How to retrieve favorite contact programmatically [duplicate] - objective-c

I want to access the iPhone "Favorites" numbers (the ones that can be found in the "Phone" application). I've searched among the properties specific to each contact from the Address Book and I even had a look at the Address Book database, but I couldn't identify which property or field from the database indicates which are the favorite numbers.
Since "Phone" is an application installed by Apple on the iPhone I was expecting to find such a property in the database. However, I think that it might be possible that this application stores the favorite numbers independently of the Address Book database.
Has anyone encountered this problem before and if yes, could you please clarify this matter for me?

I don't think this is possible. I would expect the "Phone" application itself stores the most used numbers without exposing this infomation to other applications.

This question is a duplicate of Find Favorite contacts from the iOS Address Book API
It's currently not possible to access favorite contacts via a public, app-store legal API.


BigCommerce user defined custom fields for address and customer

I need to retrieve custom field values for customers and addresses using the Big Commerce API.
There appears to be a facility for this for custom product fields;
However no documentation exists for customers and addresses. I tried to access with a similar URL to the products custom fields URL (ie. GET /stores/{store_hash}/v2/customers/{customer_id}/custom_fields) with no success
I realise a similair question has been asked on here already, however BigCommerce support asked me to ask the question on here and that a developer will respond. Here's hoping.
Unfortunately there is no endpoint for custom fields on customers/addresses through the BC API. Hopefully that will be something they'll add when they come out with the next version of their API

Impact of Changing an App Name on iTunes Connect

I want to change the name of my app on iTunes when I release the next version, I know how to do this and am set to go but I am not sure what impact this might have on my app as it appears in the search results and leader boards/app ranking.
The original app name includes a brief description of the game. I want to remove the description and just leave the two-word app name which will be the same as before.
Are there any reasons I should avoid changing the app name?
An app name is a great opportunity for an app marketer to get more "keyword space". Your keywords are limited to 100 characters, putting more "info" in the app name will get your app to appear on more searches (When the additional information in the app name doesn't match the keywords)
From a branding/design perspective, adding more info/words to the app name is not really "sexy". The rule of thumb here is to keep it short and simple (and recognizable).
So it really depends what your goal is. If the brief description has some really nice additional "keywords" in it, I would keep them, they will bring you search traffic.
Side note: We have different apps (~10), where we tried both short vs. long (= with description) app name and it brought us additional traffic, but the description has to have really good phrases in it. Therefore you can see it at the moment as additional space for keywords. (BTW: Same goes for In-App-Purchase Titles/Names: They are indexed like app names and can get you appear on additional search terms.)

Find related audios via Keywords

I'm starting to implement an iphone application, that contains audio lessons.
my application is connect to calendar and map, so it takes from the user (places, appointment or meetings) that he wrote in Calendar or checked-in in map.
Then, I will display related lessons to him.
My question is: Is there any algorithm that can be user to find related lesson.
note that each lesson contains keywords and I want to match them with user input.
Thank you and I appreciate any kind of information that will help me :)
i'd just create a separate database which contained an array of keywords and somehow specified its associated audio file resource. IOW, NSArray and NSString should make this pretty quick to implement yourself.

Is there a way to get Address Book contact ID's from Sync Services contact ID's?

When getting the modified contacts from Sync Services, through the applyChange:forEntityName:remappedRecordIdentifier:formattedRecord:error method. The IDs in the address book are of the form 2C13E20E-6B24-4090-81FA-7A1E8B28119B, and even though some IDs of this kind are present in the ISyncChange * object, those are not actual contact ID's that can be found in the address book...
Is there a way to find out from Sync Services what a certain contact's ID is in the Address Book?
The reason for asking is that when saving large pictures for contacts in the Address Book, Sync Services does not save those pictures in their internal data storage. Therefore, contacts that have been modified or added with a large picture will be returned by Sync Services without the picture, basically offering incomplete information.
I need to get the Address Book ID, so that I can look up the contact's picture in ~/Library/Application Support/Address Book/Images/
It's a bad idea to rely on the Address Book id relating to an image in ~/Library/Application Support/Address Book/Images/ - you'd be better off finding an API that provides you the data you want to work with, because you aren't guaranteed that the image will be there then, or later (after an upgrade, this could all change!).
After a small amount of research, it appears that the api you want is documented here :
It's a little unwieldy because you necessarily need to understand their ABImageClient protocol and provide a callback, but I don't think it's that bad. This approach is much better than what you were doing - it's the Apple sanctioned way of getting this data and you won't have to worry about it breaking in the future.

Address Book contacts in Core Data

What’s considered ‘best practice’ when saving Address Book contacts in Core Data?
I’m writing an iPhone App, based on Core Data, where I need to save and recall Address Book contacts as part of the data model.
In the UI I plan to present a screen where the user can pick a contact from the current Address Book, create a new contact to store in the Address Book, or just create a ‘one-off’ contact with no saved record, local to the App only. These contacts are tracked in the context of the orders they have made, and not all contacts will require saving outside the App itself.
It feels ‘wrong’ to copy the data from the Address Book if using an existing entry, but not sure what to do if an Address Book record is edited or deleted.
I only need to track name and photo for the purposes of the App, so gut-reaction is to store the ABRecordID, and—because these can apparently change(!)—the first and last name, and only update local record if it’s updated (how to track that?).
Or can you store a ABRecordRef directly? (I imagine they aren’t persistent?)
I’ve done some searching on Google, and here, but can’t find any code samples or discussion on the integration of Core Data and Address Book in this manner; just lots of stuff on each in isolation.
Any one with some experience/gotchas on this subject point them out, or point me in the direction of some more reading?
Andy W
I would store the ABRecordID and then handle the situation for when they change although I have not personally seen a case where they change except when the user deletes all data and restores it from another source (moving from MobileMe to Google for example).
See Apples online Documentation on how to handle changing ids and what to store.