Select rows that end with the given parts in a join query? - sql

I'm trying to create a complex SQL query (at least for me) but really don't know where to start.
Basically, I have a character object, and each character can be made of several parts. For example:
character table:
id | character
1 | 你
2 | 是
3  | 有
character_parts table:
id | character_id | part_id
1 | 1 | 4
2 | 1 | 9
3 | 1 | 5
4 | 2 | 2
5 | 2 | 34
6 | 2 | 43
7 | 3 | 21
8 | 3 | 16
9 | 3 | 41
10 | 3 | 43
So from that I know that:
Character 1 is made of parts 4, 9, 5
Character 2 is made of parts 2, 34, 43
Character 3 is made of parts 21, 16, 41, 43
Now what I would like to do is select all the characters that end by the specified parts.
For example, if I select all the characters that end by "16, 41, 43", I'll get Character 3. If I select all the characters that end by "43", I'll get Character 3 and 4.
I assume I need to build some query with subqueries, but not sure how to start, or if it can be done at all. So far I'm just selecting everything that include the required part IDs and then doing the comparison programmatically but this is too slow being I'm selecting way more than needed.
Any suggestion?

You could try group_concat function:
SELECT group_concat(part_id) FROM character_parts WHERE character_id=1
The query should return 4,9,5.
The problem is that the order used by group_concat is arbitrary:
Sqlite group_concat ordering
So, assuming you have a field position that defines the order of the parts, we can update the query like this:
SELECT group_concat(part_id) FROM (SELECT part_id FROM character_parts WHERE character_id=1 ORDER BY position ASC)
The query will now return the 4,9,5 parts exactly the defined order.
Now that we have this value, we can search though it like a regular string.
If we want to find all values ending with a certain string, we could use LIKE operator.
Finally the query would like like this:
SELECT character_id, parts_concat FROM (
SELECT character_id, group_concat(part_id) FROM (
SELECT character_id, part_id FROM character_parts WHERE ORDER BY position ASC
) GROUP BY character_id
) parts
WHERE parts_concat LIKE '%,9,5'

the query might be like this.
select * from character where id in (select character_id from character_parts where character_id = 'required no' AND character_id = 'required no' AND character_id = 'required no')
//required number is the part_id you want to specify.

Add another column, from_end that counts from the end, say:
from_end | id | character_id | part_id
2 | 1 | 1 | 4
1 | 2 | 1 | 9
0 | 3 | 1 | 5
2 | 4 | 2 | 2
1 | 5 | 2 | 34
0 | 6 | 2 | 43
3 | 7 | 3 | 21
2 | 8 | 3 | 16
1 | 9 | 3 | 41
0 | 10 | 3 | 43
Then you can do:
SELECT p0.character_id
FROM character_parts AS p0
JOIN character_parts AS p1 USING (character_id)
JOIN character_parts AS p2 USING (character_id)
WHERE p0.from_end = 0 AND p1.from_end = 1 AND p2.from_end = 2
AND p0.part_id = 43 AND p1.part_id = 41 AND p2.part_id = 16

SELECT c.character
FROM character_parts cp
JOIN character c
ON = cp.character_id
WHERE cp.part_id = 43
FROM character_parts cpo
WHERE cpo.character_id = cp.character_id
Create the following indexes:
character_parts (part_id, character_id, id)
character_parts (character_id, id)
for this to work fast


Selecting the first row of group with additional group by columns

Say I have a table with the following results:
How is it possible for me to select such that I only want distinct parent_ids with the min result of object0_behaviour?
Expected output:
parent_id | id | object0_behaviour | type
1 | 1 | 5 | IP
2 | 3 | 5 | IP
3 | 5 | 7 | ID
4 | 6 | 7 | ID
5 | 8 | 5 | IP
6 | 18 | 7 | ID
7 | 10 | 7 | ID
8 | 9 | 5 | IP
I have tried:
SELECT parent_id, min(object0_behaviour) FROM table GROUP BY parent_id
It works, however if I wanted the other 2 additional columns, I am required to add into GROUP BY clause and things go back to square one.
I saw examples with R : Select the first row by group
Similar output from what I need, but I can't seem to convert it into SQL
You can try using row_number() window function
select * from
select *, row_number() over(partition by parent_id order by object0_behaviour) as rn
from tablename
)A where rn=1
select * from table
join (
SELECT parent_id, min(object0_behaviour) object0_behaviour
FROM table GROUP BY parent_id
) grouped
on grouped.parent_id = table.parent_id
and grouped.object0_behaviour = table.object0_behaviour

