VB, how to solve this error - vb.net

I have some problem in my code :
For i = 0 To Split(awal, vbCrLf).Length - 1
For j = 0 To Split(hasil(i), " ").Length - 1
hasil1(j) = hasil(i).Split(" ")
Next j
Next i
it comes with error :
"Value of type '1-dimensional array of String' cannot be converted to
'String' " in the " hasil1(j) = hasil(i).Split(" ") " section.
can anyone explain to me how to solve this, please?

It is not clear how you initialize your hasil array,
however, you could simplify your code using a List(Of String) in this way
Dim hasil() as String = New String() {"abcd 123","efgh 11","ijkl"}
Dim hasil1 as List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
For i = 0 To hasil.Length - 1
hasil1.AddRange(hasil(i).Split(" "))
Next i
You can allways convert it back to a string array with:
Dim s() as String = hasil1.ToArray()

You problem is that you are trying to add an Array to a String Array.
The Split() function returns an Array and this is causing the error.
If your intention is to get an Array of Arrays, make that variables that way, if not, what was the purpose on using Split(" ") on that line?
Based on you comment:
You will have to loop once more for this to be complete:
Dim it As Integer
Dim tmp() As String
it = 0
For i = 0 To Split(awal, vbCrLf).Length - 1
For j = 0 To Split(hasil(i), " ").Length - 1
tmp = hasil(i).Split(" ")
For k = 0 To tmp.Length - 1
hasil1(it) = tmp(k)
it += 1
Next j
Next i
My skills in VB.Net are rusted and I'm not in my dev machine, so try this and let me know if something doesn't work.


For loop make new variables for you - VB.Net

I'm trying to make a for loop for will make a new variable for me, every step. I want something like this. What ever step I am on, say, x = 2, it Dims newVar2, if x = 3: Dim newVar3
Is there any way to do that? I was hoping something like, Dim newVar & x would work, but of course now.
I was trying to do it as an array, but I'm not sure how to do that, or ReDimming, so examples would be great!
To create a collection of variable values inside a for loop, you should use a List(Of t) object or something similar (For Example Dictionary).
To do this with a List(Of t) you can do the following :
Dim varList As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
Or if you want to do it with the variable names you mentioned, try :
Dim varList As New List(Of String)
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
varList.add("newVar" & i)
To retrieve the value from a List use the following : Dim result As String = varList(0)
Alternatively you can use a Dictionary object to store Key/Value pairs :
Dim varList As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
Dim k As Integer = 0
varList.add("newVar" & i, k)
Becareful though as a Dictionary object can only contain unique Keys. To return the value find it as : Dim result As Integer = varList("newVar0")
basic array:
Dim Arr(1000) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To 999
Arr(i) = YYYYY
trick for dynamic size:
Dim max As Integer = XXXXXX
Dim Arr(1000) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To max
'if too small, Increasing array without loss old data
If Arr.Length = i Then
ReDim Preserve Arr(Arr.Length + 1000)
End If
Arr(i) = YYYYY
or, use list:
Dim max As Integer = XXXXXX
Dim list As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 0 To max
The other answers are technically correct, but you probably don't need the iteration loops. You can probably do this in a single line of code:
Dim varList As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToDictionary(Function(k) "newVar" & k, Function(v) "Some value for newVar" & v)
Dim myInts As New List(Of Int)
For i = 0 To 10

random number in multi threading not working

please examine my code below :
Public Class tier1
Dim rnd As New System.Random()
Function build1(ByVal dt As DataTable) As String
For i = 0 To 4
For ix As Integer = 0 To till Step 4
lstrn.Add(rnd.Next(ix, ix + 4))
Dim cntx As Integer = 0
For Each x As Integer In lstrn
If (i = 0) Then
If (article(x).Split(ChrW(10)).Length > 2) Then
If (article(x).Split(ChrW(10))(0).Length > 300) Then
cntx = cntx + 1
If (cntx = 25) Then
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End If
Dim fi as String = "{"
For dx As Integer = 0 To first.Count - 2
fi = fi & w.spinl(first(dx), "light") & "|"
fi = fi & "}"
Return fi
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
End Class
Now see my calling code :
Dim w As WaitCallback = New WaitCallback(AddressOf beginscn)
For var As Integer = 1 To NumericUpDown1.Value
Dim param(1) As Object
param(0) = lst
param(1) = var
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(w, param)
sub beginscn()
Dim scntxt As String = t1.buildtier1(dt)
end sub
Now understand what i give and what i want. Suppose i pass a datatable like this :
What i want is {abcd|adfg|fhjrt|rtitk} and this sequence should be random everytime. Since i pass like 50-100 values and exit loop at 25 each output should have a different sequence of 25 strings in {|} format but it does not work like that. Everytime i get same sequence.
Can anyone explain why does it do like that and any possible solution for this problem?
Note : I have already tried shuffling datatable just before queuing it but still it does not work.
The random object is not thread safe. You could work around this by creating separate instances of the random object in each thread and use the thread ID to generate the

