Wildcard of Number in SQL Server - sql

How to match numbers in SQL Server 'LIKE'.
| New_Space_1
| .
| .
| New_Space_8
| New_Space_9
| New_Space_10
| New_Space_11
| New_Space_SomeString
| New_Space_SomeString1
Above is my table contents.
I want to get only records ending with Numeric chars, ie I want the records from New_Space_1 to New_Space_11.
Don't want New_Space_SomeString and New_Space_SomeString1
I have some query like this.
SELECT SpaceName FROM SpaceTable
WHERE SpaceName LIKE 'New_Space_%'
But this returns all records.

what about
SELECT SpaceName FROM SpaceTable
WHERE SpaceName LIKE 'New[_]Space[_][0-9]%'
The reason I put underscore in brackets is because in a regular expression _ means Any single character. Read up on like here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179859.aspx

This solution from #SteveKass works perfect.
SELECT SpaceName FROM SpaceTable WHERE SpaceName LIKE 'New[_]Space[_]%' AND SpaceName NOT LIKE 'New[_]Space[_]%[^0-9]%'


Containstable is not working for special characters

I have a table, as an example Fruits, with column 'Name' which is Full Text Indexed
| ID | Name |
| 0 | *Apple |
| 1 | *Banana|
If we use full text search
select * from CONTAINSTABLE (Fruits, Name , '*')
This is ignored, as an escape character. While I have tried to use '/' and '%' to search but no use. Is there any option to search special characters?
I don't want to use LIKE Operator as it more time than Full text search.

single vs double quotes in WHERE clause returning different results

It seemed that Athena was including CSV column headers in my query results. I recreated the tables with the DDL included below using TBLPROPERTIES ("skip.header.line.count"="1") to remove the headers.
I'm running the following queries to validate that the CREATE TABLE DDL worked. The only difference between the queries below is the use of single vs double quotes in the WHERE clause. The issue is that I'm getting different result when running them.
Query 1:
FROM table
WHERE file_name = "file_name"
The query above returns the actual data (see sample table below), rather than only rows where the file_name field is "file_name".
| Row # | file_name |
| 1 | |
| 2 | 1586786323.8194735 |
| 3 | |
| 4 | 1586858857.3117666 |
| 5 | 1586858857.3117666 |
| 6 | 1586858857.3117666 |
| ... | |
Query 2:
FROM table
WHERE file_name = 'file_name'
The query above returns no results, as expected if the CSV column headers are not being included in the results.
I'm quite confused by the first query returning any results at all. I've scoured the AWS documentation at this point and doesn't seem I did anything wrong with the DDL and SQL should not care whether I use single vs. double quotes. What am I missing here?
`file_name` string,
`ticker` string,
Single quotes are the SQL standard for delimiting strings.
Double quotes are used for escaping delimiters. So "file_name" refers to the column of that name. Some databases also accept double quotes for strings. That is just confusing. Don't do that.
In your original tags, for instance, Hive uses backticks to escape identifiers and double quotes for strings. Presto uses double quotes (which is the standard) to delimit identifiers.
Just to expand on Gordon's answer a little. Your first query:
FROM table
WHERE file_name = "file_name"
In this case, the double quotes are causing the query engine to treat "file_name" as a column identifier, not a value, so that query is functionally the same as:
FROM table
WHERE file_name = file_name
Obviously (when written that way) the condition is always true, so the full table is returned.

Extract particular character using StandardSQL

I would like to extract particular character from strings using StandardSQL.
I would like to extract the character after limit=.
For instance, from below strings I would like to extract 10, 3 and null. For everything that has null I also would like to make all null = 1.
I only know how to use substring function but the problem here is the positions of limit= are not always the same.
You can use REGEXP_EXTRACT. For example:
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT('partner=aex&limit=3&filters%5Bpartner%5D', 'limit=(\\d+)');
| $col1 |
| 3 |

Query to search substring in column

I have a table that has a substring value in the column and I want to write a query that checks if input string has the substring.
My table looks like:
| company | host |
| ------- | ---------- |
| ebay | ebay.com |
| google | google.com |
| yahoo | yahoo.com |
My input will be like www.ebay.com or https://www.ebay.com or www.qa.ebay.com or www.dev.ebay.com..
If I get any of the inputs I want to return the first record.
I tried looking at the CHARINDEX, INSTR but they are work in reverse. My scenario is I have substring to be searched in table and the actual string as input.
Any help is appreciated.
You can use like for this, but you also need string concatenation. In ANSI standard SQL, this looks like:
select t.*
from t
where #inputstring like concat('%.', t.host)
where #inputstring is the string you are inputting.
Note: You can also use the concatenation infix operation, which is typically || (standard) or +.
You can use the SQL wildcard like so:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE host LIKE '%ebay.com';
Go for this:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE host LIKE '%SearchString%'
It will pull all rows containing the SearchString.
You can achieve this using like operator.
Select * from yourtable
where ? like concat('%', company, '%');
parameter ? with your input.

sql query words that don't have numbers?

It is possible to select just words that don't contain numbers?
Something like...
|Address |
|Street x 150 |
|Street y |
|Street z 498Z |
I want just Street y in this case.
I have these texts in a excel, and would 'filter' in access. And in last try I can pass it to a SQL Server (microsoft).
I'll search about REGEX on Access or mssql.
Here is a way to do it in SQL Server (and most other databases):
select *
from t
where address not like '%[0-9]%'
That is, the address is not like something that has a number in it.
Like in Access does not follow the standard at all (using * rather than % as the wildcard, for instance). So, this will not work in Access.
SELECT ... FROM ...WHERE fieldname REGEXP [^0-9]