Query Returning SUM of Quantity or 0 if no Quantity for a Product at a given date - sql

I have the following 4 tables:
ProductID GroupID
Chair Home
Fork Table
Knife Table
Sofa Home
DateID ProductID Quantity
01/05/2012 Chair 2
01/05/2012 Sofa 1
01/05/2012 Fork 10
01/05/2012 Knife 10
02/05/2012 Sofa 1
02/05/2012 Chair 3
03/05/2012 Sofa 2
03/05/2012 Chair 3
I am trying to write a query that returns all Dates in tblDates, all GroupIDs in tblGroups and the total Quantity of items in each GroupID.
I manage to do this but only get Sum(Quantity) for GroupID and DateID that are not null. I would like to get 0 instead. For exemple for the data above, I would like to get a line "02/05/2012 Table 0" as there is no data for any product in "Table" group on 01/05/12.
The SQL query I have so far is:
SELECT tblDates.DateID,
Sum(tblInventory.Quantity) AS SumOfQuantity
FROM (tblGroup
INNER JOIN tblProducts ON tblGroup.GroupID = tblProducts.GroupID)
INNER JOIN (tblDates INNER JOIN tblInventory ON tblDates.DateID = tblInventory.DateID) ON tblProducts.ProductID = tblInventory.ProductID
GROUP BY tblDates.DateID, tblProducts.GroupID;
I reckon I should basically have the same Query on a table different from tblInventory that would list all Products instead of listed products with 0 instead of no line but I am hesitant to do so as given the number of Dates and Products in my database, the query might be too slow.
There is probably a better way to achieve this.

To get all possible Groups and Dates combinations, you'll have to CROSS JOIN those tables. Then you can LEFT JOIN to the other 2 tables:
, d.DateID
, COALESCE(SUM(i.Quantity), 0) AS Quantity
tblDates AS d
tblGroups AS g
tblProducts AS p
tblInventory AS i
ON i.ProductID = p.ProductID
ON p.GroupID = g.GroupID
AND i.DateID = d.DateID
, d.DateID

use the isnull() function. change your query to:
SELECT tblDates.DateID, tblProducts.GroupID,
**ISNULL( Sum(tblInventory.Quantity),0)** AS SumOfQuantity
FROM (tblGroup INNER JOIN tblProducts ON tblGroup.GroupID = tblProducts.GroupID)
INNER JOIN (tblDates INNER JOIN tblInventory ON tblDates.DateID = tblInventory.DateID)
ON tblProducts.ProductID = tblInventory.ProductID
GROUP BY tblDates.DateID, tblProducts.GroupID;

You don't say which database you're using but what I'm familiar with is Oracle.
Obviously, if you inner join all tbales, you will not get the rows containing nulls. If you use an outer join to the inventory table you also have a problem because the groupid column is not listed in tblinventory and you can only outer join to one table.
I'd say you have two choices. Use a function or have a duplicate of the groupid column in the inventory table.
So, a nicer but slower solution:
create or replace
function totalquantity( d date, g varchar2 ) return number as
result number;
select nvl(sum(quantity), 0 )
into result
from tblinventory i, tblproducts p
where i.productid = p.productid
and i.dateid = d
and p.groupid = g;
return result;
select dateid, groupid, totalquantity( dateid, groupid )
from tbldates, tblgroups
Or, if you include the groupid column in the inventory table. (You can still quarantee integrity using constraints)
select d.dateid, i.groupid, nvl(i.quantity, 0)
from tbldates d, tblinventory i
where i.dateid(+) = d.dateid
group by d.dateid, g.groupid
Hope this helps,


