Buddypress Group URLs - buddypress

Buddypress Groups use the following URL format:
Where "group-name" is the name of the group.
I would like to be able to access a group using the group's ID.
For example:
http://domain.com/groups/45 OR
Any help/advance would be appreciated.

I'm not sure why would you need an ID as a slug, but you can change the slug to whatever if you install this plugin: "BuddyPress Edit Group Slug"
hope that helps


How to find an issue with name of the fixed_version_id instead of the id ? (redmine)

I would like to find an issue in Redmine with some criteria (ex: name of the fixed_version_id, project_id, ...) but I still not able to find the syntax.
The issue I would like to find has :
a custom field = 113
an application like BAC
a project_id = 997
a fixed_version_id's name = 221200
I tried this :
But it does not work. Could you tell me if it's possible please ?
I try to find a way to get an issue based on the name of the fixed_version_id instead of its id
With the issue query, you have to provide a version ID. The issue filters can not filter based on other attribites of the version.
You can however use the API to get a list of versions in the project:
Using this list, you can find the ID of your desired version and use this ID in the second request to get the issues for the version.
The APIs are documented on the Redmine wiki at

How to search users in groups and return display names using graph API?

Net core application. I have search box in web application where user can search user belongs to specific group. I am trying as below to search users
var members = await graphClient.Groups["0001b29c-fd90-4ae9-a5a1-h8afe65777e9"].Request().Expand("members").GetAsync();
var usersInGroup = members.Members.ToList();
In the above code I want to apply filter also to list users name starting with. I am struggling to apply filter. Can someone help me to add filters here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you
Please try below API to search users in groups
ConsistencyLevel: eventual

How to show category name of classified listing in social engine

i am working on social engine create a form in admin panel to post ad its display in frontend but when i add category all fields are dispaly but category not show how to show category name on my ad listing..
This is my listing frontend...
This is my form to crete ad..in frontend
This is my category which is add from backend and dispaly in frontend form when you create ad then choose category ...
So please suggest me how to show my category in my ad listing..
Hope the below answer will helps you.
$categoryObject = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('categories', 'classified')->find($classified->category_id)->current();
$categoryName = $categoryObject->category_name;
** In above code $classified is the object of Classified_Model_Classified class. You can also optimize the above code if you want to use the category name only (you need to fetch the category name only).
** I am assuming that your are using the SocialEngine - Classified module and you did not do any modification in given structure by SocialEngine, because in this case the below answer may leads to error.

How to find user's and groups accociated to a particular Content in ektron?

Am am working on ektron 9.0.
Suppose i have a content in workarea, and had permissions to some users and groups.
How can i find the user's and groups associated with that particular content by ektron api?
Any help on this..
Thanks in advance
Try this
var permissionManager = new PermissionManager(ApiAccessMode.Admin);
var criteria = new PermissionCriteria();
criteria.AddFilter(PermissionProperty.ContentId, CriteriaFilterOperator.EqualTo, contentId);
List<UserPermissionData> permissionDataList = permissionManager.GetList(criteria);
The list of UserPermissionData objects contains a UserId property so you can see what users have permission to that content item. More info can be found in Ektron's documentation.

Rally request user story

We are using Rally Agile tool and Im trying to request all User Strories expecting to get list like:
when I use [rally-server-address]/slm/webservice/v2.0/hierarchicalrequirement.js I receive list of:
Maybe I do not understand how to query User Stories clearly... Any help are really appreciated.
Could you elaborate on what is the problem with US12 US43 etc ? Is it the order? If you want the user stories to be ordered by FormattedID, you may specify it using order parameter, &order=FormattedID:
If you want your user stories prefix to be 'S' instead of 'US', Work Product Prefixes can be changed on a workspace level in Setup. Workspace administrator rights are necessary.
Also, when using v2.0 there is no need to have .js in the query.