open layer GetFeatureInfo proxy setting - apache

I have problems with this line,
OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "proxy.cgi?url=";
What should do other than writing above line in open layer code set?
My information
I try to get feature information of WMS image using WMSGetFeatureInfo command.I am using openlayer 2.10 ,geoserver and apache-tomcat-6.0.35.I can run tomcat using localhost:8080 and geoserver using localhost:8080/geoserver.
I am new to open layer and i see Frequently Asked Questions about the OpenLayers project but still can't figure out the answer.Yours any answers are very help full for me?
Thanks for your valuable time.

This link could be useful: Openlayers Proxy path usage
Some of the tasks that OpenLayers performs (including WFS requests) require the use of a proxy script because of restrictions in JavaScript on the use of XMLHTTPRequest making requests to remote servers.
Add that specific declaration before setting the map.
Start from here:
Example of code:
* Fix for OpenLayers using 900913 for web mercator and AGS using 102113 (it must run before map init)
OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.prototype.getFullRequestString = function(newParams,altUrl) {
try {
var projectionCode=typeof this.options.projection == 'undefined' ? : this.options.projection;
} catch(err){
this.params.SRS = projectionCode=="none" ? null : projectionCode;
return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.getFullRequestString.apply(this,arguments);
OpenLayers.ProxyHost = proxyPath;
var options = {
projection: mercator, //EPSG:3785/900913
displayProjection: geographic, //EPSG:4326
theme: null,
maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34),
maxResolution: 156543.0339,
units: 'm',
controls: [],
numZoomLevels: MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL,
allOverlays: true
OpenLayers.Util.DEFAULT_PRECISION = 18;
mp = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);
mp.addLayers([googlePhysical, googleSatellite, googleStreets, googleHybrid]);
//Enabling the preferred layers with a delay of 450 to be able to load the external backgrounds
setTimeout(setInitialLayersDiv, 450);
if (!mp.getCenter()) {
if (document.getElementById('userMapExtent').value != '') {
var sExtent = document.getElementById('userMapExtent').value.split(',');
mp.zoomToExtent(new OpenLayers.Bounds(sExtent[0], sExtent[1], sExtent[2], sExtent[3]), true);
} else {


How to export vuelayers map to png or jpeg?

How would I adapt #ghettovoice JSFiddle that saves a map to PDF to save the map to a JPEG or PNG? I have no idea how to attempt this problem so ideally if you know hoe to do it you can explain the logic behind it.
exportMap: function () {
var map = this.$
map.once('rendercomplete', function () {
var mapCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var size = map.getSize();
mapCanvas.width = size[0];
mapCanvas.height = size[1];
var mapContext = mapCanvas.getContext('2d');
document.querySelectorAll('.ol-layer canvas'),
function (canvas) {
if (canvas.width > 0) {
var opacity =;
mapContext.globalAlpha = opacity === '' ? 1 : Number(opacity);
var transform =;
// Get the transform parameters from the style's transform matrix
var matrix = transform
// Apply the transform to the export map context
mapContext.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
if (navigator.msSaveBlob) {
// link download attribuute does not work on MS browsers
navigator.msSaveBlob(mapCanvas.msToBlob(), 'map.png');
} else {
var link = document.getElementById('image-download');
link.href = mapCanvas.toDataURL();;
The problem was a combination of missing dependencies (namely FileSaver.js and fakerator.js) and a cross origin server block (CORS block) (Browsers automatically prevent httpRequests to a different domain name unless the server allows it). The first one is fixed by installing the packages while the second one is resolved by setting the crossOrigin Attribute of the ImageWMSLayer to null in my case but possibly to 'Anonymous' for other sources. Hope this helped someone else :)

Image caching in Github?

Is there any caching policy of images in GitHub?
I am facing trouble while rendering an image from an API. The image works fine when I open it in the browser.
However, Github renders some older version of that image.
How can I workaround this issue or is there any fix?
Considering this netlify/netlify-cms PR, maybe adding the ts=$(date) as parameter of a GitHub API v3 call would be enough of a "cache busting" for your need.
From the code:
const cacheBuster = new Date().getTime();
const params = [`ts=${cacheBuster}`];
if (options.params) {
for (const key in options.params) {
params.push(`${ key }=${ encodeURIComponent(options.params[key]) }`);
if (params.length) {
path += `?${ params.join("&") }`;
return this.api_root + path;
This adds a &ts=xxx timestamp parameter to the call.

