What all things do one needs to consider when UI scripts needs to support same application in different language - automation

We have developed few UI automation scripts using Microsoft UIA for automating application developed in wpf. Currently our dev team is working on to support French language and making necessary modifications in application. In scripts we have used all of our controls either by name or ID property and hoping that it would not fail on different locale.
Still wish to start this thread to understand what all things one needs to consider while moving automation scripts for supporting one locale to other.
Many thanks in advance!


Is there a way to embed a debugger in a vb.net application?

There is a program/service running on different systems executing vb.net scripts.
The application running and managing the scripts is also written in vb.net.
I want to implement the option to debug the scripts directly on the different systems the scripts are running on.
So I am looking for a debugger that can be embedded in a vb.net application.
Ideally the solution would provide code highlighting, Watches, Stepping through the code,
a way to easily add libraries.
A colleague told me there is a way of embedding VS Code in an application, yet I have not found a way to implement the described requirements.

VB.NET Cross platform app

I make a game using vb.net & wpf. But I want this run on Windows/Linux/Mac.
How can I do it?
I'm sorry my english is really bad :D I use Google translate.
Implementing a solution for multiple platforms is not an easy task and you need to be familiar with all the platforms you plan to support, starting with trivialities such as different path schemes and ending with checking every reference you require by your project settings for its compatibility to the target platform.
Please have a look at http://www.mono-project.com. When you install the mono package to your system, you can run your compiled .exe as it is from the shell under certain circumstances.
Obviously, you need to decide whether you try to create one application that runs on all target platforms OR if you want to create platform specific applications all referencing to the same game engine.
If you stick very close to the framework not using external references, chances are higher to achieve the former. If the main logic of your game can easily be compartmentalized into a dedicated project, the latter is the way to go.
In general, cross-plattform compatibility is more easily to achieve if your application backend consists of a console application to be accessed by a webbrowser installed on the system - using a web frontend though. But as long as you do not require accelerated graphics, this should be feasible.

Choosing Web Automation Stack

I found it over a few references that it is recommended to go with the same stack for creating automation suite that is being used for the development of the application, i.e., using Java for writing tests if application is Java based.
Is there any specific reason for the same? Or is there any specific hindrance if not followed.
I would personally say that developers making an application in one language will probably feel more familiar writing the tests in the same language. And Integration tests should preferably be written by the developer who wrote the feature.
So using the same language for your test suite and your application development increases the odds your developers will be able to write and fix tests for features they create and fix themselves.
I think that should be team decision, the same as what testing frameworks to use. But it's totally fine to use for example Spock which is groovy based framework if your application is java based.

