Zooming in and out in Grid, Images on WinRT (Metro style app) - xaml

I'm trying to implement something in my app, I need to show an image, and let the user pinch in and out of the images.
I think its possible using the ScrollViewer, but I couldnt get it to work, help?

I hate to oversimplify this, but the WinRT XAML ScrollViewer has gesture manipulation built in.
You can see what I mean here. This might not be what you want. But it's sure a simple approach and might fit a certain % of scenarios. Maybe even yours.
Controls that incorporate a ScrollViewer in compositing often set a value for ZoomMode in the default template and starting visual states, and it is this templated value that you will typically start with. Controls with a ScrollViewer as part of their composition typically use template binding such that setting the attached property at the level of the control will change the scroll behavior of the ScrollViewer part within the control. Otherwise, it may be necessary to replace the template in order to change the scroll behavior of a ScrollViewer part.

Check out Morten Nielsen's article on Building A Multi-Touch Photo Viewer Control. It's for Silverlight/Windows Phone, but if you just enable manipulations on the image and change a few types in manipulation events - it should work great.
A simple solution that might be enough for you is to just put the image in a ScrollViewer, although to see it working - you need a touch screen or run it in a simulator (use the pinch tool, then drag and scroll on the image to zoom in/out).
You can also zoom it with code:
Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundBrush}">
Source="/Assets/SplashScreen.png" />
public BlankPage()
myScrollViewer.ZoomMode = ZoomMode.Enabled; // default
private async void Test()
while (true)
for (double x = 0; x < 2 * Math.PI; x += Math.PI / 30)
await Task.Delay(1000 / 30);
float factor = (float)(1.0 + Math.Sin(x) / 10);


How to switching between InkCanvas and Canvas in UWP

I'm struggling with new UWP InkCanvas for my apps.If you are familiar with the new InkCanvas in UWP, I would truly appreciate your help.
I have a UWP apps need to switching between InkCanvas and Canvas, which I wish to use InkCanvas for Drawing, Canvas for creating Contents such as RichEditbox, Image, etc...
My XAML is below
<Grid Margin="100,0,100,0" Background="White" x:Name="MainGrid" PointerMoved="MyCanvas_PointerMoved" PointerReleased="MyCanvas_PointerReleased" PointerPressed="MyCanvas_PointerPressed">
<Canvas x:Name="MyCanvas" />
<InkCanvas x:Name="inkCanvas" Canvas.ZIndex="0" />
<!-- End "Step 2: Use InkCanvas to support basic inking" -->
I tried to make my Canvas ZIndex greater than InkCanvas by using
private void AppBarButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if(Canvas.GetZIndex(MyCanvas) > 1)
Canvas.SetZIndex(MyCanvas, 0);
Canvas.SetZIndex(MyCanvas, 5);
However I can't make my Canvas come to the front, the InkCanvas keep Capturing my stroke if I Draw on it instead.
Does anyone know how to switch the Canvas and InkCanvas in my Grid without changing the Visibility of my InkCanvas to Collapsed?
By default the Canvas background is empty (null), so it will not capture pointer input and will pass it through to the InkCanvas.
If you want to prevent this, you could set its Background to Transparent.
However, when you start putting some controls on the Canvas itself, they should capture the pen input and not let it through to the InkCanvas.

Image translation is clipped (how to prevent)

How can I force a UI object to NOT be clipped when it's partly outside the screen. I have an image that doesn't fit inside the screen completely. When I drag it (TranslateY) it moves like it's supposed to but the problem is that the part that was outside the screen doesn't appear so the image is abruptly cut. The only part of the image that is visibly moving is the part that originally fit to the screen.
Ps. Please do not recommend scollviewer as this is about a gesture to do a specific thing on the UI and ScrollViewer is not ok for that.
This is basically the XAML (The image is twice the height of the display)
<Grid x:Name="GestureScreen" ManipulationMode="TranslateY" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5">
<Image x:Name="GestureImage" CacheMode="BitMapCache" Source="Assets/bg/draggable.png" />
This is the C# (not really relevant, but still)
void GestureScreen_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
move.Y += e.Delta.Translation.Y;
Specify a row and column for the image which directly specifies Auto for both. That way the image will size to its actual size and not the current size of the * defaults of the screen size. Hence you will have the whole image as dragged.

