Reducing the size of pdf generated from software using proprietary fonts - pdf

I am trying to bring an Indian Magazine online. This magazine is typed in CorelDraw using the proprietary Devenagari font ( So these guys have provided a USB dongle that you have to have attached to the machine when you want to access the fonts, and this software has been in use for past 10 years.
To put the magazine online, we've tried to convert it to pdf (by printing). The resultant pdf size is of the order of 30-50MB, even when the pdf does not have even a single image. I am guessing it converts the whole text into an image
It would be really difficult for users to read this magazine given its size. Though when I convert it to .swf format (for add flipbook kind of functionality) - the size reduces to 5-6MB. But there are people who like to download the magazine and then read. I have had no luck reducing the size of pdf.
I have done lot of research on web. The postscript, primo pdf do not help much. The best I could get was 30% reduction using DocuCom pdf printer. But it is still 20MB. I have tried to play with resolution, compression and quality but the best I could get was 18MB.
Ideally I would like to reduce it to less than 2MB.
I would be really grateful if you could help me reduce the size of the pdf! Considering that it has no images, I am hopeful that I can get some really good compression.
The (35MB) magazine can be downloaded from:

I can't see any easy way to reduce the size of this PDF. There are no embedded fonts and all the text is drawn using vector graphics primitives. No amount of tweaking the resolution, compression and quality will have a significant improvement.
One possible option would be to embed the font as a subset rather than use vector graphics. That will almost certainly make a big difference, however I doubt the proprietary font license will allow it.

I'm sorry, but this Shree-Lipi thing just sounds wrong in 2012. It would be much better to use proper OpenType fonts with modern (say InDesign) or free (say LuaTeX) software.


How do the font properties used influence the size of the PDF generated with IText?

I am building a PDF compressor using ITextSharp and so far I am extracting the images, reducing them and putting them in their proper places.
This process is already giving me very positive results, however I was using an paid software and noticed that their out-coming font is slightly different from the original.
What I would like to know is if this change from one font to another would influence the final result of the size of my generated pdf file.
I think the most important changes would be in weight and font type, since changing the font size does not make much sense in this process.
Thank you.
Quite possibly yes, fonts can definitely be a source of bloat in a PDF. Depending on if the font is fully embedded or only a subset is embedded for example can influence the size due to fonts.
A good PDF compressor will attempt to reduce size to due to fonts where possible. With that being said fonts are a very complicated animal in PDF and are very easy to get incorrect so choose your tools wisely.

How to compress a Pdf file in Windows 8 and Windows 7

I have a pdf file of 9mb but I want to convert it into less than 1mb.How can I do that? I have used all the online tools available.
It depends on what you produced it with, what level of PDF compliance you set, what target purpose / amount of images.
What you made it with: Some design software (Ilustrator) gives the option to leave editing information in the PDF. You would want to switch anything like that off.
Level of PDF compliance - compression got better with higher PDF versions. Go for the highest level you can.
Target purpose / content: Target purpose means DPI. Re-sample the images to the appropriate size for the output purpose. If you are for example intending the PDF to be displayed on a phone or tablet, then you do not need those massive images that you took with your 24Gb SLR.
Acrobat Pro tends to be good at compressing and removing junk.
9Mb is quite large for a PDF so I assume it is full of rich images. Reducing the size and colour depth of those images is likely to be the biggest benefit.

Change Ghostscript dithering method when converting pdf to 256 color BMP

I am trying to produce some high quality 8bpp bmp from pdf file with ghostscript. For that purpose, I use the bmp256 device.
So far, everything works well and is really fast, but ghostscript use halftoning to dither the image, leading to some uggly patterns when zooming on the picture :
I've managed to reduce their size by playing with the -dDITHERPPI flag, but this is still not satisfying enough. Those are too regular and are too easily spotted, even with little zoom.
Instead of using halftone, I would like to use some error diffusion algorithm, like the Floyd–Steinberg one. I found this algorithm is implemented on other devices, but they are all printer related devices, so I can't really use them.
Plus, I need to be as fast as possible when converting the PDF to 8bpp BMP, and the outputed pictures are very large: so converting it to 24 or 32bpp BMP in the first place to dither it later with another tool is excluded.
I already downloaded the source to try to implement it myself, but the project is really big and complex and I don't know how and where to start.
Is there any way to use some error diffusion algorithm with ghostscript without having to implement it myself ?
If no, is there a prefered way for extending ghostscript ? Any guideline ?

How to convert scanned document images to a PDF document with high compression?

I need to convert scanned document images to a PDF document with high compression. Compression ratio is very important. Can someone recommend any solution on C# for this task?
Best regards, Alexander
There is a free program called PDFBeads that can do it. It requires Ruby, ImageMagick and optionally jbig2enc.
The PDF format itself will probably add next to no overhead in your case. I mean your images will account for most of the output file size.
So, you should compress your images with highest possible compression. For black-and-white images you might get smallest output using FAX4 or JBIG2 compression schemes (both supported in PDF files).
For other images (grayscale, color) either use smallest possible size, lowest resolution and quality, or convert images to black-and-white and use FAX4/JBIG2 compression scheme.
Please note, that most probably you will lose some detail of any image while converting to black-and-white.
If you are looking for a library that can help you with recompression then have a look at Docotic.Pdf library (Disclaimer: I am one of developers of the library).
The Optimize images sample code shows how to recompress images before adding them to PDF. The sample shows how to recompress with JPEG, but for FAX4 the code will be almost the same.

Pdf tools to analyze pdf attributes

Is there any pdf tools that generate information regarding the loading time and memory usage to display pdf in browser, and also total element inside the pdf?
Unfortunately not really. I've done some of this research, not for PDF in a browser but (and perhaps this is what you are looking at as well) PDF on mobile devices.
There are a number of factors that contribute and that to some extent can be tested for:
Whether or not big images exist in the PDF and what resolution they are. This is linked directly to memory usage.
What compression method is used for image compression. Decompressing JPEG-2000 images specifically can increase load time significantly. Even worse, as JPEG-2000 can be progressively decompressed, it can give the appearance of a really bad PDF until the images has been fully decompressed and loaded (this is ugly specifically on somewhat older tablets for example).
How complex the transparency effects are that are used in the document.
How many fonts are used in the document.
How many line-art objects (vector elements) with a large number of nodes (points) are used on a page.
You can test what is in the document using Acrobat Pro to some extent (there is a well-hidden tool when you save an optimised PDF file that can audit what objects use how much of the space in a PDF document). You can also use a preflight solution such as pdfToolbox from callas (I'm affiliated with this company) or pitstop from enfocus; these tools would allow you to get a report with the results of custom checks such as image resolution, compression, vector objects, color spaces etc.