I have a ttimageview that works pretty well with the frame set initially with the constructor. However, it doesnt work if I do something like [ttimageview setFrame: someFrame]; it doesnt work.
Can anyone kindly advice how to solve this ? Thanks.
So, it seems like I needed to remove the image, release it, re-alloc it with the proper frame to fix the frame issues. not sure why setFrame didnt work. Ended up writing a new method.
In my project I am using an NSProgressIndicator to show that an NSTask is running, and it is set so that it does not display when stopped. It shows when it isn't stopped and disappears when it is stopped, however when it appears it looks like this:
Instead, it should look like this but doesn't:
As you can see, it has no border. How can I make it have one? Is this a known bug?
Maybe this is a bug, because as you mentioned in the comment, setting the NSProgressIndicator to hide and show manually resolves the problem for me too.
Putting this here because this should be resolved as an answer, at the very least it's the only work around.
My problem is simple: I'm waiting to take a screenshot of an MKMapView, and I want to do it only once the map is loaded. Unfortunately, this delegate method is almost always called before the map is actually loaded. I just get a grid, or a few loaded tiles if I'm lucky. Is there a good way to do what I need to do? Or am I missing something in the MKMapViewDelegate protocol?
Perhaps you could try adding a timer and then take the screenshot in the completion block of the timer. Or perhaps, use the mapView:didUpdateUserLocation: delegate method as the callback for the screenshot instead of mapView:DidFinishLoadingMap:
It seems this is one of the many bugs in MapKit in iOS 6. Hopefully it will be fixed with iOS 7.
I've got an app with a custom cursor which I achieved using a custom wrapper for NSCursor (most of the main code is designed to be OS portable, so above that I pretend the NSCursor is a Windows-style cursor). I'm having a few issues with the cursor not changing back to my custom one when the user cmd+tabs back into the window, and I'd like to see what is changing the value of currentCursor. Everywhere I've tried to set breakpoints has given me nothing so far.
So, I was wondering if there was a way (in Xcode) to break as soon as the value of [NSCursor currentCursor] changes. Is this possible? Is this kind of data accessible to my app?
Thanks - I hope I've made myself clear. It's quite hard to explain when I'm not even sure what I want to do!
NSCursor has a class method currentSystemCursor that will give you what you need in 10.6 and later.
I don't know how it happened, but all of a sudden in my table view I can't make an empty selection anymore. Like a table view row always has to be selected, and it can't be deselected by clicking somewhere else in the table view. I can select a different row, but I can't make an empty selection.
In the Interface Builder attributes for the table view empty selection is enabled, so I don't know where to look next. The one major change I made was that I installed OS X Snow Leopard. I'm not sure if this issue has something to do with that.
I struck this exact same issue (I am using XCode 4.2 but compiling against the 10.6sdk). NSOutlineView::deselectAll just was not deselecting things. I have a fairly complex NSOutlineView which exhibits the same behavior. I had a look on the apple developer forums and other places to try and work around this issue. However in the end working around this for me was very simple and I could just use:
- (void) myDeselectAll
[self selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSet] byExtendingSelection:NO];
Try doing it programmatically with the setter method setAllowsEmptySelection:. Alternatively, try disabling empty selection in IB, saving, then enabling it, saving one more time. That might fix it.
Also make sure that something in tableView:shouldSelectRow: isn't stopping you from it (provided you've implemented this delegate method).
This is a bit old, but for those who need an answer to this:
Use the interface builder and mark the array controller. remove checkmark "avoid empty selection".
If not done so, create an outlet for the array controller. Here I have called it DocumentArrayController.
then to empty selection:
[_DocumentArrayController removeSelectionIndexes:
[_DocumentArrayController selectionIndexes]];
Do you have your columns bound to an array controller? If so, check the controller's attributes.
I'm not allowed to say much more than this: It seems to be a problem with 10.6 specifically
Greetings! I'm attempting to use MKMapView without any Apple code samples, though there are a few others out there of varying clarity. (I know, "Read the friendly manual." I've done that but it's not 100% clear, so please bear with me on this one.)
Here's the situation. I have a MKMapView object, wherein I have added a set of about ten MKPinAnnotation objects. So far, so good. Everything is alloced/released sanely and there doesn't appear to be any complaints from Instruments.
Upon initial display, I set up a MKCoordinateRegion object with the centerpoint at our first pin location, and a (arbitrary) span of 0.2 x 0.2. I then call:
[mapView setRegion:region animated:YES];
[mapView regionThatFits:region];
Wow! That worked well.
Meanwhile ... I also have a segmented control to allow for movement to each pin location. So as I tap through the list, the map animates to each new pin location with a new pair of calls to setRegion:animated: and regionThatFits: ... or at least that's the idea.
While the map does "travel" to the new pin location, the map itself doesn't update underneath. Instead, I see my pin on a gray/blank-map background ... until I nudge the map in any direction, however slightly. Then the map shows through! (If I'm only moving within a short distance of the previous pin location, I'll usually see whatever part of the map was already loaded.)
I suspect I'm doing something dumb here, but I haven't been able to figure out what, at least not from the MapKit docs. Perhaps I'm using the wrong calls? (Well, I do need to set the region at least once, yes? Moving that around doesn't seem to help though.) I have also tried using setCenterCoordinate:animated: - same problem.
I'm assuming nothing at this point (no pun intended). Just trying to find my way.
Clues welcome/appreciated!
UPDATE: Calling setRegion:animated: and regionThatFits: the first time, followed by setCenterCoordinate:animated: while traversing the list, has no effect. Interesting finding though: If I change animated to NO in both cases, the map updates!!! Only when it's set to YES. (Wha happen?! Is animated: broken? That can't be ... ???)
It turns out that the map update doesn't work when using the SIMULATOR. When I try setCenterCoordinate:animated: on the device, I do get the map update underneath.
Bottom line: I was trusting the simulator to match the device in terms of map updating behavior. Alas, I was mistaken! Lesson learned. "Don't let this happen to you." :)
You need to invoke the setRegion:animated: call in the Main thread context.
Just do something like:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(updateMyMap) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
-(void) updateMyMap {
[myMap setRegion:myRegion animated:YES];
and it should work in any case (animated or not), with the map updated underneath.
Hum strange. The map updates on my Mac even in the simulator. Maybe a network setting (proxy or whatever) that would prevent the map widget to download the tiles on the simulator ?
Even though this is an old topic I thought I'd ring in with my experience. It seems the map animation only fails on devices running iOS 3.1.x and the simulator running 3.1.x. My dev iPod touch with 3.1.3 fails to zoom if animation is on.