undefined method 'path' for nil:NilClass using chargify_api_ares gem - ruby-on-rails-3

I feel like this should be a simple problem, but I'm pulling my hair out trying to track it down. I'm installed the chargify_api_ares gem, but can't do even basic things such as
As I get this path error. I feel like this must be a gem issue somehow but don't know where to go from here.
UPDATE: bundle show chargify_api_ares shows the correct path, I just somehow can't access it. Still trying random environment related things.
Looks like this is the source of the problem, in active_resource\base.rb:
# Gets the \prefix for a resource's nested URL (e.g., <tt>prefix/collectionname/1.json</tt>)
# This method is regenerated at runtime based on what the \prefix is set to.
def prefix(options={})
default = site.path
default << '/' unless default[-1..-1] == '/'
# generate the actual method based on the current site path
self.prefix = default
As I understand it, Chargify.subdomain should be setting the site.path, but I don't understand activeresource well enough yet to know what's happening and will continue to dig.

I too had the same issue.
I executed the following on the console
Chargify.configure do |c|
c.api_key = "<<api_key>>"
c.subdomain = "<<subdomain>>"
After that performing any Chargify console commands went through fine.


Enable Impala Impersonation on Superset

Is there a way to make the logged user (on superset) to make the queries on impala?
I tried to enable the "Impersonate the logged on user" option on Databases but with no success because all the queries run on impala with superset user.
I'm trying to achieve the same! This will not completely answer this question since it does not still work but I want to share my research in order to maybe help another soul that is trying to use this instrument outside very basic use cases.
I went deep in the code and I found out that impersonation is not implemented for Impala. So you cannot achieve this from the UI. I found out this PR https://github.com/apache/superset/pull/4699 that for whatever reason was never merged into the codebase and tried to copy&paste code in my Superset version (1.1.0) but it didn't work. Adding some logs I can see that the configuration with the impersonation is updated, but then the actual Impala query is with the user I used to start the process.
As you can imagine, I am a complete noob at this. However I found out that the impersonation thing happens when you create a cursor and there is a constructor parameter in which you can pass the impersonation configuration.
I managed to correctly (at least to my understanding) implement impersonation for the SQL lab part.
In the sql_lab.py class you have to add in the execute_sql_statements method the following lines
with closing(engine.raw_connection()) as conn:
# closing the connection closes the cursor as well
cursor = conn.cursor(**database.cursor_kwargs)
where cursor_kwargs is defined in db_engine_specs/impala.py as the following
def get_configuration_for_impersonation(cls, uri, impersonate_user, username):
'Passing Impala execution_options.cursor_configuration for impersonation')
return {'execution_options': {
'cursor_configuration': {'impala.doas.user': username}}}
def get_cursor_configuration_for_impersonation(cls, uri, impersonate_user,
logger.debug('Passing Impala cursor configuration for impersonation')
return {'configuration': {'impala.doas.user': username}}
Finally, in models/core.py you have to add the following bit in the get_sqla_engine def
params = extra.get("engine_params", {}) # that was already there just for you to find out the line
self.cursor_kwargs = self.db_engine_spec.get_cursor_configuration_for_impersonation(
str(url), self.impersonate_user, effective_username) # this is the line I added
params.update(self.get_encrypted_extra()) # already there
#new stuff
configuration = {}
if configuration:
As you can see I just shamelessy pasted the code from the PR. However this kind of works only for the SQL lab as I already said. For the dashboards there is an entirely different way of querying Impala that I did not still find out.
This means that queries for the dashboards are handled in a different way and there isn't something like this
with closing(engine.raw_connection()) as conn:
# closing the connection closes the cursor as well
cursor = conn.cursor(**database.cursor_kwargs)
My gut (and debugging) feeling is that you need to first understand the sqlalchemy part and extend a new ImpalaEngine class that uses a custom cursor with the impersonation conf. Or something like that, however it is not simple (if we want to call this simple) as the sql_lab part. So, the trick is to find out where the query is executed and create a cursor with the impersonation configuration. Easy, isnt'it ?
I hope that this could shed some light to you and the others that have this issue. Let me know if you did find out another way to solve this issue, or if this comment was useful.
Update: something really useful
A colleague of mine succesfully implemented impersonation with impala without touching any superset related, but instead working directly with the impyla lib. A PR was open with the code to change. You can apply the patch directly in the impyla src used by superset. You have to edit both dbapi.py and hiveserver2.py.
As a reminder: we are still testing this and we do not know if it works with different accounts using the same superset instance.

How to clean DB with Rails 5, Minitest, Capybara JS (Selenium)?

