Placing two inline <div>s side by side in DTCoreText in objective C? - objective-c

I have used DTCoreText (through OCPDFGenerator) in objective C for converting HTML to PDF. Everything is working fine except placing two divs side by side.
(I cannot use tables as DTCoreText does not support table rendering as of now - )
Left Right
There seems no way to do so as no matter what attributes we pass in style , they always clutter together as internally it is merged as single text.
Code that I am using is -
<div style='float:left;position:relative;width:100%;'>
<span style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;'>Left</span>
<span style='position:absolute;top:0;right:0;'>Right</span>
Output in rendered pdf file is (though html is correctly rendered on web page, float:left works too in similar way, so correctness of HTML is not a doubt) -
This issue extends for maintaining many such pre-defined spaced text tabs side by side.
A workaround solution was to append spaces to first text string till it matches the passed width , but this gives an issue in case of multi-line text, so I could not go ahead with it.

You probably should create another NSAttributedString and place it where you want. It seems like DTCoreText doesn't support multiple column layouts so you have to do this using objective-c (not html).


Change color of 'less than' and 'greater than' from around tags in HTML with intellij without affecting vue templates

we are looking at a lot of HTML usually.
Now, <, > and </ around the tags are splattered everywhere. But unless there is a syntax error, those really have no value. And syntax errors are highlighted.
So instead of looking at:
I would prefer to look at, note you can change this in
Settings -> Editor -> Color scheme -> HTML -> HTML Code
the problem is if I change it this way, the vue templates get affected as well and all condition operators become gray too like the <>
notice all and in
is there a different way to do it?
This is a perfect case of using language injections
If you don't have explicit vue.js support already set up (or if it doesn't handle it), you can define language injections to highlight that area as javascript expressions.
Shows how a dummy javascript context can be set up for arbitrary xml attributes.
In this (quite dated) image, you can see the Prefix is set to a random window variable object, and the suffix ends the object, this simply wraps the code in the xml attribute with something roughly resembling the correct context for the javascript.
The data-bind xml attribute in this case, would be swapped out for v-if v-else or any other vue attributes that take a binding that looks similar to javascript.
If this fails to work, it sounds like an IntelliJ bug which should be reported.
You can try if rainbow brackets plugin works for you.
It changes the color of brackets and gives each pair of opening and closing bracket a unique colour to make it easier to identify which belongs together.

vscode text coloring inside HTML script tag

I would like JS <script type="xx"> content to be colored nicely inside my HTML document.
Right now, when adding the type to a script tag, the element text becomes uniform white, as seen below.
Of course, the JS code is colored nicely within the HTML if removing the type attribute.
Is there some setting I can modify to make this work?
No setting to modify. This is a known issue. From the thread it looks like syntax highlighting was working at one point for script tags with the type attribute but was lost.
Hopefully it's fixed soon. I'm seeing the same thing on VSCode 1.13.1.

dompdf absolte positioned elemnts pagebreak

I have a dynamically generated page made up of some divs and tables and other elements inside those divs, all absolutely positioned. The lower divs can potentially have more contents in them, like comments/description, so they'll be longer then a page.
The problem is dompdf doesn't insert a page break, it just spans till end of first page and the rest of my html gets cut off...
Obviously page-break-before/after allways is not going to work since the content is dynamic, it may or may not span multiple pages depending on every entry.
Does anyone know of a simpler way to make it behave, apart from measuring content height, inserting page breaks with JS before html is generated and sent over to dompdf?
The issue was a large div containing all elements with in the body. Dompdf is not able to comprehend div to break into pieces. Once that was gone it arranged separate elements within the body tag just fine.
The reason is that dompdf doesn't insert an auto page break in elements with position:absolute. Here's the bug report: Auto page break in "position:absolute" elements not working
So without knowing the details of your CSS, I would say that the problem is not about "breaking the div into pieces" but about treating absolute as literally absolute on this very page.