MS SQL Query to get all entries comming multiple times in table where some column value doesnt have entries

I just tried to formulate title as best as possible. So my case is as follow.
i have a table
venue_id | style_id | is_main
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 0
1 | 3 | 0
2 | 5 | 0
2 | 8 | 0
2 | 9 | 0
3 | 3 | 1
4 | 4 | 1
4 | 6 | 0
5 | 7 | 0
5 | 8 | 0
5 | 9 | 0
So i need to get only those venue ID, witch coming more then once and where is no is_main true entry.
So result should be contain venue_id's: 2 and 5
I would grateful for any suggestion how such query may looks like.
Thanks in Advance.
UPD: in my case with is_amin BIT value answer would be:
select venue_id
from table
group by venue_id
having cast(max(cast(is_main as INT)) AS BIT) = 0 and
count(*) >= 2;
You seem to want:
select venue_id
from t
group by venue_id
having max(is_main) = 0 and
count(*) >= 2;
You can use this one:
SELECT DISTINCT v.venue_id FROM venue v
ON v.venue_id = m.venue_id
WHERE m.venue_id IS NULL
If you have many thousands of rows, it would be better to create a secondary table or a materialized view to be used in place of the nested SELECT.

Find duplicate combinations

I need a query to find duplicate combinations in these tables:
id | name
1 | green
2 | blue
3 | red
4 | 100x200
5 | 150x200
id | name
1 | Produkt A
id | id_product | price
1 | 1 | 100
2 | 1 | 200
3 | 1 | 100
4 | 1 | 200
5 | 1 | 100
6 | 1 | 200
7 | 1 | 100 -- duplicate combination
8 | 1 | 100 -- duplicate combination
id_product_attribute | id_attribute
1 | 1
1 | 4
2 | 1
2 | 5
3 | 2
3 | 4
4 | 2
4 | 5
5 | 3
5 | 4
6 | 3
6 | 5
7 | 1
7 | 4
8 | 1
8 | 5
I need SQL that creates result like:
id_product | duplicate_attributes
1 | {7,8}
If I understand correct, 7 is a duplicate of 1 and 8 is a duplicate of 2. As phrased, your question is a bit confusing, because 7 and 8 are not related to each other and the only table of interest is ProductAttributeCombinations.
If this is the case, then one method is to use string aggregation
with combos as (
select id_product_attribute,
string_agg(id_attribute::text, ',' order by id_attribute) as combo
from ProductAttributeCombinations pac
group by id_product_attribute
select *
from combos c
where exists (select 1
from combos c2
where c2.id_product_attribute > c.id_product_attribute and
c2.combo = c.combo
Your question leaves some room for interpretation. Here is my educated guess:
For each product, return an array of all instances with the same set of attributes as any other instance of the same product with smaller ID.
WITH combo AS (
SELECT id_product, id, array_agg(id_attribute) AS attributes
SELECT pa.id_product,, pac.id_attribute
FROM ProductAttribute pa
JOIN PoductAttributeCombinations pac ON pac.id_product_attribute =
ORDER BY pa.id_product,, pac.id_attribute
) sub
SELECT id_product, array_agg(id) AS duplicate_attributes
FROM combo c
FROM combo
WHERE id_product = c.id_product
AND attributes = c.attributes
AND id <
Sorting can be inlined into the aggregate function so we don't need a subquery for the sort (like #Gordon already provided). This is shorter, but also typically slower:
WITH combo AS (
SELECT pa.id_product,
, array_agg(pac.id_attribute ORDER BY pac.id_attribute) AS attributes
FROM ProductAttribute pa
JOIN PoductAttributeCombinations pac ON pac.id_product_attribute =
This only returns products with duplicate instances.
SQL Fiddle.
Your table names are rather misleading / contradict the rest of your question. Your sample data is not very clear either, only featuring a single product. I assume there are many in your table.
It's also unclear whether you are using double-quoted table names preserving CaMeL-case spelling. I assume: no.

