Inserting multiple select statements into a table as values - sql

Is it possible to do something like this in SQL Server:
INSERT INTO MyTable (Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7) VALUES
SELECT Col1 FROM Func1(),
SELECT Col2 FROM Func2(),
SELECT Col3,Col4,Col5 FROM Func3(),
SELECT Col6 FROM Func4(),
SELECT Col7 FROM Func5()
I have a large number of functions which return one-value results and one function which returns 3 columns. I would like to insert all of this data into one row of a table?
I can see the function returning muliple columns as possibly being a problem?

If all functions return just one row...
MyTable (Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7)
f1.col1, f2.col2, f3.col3, f3.col4, f3.col5, f4.col6, f5.col7
(SELECT Col1 FROM Func1()) AS f1
(SELECT Col2 FROM Func2()) AS f2
(SELECT Col3,Col4,Col5 FROM Func3()) AS f3
(SELECT Col6 FROM Func4()) AS f4
(SELECT Col7 FROM Func5()) AS f5
If the functions return more than one row, you need to join them in the normal way; with predicates that determine which left row gets joined to which right row.

INSERT INTO MyTable (Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7) VALUES
SELECT Col1 FROM Func1(),
SELECT Col2 FROM Func2(),
SELECT Col3 FROM (SELECT Col3,Col4,Col5 FROM Func3()),
SELECT Col4 FROM (SELECT Col3,Col4,Col5 FROM Func3()),
SELECT Col5 FROM (SELECT Col3,Col4,Col5 FROM Func3())
SELECT Col6 FROM Func4(),
SELECT Col7 FROM Func5()

You have to remove Values and all ","and brackets around each select statement.


SQL how to count each value in multiple columns and same rows?

for example lets say I have a dataset like this. I want to count the values, each value in multiple columns and same rows. As a result it has to say the count of the values I put into.
2A 1B and
2C 1D
Anyone can help?
You don't count values in a row, you count values in a column. So, you use sql to reformat your data in to a single column, then count the values in the usual way.
SELECT col1 AS column_value FROM your_table
SELECT col2 AS column_value FROM your_table
SELECT col3 AS column_value FROM your_table
AS pivoted
As I commented, here is the code for the same. Can be optimized a bit by removing multiple select statements.
Declare #val Varchar(MAX);
Select #val=COALESCE(#val + ' ' + result, result)
SELECT CONCAT(cnt,col) result FROM (
SELECT col, count(*)cnt FROM (
SELECT col1, col2, col3
from #temp
) AS cp
col FOR cols IN (col1, col2, col3 )
) AS up)t
group by col)t)t2
select #val

Count to begin at 1

I want to value a column with a count. I am looking through the table to find the next count number. If a row does not exists I would like to begin the count with 1 rather than 0. Can someone assist me with my below query. If a row does exist then I would like to simply take the column 3 and add 1 to the next sequence number.
CAST((MAX(col3) + 1) AS SMALLINT) AS col3
FROM table1
GROUP BY col1, col2
You are using a MAX() function that returns the highest value. If you want to count the number of occurences (rows), you need to use the COUNT() function.
More details would be needed, but in SQL Server you could try something like this:
SELECT col1, col2, count(1) + 1 as col3
FROM table1
GROUP BY col1, col2
It would count the number of distinct pair of col1 and col2, then add one to it and display it as col3. From what I understand, you do not really need to use the current value of col3, since you are recalculating it.
If you want all combinaison with 1 if one combinaison dont exist try this:
with combinaison as (
select distinct f1.col1, f2.col2
from table1 f1 cross join table1 f2
SELECT f1.col1, f1.col2, ifnull(MAX(f1.col3), 0) + 1 AS col3
FROM table1 f1
GROUP BY f1.col1, f1.col2
union all
select f2.col1, f2.col2, 1 AS col3
from combinaison f2 left outer join table1 f3 on (f2.col1, f2.col2)=(f3.col1, f3.col2)
where f3.col1 is null