Show local image file:///tmp/someimage.jpg

I'm contributing for a OSS project that is build on BlazorServerSide and ElectronNET.API Version 9.31.1.
In an Electron window we would like to show images from local storage UI via <img> tag.
What I have tried:
I have tried with:
<img src="file:///home/dani/pictures/someimage.jpg" />
But doesn't work. Image doesn't appear. I have then tried to create electron window with WebSecurity = false, but also doesn't help (images appears as broken on UI):
var browserWindowOptions = new BrowserWindowOptions
WebPreferences = new WebPreferences
WebSecurity = false,
Task.Run(async () => await Electron.WindowManager.CreateWindowAsync(
Finally, as workaround, I'm sending the images as data base64 in img src's attribute, but it looks like a dirty approach.
My Question:
My question is, how can I show on electron window picture files from local storage.
Some irrelevant info:
The open source line where I need assistance.
There are several ways to go about this, so I will try to cover the most relevant use cases. Some of this depends on the context of your project.
Access to local files behave as cross origin requests by default. You could try using the crossorigin=anonymous attribute on your image tag, but doesn't work because your local file system will not be responding with cross origin headers.
Disabling the webSecurity option is a workaround, but is not recommended for security reasons, and will not usually work correctly anyway if your html is not also loaded from the local file system.
Disabling webSecurity will disable the same-origin policy and set allowRunningInsecureContent property to true. In other words, it allows the execution of insecure code from different domains.
Here are some methods of working around this issue:
1 - Use the HTML5 File API to load local file resources and provide the ArrayBuffer to ImageData to write the image to a <canvas> .
function loadAsUrl(theFile) {
var reader = new FileReader();
var putCanvas = function(canvas_id) {
return function(loadedEvent) {
var buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(;
.putImageData(new ImageData(buffer, width, height), 0, 0);
reader.onload = putCanvas("canvas_id");
1.b - It is also possible to load a file as a data URL. A data URL can be set as source (src) on img elements with JavaScript. Here is a JavaScript function named loadAsUrl() that shows how to load a file as a data URL using the HTML5 file API:
function loadAsUrl(theFile) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(loadedEvent) {
var image = document.getElementById("theImage");
2 - Use the Node API fs to read the file, and convert it into a base64 encoded data url to embed in the image tag.
Hack - Alternatively you can try loading the image in a BrowserView or <webview>. The former overlays the content of your BrowserWindow while the latter is embedded into the content.
// In the main process.
const { BrowserView, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
const view = new BrowserView()
view.setBounds({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 300 })

How to stream audio file with opentok?

In opentok, with OT.initPublisher, you only can pass a deviceId to the audioSource. Does someone know a method to stream an audio file ?
For example, I have done this:
navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: false},
function(stream) {
var context = new AudioContext();
var microphone = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var backgroundMusic = context.createMediaElementSource(document.getElementById("song"));
var mixedOutput = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
Like this, I can have a stream with the voice and my music but how to put this stream to a publisher ? Is it possible or is there another way to do this ?
Update: There is now an official way to do this, using the videoSource and audioSource properties provided to OT.initPublisher, please see the documentation:
This is an example of how to stream a canvas element as a video track:
You can apply the same technique to stream an audio track.
Old Answer:
It's not currently possible with the officially supported API but there is a way to do it.
Please see the TokBox blog post about Camera Filters:
In order to modify the stream before it reaches the OpenTok JS SDK we use the mockGetUserMedia function to intercept the stream:
You could invoke mockGetUserMedia with a function which does your audio mixing. Something like this:
mockGetUserMedia(function(originalStream) {
var context = new AudioContext();
var microphone = context.createMediaStreamSource(originalStream);
var backgroundMusic = context.createMediaElementSource(document.getElementById("song"));
var mixedOutput = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
var stream =;
originalStream.getVideoTracks().map(function(track) {
return stream;
Note: I have not tested this function but it should lead you in the right direction. Remember that this technique is error prone and not officially supported by TokBox.
We are currently working on a new feature which will enable this use case but I cannot give a time estimate of when it will be available.
Thank you for the help but we cannot make it work since this morning.
So we made a different file with this code which is implemented before the opentok library in our html :
function mockGetUserMedia(mockOnStreamAvailable) {
var oldGetUserMedia = void 0;
if (navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia) {
oldGetUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia = function getUserMedia(constraints, onStreamAvailable, onStreamAvailableError, onAccessDialogOpened, onAccessDialogClosed, onAccessDenied) {
return, constraints, function (stream) {
}, onStreamAvailableError, onAccessDialogOpened, onAccessDialogClosed, onAccessDenied);
} else {
console.warn('Could not find getUserMedia function to mock out');
mockGetUserMedia(function(stream) {
var context = new AudioContext();
var bgMusic = context.createMediaElementSource(document.getElementById("song"));
var microphone = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var destination = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
var mixedStream =;
stream.getVideoTracks().map(function(track) {
return mixedStream;
In our angular, we init the session, create a publisher and publish it but get the error :
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'createMediaElementSource' on 'BaseAudioContext': HTMLMediaElement already connected previously to a different MediaElementSourceNode.
This error, I think, is throw because the function is executed twice. When the js load, and when we publish.
I am not sure how to use this mockGetUserMedia function, do you know what is wrong with our code ?
We made it work with some if condition. Thank you so much man, very appreciated.

