OpenCart when clicking view order it loads a blank page - e-commerce

I am using opencart for an online shop I am creating.
When I look at the latest orders section I am supposed to be able to click view for each order.
When the view link is clicked all that is loaded is a blank page.
There are no errors that I can see. I can provide any code you need however I do not know where the error is so help is greatly appreciated.

Try adding to following to the top of your admin/index.php file.
ini_set("display_errors" , 1);
This should give you more information about the bug.


Prestashop - how to create a custom page?

Title says it all. I want to create a custom prestashop page, but I don't know how.
What I actually want to do: create a button that opens a custom page. I can't find anything useful in the internet so I came here to ask for help. Could someone explain me how to do that?
There are many ways to add a new page, it depending in your needs.
By a CMS page, you can add the content you need in the HTML editor, like the product description:
By a front controller from a module:
By creating a new page, here my explanation: Prestashop custom page with own template
The point 1 is the most easy way for a common user, the rest of the points require advanced knowledge.

new category appears near home page tite, why?

I installed PrestaShop and I added many categories, one of them appears on the top menu of the front page, only a specific one of them. I don't know why, I didn't add any products to it.
you can see it by browsing to and near the CLASSIC title which is a link to the homepage, DIFFERENT HOLDERS is also shown there which is an empty category. what am I missing? why is this category alone is shown there?
how can I remove it ?
It seems it coming from top horizontal menu module, please check it in admin under module section and remove it.

Sitefinity - How to add link to internal page

I'm new to Sitefinity. So far I see some built in widgets to add image and text and let other edit them later on. However, I want to build a block which contains an image, a short description and when click that block will jump to an internal page. I'm stuck at figuring out how to make the internal URL editable.
Anybody has experience about this?
Thank you

Drupal - Simple Edit can't find

Ok, I have been searching for days on how to fix the vimeo urls on this page:
Basically, I just got an SSL certificate and I'd like to change http://{the vimeo url} vimeo linking videos to https://{the vimeo url} Simple edit is all I need, but I can't find where the videos are located.
Content Blocks? All I get are settings for this. Pages? So, I go to "Content" and I see a huge list of pages in there, I see a page called "Home", so I click on the Edit link and the body of the page is blank? Ok, so this has to be coming from someplace else, but where?
Can someone please help me with how to find the vimeo video URLs and change them to "https://" instead of "http://"
I think the View is called: A-Spots... here are pics of what I get when I click on the Edit A-Spot View:
What exactly am I supposed to do here? Seems like so much to do, but every option I seem to choose still doesn't give me the option to change the vimeo URLs.
A view just select nodes (or other entities) to show them. If you edit a view, you just change the way those nodes are selected or shown; you don't edit the nodes a view selects to show.
If you look at the preview of that view, you will notice it shows some numbers; those numbers are node IDs. Just edit the node from; replace 55291246 with the other IDs shown, and you will be able to edit all the nodes used from the view.
If that doesn't work, lists all the content in the site. Just look for the nodes whose ID is the one shown in that preview, and edit them.

Windows 8 Grouped Items Page no content displayed

in my Windows 8 (Modern UI) App, i want to add a GroupedItemsPage. When I add it as my
main Page, everything Shows up, and the sample data of the template is displayed.
But when i want to add it as an additional page, that i navigate to through my MainPage,
the Content is not displayed. I only see the Title but now Elements at all.
Can anyone help me with this?
Can you provide some sample code? You might have mixed something up with the Databinding or the navigation.