I am using slim as my rendering engine. Here is my application.slim
doctype html
title Hello
= yield
Here is my view ("views/welcome/index.slim")
h1 Hello
The application.slim is being rendered correctly, but I see "< h1>Hello< /h1>" on the page.
Any ideas?
I found the answer. You have to use == when rendering a partial if you don't want it escaped. Can't believe I didn't see that in the docs.
I am trying to collect texts and images from a website to help collect missing people related tweets. Here is the problem:
Some tweets don't have images so the corresponding <div class='c' ....> has only one <div>...</div>.
Some tweets have images, so the corresponding <div class='c' ....> has two <div>...</div>, as shown in the following codes:
<div class='c' id="M_D*****">
<div class='c' id="M_D*****">
I intend to check whether a tweet has an image, i.e. find out whether the corresponding <div class='c' ....> has two <div>...</div>.
PS: The following codes are used to collect all the texts and image URLs but not all tweets have images so I want to match them by solving the above problem.
tweets = browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//span[#class='ctt']")
graph_links = browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//img[#alt='img' and #class='ib']")
This is a public welfare program, which aims to help the missing people go back home.
By collecting the text and the images separately, I think that it's going to be impossible to match the text with the related image after the fact. I would suggest a different approach. I would search for the <div class='c'...> that contains both the text and the optional image. Once you have the "container" DIV, you can then get the text and see if an image exists and put them all together. Without all the relevant HTML, you may have to tweak the code below but it should give you an idea on how to approach this.
containers = browser.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.c")
for container in containers:
print container.find_element_by_css_selector("span.ctt").text // the tweet text
images = container.find_elements_by_css_selector("img.ib")
if len(images) > 0 // see if the image exists
print images[0].get_attribute("src") // the URL of the image
print "-------------" // separator between tweets
The html you provided is probably not enough, but basing on it I suggest xpath: //div[#id='M_D*****' and ./div//img] which find div with specified id and containing div with image.
But answering directly to your question:
//div[./div[2] and not(./div[3])] will find all divs with exactly 2 div children
I have been trying <br> tag in haml, very unfortunately none of my code are working. How should we use nest for <br> in haml ?
%h1 Helo mate
whrere are you ?
Your example (%br/) already seems to be correct.
Whether you get a selfclosing tag (<br />) or a standalone tag (<br>) depends on whether your code is interpreted as html or as xhtml, so check which format you need. Xhtml has problems with non-closing tags.
Look here for more info.
Edit: Adding the info from matt's comment. The problem is not the br tag, but the content of the h1 tag being on the same line as the tag as well as on the next line, while the whole content should be nested when the content is more than one line:
Hello mate
where are you?
Hello mate
%br where are you
I have some dijit.InlineEditBox widgets and now I need to add some search highlighting over them, so I return the results with a span with class="highlight" over the matched words. The resulting code looks like this :
<div id="title_514141" data-dojo-type="dijit.InlineEditBox"
data-dojo-props="editor:\'dijit.form.TextBox\', onFocus:titles.save_old_value,
onChange:titles.save_inline, renderAsHtml:true">Twenty Thousand Leagues <span
class="highlight">Under</span> the Sea</div>
This looks as expected, however, when I start editing the title the added span shows up. How can I make the editor remove the span added so only the text remains ?
In this particular case the titles of the books have no html in them, so some kind of full tag stripping should work, but it would be nice to find a solution (in case of short description field with a dijit.Editor widget perhaps) where the existing html is left in place and only the highlighting span is removed.
Also, if you can suggest a better way to do this (inline editing and word highlighting) please let me know.
Thank you !
How will this affect your displayed content in the editor? It rather depends on the contents you allow into the field - you will need a rich-text editor (huge footprint) to handle html correctly.
These RegExp's will trim away XML tags
this.value = this.displayNode.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]*>/, " ").replace(/<\/[^>]*>/, '');
Here's a running example of the below code: fiddle
<div id="title_514141" data-dojo-type="dijit.InlineEditBox"
data-dojo-props="editor:\'dijit.form.TextBox\', onFocus:titles.save_old_value,
onChange:titles.save_inline, renderAsHtml:true">Twenty Thousand Leagues <span
class="highlight">Under</span> the Sea
<script type="dojo/method" event="onFocus">
this.value = this.displayNode.innerHTML.
replace(/<[^>]*>/, " ").
replace(/<\/[^>]*>/, '');
The renderAsHtml attribute only trims 'off one layer', so embedded HTML will still be html afaik. With the above you should be able to 1) override the onFocus handling, 2) set the editable value yourself and 3) call 'old' onFocus method.
Alternatively (as seeing you have allready set 'titles.save_*' in props, use dojo/connect instead of dojo/method - but you need to get there first, sort of say.
The some part of the html of the webpage which I'm testing looks like this
<div id="twoWideCallouts">
<div class="callout">
<a target="_blank" href="http://facebook.com">Facebook</a>
<div class="callout last">
<a target="_blank" href="http://youtube.com">Youtube</a>
I've to check using selenium that when I click on text, the URL opened is the same that is given in href and not error page.
Using Xpath I've written the following command
//i is iterator
selenium.getAttribute("//div[contains(#class, 'callout')]["+i+"]/a/#href")
However, this is very slow and for some of the links doesn't work. By reading many answers and comments on this site I've come to know that CSS loactors are faster and cleaner to maintain so I wrote it again as
css = div:contains(callout)
Firstly, I'm not able to reach to the anchor tag.
Secondly, This page can have any number of div where id = callout. Using xpathcount i can get the count of this, and I'll be iterating on that count and performing the href check. How can something similar be done using CSS locator?
Any help would be appreciated.
I can click on the link using the locator css=div.callout a, but when I try to read the href value using String str = "css=div.callout a[href]";
selenium.getAttribute(str);. I get the Error - element not found. Console description is given below.
19:12:33.968 INFO - Command request: getAttribute[css=div.callout a[href], ] on session
19:12:33.993 INFO - Got result: ERROR: Element css=div.callout a[href not found on session
I tried to get the href attribute using xpath like this
"xpath=(//div[contains(#class, 'callout')])["+1+"]/a/#href" and it worked fine.
Please tell me what should be the corresponding CSS locator for this.
It should be -
css = div:contains(callout)
Did you notice ":" instead of "." you used?
For CSSCount this might help -
On a different note, did you see proposal of new selenium site on area 51 - http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/4693/selenium.
To read the sttribute I used css=div.callout a#href and it worked. The problem was with use of square brackets around attribute name.
For the first part of your question, anchor your identifier on the hyperlink:
For achieving a count of elements in the DOM, based on CSS selectors, here's an excellent article.
On some pages, I put keywords within anchor tags. What's better to use for Google search:
Thanks in advance!
Doesn't make difference.
However, general usage of <b>, <i>, <u> tags is not advised. Use CSS to adjust text display properties.