Testing Framework vs Testing tool

I am new to testing. The commonly used terms like Framework and tool confuses me a lot. Can anyone please explain me the difference between a Framework like STAF[software testing automation framework]and Tool like selenium.
Also how to select a tool for a particular framework. What are the criterias used for selection?
Brief explanations are welcomed!!
Simply put, a tool is a software. In case of test automation, tools are software that let you automate your tests on an application. There are many test automation tools that you can choose from depending on your requirements. Some examples are Selenium, UFT, Visual Studio CUIT, Jamo Solutions Meux Test, T-Plan Robot, Telerik Test Studio etc.
Often, you'll have to write tests in the tools using a supported programming language. For instance, testers using UFT need to code in VB while those using Visual Studio can code in both VB and C#. However, some testing tools (like Telerik Test Studio) let you write script-less tests where your tests will consist of a bunch of easily understandable keywords, not code.
The most popular test automation tools like Selenium and Visual Studio provide all the basic features you require to build your own tests. However, they do not provide ready-made features (like Reporting and Exception Handling) for testing. This requires the creation of a 'Framework' which is nothing but a collection of code written using a tool of one's choice that makes testing an application easy. Simply put, a framework is what you create with a tool (or a collection of tools) to test your application.
A typical framework consists of two parts: test scripts and function libraries. Test Scripts are the pieces of code that need to be executed to perform actions on the application under test (AUT). Function Libraries are classes consisting of important functions that are called by your test scripts. These can include timing functions, reporting/logging functions, exception handling functions, data communication functions etc.
You can also use an external database to pass test data to your test scripts during run-time instead of hard-coding it in your test scripts. Frameworks that employ external databases are called data-driven frameworks. The external database can be of your choice, be it a SQL Server, an XML file or a simple Excel spreadsheet. Data-driven frameworks make use of APIs or include custom-made classes that let you communicate with the database to transfer data.
Another type of framework is the keyword-driven framework. These frameworks are used in long-term test automation projects that require scripting of thousands of test cases. The main objective of these frameworks is to reduce the time taken to script a test case by reusing code that has already been written. They often include very strong function libraries which enable scripting of test cases using just predefined keywords. For example, common actions on an application like login and logout are performed by single line codes like:
where Actions is a Function Library that consists of the Login() and Logout() functions. This massively reduces the script size and the long-term maintenance requirements of the test script, among other benefits.
Of course, you can either build a test automation framework and use it for your own application or create a generic test automation framework and make it available to the testing community for everyone to use, which is what STAF is.
Selection of testing tools:
To address your second question, there is no straight-forward answer to it. There are a number of criteria that can affect your decision. But in the end, it is all about your requirements and the requirements of your AUT.
If it is a Windows desktop app, you have to use Coded UI Tests in
Visual Studio.
If it is a Web application, you can use Selenium, UFT, Visual Studio or Test Studio.
If it is a mobile app, you can use Appium, Jamo Solutions Meux Test or T-Plan Robot.
If you want to test your mobile app over a large number of devices
and platforms, you can use cloud-based tools like Sauce Labs,
Perfecto Mobile or Device Anywhere.
If you are short on budget, you'll be better off using open source tools over
commercial tools, and so on.
Application Testing is a huge industry now and there is no dearth of testing tools available in the market. You will find the perfect tool for you if you know what you want and do some research on Google.
I will try to answer what I believe people normally use these terms to mean, lets start with the simpler term: A tool.
A tool like selenium is what actually does the automation, it has an API that will work for pretty much anything it covers (in this case websites) but it knows nothing about how the website you want to test works, this means it deals with low level constructs such as elements on a page and clicks.
A framework is normally just wrapping a tool to make it easier to make a test by imparting knowledge of your application, a standard example is login.
Say you want a test that checks when you enter a correct username and password in you get access to application. Using just selenium it would something like:
Thats pretty simple, but as you can guess login is going to be used a lot across your tests and so it makes sense to move this into a place that makes it easier to reuse (both from a less code stand point and maintainability). This is where a framework comes into play, normally with selenium it will be page objects (see here)
Base on my understanding:
We "USE" tools to meet our objective (can be own self or your small groups of team).
Example: We use Selenium IDE as a tools helps us to automate some repetitive steps to do certain verification during our smoke test.
We "DESIGN" a framework to meet the organization mission.
Things to consider when we design the framework including:
Data Driven
Schedule running through CI tools like Jenkins
Example: We design a Test Automation Framework by using WebDriver + Java + TestNG + ANT, to meet the objective to identify our current code base stability, and the test will be trigger and run by jenkins in a daily basis, SSRS report will captured in a daily basis as well each time the test finished. Stakeholders can review the daily code stability report anytime he/she needed.
Hope that can help you :D

How can multiple developers efficiently work on one force.com application?

