_website.'.$id;
->setDefinition($provider, new DefinitionDecorator('security.authentication_provider.sybio_website'))
->replaceArgument(0, new Reference($userProviderId))
->replaceArgument(2, $id)
return $provider;
SybioWebsiteBundle (dependency):
// ...
class SybioWebsiteBundle extends Bundle
public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$extension = $container->getExtension('security');
$extension->addSecurityListenerFactory(new WebsiteFactory());
provider: website_provider
pattern: ^/
anonymous: ~
login_path: /login.html
check_path: /login
path: /logout.html
target: /
id: sybio_website.user_provider
Firewall::onKernelRequest is registered with a priority of 8 (sf2.2). A priority of 9 should ensure that your listener is called first (works for me).
I had a similar problem, which was to create subdomain-specific "Campaign" sites within a single sf2.2 app: {campaign}.{domain} . Every User has many Campaigns and I, like you, wanted to prevent a User without the given Campaign from logging in.
My solution was to create a Doctrine filter to add my campaign criteria to every relevant query made under {campaign}.{domain}. A kernel.request listener (with priority 9!) is responsible for activating the filter before my generic user provider tries to loadUserByUsername. I use mongodb, but the idea is similar for ORM.
The best part is that I'm still using stock authentication classes. This is basically all there is to it:
class: My\Filter\CampaignFilter
enabled: false
class CampaignFilter extends BsonFilter
public function addFilterCriteria(ClassMetadata $targetMetadata)
$class = $targetMetadata->name;
$campaign = $this->parameters['campaign'];
$campaign = $campaign instanceof Campaign ? $campaign->getId() : $campaign;
if ($targetMetadata->hasField('campaign')) {
return array('campaign' => $this->parameters['campaign']);
if ($targetMetadata->hasField('campaigns')) {
return array('campaigns' => $this->parameters['campaign']);
return array();
My listener is declared as:
<service id="my.campaign_listener" class="My\EventListener\CampaignListener">
<tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="kernel.request" method="onKernelRequest" priority="9" />
<argument type="service" id="doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager" />
The listener class:
class CampaignListener
private $dm;
public function __construct(DocumentManager $dm)
$this->dm = $dm;
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
if (HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST != $event->getRequestType()) {
$request = $event->getRequest();
if ($campaign = $request->attributes->get('campaign', false)) {
$filters = $this->dm->getFilterCollection();
$filter = $filters->enable('campaign');
$filter->setParameter('campaign', $campaign);
'campaign' is available in the request here thanks to my routing configuration:
resource: "#My/Controller/CampaignController.php"
type: annotation
host: "{campaign}.{domain}"
campaign: test
domain: %domain%
domain: %domain%
.. and %domain% is a parameter from config.yml or config_dev.yml
Like the response provide by benki07 it's a question of prority, you have to put your listener before the Firewall::onKernelRequest
Then, your listener will be called -> Firewall is call and your authentification listener are called with the webSiteId registered.
As you can see in the SecurityExtension.php The factories used do not have any sort of priority system. It just adds your factory to the end of the array, that's it.
Therefore it is impossible to put your custom authentication before that of symfony's security component.
An option may be to override the DaoAuthenticationProvider class paramater with your class. I hope that symfony2 will change from factories to a registry where you can add your custom authentication with a tag and a priority because this is not open/closed enough for me.