Scrollviewer in Metro app - scroll by touch and handle other gesture

I have page with Grid and Scrollviewer:
<Grid x:name="mainGrid">
<ScrollViewer Name="mainScroller" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollMode="Enabled">
I want make gesture handling for vertical touch move (move up with finger), but I want preserve scrolling mainScroller content by horizontal touch move too.
I tried add for mainGrid ManipulationCompleted="Grid_ManipulationCompleted":
private void Grid_ManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedRoutedEventArgs e)
if (e.Cumulative.Translation.Y < -50 && e.Velocities.Linear.Y<1000)
...make some action...
Final effect is that, if I use ManipulationMode="TranslateY" for mainGrid, then vertical touch move works, but horizontal scrolling not, and when I not use it, horizontal scrolling works, but vertical touch move not. Is it possible to make both this features functional?
Sorry for my English.
It might help to understand your scenario, but in general you should not create new gestures that could potentially conflict with built-in gestures, like you are proposing.
John Wiese
Microsoft - Sr. Technical Evangelist

Windows 8 ads showing up on top of settings flyout

First, a screenshot:
The title and image explain it pretty well. I have an ad set on the right side of my app's main group view (very very similar to the default grid template in this example), and when I pull up my About screen, the ad bleeds through.
The About screen is a user control set on a SettingsFlyout that I borrowed from some code samples handed out at a dev-camp (below).
class SettingsFlyout
private const int _width = 346;
private Popup _popup;
public void ShowFlyout(UserControl control)
_popup = new Popup();
_popup.Closed += OnPopupClosed;
Window.Current.Activated += OnWindowActivated;
_popup.IsLightDismissEnabled = true;
_popup.Width = _width;
_popup.Height = Window.Current.Bounds.Height;
control.Width = _width;
control.Height = Window.Current.Bounds.Height;
_popup.Child = control;
_popup.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, Window.Current.Bounds.Width - _width);
_popup.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, 0);
_popup.IsOpen = true;
private void OnWindowActivated(object sender, Windows.UI.Core.WindowActivatedEventArgs e)
if (e.WindowActivationState == Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindowActivationState.Deactivated)
_popup.IsOpen = false;
void OnPopupClosed(object sender, object e)
Window.Current.Activated -= OnWindowActivated;
And, because I know it will be asked for, here is the line of XAML defining the ad on my page:
<ads:AdControl Visibility="{Binding IsTrial, Source={StaticResource License}, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="2" x:Name="LandscapeAdControl" ApplicationId="test_client" AdUnitId="Image_160x600" Width="160" Height="600" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Right"/>
So, why is this happening, and how do I prevent it?
I am still on Consumer Preview b/c I have a show-and-tell Monday and didn't have time to work on migrating the OS on this box without risking being non-functional when I am showing this. As such, upgrading might fix it if it's a bug.
1.a. Update I have upgraded to Release Preview and have the same issue.
Is there some fancy ad-hiding-but-still-getting-impressions prevention technique at play here? Perhaps it thinks I am trying to cover the ad with a ui element and still get credit for it's impression without the user seeing it. If so, how do I manage this entirely legit use case?
Spoiler Alert: ZIndex isn't set anywhere.
It presents the same problem with overlaying the AppBar (top or bottom). I used the Opened and Closed events on the AppBar instance to hide/show the ad. This means the AdControl is bound to a local page property instead of binding directly to a ViewModel. Like you said, it's unfortunate but it works.
private void bottomAppBar_Opened(object sender, object e)
if (App.ViewModel.IsTrialVisibility == Visibility.Visible)
this.DefaultViewModel["AdVisibility"] = Visibility.Collapsed;
// else do nothing as we don't want to show it since it's not a trial
private void bottomAppBar_Closed(object sender, object e)
if(App.ViewModel.IsTrialVisibility == Visibility.Visible)
this.DefaultViewModel["AdVisibility"] = Visibility.Visible;
// else do nothing as it's not shown in the first place (not a trial)
There is a property on AdControl named: UseStaticAnchor
Setting this property to true will fix both performance problems with scrolling, as well as the AdControl drawing on top of everything else.
Original answer - this method is now outdated:
The AdControl has two methods on it: Suspend() and Resume().
Whenever you open a popup window or AppBar, you will want to call Suspend(), and Resume() when it is closed again.
I believe under the covers, the AdControl uses a WebView to display the ads. For whatever reason, a WebView will always display on top of everything else in your application. The fix for this is to temporarily disable the WebView, and instead display a WebViewBrush.
(This technique is described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/windows.ui.xaml.controls.webviewbrush) So when you call Suspend() and Resume(), the AdControl is doing this under the covers.
What I've ended up doing is creating a UserControl (named SuspendingAdControl) that simply contains an AdControl and can be used anywhere in the app. Then whenever a window is opened or closed, I use Caliburn Micro's EventAggregator to publish an event. The SuspendingAdControl will subscribe and handle these events, and then appropriately call AdControl.Suspend() or Resume().
I ended up crafting some code to listen to an event on the flyout when it closed so I could high/show the ads manually. It's unfortunate that I had to do a workaround, but it works.
None of this is now necessary, as the flyout in 8.1 now is at the top of the Z-order.
I am still on Consumer Preview b/c I have a show-and-tell Monday and
didn't have time to work on migrating the OS on this box without
risking being non-functional when I am showing this. As such,
upgrading might fix it if it's a bug.
I haven't used any advertisements in my own metro applications yet, so I haven't seen any problems like this occurring. I'm using the Release Preview, and was using Consumer Preview prior to May 2nd.
There were some significant changes between the Consumer Preview and Release Preview. As such, upgrading might fix this, or it may break something else.
You're going to have to upgrade eventually. I'd suggest trying that first before you attempt to solve the problem.