Objective-C: Formatting text in a string object within a plist

I am a new objective-c/iPhone developer and am wondering if there is any way to apply formatting to text within a string in a plist?
I have a plist that is an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a few string objects, some of which I would like to contain lists and paragraphs of information. I am calling these strings and displaying them via labels in the UI.
Similar to using <li> and </li> or <b> and </b> in html, I would like to be able to specify parts of a string to be formatted when displayed as a bulleted list, bold, italic, etc.. How could this be accomplished?
With the help of some kind users on this site, I was able to embed the <li> and <b> tags within the xml plist file, however this just resulted in literally printing the tags on the screen.
Thanks in advance for your help!!
It doesn't sound like the fact that your strings are in a plist has much to do with the issue. You'll be storing them that way regardless. But if you want to render HTML-like formatting inside your UI, you have two choices:
Parse the data into an
NSAttributedString, which is
available starting in iOS 3.2. I
believe you'll have to figure out
how to get from the HTML
representation to the right
attributes in the string.
Use a UIWebView and render your HTML directly. This sounds heavyweight, esp for labels, and it probably would be, but you could try.
(Gist here is that there isn't a trivial answer to your question-- the Cocoa frameworks don't natively speak much HTML, and intra-string formatting isn't something that's necessarily easily done.)
For HTML markup to work, you'll need to display the text in a UIWebView, not a UILabel. Check out the UIWebView documentation here.
Update: In response to the other answer, I don't believe UILabel will correctly display an NSAttributedString even on iOS 4. Apple's recommended approach to doing styled text is to use a UIWebView (or draw the text yourself using Core Text, which is significantly more complicated).

Alter Rendered Page in Webbrowser Control

is there a way to alter the rendered HTML page in webbrowser control? What i need is to alter the rendered HTML Page in my webbrowser control to highlight selected text.
What i did is use a webclient and use the webclient.Downloadstring() to get the source code of the page, Highlight specific text then write it again in webbrowser. problm is, images along with that page does not appear since they are rendered as relative path.
Is there a way to solve this problem? Is there a way to detect images in a webbrowser control?
Not sure why you need to change the HTML to lighlight text, why not use IHighlightRenderingServices?
To specify a base url when loading HTML string you need to use the document's IPersistMoniker interface and specify a url in your IMoniker implementation.
I suggest you do it a different way, download and replace the text using the webbrowser control, this way your links will work. All you do is replace whatever is in the Search TextBox with the following, say the search term is "hello", then you replace all occurances of hello with the following:
<font color="yellow">hello</font>
Of course, this HTML can be replaced with the SPAN tag (which is an inline version of the DIV tag, so your lines wont break using SPAN, but will using DIV). But in either case, both these tags have a style attribute, where you can use CSS to change its color or a zillion other properties that are CSS compatible, like follows:
<SPAN style="background-color: yellow;">hello</SPAN>
Of course, there are a zillion other ways to change color using HTML, feel free to search the web for more if you want.
Now, you can use the .Replace() function in dotnet to do this (replace the searched text), it's very easy. So, you can Get the Whole document as a string using .DocumentText, and once all occurances are replaced (using .Replace()), you can set it back to .DocumentText (so, you're using .DocumentText to get the original string, and setting .DocumentText with the replaced string). Of course, you probably don't want to do this to items inside the actual HTML, so you can just loop through all the elements on the page by doing a For Each loop over all elements like below:
For Each someElement as HTMLElement in WebBrowser1.Document.All
And each element will have a .InnerText/.InnerHTML and .OuterText/.OuterHTML that you can Get (read from) and Set (overwrite with replaced text).
Of course, for your needs, you'd probably just want to be replacing and overwriting the .InnerText and/or the .OuterText.
If you need more help, let me know. In either case, i'd like to know how it worked out for you anyway, or if there is anything more any of us can do to add value to your problem. Cheers.