Convert DateTime SQL - sql

I need to get only date and hours from datetime field. How do I do that?
My query:
select ImpFile, convert(nvarchar,ImpDate,21) as ImpDate
from nol_artikula_izmaina
The output from this query:
What I need is that it only shows me the date and the hour for example the field ImpDate should look like this: 2012-05-11 14:00:00:000 and 2012-05-11 16:00:00:000
Is that possible?

This works by getting the number of [whole] hours between "date 0" and ImpDate, then adding that to "date 0".
It's very similar in principle to removing the time (which gets the number of [whole] days) and can be used to "truncate" to any date part (though for seconds or smaller, you may need to use a different "floor" date than 0 to avoid an overflow).
SELECT ImpFile, DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh, 0, ImpDate), 0)
FROM nol_artikula_izmaina

Select using datepart.


Query data from previous day when month/year changes

In a SQL Server query, I am currently using the clause
DAY(trade_date) = DAY(GETDATE()) - 1
AND MONTH(trade_date) = MONTH(GETDATE())
AND YEAR(trade_date) = YEAR(GETDATE())
to query my data from the previous day.
It is working fine right now but my question is if, for example, on 8/1/2021, SQL Server will try to get data from 8/0/2021 or if it will know to get data from 7/31/2021.
If this query won't work what could I use instead? Thanks!
I would recommend using proper date comparison logic - instead of breaking it down to day, month and year. Also, it is recommended to use proper date arithmetic functions like DATEADD instead of just - 1 on your date values (never sure what that -1 stands for: minus one day? Week? Month? Hour?).
And lastly - I would also recommend using SYSDATETIME() instead of GETDATE() since the latter always returns a DATETIME datatype - which should be on its way out, and you should use DATE (if you don't need to time portion), or DATETIME2(n) (if you do need the time portion) since those are more efficient and have fewer limitations compared to DATETIME.
If your trade_date is a DATE column (as it probably should be), just use:
trade_date = DATEADD(DAY, -1, SYSDATETIME())
and if it's not a DATE - just cast it to a date as needed:

How to truncate a date to the first day of the month in Snowflake?

I am not able to find any good conversion code to get 2014-02-17 into 2014-02-01 without having to use concatenation and a ton of formatting.
I wonder if someone can help me find a good command to achieve this. Thanks!
Snowflake supports date_trunc() for datatypes DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP:
SELECT DATE_TRUNC(month, CURRENT_DATE()) AS first_day_of_month;
This is another option:
Sounds like you're working with strings. If that's the case and they'll always be in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd', you can just take the first 8 characters and add '01':
left(MyStringValue, 8) + '01'
If you're working with date fields, I like the trick of doing datediff to get the months from 0, then use dateadd with 0 to get back to the first of the month:
dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, MyDateValue), 0)

Convert time in SQL to 12 hour format WITH seconds on

I have a script that I am using to populate a time dimension table and I would like to have a column for the time in 12 hour format.
I know this can be done by doing something along the lines of
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(15),[FullTime],100)
Where [FullTime] is a column containing a TIME field in HH:MM:SS format.
But this gives the following result 2:30pm and I would like 2:30:47PM, note the inclusion of seconds.
I know I could build this up using substrings etc. but I wondered if there was a prettier way of doing it.
CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [FullTime], 108) 'hh:mi:ss'
Taken from here
This will give you a column 'today' followed by the time value you seek 'hh:mi:ss'
If having also milliseconds is not a problem for you, you can use
Declare #tstTime datetime
set #tstTime = GetDate()
,CONCAT(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(26), #tstTime, 109),1,20),RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(26), #tstTime, 109),2))

Using Dates in SQL Server 2012 Query

I'm using SQL Server 2012 and I need to write a query that will extract data greater than a particular date. The date field is called 'CreatedOn" and dates are recorded in this format "2014-08-18 17:02:57.903".
Currently, the date part of my query stands as follows:
WHERE CreatedOn > '2014-08-18'
Problem is extracted data includes those of '2014-08-18'. It's like the > (greater than) is acting like >= (greater than or equal)!
How should I write my query if I need all data, say greater than '2014-08-18'?
Try the following condition. The problem is that 2014-08-18 is really 2014-08-18 00:00:00 (includes the hour), so any date time in that day will be greater.
WHERE CreatedOn >= '2014-08-19'
'2014-08-18' actually means '2014-08-18 00:00:00'
So if you do not want 18th you should put either '2014-08-19' or specify the hours you want your date to be bigger of.
As the others have said it is actually translating to CreatedOn > 2014-08-18 00:00:00
Instead try converting your datetime field to a short ate and compare those.
The 126 in Convert maps to the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm format.
WHERE CONVERT(char(10), CreatedOn,126) > '2014-08-18'
It sounds like when you're saying you want records "greater than '2014-08-18' you actually mean "records that occurred past 2014-08-18 23:59:59.999999" - you have to take into account time when working with dates, unless the time is otherwise removed (which in your sample data it was not.
You could do something like the following:
declare #gtDate datetime
set #gtDate = dateadd(d, 1, convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10), '2014-08-18', 101)))
WHERE CreatedOn >= #gtDate
Here we're taking your '2014-08-18', convert it to a varchar containing only the date (to help in case '2014-08-18' is ever '2014-08-18 12:00:00 as an example)
Then we convert the varchar back to a date, and add a day to it. In the end the statement says
Give me records that occured on 2014-08-19 or greater
Here's a fiddle demonstrating!6/90465/1
Note that we have 4 rows of data potential
insert into sampleData (Created)
select '2014-08-17'
union all select '2014-08-18'
union all select '2014-08-18 12:00:00'
union all select '2014-08-19'
union all select '2014-08-19 15:00:00'
only the bottom 2 rows (2014-08-19 and 2014-08-19 15:00:00) would be returned

How do you extract just date from datetime in T-Sql?

I am running a select against a datetime column in SQL Server 2005. I can select only the date from this datetime column?
Best way is:
SELECT DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, #ADate), 0)
This is because internally, SQL Server stores all dates as two integers, of which the first one is the ****number of days*** since 1 Jan 1900. (the second one is the time portion, stored as the number of seconds since Midnight. (seconds for SmallDateTimes, or milleseconds for DateTimes)
Using the above expression is better because it avoids all conversions, directly reading and accessing that first integer in a dates internal representation without having to perform any processing... the two zeroes in the above expression (which represent 1 Jan 1900), are also directly utilized w/o processing or conversion, because they match the SQL server internal representation of the date 1 jan 1900 exactly as presented (as an integer)..
*NOTE. Actually, the number of date boundaries (midnights) you have to cross to get from the one date to the other.
Yes, by using the convert function. For example:
select getdate(), convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)
----------------------- ----------
2010-05-21 13:43:23.117 2010-05-21
You can use the functions:
Also the Datepart() function might be of some use:
SET #dToday = CONVERT(nvarchar(20), GETDATE(), 101)
SELECT #dToday AS Today
This returns today's date at 12:00am : '2010-05-21 00:00:00.000'
Then you can use the #dToday variable in a query as needed
CONVERT (date, '2022-18-01')
I don't know why the others recommend it with varchar(x) tbh.