Selecting column from one table and count from another

id | name | include
1 | foo | true
2 | bar | true
3 | bum | false
id | some | table_1_id
1 | 42 | 1
2 | 43 | 1
3 | 42 | 2
4 | 44 | 1
5 | 44 | 3
Desired output:
name | count(some)
foo | 3
bar | 1
What I have currently from looking through other solutions here:
FROM t1 a
JOIN t2 r on
WHERE a.include = 'true'
but that seems to get me
name | count(r.some)
foo | 1
foo | 1
bar | 1
foo | 1
I'm no sql expert (I can do simple queries) so I'm googling around as well but finding most of the solutions I find give me this result. I'm probably missing something really easy.
Just remove the second column from the group by clause
FROM t1 a
JOIN t2 r on
WHERE a.include = 'true'
Columns you want to use in an aggregate function like sum() or count() must be left out of the group by clause. Only put the columns in there you want to be unique outputted.
This is because multiple column group requires the all column values to be same.
See this link for more info., Using group by on multiple columns
Actually in you case., if some are equal, table_1_id is not equal (And Vice versa). so grouping cannot occur. So all are displayed individually.
If the entries are like,
id | some | table_1_id
1 | 42 | 1
2 | 43 | 1
3 | 42 | 2
4 | 42 | 1
Then the output would have been.,
name | count
foo | 2 (for 42)
foo | 1 (for 43)
bar | 1 (for 42)
Actually, if you want to group on 1 column as Juergen said, you could remove r.some; from groupby clause.

Sub-sub-selects and grouping: Get name column from the row containing the max value of a group

I have two tables: States, and Items.
| id | name | state | priority |
| 1 | AA | 10 | 1 |
| 2 | AB | 10 | 2 |
| 3 | AC | 10 | 3 |
| 4 | BA | 20 | 1 |
| 5 | BB | 20 | 5 |
| 6 | BC | 20 | 10 |
| 7 | BD | 20 | 50 |
| id | item | state |
| 1 | Blue | 10 |
| 2 | Red | 20 |
| 3 | Green | 20 |
| 4 | Yellow | 10 |
| 5 | Brown | 10 |
The priority column is not used in the Items table, but complicates getting the data I need, as shown below.
What I want is a list of the rows in the Items table, replacing the value in each row with the name of the highest priority state.
Results would look like this:
| id | item | state |
| 1 | Blue | AC |
| 2 | Red | BD |
| 3 | Green | BD |
| 4 | Yellow | AC |
| 5 | Brown | AC |
Here's the tiny monster I've come up with. Is this the best way, or can I be more efficient / less verbose? (Sub-sub-selects make my palms itch. :-P )
Items AS itm
FROM (SELECT state, MAX(priority) [highest]
FROM States
GROUP BY state) AS pri
INNER JOIN States AS sta
ON sta.state = pri.state
AND sta.priority = pri.highest) AS nam
ON item.state = name.state
Update: I'm using MS-SQL 2005 and MS-SQL 2008R2
You did not post your version of SQL-Server. Assuming you are on 2005 or later you can use the ROW_NUMBER() function together with a cross apply like this:
CREATE TABLE dbo.States(id INT, name NVARCHAR(25), state INT, priority INT);
INSERT INTO dbo.States
( 1 ,'AA', 10 , 1 ),
( 2 ,'AB', 10 , 2 ),
( 3 ,'AC', 10 , 3 ),
( 4 ,'BA', 20 , 1 ),
( 5 ,'BB', 20 , 5 ),
( 6 ,'BC', 20 , 10 ),
( 7 ,'BD', 20 , 50 );
CREATE TABLE dbo.Items( id INT ,item NVARCHAR(25), state INT );
( 1 ,'Blue', 10 ),
( 2 ,'Red', 20 ),
( 3 ,'Green', 20 ),
( 4 ,'Yellow', 10 ),
( 5 ,'Brown', 10 );
FROM dbo.Items i
SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY priority DESC) rn FROM dbo.States si WHERE si.state = i.state
WHERE s.rn = 1;
The cross apply works like a join but allows to reference columns on the left side in the right side as you can see in the where clause. The ROW_NUMBER() function numbers all rows in the states table that match the current state value in reverse priority order so that the row with the highest priority always gets the number 1. The final where clause is filtering out just those rows.
I just started a blog series about joins: A Join A Day
The Cross Apply will be topic of day 8 (12/8/2012).