Oracle SQL - Join 2 table columns in 1 row

I have 2 SQL's and the result come fine. They are no relation between those 2 queries but I want to see all the rows in single column.
Select col1,col2,sum(col3) as col3 from table a
select col4,col5 from table b
I would like the result to be
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
If there is no equivalent row for either table a or table b replace with zeroes.
Could some one help me with this. thanks.
Since, you didn't provided any information like table structure or data inside each tables. You can cross join both tables.
select t.col1,t.col2,t.col3,t1.col1,t1.col2 from tab1 t,tab2 t1;
In both select statements add column based on rownum or row_number() and then full join results using this column:
select nvl(col1, 0) col1, nvl(col2, 0) col2, nvl(col3, 0) col3,
nvl(col4, 0) col4, nvl(col5, 0) col5
(select rownum rn, col1, col2, col3 from (
select col1, col2, sum(col3) col3 from tableA group by col1, col2)) a
full join (select rownum rn, col4, col5 from tableB) b using (rn)
SQLFiddle demo
I guess a UNION could be a pragmatic solution since the 2 queries are not related. They are just 2 data sets that should be retrieved in one statement:
Select col1,col2,sum(col3) as col3 from table a
select col4,col5, to_number(null) col6 from table b
Be aware of col6 in the example. SQL insists on retrieving an equal set of columns in a UNION statement. It is a good practice to retrieve columns with exactly the same datatype. Since the sum(col3) will yield a number datatype column, col6 should too.
The outcome of col4 and col5 will be shown in col1 and col2.

SQL script for retrieving 5 unique values in a table ( google big query )

I am looking for a query where I can get unique values(5) in a table. For example.
The table consists of more 100+ columns. Is there any way I can get unique values.
I am using google big query and tried this option
select col1 col2 ... coln
from tablename
where col1 is not null and col2 is not null
group by col1,col2... coln
order by col1, col2... coln
limit 5
But problem is it gives zero records if all the column are null
I think you might be able to do this in Google bigquery, assuming that the types for the columns are compatible:
select colname, colval
from (select 'col1' as colname, col1 as colvalue
from t
where col1 is not null
group by col1
limit 5
(select 'col2' as colname, col2 as colvalue
from t
where col2 is not null
group by col2
limit 5
. . .
For those not familiar with the syntax, a comas in the from clause means union all, not cross join in this dialect. Why did they have to change this?
Try This one, i hope it works
;With CTE as (
select * ,ROW_NUMBER () over (partition by isnull(col1,''),isnull(col2,'')... isnull(coln,'') order by isnull(col1,'')) row_id
from tablename
) select * from CTE where row_id =1

select all columns with one column has different value

In my table,some records have all column values are the same, except one. I need write a query to get those records. what's the best way to do it? the table is like this:
colA colB colC
a b c
a b d
a b e
What's the best way to get all records with all the columns? Thanks for everyone's help.
Assuming you know that column3 will always be different, to get the rows that have more than one value:
SELECT Col1, Col2
FROM Table t
GROUP BY Col1, Col2
HAVING COUNT(distinct col3) > 1
If you need all the values in the three columns, then you can join this back to the original table:
FROM table t join
(SELECT Col1, Col2
FROM Table t
GROUP BY Col1, Col2
HAVING COUNT(distinct col3) > 1
) cols
on t.col1 = cols.col1 and t.col2 = cols.col2
Just select those rows that have the different values:
SELECT col1, col2
FROM myTable
WHERE colWanted != knownValue
If this is not what you are looking for, please post examples of the data in the table and the wanted output.
How about something like
SELECT Col1, Col2
FROM Table
GROUP BY Col1, Col2
This will give you Col1, Col2 that have unique data.
Assuming col3 has the difs
SELECT Col1, Col2
FROM Table
GROUP BY Col1, Col2
SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3
FROM Table1
GROUP BY Col1, Col2, Col3