Separating Delimited Variable into array elements in VB.NET

I long variable in vb.net which contains the following information,
Dim g As String = "$C:\Program Files\Cavaj Java Decompiler\cavaj.exe$C:\Users\Yoosuf\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe$C:\Program Files\DVD Maker\dvdmaker.exe$C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\ImageReady.exe$C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaws.exe$"
The $ symbol is used as a delimiter to separate each item from the other. I need to add the exe file name at the end of each path to a listbox. However the initial process of retrieving the variable to individual array elements is not working properly.
Dim strArr() As String = g.Split("$") 'This variable is empty
For count = 0 To strArr.Length - 1
Dim arr As String = strArr(count).Split("\")
Dim strval As String = ""
For i As Integer = 3 To arr.Length - 1
strval = arr(i)
Dim j As Integer = arr.Length - 1
strval = arr(j)
Dim result As String = strval.Substring(g.Length - 5)
result = g.Substring(g.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
No need to do all this work. The System.IO.Path class has methods to do this for you. You want to use either System.IO.Path.GetFileName or System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension. Since you've already split all the file paths, just pass those paths to either of the aforementioned methods and add the result to your listbox.
Dim strArr() As String = g.Split("$")
For Each path As String In strArr
Please refer to the code below and the associated comments. Also I have comment out some code which I feel is not required based on what you want to do.
Dim strArr() As String = g.Split("$") 'This variable is empty
For count = 0 To strArr.Length - 1
Dim arr() As String = strArr(count).Split("\") ' Split returns an array
Dim strval As String = ""
For i As Integer = 3 To arr.Length - 1
'strval = arr(i)
Dim j As Integer = arr.Length - 1
strval = arr(j)
'Dim result As String = strval.Substring(g.Length - 5)
'result = g.Substring(g.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)

How to get an array to display all its values at once

Here is some sample code:
Dim arrValue(3) as Integer
arrValue(0) = 5
arrValue(1) = 4
arrValue(2) = 7
arrValue(3) = 1
How can I display those four values next to each other.
More specifically, given those values how can I make txtValue.Text = 5471
The idea I had would be to use some sort of function to append each one to the end using a loop like this:
Dim finalValue
For i As Integer = 3 To 0 Step -1
Obviously that code wouldn't work though the premise is sound I don't know the syntax for appending things and I'm sure I wouldn't be able to append an Integer anyway, I would need to convert each individual value to a string first.
Another method is to use String.Join:
Sub Main
Dim arrValue(3) as Integer
arrValue(0) = 5
arrValue(1) = 4
arrValue(2) = 7
arrValue(3) = 1
Dim result As String = String.Join("", arrValue)
End Sub
If I understand your question correctly, you can use StringBuilder to append the values together.
Dim finalValue as StringBuilder
finalValue = new StringBuilder()
For i As Integer = 3 To 0 Step -1
Then just return the finalValue.ToString()
Convert the integers to strings, and concatenate them:
Dim result as String = ""
For Each value as Integer in arrValue
result += value.ToString()
Note: using += to concatenate strings performs badly if you have many strings. Then you should use a StringBuilder instead:
Dim builder as New StringBuilder()
For Each value as Integer in arrValue
Dim result as String = builder.ToString()
for i = lbound(arrValue) to ubound(arrValue)
ss=ss & arrValue(i)
next i
end for
debug.print ss
Dim value as string = ""
For A As Integer = 1 To Begin.nOfMarks
value += "Mark " & A & ": " & (Begin.Marks(A)) & vbCrLf
Next A

vb.net searching for a search within a string

lot_no = "lot123"
s.indexof("lot123") does not return zero
s.indexof(lot_no) returns zero
has anyone seen a problem like this?
what does s contain?
For Each s As String In split1
K, looked add the code in your other thread.
When I execute the following code I get a result, what am I doing wrong?
Public lot__no As String = "<Lot no>928374</Lot no>"
Sub DoSomething()
Dim temp_string As String = "<beginning of record>ETCETCETC"
Dim myDelims As String() = New String() {"<beginning of record>"}
Dim Split() As String = temp_string.Split(myDelims, StringSplitOptions.None)
For Each s As String In Split
If InStr(s, lot__no) <> 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("found" + s)
End If
End Sub
Not sure what you're asking but this code returns -1 / -1
Dim lotnr As String = "lot123"
For Each s As String In "123asd"
Use IndexOf this way:
Dim lotnr As String = "lot123"
For Each s As String In "123asd"
This results in: