Unclear when to use a specific FactoryGirl syntax - ruby-on-rails-3

In the latest release of FactoryGirl, some syntactic methods such as Factory.create were depreciated in favor of several others, most notably FactoryGirl.create and the simpler create.
However, experience shows that certain syntaxes are not always appropriate given the context.
Take for example:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :article do
after_create {|a| a.comments << create(:comment) }
factory :comment do
Where Article has_many Comments, and Comments belongs_to Article. In the above factories, a.comments << create(:comment) issues the error Comment(#nnn) expected, got FactoryGirl::Declaration::Static. Change that line to a.comments << FactoryGirl.create(:comment) and the error goes away.
It is not clear when one syntax should take precedence over any other form.

I learned the abbreviated notation is not supported in callbacks (such as after_create) as of the current version (3.2.0). This information came directly from the FactoryGirl teams via Google groups. I'll update this question when/if it's added in a future version.

As per the FactoryGirl documentation, if you want to omit the FactoryGirl module prefix while calling methods like create and build, you need to mix-in FactoryGirl methods in rspec/test-unit module like this:
# rspec
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods


Implementing Form Objects in Hanami

In Uncle Bob's clean architecture, which Hanami is inspired by, Form Objects guard the boundary between Interactors and our delivery mechanism (typically an http endpoint).
In the Hanami docs, bounary guarding is done using params blocks in Actions (see here). This seems to couple validation to the http delivery mechanism. It seems more natural to me that Form Objects (or params black which accomplish the same thing) would live in delivery-mechanism-agnostic Interactors.
Unfortunately, I cannot figure out if Hanami supports such a design. I found a similar question on the Hanami forum, but it has no answer.
To clarify, below is a snippet of code demonstrating the kind of thing I want to do, but using Virtus and ActiveModel::Validations rather than Hanami facilities. For those familiar with Trailblazer, its contract block within its operations (its term for Interactor) is another example.
Finally, am I misunderstanding something about the intended use of Hanami? Hanami supports Interactors, so it seems like this should be possible...
require 'hanami/model'
require 'active_model'
require 'virtus'
class PersonForm
include Virtus.model
include ActiveModel::Validations
attribute :name, String
attribute :age, Integer
validates :name, :age, presence: true
def each
attributes.each {|a| yield a}
class Person
include Hanami::Entity
attributes :name, :age
# Code like this would then live inside of an Interactor, which
# can accept a params hash.
jonah_form = PersonForm.new({name: 'Jonah', age: '99'})
jonah = Person.new(jonah_form) if jonah_form.valid?
p jonah #=> <Person:0x007fbdde1edcc0 #id=nil #name="Jonah" #age=99>
# do stuff with our jonah entity
sorry for missing this question.
The params act as validator to save developers to create and instantiate another class. In Ruby Community this is a problem.
DSL to the rescue for this compromise.
If you prefer to have a concrete form object, instead of using Virtus and ActiveModel, you can just include Hanami::Validations and have the same behavior.

Rspec, FactoryGirl unable to find ActiveRecord method

I am trying to learn Rspec in a very simple CRUD Rails 3.2.8 app. I'm following the general pattern of Michael Hartl's examples and have been moderately successful with cucumber for the outside in portion. Now I want to test a Twilio SMS feature and cannot seem to get to first base, mostly because I'm not asking the right questions, so I expect to be corrected here and get back on track.
My app has two models, commodity and price and they interact with each other in my cucumber tests, so it appears. I'm aware, like in cucumber, I need an object to start to test its interactions. In my prices controller, I see that I can get the commodity's prices with the below in my prices#create method:
#price = #commodity.prices.build(params[:price])
I ultimately want to generate a factory that will have many prices for a given commodity. But I want to get to base first. Following thoughtbot's examples on their Readme I'm attempting the following in rails console:
FactoryGirl.create(:commodity) do |price|
The result is: NoMethodError: undefined method `prices' for #
Hmm, I must not be understanding either Rspec or Factory Girl. Here is my basic factories.rb:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :commodity do
name "corn"
sequence :price do |n|
date { Time.now }
Here are my two models:
class Commodity < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description, :name
has_many :prices
class Price < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :buyer, :date, :price, :quality, :commodity_id
scope :most_recent, lambda { order("id desc").limit(MOST_RECENT) }
belongs_to :commodity
My attempt to understand this is to do it simply in Rails console but the error also appears when I run rspec as well. But why would FactoryGirl, or Rspec, not seem to use the prices method I get with Active Record? Clearly, I'm not understanding something or I would have found the answer on Stack, thanx, sam
In your FactoryGirl.create there are a couple problems. First, the block argument should be commodity, not price. create passes the created object into the block. Second, you're trying to run prices on the Commodity class. In your object relationship, prices is an accessor associated with a specific instance. There is no Commodity#prices method, but any given instance of Commodity will have prices. You can probably use build like that, but I think the canonical way is to use the shift operator to add a Price.
Putting this together gets you:
FactoryGirl.create(:commodity) do |commodity|
commodity.prices << FactoryGirl.create(:price, commodity: commodity)
I'm not sure what you're doing with the sequence in your Commodity factory definition. If you're trying to make sure that Commodities are created with Prices by default (without adding them as above), check out some of the tips at http://icelab.com.au/articles/factorygirl-and-has-many-associations/.