Most popular pairs of shops for workers from each company

I've got 2 tables, one with sales and one with companies:
Sales Table
Transaction_Id Shop_id Sale_date Client_ID
92356 24234 11.09.2018 12356
92345 32121 11.09.2018 32121
94323 24321 11.09.2018 21231
94278 45321 11.09.2018 42123
Company table
Client_ID Company_name
12345 ABC
13322 ABC
32321 BCD
22221 BCD
What I want to achieve is distinct count of Clients from each Company for each pair of shops(Clients who had at least 1 transaction in both of shops) :
Shop_Id_1 Shop_id_2 Company_name Count(distinct Client_id)
12356 12345 ABC 31
12345 14278 ABC 23
14323 12345 BCD 32
14278 12345 BCD 43
I think that I have to use self join, but my queries even with filter for one week is killing DB, any thoughts on that? I'm using Microsoft SQL server 2012.
I think this is a self-join and aggregation, with a twist. The twist is that you want to include the company in each sales record, so it can be used in the self-join:
with sc as (
select s.*, c.company_name
from sales s join
companies c
on s.client_id = c.client_id
select sc1.shop_id, sc2.shop_id, sc1.company_name, count(distinct sc1.client_id)
from sc sc1 join
sc sc2
on sc1.client_id = sc2.client_id and
sc1.company_name = sc2.company_name
group by sc1.shop_id, sc2.shop_id, sc1.company_name;
I think there are some issues with your question. I interpreted it as such that the company table contains the shop ID's, not the ClienId's.
First you can create a solution to get the shops as rows for each company. Here I chose a maximum of 5 shops per company. Don't forget the semicolon in the previous statement before the cte's.
FROM Company AS C
C2.ShopID AS ShopID_2,
C3.ShopID AS ShopID_3,
C4.ShopID AS ShopID_4,
C5.ShopID AS ShopID_5,
INTO ShopsByCompany
LEFT JOIN CTE_Comp AS C2 ON C1.CompanyName= C2.CompanyName AND RowNumb = 2
LEFT JOIN CTE_Comp AS C2 ON C1.CompanyName= C3.CompanyName AND RowNumb = 3
LEFT JOIN CTE_Comp AS C2 ON C1.CompanyName= C4.CompanyName AND RowNumb = 4
LEFT JOIN CTE_Comp AS C2 ON C1.CompanyName= C5.CompanyName AND RowNumb = 5
WHERE C1.RowNumb = 1
After that, in a few steps, I think you could get the desired result:
WITH ClientsPerShop AS
COUNT (DISTINCT ClientID) AS TotalClients
FROM Sales
, ClienstsPerCompany AS
SELECT CompanyName,
SUM (TotalClients) AS ClientsPerComp
FROM Company AS C
GROUP BY CompanyName
FROM ClienstsPerCompany AS CPA
INNER JOIN ShopsByCompany AS SBC ON SBC.CompanyName = CPA.CompanyName
Hopefully this will bring you closer to your solution, best of luck!

Selecting from table with categories of people

I created a database in ms sql , in the database I have three category of persons namely staff, customers, suppliers whom I stored in different tables create serial unique id for each.
Now these persons id are stored under person_id and a column names person type which stores whether its a staff, custimer or supplier in the transaction table, The problem lies in selecting the records from the transaction table like this pseudo code
Select t.*,s.na as staff,sp.name as supplier, c.name as customer
From Trans t
left join Staff s on s.id = t.pid
left join Suppliers sp on sp.id = t.pid
left join Customers c on c.id = t.pid
This returns one row, instead of at least 3 or more, How do I solve this problem
My trans table
person_id Person_type Trans_id
1 staff 1
1 customer 2
2 customer 3
3 suppler 4
1 staff 5
Expected output
person_name Trans_id
james 1
mark 2
dan 3
jude 4
james 5
Staff, Customers, and suppliers are stored in their different tables
That's what the Join does, combine data from multiple tables into one result row. If you want to "keep the rows", not combine them, you can use UNION
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Staff s on s.id = t.pid
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Suppliers sp on sp.id = t.pid
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Customers c on c.id = t.pid
This will get you the multiple rows you want BUT still not sure you have defined it right. I see you are only taking columns from Trans, so you're not getting any data from the other tables. And you're doing left outer joins so the other tables won't affect the selection. So I think it's just that same as selecting from just Trans.
If what you want is data from Trans where there is corresponding entry in the other tables, then do the UNION, but also change the outer joins to inner.

How to ensure outer join with filter still returns all desired rows?

