Force close file on NFS opened by someone else - nfs

Any way this can be done on Linux or Windows where you don't have to be an admin? Maybe if you're the owner of the file you should be able to force it to close if it's opened by someone else?
I am not looking for a way to do it on both, the best way to do it overall is what I'm shooting for.

I believe there is no way to force a client to close the file. NFS v2 and v3 even do not have operations like OPEN and CLOSE. With v4.1 server may recall file layout from a client, but there are no administrative command to trigger that. IOW, you can't do it.


How to Install Things off Command Line in Computer we are SSHed to

so my general problem right now is that I'm SSHing into another computer and would like to download Java, however a lot of what I would need to get things set up can only be accessed, from what I can tell so far, from a download off the web browser. Of course there are likely several solutions to this, such as ways to download the environment and language outside of a web browser, but at the same time I'd like to know the general strategies one would take in downloading new languages and environments on a computer they are SSHed into, or don't have as much utility in its use. Thank you!

How can I easily edit files over an SSH connection where I have little control over the server?

Basically what I want is to have the feel of editing files over ssh (or ftp) as if I was working on my local machine. I'm using SiteGround and it is a shared server. I can't use git. Other solutions that would have been nice are the ssh-remote plugin with Visual Studio Code or SSHFS, but I can't get permissions to use these on SiteGround. Their customer service said the best option was to just download the files I want to edit, and then upload them when finished. Currently I have FileZilla installed, and that's so far been the easiest way to go about editing files, but still a bit cumbersome. Is there any way to make this task easier that I'm not aware of? Thanks for reading.

Add firewall rule programmatically

I am developing an application for Mac, and wants to add firewall rule when my application launches,
would like to know the entry point, if anyone has any idea,
I guess, i need to modify
But this file is not present in my Machine
and any info about structure of this file ?
Requirement is something like this
When it runs, then browser shouldn't allow to open some particulars website, so i believe, this is going to be a application level firewall.
Thanks for looking at it,
Finally i am using ipfw to do so,
but still not yet clear about how to configure the rule

zend studio + xampp server file transfer

i been using aptana and dreamweaver for some long time, but now i wanted to use zend studio, because of there latest release and it says it can help on debugging while coding on javascript/php.
Now the thing is, i keep my project in different location and testing project in different location, just for safety and some wired thing dont happen, which sometimes empty the code for no reason. anyway in other two application i can easily make remote connection and transfer the file using the arrow button or by keyboard CTRL+ALT+U . it will upload and i can just refresh the browser to check it. on zend, i dont see any remote connections and i did change the server connection, but im not sure how i can easily transfer files, like i do in other IDE. can anyone help me on this for creating a remote connection and setting up the keywords, so i can continue to do what i use to do.
i found File Synchronization plugin for eclipse, that worked out pretty well too, its just it will auto upload, rather then i will press ctrl+alt+u, which i like more better then auto. oh well, something better then nothing.

Web server which supports removing a file immediately after it has been downloaded once?

I need a web server that allows me to remove a file after it has been successfully downloaded once. Is there any way to do this with apache?
Is there another web server I can use for this task? I had already looked into Tornado for this purpose, but couldn't find a way to get an event to fire as soon as the download finished. the on_connection_close would only fire when I shut down the server.
I'd prefer something PHP or Python-based if I have to code it myself.
you might be able to accomplish this with LUA (lighttpd + mod_magnet) - but im not sure... besides that im not aware of any modules that has event triggers on "downloads" there are some that work with uploads like the mod_uploadprogress in lighttpd. im sure nginx has some similar modules... besides that... i think the only solution here is: