WebElement.getCssValue & WebElement.getAttribute Usage - selenium

Can anybody help me about how to use these two functions to get value of any CSS property.

If have a particular <img> tag as below
<img title="Title" alt="myTitle" src="A/B/C/xyz.png">
driver.getElement(By.tagName("img")).getAttribute("src") will get you the src attribute of this tag. Result - A/B/C/xyz.png
Similarly, you can get the values of attributes such as title, alt etc.
Similarly you can get CSS properties of any tag by using getCssValue("some propety")


How to access 2nd element with same class name using css selectors

I want to access the 2nd element with same class name using css selectors.
1st element:
<a class="good">
2nd element:
<a class="good">
Css selector I am using :
but this accessing both of them.
How to access the 2nd one or anyone individually?
you can use pseudo selector, pseudo selector matches elements based on their position among a group of siblings.
check example link below
click here

Selenium XPath: how to get href value of a use attribute

I am trying to get the xpath of a svg that has an attribute <use href= "#icon-map">
So far the path //*[local-name()='svg']/*[local-name()='use'] works, but it finds 84 entries.
How can I modify the xpath in order to select only the use that has the href as "#icon-map"?
You can use this:
See example.
If you have more results than you expect then you should use more specific paths to the element or take your query into (..) and add number of an item into [..] like :
If use is an attribute then you could do this :
//*[name()='svg']//*[#use and #href='#icon-map']
Also the above solution assumes that #icon-map is unique in HTML DOM

Need to get the ID value of sub-element in protractor

I am trying to automate test case using Protractor and Jasmine. The problem is I have an "article" web element tag that gets created at runtime and this web-element has a as sub element. This div element has a "id" tag associated with it. The structure of the code is below.
<article class="a b c d" data-ng-repeat="xyz repeat">
<div id="THIS IS WHAT I WANT" class="class name">
Now I am able to get get hold of the article web-element. but I am not able to get the ID attribute in the div. The ID values is generated dynamically. Kindly suggest how I can get the ID value.
Thank you
You can use a CSS Selector like this:
article > div
This will get you a div inside of an article. Now you can use this to play around and specify the selector further with classes or other stuff.
If you managed to get the div element you can then pull out the idea using (not sure if the syntax is correct but you should get the idea):
1) element(by.xpath(//div[#class='class name'])).getAttribute('id')
2) element(by.xpath(//article [#class='abcd']//div[#id='THIS IS WHAT I WANT'])).getAttribute('id')
You can use chains like this:
element(by.css('css of parent')).element(by.css('child css'));
or you can use element(by.repeater('repeat in reapeats')).element(by.css(''));

Updating href attributes in link tags

I would like to change the href attributes of the link tags that have the following attribute :
Does anyone know how to achieve that ?
Thank you
Ext.select can be used to search for DOM elements. To understand how to select elements in the DOM, one may have a look at jQuery Selectors documentation.
Ext.dom.Element.set can then be used to change the href attribute. Note that even if Ext.select returns a collection, all methods of Ext.Element can be used on the collection.
In short, this gives something like this:
Ext.select("a[rel='apple-touch-icon-precomposed']").set({href: 'my-other-link.html'});

CSS locator for corresponding xpath for selenium

The some part of the html of the webpage which I'm testing looks like this
<div id="twoWideCallouts">
<div class="callout">
<a target="_blank" href="http://facebook.com">Facebook</a>
<div class="callout last">
<a target="_blank" href="http://youtube.com">Youtube</a>
I've to check using selenium that when I click on text, the URL opened is the same that is given in href and not error page.
Using Xpath I've written the following command
//i is iterator
selenium.getAttribute("//div[contains(#class, 'callout')]["+i+"]/a/#href")
However, this is very slow and for some of the links doesn't work. By reading many answers and comments on this site I've come to know that CSS loactors are faster and cleaner to maintain so I wrote it again as
css = div:contains(callout)
Firstly, I'm not able to reach to the anchor tag.
Secondly, This page can have any number of div where id = callout. Using xpathcount i can get the count of this, and I'll be iterating on that count and performing the href check. How can something similar be done using CSS locator?
Any help would be appreciated.
I can click on the link using the locator css=div.callout a, but when I try to read the href value using String str = "css=div.callout a[href]";
selenium.getAttribute(str);. I get the Error - element not found. Console description is given below.
19:12:33.968 INFO - Command request: getAttribute[css=div.callout a[href], ] on session
19:12:33.993 INFO - Got result: ERROR: Element css=div.callout a[href not found on session
I tried to get the href attribute using xpath like this
"xpath=(//div[contains(#class, 'callout')])["+1+"]/a/#href" and it worked fine.
Please tell me what should be the corresponding CSS locator for this.
It should be -
css = div:contains(callout)
Did you notice ":" instead of "." you used?
For CSSCount this might help -
On a different note, did you see proposal of new selenium site on area 51 - http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/4693/selenium.
To read the sttribute I used css=div.callout a#href and it worked. The problem was with use of square brackets around attribute name.
For the first part of your question, anchor your identifier on the hyperlink:
For achieving a count of elements in the DOM, based on CSS selectors, here's an excellent article.