Alternative method for proxy_owner in ActiveRecord

ActiveRecord proxy_owner is now deprecated and the explanation here is very vague on how to change it, so I'm not sure how to use it my case:
Here is what I'm trying to do:
class Library < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :books do
def some_method
I get a warning when I run this code that proxy_owner is deprecated:
DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling record.books.proxy_owner is deprecated. Please use record.association(:books).owner instead.
I can replace proxy_owner.author with:
This works; however, it seems dangerous. Am I missing something here?
I think it's safer to send :owner to proxy_association instead:
class Library < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :books do
def some_method
The use of proxy_association is now mentioned in the documentation:
However, inside the actual extension code, you will not have access to
the record (record.association(:items).owner) as above. In this case, you can access proxy_association.
For example, record.association(:items) and
record.items.proxy_association will return the same object, allowing
you to make calls like proxy_association.owner inside association

Why is a SystemStackError caused with a has_many association in Ruby on Rails?

I stumbled over a SystemStackError and found where it is caused in the source code. Though, I did not quite understand why it happens. Maybe you can help me.
Here is the scenario:
There are two models Facility and Location given by their model definitions in the following.
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :facility
accepts_nested_attributes_for :facility
class Facility < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :locations
accepts_nested_attributes_for :locations
Now I create an object of each class in the Rails console: rails c.
location = Location.create(...)
facility = Facility.create(...)
Then I want to associate both with each other.
location.facility = facility
facility.locations << location
I cannot execute the last command when I executed the first before - it raises a SystemStackError: stack level too deep. Though, I can run the association commands separate from each other or sequential but in reverse order. The problem is that I cannot add the location again. Why?
Why do both?
This line:
facility.locations << location
Will already set the location's facility to be the specified facility. Both lines in this case are doing the same thing. What I would recommend doing is to use the association builder, like this:
This way, Rails takes care of setting the facility_id field, rather than you doing a manual assignment after it.
The first thing that I would suspect here is that the has_many association is really has_too_many. In other words, you may have too many locations in the relationship.
In fact, given the code you posted, you seem to have created an infinite loop of associations. You wrote:
accepts_nested_attributes_for :facility
I am assuming that this causes ActiveRecord to open the facility attribute where it finds another location with yet another facility attribute ad infinitem. before you dig too deeply, try this to see if it works:
facility.locations << location
location.facility = facility
However, be wary because this might just push the stack error to some other place in the app. If you Google for that error message you can find several people who have run into infinite recursion problems, generally related to saving a record.

Rails 3 namespacing requires model to be defined twice?

I'm pulling my hair out trying to understand namespacing in Rails 3. I've tried following a few different tutorials, and the only way I can get my models to work is if I define my model in both the base directory and my namespace directory.
If I only define the model in the namespace directory it expects it to define both Model and Namespace::Model, as below:
LoadError (Expected .../app/models/plugins/chat.rb to define Chat):
LoadError (Expected .../app/models/plugins/chat.rb to define Plugins::Chat):
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I could really use a pointer in the right direction.
Here are the relevant excerpts.
class Plugins::Chat
include ActiveModel::Validations
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
class Plugins::ChatsController < Plugins::ApplicationController
namespace :plugins do
resources :chats
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/app/models/**/"]
This is some kind of bad interaction with CanCan, the gem we're using for permissions. The line load_and_authorize_resource is somehow at fault. Will keep digging...
I noticed a reference to load_and_authorize_resource in your controller. This method is used by the CanCan gem to create an instance of your model and then test if the user has access to it. If you are using a namespaced model you will need to specify the class:
class Plugins::ChatsController < Plugins::ApplicationController
load_and_authorize_resource :class "Plugins::Chat"
It sounds like at some point you're referencing the Chat constant \by itself before it's loaded. Rails then tries to find that by looking at models/chat.rb, can't find it, and complains. Check your constant usage (the backtrace should tell you where it's being invoked from), and clean it up, and Rails should be less complain-y.