I have set up a very simple rails 5 project to narrow down my problem:
In this project the data mutation done by the Capybara JS is not deleted, neither by Rails nor by the Database cleaner I added.
The following great blog argues, that no DatabaseCleaner is needed:
but this works only for fixtures, not for the mutation done by an out-of-thread Capybara test.
I added the Database cleaner, but this also needed work.
Does anybody has a sample setup?
From a quick look at your test I would say it's leaving data because the data is actually being added after DatabaseCleaner cleans. The click_on call occurs asynchronously, so when your assert_no_content call happens there's no guarantee the app has handled the request yet or the page has changed yet and since the current page doesn't have the text 'Name has already been taken' on it the assertion passes and the database gets cleaned. While that is happening the click gets processed by the app and the new data is created after the cleaning has occurred. You need to check/wait for content that will appear on the page after the click - something like
page.assert_text('New Foo Created')
You should only be asserting there is no content once you already know the page has changed, or you're expecting something to disappear from the current page.
I solved now the problem by setting the DB connection to one
class ActiveRecord::Base
mattr_accessor :shared_connection
##shared_connection = nil
def self.connection
##shared_connection || ConnectionPool::Wrapper.new(:size => 1) { retrieve_connection }
ActiveRecord::Base.shared_connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
as describe here:
I uploaded the working repo here:

getting a "need project id error" in Keen

I get the following error:
Keen.delete(:iron_worker_analytics, filters: [{:property_name => 'start_time', :operator => 'eq', :property_value => '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}])
Keen::ConfigurationError: Keen IO Exception: Project ID must be set
However, when I set the value, I get the following:
warning: already initialized constant KEEN_PROJECT_ID
iron.io/env.rb:36: warning: previous definition of KEEN_PROJECT_ID was here
Keen works fine when I run the app and load the values from a env.rb file but from the console I cannot get past this.
I am using the ruby gem.
I figured it out. The documentation is confusing. Per the documentation:
The recommended way to set keys is via the environment. The keys you
KEEN_MASTER_KEY. You only need to specify the keys that correspond to
the API calls you'll be performing. If you're using foreman, add this
to your .env file:
KEEN_WRITE_KEY=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy KEEN_READ_KEY=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz If not,
make a script to export the variables into your shell or put it before
the command you use to start your server.
But I had to set it explicitly as Keen.project_id after doing a Keen.methods.
It's sort of confusing since from the docs, I assumed I just need to set the variables. Maybe I am misunderstanding the docs but it was confusing at least to me.

uninitialized constant Twitter::OAuth

I'm struggling to get my app to display a timeline of feeds from my app. So far I've used the oauth-plugin, oauth and twitter gems (for rails3) to get it authorised. This has worked just fine.
Now I'm struggling when I try and connect.
I end up with an error:
uninitialized constant Twitter::OAuth
Have checked I don't have another action calling twitter (as in another post here). But so far, no luck.
Hope someone can help!
Edit -
I forgot to mention I'm using Devise to authenticate my users. Have tried inserting:
require 'twitter'
But still no success..
-- EDIT TWO --
Found a solution on the twitter gem git site about depreciating this in version 1.0.
I've now replaced the code in my twitter_token.rb file with:
def client
unless #client
Which gets rid of that error but now leads to another :(
undefined method `consumer' for :TwitterToken:Symbol
I have also tried this:
def client
unless #client
#twitter_oauth=Twitter::Client.new(:oauth_token =>'TwitterToken.consumer.key', :oauth_token_secret=>'TwitterToken.consumer.secret')
#twitter_oauth.authorize_from_access token,secret
Which gives the following error:
undefined method `authorize_from_access' for #<Twitter::Client:0x00000102da1530>
Any ideas? I'm going insane!
I'm going to answer my own question here - if it helps one person, it's worth it considering I lost three days to it.
Using the latest twitter gem, devise and oauth-plugin. I was seeing a lot of errors. The latest twitter_token controller on the oauth-plugin site does not work, even though it's been updated for a recent twitter gem..
In the end, I deleted my entire twitter_token.rb file and started again:
require 'twitter'
class TwitterToken < ConsumerToken
TWITTER_SETTINGS={:site=>"http://api.twitter.com", :request_endpoint => 'http://api.twitter.com',}
def self.consumer
#consumer||=OAuth::Consumer.new credentials[:key],credentials[:secret],TWITTER_SETTINGS
def client
Twitter.configure do |config|
config.consumer_key = TwitterToken.consumer.key
config.consumer_secret = TwitterToken.consumer.secret
config.oauth_token = token
config.oauth_token_secret = secret
#client ||= Twitter::Client.new
You can then update twitter using something like this:
<%= current_user.twitter_token.client.update("At last it's working!") %>
Also, make sure you're using the rails3 branch of the oauth-plugin..

Ruby on Rails - Suppress an error message

I am using Rails 3 and AJAX and have a parent object which is being created through and AJAX request. This parent is sent with children and saves them all. However, if a child has an error, Rails will stop the request. Is there any way to tell Rails to ignore this? I understand the proper thing to do is find the problem within the Javascript sending the request and fix it. However, for the sake of learning, is there a way to tell Rails that some errors might be ignorable?
To save without validating use:
#parent.save(:validate => false)
Also, don't forget you can create conditional validation rules if needs be. For example, add a virtual attribute (an instance variable that is not persisted to the DB) accessible via bare_bones?. Then modify a validator like so:
validates_presence_of :nickname, :unless => "bare_bones?"
Then, in your controller you would do something like this:
#parent = Parent.new params[:parent]
#parent.bare_bones = true
Hope this helps.
You are looking for exception handling.
#code that may contain errors
#what to do if an error is encountered