The company I work for is building a managed force.com application as an integration with the service we provide.
We are having issues working concurrently on the same set of files due to the shoddy tooling that is provided with the force.com Eclipse plugin. If 2 developers are working on the same file, one is given a message that he can't save -- once he merges he has to manually force the plugin to push his changes to the server along with clicking 2 'Are you really sure' messages.
Basically, the tooling does a shoddy job of merging in changes and forces minutes of work every time the developer wants to save if another person has modified the file he's working on.
We're currently working around this by basically 'locking' individual files by letting co-workers know who is editing a file.
It feels like there has got to be a better way in this day and age. Does anyone know of a different toolset we could use, process we could change, or anything we can do to make this easier?
When working with the Force.com platform my current organisation has found a number of different approaches can work depending on the situation. We all use the Eclipse Force.com plugin without issues and have found the following set ups to work well.
We have a centralised version control system that we deploy from using a series of ant commands to a developer org instance. We then depending on the scope of the work either separate it off into chunks with each developer having their own development org and merging the changes and testing them regularly, or working in a single development org together (which if you have 2 developers should be no major problem) allowing you to have almost instant integration.
If you are both trying to work on the same file you should be pair programming anyway, but if working on two components of a similar system together, sharing the same org can allow you to develop in a fast and flexible manner by creating the skeleton of the system you wish to use and then individually fleshing out the detail.
I have used both methods extensively and a I say, work really well depending on the situation.
Each developer could work in separate development sandbox (if you have enterprise edition, I think 10 sandboxes with full config & limited amount of data are included in the fee?). From time to time you would merge your changes (diff tool from any version control system should be enough) and test them in integration environment. The chain development->integration->system test->Q&A-> production can be useful for other reasons too.
Separate trick to consider can be used if for example 2 guys work on the same trigger. I've learned it on the "DEV 401" course for Developers.
Move all your logic to classes. Seriously. They will be simpler to unit test too.
Add custom field (multi-select picklist) to User object. Values should be equal to each separate feature people are working on. It can hold up to 500 values so you should be safe.
For User account of developer 1 set "feature1" in the picklist. Set "feature2" for the other guy.
In the trigger write an if that tests presence of each picklist value and enters or leaves the call to relevant class. This wastes 1 query but you are sure that only the code you want will be called.
Each developer keeps on working in his own class file.
For integration test of both features simply set the multiselect to contain both features.
I found this trick especially useful when other guy's code turned out to be non-optimal and ate too many resources. I've just disabled his feature on my user account and kept on working.
This trick can be to some extend applied to Visualforce pages too (if you can divide them into components).
If you don't want to waste query - use some logic like "user's first name contains X" ;)
We had/have the exact same problem, we have a team of 10 Devs working on a force.com application that has loads of apex classes (>300) and VF pages (>300).
We started using Eclipse plugin but found it:
too slow working outside of the USA each time a save is called takes > 5 sections
to many merge issues with a team of 10 developers
Next we tried developing in our own individual sandboxes and then merging code. This is ok for a small project but when you have lots of files and need changes to be pushed between sandboxes it becomes impossible to manage as the only thing worse then force.com development tooling, is force.coms deployment/build tools. No automation its all manual. No easy way to move data between sandboxes either.
Our third approach was to just edit all our VF pages and Apex code in the browser. (not using their embedded editor that shows up in the bottom half of the page because that is buggy and slow) but just using the regular Editor under setup > develop > Apex classes. This worked ok. To supplement this we also had a scheduled job that would download all our code and save it into our SVN repository. We also built a tool that allow us to click a folder on our desktop and zip its contents and deploy it as static resources for us.
However this approach still has its short comings, i.e. it is slow and painful to develop in the cloud, their (salesforce) idea of Development As a Service is crazy. Also we have no real SCM we only have it acting as backups.
Bottom line is force.com is a CRM and not a Development platform, if you can? run, flee, get away from it as fast as you can. Using it for anything apart from a CRM is more trouble then it is worth. Even their Slogan "No Software" makes me laugh everytime
I'm not familiar with force.com, but couldn't you use source control and pull all the files down from force.com into your repository. Then you could all do your work, and merge your changes back into the mainline. Then whenever it's necessary push the mainline up to force.com?
Take a look at the "Development Lifecycle Guide: Enterprise Development on the Force.com Platform". You can find it on developer.force.com's documentation page.
You might want to consider working on separate static resources and pages and then just being careful when editing objects, classes etc.. If most of your development happens on client side code (page, staticresource, lightning component/app) you might be interested in this project: https://github.com/bvellacott/salesforce-build . In any case I strongly suggest using version control. If not on a server then at least locally on your machine, in case your peers overwrite your work.