Grab the resource contents in CasperJS or PhantomJS

I see that CasperJS has a "download" function and an "on resource received" callback but I do not see the contents of a resource in the callback, and I don't want to download the resource to the filesystem.
I want to grab the contents of the resource so that I can do something with it in my script. Is this possible with CasperJS or PhantomJS?
This problem has been in my way for the last couple of days. The proxy solution wasn't very clean in my environment so I found out where phantomjs's QTNetworking core put the resources when it caches them.
Long story short, here is my gist. You need the cache.js and mimetype.js files:
//for this to work, you have to call phantomjs with the cache enabled:
//usage: phantomjs --disk-cache=true test.js
var page = require('webpage').create();
var fs = require('fs');
var cache = require('./cache');
var mimetype = require('./mimetype');
//this is the path that QTNetwork classes uses for caching files for it's http client
//the path should be the one that has 16 folders labeled 0,1,2,3,...,F
cache.cachePath = '/Users/brandon/Library/Caches/Ofi Labs/PhantomJS/data7/';
var url = '';
page.viewportSize = { width: 1300, height: 768 };
//when the resource is received, go ahead and include a reference to it in the cache object
page.onResourceReceived = function(response) {
//I only cache images, but you can change this
if(response.contentType.indexOf('image') >= 0)
//when the page is done loading, go through each cachedResource and do something with it,
//I'm just saving them to a file
page.onLoadFinished = function(status) {
for(index in cache.cachedResources) {
var file = cache.cachedResources[index].cacheFileNoPath;
var ext = mimetype.ext[cache.cachedResources[index].mimetype];
var finalFile = file.replace("."+cache.cacheExtension,"."+ext);
};, function () {
Then when you call phantomjs, just make sure the cache is enabled:
phantomjs --disk-cache=true test.js
Some notes:
I wrote this for the purpose of getting the images on a page without using the proxy or taking a low res snapshot. QT uses compression on certain text file resources and you will have to deal with the decompression if you use this for text files. Also, I ran a quick test to pull in html resources and it didn't parse the http headers out of the result. But, this is useful to me, hopefully someone else will find it so, modify it if you have problems with a specific content type.
I've found that until the phantomjs matures a bit, according to the issue 158 this is a bit of a headache for them.
So you want to do it anyways? I've opted to go a bit higher to accomplish this and have grabbed PyMiProxy over at, downloaded, installed, set it up, took their example code and made this in
from miproxy.proxy import RequestInterceptorPlugin, ResponseInterceptorPlugin, AsyncMitmProxy
from mimetools import Message
from StringIO import StringIO
class DebugInterceptor(RequestInterceptorPlugin, ResponseInterceptorPlugin):
def do_request(self, data):
data = data.replace('Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n', 'Accept-Encoding:\r\n', 1);
return data
def do_response(self, data):
#print '<< %s' % repr(data[:100])
request_line, headers_alone = data.split('\r\n', 1)
headers = Message(StringIO(headers_alone))
print "Content type: %s" %(headers['content-type'])
if headers['content-type'] == 'text/x-comma-separated-values':
f = open('data.csv', 'w')
print ''
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
proxy = AsyncMitmProxy()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Then I fire it up
Next I execute phantomjs with the proxy specified...
phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=yes --cookies-file=cookies.txt --proxy= --web-security=no myfile.js
You may want to turn your security on or such, it was needless for me currently as I'm scraping just one source. You should now see a bunch of text flowing through your proxy console and if it lands on something with the mime type of "text/x-comma-separated-values" it'll save it as data.csv. This will also save all the headers and everything, but if you've come this far I'm sure you can figure out how to pop those off.
One other detail, I've found that I've had to disable gzip encoding, I could use zlib and decompress data in gzip from my own apache webserver, but if it comes out of IIS or such the decompression will get errors and I'm not sure about that part of it.
So my power company won't offer me an API? Fine! We do it the hard way!
Did not realize I could grab the source from the document object like this:
casper.start(url, function() {
var js = this.evaluate(function() {
return document;
More info here.
You can use Casper.debugHTML() to print out contents of a HTML resource:
var casper = require('casper').create();
casper.start('', function() {
You can also store the HTML contents in a var using casper.getPageContent(): (available in lastest master)