Imagine I have two tables in a DB like so:
product_id name
1 Hat
2 Gloves
3 Shoes
product_id store_id sales
1 1 20
2 2 10
Now I want to do a query to list ALL products, and their sales, for store_id = 1. My first crack at it would be to use a left join, and filter to the store_id I want, or a null store_id, in case the product didn't get any sales at store_id = 1, since I want all the products listed:
SELECT name, coalesce(sales, 0)
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN sales s ON p.product_id = s.product_id
WHERE store_id = 1 or store_id is null;
Of course, this doesn't work as intended, instead I get:
name sales
Hat 20
Shoes 0
No Gloves! This is because Gloves did get sales, just not at store_id = 1, so the WHERE clause has filtered them out.
How then can I get a list of ALL products and their sales for a specific store?
Here are some queries to create the test tables:
create temp table test_products as
select 1 as product_id, 'Hat' as name;
insert into test_products values (2, 'Gloves');
insert into test_products values (3, 'Shoes');
create temp table test_sales as
select 1 as product_id, 1 as store_id, 20 as sales;
insert into test_sales values (2, 2, 10);
UPDATE: I should note that I am aware of this solution:
SELECT name, case when store_id = 1 then sales else 0 end as sales
FROM test_products p
LEFT JOIN test_sales s ON p.product_id = s.product_id;
however, it is not ideal... in reality I need to create this query for a BI tool in such a way that the tool can simply add a where clause to the query and get the desired results. Inserting the required store_id into the correct place in this query is not supported by this tool. So I'm looking for other options, if there are any.
Add the WHERE condition to the LEFT JOIN clause to prevent that rows go missing.
SELECT p.name, coalesce(s.sales, 0)
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN sales s ON p.product_id = s.product_id
AND s.store_id = 1;
Edit for additional request:
I assume you can manipulate the SELECT items? Then this should do the job:
SELECT p.name
,CASE WHEN s.store_id = 1 THEN coalesce(s.sales, 0) ELSE NULL END AS sales
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN sales s USING (product_id)
Also simplified the join syntax in this case.
I'm not near SQL, but give this a shot:
SELECT name, coalesce(sales, 0)
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN sales s ON p.product_id = s.product_id AND store_id = 1
You don't want a where on the whole query, just on your join

SQL Syntax Issue with getting sum

Ok I have two tables.
Table IDAssoc has the columnsbill_id, year, area_id.
Table Bill has the columns bill_id, year, main_id, and amount_due.
I'm trying to get the sum of the amount_due column from the bill table for each of the associated area_ids in the IDAssoc table.
I'm doing a select statement to select the sum and joining on the bill_ids. How can I set this up so it will have a single row for each of the associated bills in each area_id from the assoc table. There may be three or four bill_ids associated with each area_id and I need those summed for each and returned so I can use this select in another statement. I have a group by set up for the area_id but it still is returning each row and not summing them up for each area_id. I have the year and main_id specified already in the where clause to return the data that I want, but I can't get the sum to work properly. Sorry I'm still learning and I'm not sure how to do this. Thanks!
Edit- Basically the query I'm trying so far is basically just like the one posted below:
select a.area_id, sum(b.amount_due)
from IDAssoc a
inner join Bill b
on a.bill_id = b.bill_id
where Bill.year = 2006 and bill.bill_id = 11111
These are just arbitrary numbers.
The data this is returning is like this:
amount_due - area_id
.05 1003
.15 1003
.11 1003
65 1004
55 1004
I need one row returned for each area_id with the amount_due summed. The area_id is only in the assoc table and not in the bill table.
select a.area_id, sum(b.amount_due)
from IDAssoc a
inner join Bill b
on a.bill_id = b.bill_id
where b.year = 2006 and b.bill_id = 11111
group by a.area_id
You might want to change inner join to left join if one IDAssoc can have many or no Bill:
select a.area_id, coalesce(sum(b.amount_due),0)
from IDAssoc a
left join Bill b
on a.bill_id = b.bill_id
where b.year = 2006 and b.bill_id = 11111
group by a.area_id
You are missing the GROUP BY clause:
SELECT a.area_id, SUM(b.amount_due) TotalAmount
FROM IDAssoc a
ON a.bill_id = b.bill_id
GROUP BY a.area_id

In SQL how do I write a query to return 1 record from a 1 to many relationship?