ViewFinder Orientation With Windows Phone 7 Mango PhotoCamera

I am using the PhotoCamera control with the Windows Phone 7 Mango Beta 2 development tools.
The "ViewFinder" for the camera control is a rectangle object filled with a VideoBrush, as in the example here:
My problem is that when I run the app on my phone, the ViewFinder image is always showing up rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise. This is the case no matter how the phone is positioned.
Does anyone know how I can orient the ViewFinder correctly?
Yes, the orientation is something you'll need to manage with a Relative Transform:
<!--Camera viewfinder >-->
<Rectangle Grid.Row="1"
<VideoBrush x:Name="previewBrush">
<CompositeTransform x:Name="previewTransform"
CenterY=".5" />
Then you can use the PhotoCamera class to determine how you want to rotate it:
double cameraRotation = theCamera.Orientation;
// Use the orientation to determine how to transform
// the camera preview
previewTransform.Rotation = theCamera.Orientation + 90.0; // Landscape?
Adding more clarification to the answer: One thing the documentation describes that isn't mentioned here is that the relative transform is adjusted in the OnOrientationChanged event. Another difference is that the relative transform isn't specified in the XAML.
In the docs (How to: Create a Base Camera Application for Windows Phone), the rectangle is filled with the videobrush as follows:
<!--Camera viewfinder >-->
<Rectangle Width="640" Height="480"
<VideoBrush x:Name="viewfinderBrush" />
Then, in the code-behind, the OnOrientationChanged event rotates the rectangle based on orientation:
// Ensure that the viewfinder is upright in LandscapeRight.
protected override void OnOrientationChanged(OrientationChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
new CompositeTransform() { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 180 };
viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
new CompositeTransform() { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 0 };
The code in this topic (which corresponds to the sample) is configured to only use landscape orientation, maybe this is why you're only getting landscape images(?) At the beginning, the following attributes are added to the phone:PhoneApplicationPage element in MainPage.xaml:
SupportedOrientations="Landscape" Orientation="LandscapeLeft"
If you are still getting images orientated incorrectly, sync your images to your PC and see if they're oriented correctly while viewing them there (on your PC). It could be a bug with the Beta that is causing the image to not appear correctly on the device.
Hope that helps. Cheers
You do not need to do that much code, assuming you are in portrait mode, just call:
= new CompositeTransform() { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 90 };
But of course, whatever orientation you use for the viewfinder, the resulting image IS still in landscape! Does anybody have an idea how to best fix this?
yes, I deleted the OnOrientationChanged-Eventhandler and just set the transform. In Xaml of course I changed the orientation to portrait.
Now, the viewfinder shows portrait and the page is portrait as well. But the image is saved as thumbnail to the camera roll, so I can see directly on device that the captured image has still landscape orientation.
Would be cool, if someone could verify that this is a Beta bug, or if we have just done some stupid code here ;)