Documentum DQL query to import a file form cliet machine to repository - documentum

Can anyone tell me how to import a document from client machine to documentum repository using only "DQL", below is the command I am using... it's not working thought...
The error I am getting is [DM_SYSOBJECT_E_CANT_ACCESS_FILE- Unable to access file due to operating system error.
set object_name='xyz',
set folder_title='pqr',
set doc_subtype_code='XXXX',
set template_code='00',
set doc_subtype_nme='abc Documents',
set isworkflowrequired=1,
set iscreatedfrombiztemplate=0,
set sec_classification_code='O',
set acl_domain='myacldomain',
set acl_name='myacl'
set product_wf_code='0'
LINK '/Cabinet123/MYDocs',
SETFILE 'C:\mydoc.doc' WITH CONTENT_FORMAT='msw8';

According to the documentation the file to upload using setfile must either be local to the Content Server or to network locations visible to the Content Server.


IIS Application Pools: Listing Configuration

I am attempting to list certain sections of an app pool in IIS. I already have the script to set the attribute but haven't been able to find the one to list it. For example, to set the Rapid-Fail Protection to "true", I use:
appcmd set config -section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools "/[name='$appPool'].failure.rapidFailProtection:true" /commit:apphost
where $appPool is the name of your app. This method works fine. However, if I change it to something like:
appcmd list config -section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools "/[name='$appPool'].failure.rapidFailProtection"
It fails with
ERROR ( message:The attribute "[name='$appPool'].failure.rapidFailProtection" is not supported in the current command usage. )
I also tried a few variations such as the following but they had the same error:
appcmd list apppool $appPool /section:failure.rapidFailProtection
I believe I found the answer to my own question just via a different avenue. I was able to view the values using the following syntax:
$appPool = "AppPool1"
(Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools\$appPool").failure.rapidFailProtection
Using the $appPool variable I can create a loop to pull the values for each app pool.

selenium - created variable but doesn't seem available

I want to set a variable $import_location so that I can set it once for many uses and not hard-code it into each test case that is doing file uploads.
I have the variable set OK with the store command.
I am trying to use it on the uploads screen but keep getting the literal ${variable name}
How can I set the import location to be the variable that I've set above?
I just hadn't run the actual 'variable setting' script. One I had run it and created the variable I was able to use it OK.

Initialize DIR() function with HTTP server

Hi the following line does not work if I run it after a PC reboot:
Filename = Dir("\\epocal-db-01\qa\docs\shared documents\17000001-*.xlsx")
but it does if I run this line first:
Set Wk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="http://epocal-db-01/qa/docs/Shared Documents/17000001-00.xlsx", UpdateLinks:=0)
It sounds like a network mapping issue in my PC. Can I map the Http server without using the (slow) open method? Do I need to declare a library?

How to use a config file to connect to database set by user

I have a program that will run a query, and return results in report viewer. The issue is we have 10 locations, all with their own local database. What I'd like to do is have each location use the program and utilize the App.config file to specify which database to connect to depending on which location you are. This will prevent me from having to create 10 individual programs with separate database connections. I was thinking I could have 3 values in the app.config file "Database" "login" "password" Generally speaking the databases are on the .30 address... so it would be nice to be able to have them set the config file to the database server IP...
For example:
Location: 1
Login: sa
Password: databasepassword
Is it possible to set something like this up using the app.config file?
You should take a look on the resource files.
Originally, they are intended for localization, but they should work for you also.
Go to your project Properties, and set up an Application Setting --> Type (Connection String) from the drop down. This will result in a xlm config file in your output directory in which you can modify the connection string post-compile.
I ended up using a simple XML File to do this. I used this site to accomplish it. I first wrote the XML using the form load, then switched it to the read.

ASP Upload Component - Classic ASP

I have just moved a site from a dedicated server to a GoDaddy shared hosting account, and have just encountered loads of problems! One being with ASP Upload.
In Classic ASP, this is what I would normally do to upload files to my folder:
Set upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
uploadPath = Server.MapPath("../../files/photos/"&token_&"/")
upload.IgnoreNoPost = True
Set upload = Nothing
But since moving to GoDaddy, I get this nasty message:
This feature has been disabled by the system administrator. Use SaveVirtual instead.
I went on to ASP Upload's website documentation and I could not find SaveVirtual, only SaveAsVirtual which is where I have become unstuck.
I tried using SaveAsVirtual but it threw an error stating that I was using a physical path and I should be using a virtual path! I really don't understand this and was hoping that somebody could put me straight. My website is now deemed broken and is offline, please help.
This is what I tried before the physical/virtual path error:
Set upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
uploadPath = Server.MapPath("../../files/photos/"&token_&"/")
upload.IgnoreNoPost = True
Set upload = Nothing
According to the docs, the method is named SaveVirtual. It does the Server.MapPath conversion for you.
So, try:
Set upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
uploadPath = "../../files/photos/"&token_&"/"
upload.IgnoreNoPost = True
Set upload = Nothing
You already set a folder path to upload not need use like this "server.mappath"
please use below of code.
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload" )
Upload.SetMaxSize 10000000 ' Maksimum dosya büyüklüğü Byte cinsinden
Upload.OverwriteFiles = True
Path = "../../duyurular/"
Count = Upload.SaveAsVirtual(Path)
for godaddy you have to go in and change the server folder permission to read/write. Otherwise you get that error message.
well I also get encounter with this problem, I just changed the folder privileges from Go-daddy Hosting server so Any one can read or Write file from specific location
Many Thanks
Ahsan Aziz Abbasi