Let's say I have a Person table and a Purchases table with a 1 to many relationship. I want to run a single query that returns this person and just their latest purchase. This seems easy but I just can't seem to get it.
select p.*, pp.*
from Person p
left outer join (
select PersonID, max(PurchaseDate) as MaxPurchaseDate
from Purchase
group by PersonID
) ppm
left outer join Purchase pp on ppm.PersonID = pp.PersonID
and ppm.MaxPurchaseDate = pp.PurchaseDate
where p.PersonID = 42
This query will also show the latest purchase for all users if you remove the WHERE clause.
Assuming you have something like a PurchaseDate column and want a particular person (SQL Server):
SELECT TOP 1 P.Name, P.PersonID, C.PurchaseDescription FROM Persons AS P
INNER JOIN Purchases AS C ON C.PersonID = P.PersonID
WHERE P.PersonID = #PersonID
ORDER BY C.PurchaseDate DESC
Many Databases preform the "Limit or Top" command in different ways. Here is a reference http://troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms/#select-limit and below are a few samples
If using SQL Server
FROM Person p
INNER JOIN Purchases pc on pc.PersonID = P.PersonID
Order BY pc.PurchaseDate DESC
Should work on MySQL
FROM Person p
INNER JOIN Purchases pc on pc.PersonID = P.PersonID
Order BY pc.PurchaseDate DESC
Strictly off the top of my head!...If it's only one record then...
FROM Person p
INNER JOIN Purchases pu
ON p.ID = p.PersonId
ORDER BY pu.OrderDate
WHERE p.ID = *thePersonYouWant*
FROM Person p
FROM Purchases pu
ON pu.PersonID = p.Id
ORDER BY pu.OrderDate
) sq
I think! I haven't got access to a SQL box right now to test it on.
Without knowing your structure at all, or your dbms, you would order the results descending by the purchase date/time, and return only the first joined record.
Try TOP 1 With an order by desc on date. Ex:
id int
id int,
[date] date,
value int
INSERT INTO #Many (id, [date], value)
JOIN #Many M ON O.id = M.id
If you want to select the latest purchase for each person, that would be:
SELECT PE.ID, PE.Name, MAx(PU.pucrhaseDate) FROM Persons AS PE JOIN PURCHASE as PU ON PE.ID = PU.Person_ID
If you want to have all persons also those who have no purchases, you need to use LEFT JOIN.
I think you need one more table called Items for example.
The PERSONS table would uniquely define each person and all their attributes, while the ITEMS table would uniquely define each items and their attributes.
Assume the following:
Persons |Purchases |Items
PerID PerName |PurID PurDt PerID ItemID |ItemID ItemDesc ICost
101 Joe Smith |201 101107 101 301 |301 Laptop 500
|202 101107 101 302 |302 Desktop 699
102 Jane Doe |203 101108 102 303 |303 iPod 199
103 Jason Tut |204 101109 101 304 |304 iPad 499
|205 101109 101 305 |305 Printer 99
One Person Parent may tie to none, one or many Purchase Child.
One Item Parent may tie to none, one or many Purchase Child.
One or more Purchases Children will tie to one Person Parent, and one Item Parent.
select per.PerName as Name
, pur.PurDt as Date
, itm.ItemDesc as Item
, itm.ICost as Cost
from Persons per
, Purchases pur
, Items itm
where pur.PerID = per.PerID -- For that Person
and pur.ItemID = itm.ItemID -- and that Item
and pur.PurDt = -- and the purchase date is
( Select max(lst.PurDt) -- the last date
from Purchases lst -- purchases
where lst.PerID = per.PerID ) -- for that person
This should return:
Name Date Item Cost
Joe Smith 101109 Ipad 499
Joe Smith 101109 Printer 99
Jane Doe 101108 iPod 199