What are my options to deploy Go applications alongside PHP applications? - apache

What I'm basically trying to accomplish is having my main website running a CMS written in Go. This will be located at www.example.com.
I also have applications written in PHP located in directories, such as www.example.com/clients/
How can I serve example.com/clients using Apache/PHP while serving example.com using Go built-in web server?

Via mod_proxy in Apache2, you can proxy different paths into different destinations at localhost or anywhere else accessible by your server, including within your local network (if your server can access it).
For this you would use ProxyPass (Apache2 Docs for ProxyPass, which is very useful reading) like the example below:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName some.example.host.xyz
DocumentRoot /var/www/your-document-root
Alias /clients/ /var/www/clients/
ProxyPass /clients/ !
ScriptAlias /something-using-cgi/ /var/www/cgi-stuff/
ProxyPass /something-using-cgi/ !
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://localhost:9876/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9876/
ProxyPass /elsewhere/ http://elsewhere.example.host.xyz:1234/
ProxyPassReverse /elsewhere/ http://elsewhere.example.host.xyz:1234/
You'll want to be sure that you set your proxy security such that external users can't use your reverse proxy as a forward proxy, too. You can do that via ProxyRequests as described in the official Apache2 docs. The way I did this on a server is to put this in your server-wide config (you should verify on your own that this is secure enough):
# disables forward proxy
ProxyRequests Off

Andrew Gerrand has a good blog post about this for nginx but the principle is the same for Apache.
You want to set up Apache as a reverse proxy for requests coming in for the Go application.
For Apache you want to look at mod_proxy


Apache and Tomcat proxying

Recently, I was in need of using both Apache and Tomcat together in which Apache was to be used as the reverse proxy to forward requests to port 80 to localhost:8080 which I did like this:
<VirtualHost *:*>
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/app/
And it works perfectly well.
Now, what I need to do is: I have Tomcat listening and serving on another port 8082. I need to be able to access it using www.mydomain.com:8082. I tried:
<VirtualHost *:8082>
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8082/app/
But no luck. And I can't listen on 8082 because Tomcat is doing that.
What you have above is a (failed) attempt to map the / URL space into two different places. That's never going to work.
When proxying to Tomcat, it's never a good idea to rewrite URL paths (e.g. / -> /app/ because Tomcat is going to get all kinds of confused. It's much better to map individual applications:
<VirtualHost *:*>
ProxyPass /app1/ http://localhost:8080/app1/
ProxyPass /app2/ http://localhost:8080/app2/
ProxyPass /app3/ http://localhost:8082/app3/
ProxyPass /app4/ http://localhost:8082/app4/
# If you need a fall-back application for `/`, just map it last.
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
Note that the last line up there is mapping / to Tomcat's ROOT context (mounted on /'). Don't do this any other way, or you'll spend years trying to make everything work when you could have just done it the recommended way.

Apache hybris configuration to proxy pass HTTP and HTTP(S) yacceleratorstorefront (electronic store) URL to Hybris Server

I am trying to access the yacceleratorstorefront/electronics/en/?site=electronics URL from apache web server to Hybris where the electronic store URL is configured. The electronic store URL is accessible and working from any of the server in environment if apache web server is BY PASSED is my Hybris server.
ERROR ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
HTTP Status 500 - Cannot find CMSSite associated with current URL ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
type Status report
message Cannot find CMSSite associated with current URL
description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
Any suggestion or advice is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
-Regards, S#BS
------------------------------------------------httpd Code below----------------------------------------------------
<VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse /
ServerName localhost</VirtualHost>
<VirtualHost *:443> ServerName localhost
#ProxyRequests Off #ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse /
SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/certs/mysite.com.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/certs/mysite.com.key
The error message indicates that you are not setting the ?site=electronics parameter at the http version of you proxy (it also seems to be missing in the proxypass setting for port 80).
I'm not an apache buff but maybe it works if you configure your proxy settings for port 80 in the same way:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
ServerName localhost
Just some more info: Apart from the site parameter approach you can also use a host name approach.
Not sure if you have access to the hybris wiki, but here are some more details:
(its for Telco accelerator, but it works the same for any other storefront).
Not sure how that works together with apache, I assume you have to setup some sub domains or something.
Does it work if you try to access apache on https directly? (There it seems you have the correct url containing the site parameter).
Note: The site parameter is basically only needed for the first http request of a session. It is used to determine which storefront, i.e. BaseSite is supposed to be used. All subsequent requests (of the same session) shouldn't require the site parameter.
Hope that helps!
Your http config is fine. Your https config is wrong.
Do not put ?site=electronics or anything like that in your apache config.
The site detection works based on the URL. In the sample data you are using that is at least a regex looking for "electronics" in the hostname.
One single apache config will be able to support all sites. You do not need to specify the site. You do not need to specify /yacceleratorstorefront.
Simply edit your hosts file to include " electronics.rtfm"
Now access http://electronics.rtfm/
You can avoid adding the site in the URL by going in HMC: WCMS > Websites
Under the Properties tab, add a new URL pattern that will match your site.
Once it is done, URLs that match the site's pattern will automatically use that site.
Using URL patterns for each site will simplify the web server's configuration.

How can I use apache or nginx as frontend for a node app?

I'm trying to develop a Node.js web application, but my production environment-to-be is already hosting Apache/2.2.22. So I can't have Node use port 80, and I don't want my users to have to go to http://myapp.com:4000/.
Is there an apache module that does this, perhaps like mod_jk does this for Tomcat?
The same question goes for nginx.
mod_proxy can do that (for apache)
<VirtualHost nodejs.host.com>
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://localhost:4000
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:4000
will forward everything on that virtualhost to Node.js

Mapping address to multiple tomcat instances

I have 3 tomcat instances running on Windows Server 2008 machine. Each one with one app:
How I can configure my server to map an address without the port number?
Is it a tomcat configuration or something with DNS?
Ok, I tried the following:
Set up the Apache 2.2
Configure httpd.conf loading proxy modules
And add a proxy module configuration:
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /app1 http://machine:8081/app
ProxyPassReverse /app1 http://machine:8081/app
<Location "/app">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Now the redirect works well local in the machine. But it doesn't works when I try access from another machine in the same network. (this another machine can ping 'machine' host. And I tried putting the ip number too).
You can use nginx (http://nginx.org/en/docs/) as proxy for example.
Try simply (no load balancing etc.):
server {
listen here.your.ip:80/YourApp;
location / {
root /path/to/your/webapp;
proxy_pass http://host:8080/YourApp;
Same way for other ports
It is quite common to use multiple Tomcats behind Apache to do load balancing. While this is not load balancing the principle is the same. Instead of having one application with 3 load-balanced Tomcat workers, you would have 3 applications with 1 tomcat worker each.
You can find the tomcat documentation here: http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/
Try mod proxy configuration on below code in httpd:
ProxyPass /app0 http://localhost:8080/app0/
ProxyPassReverse /app0 http://localhost:8080/app0/
ProxyPass /app1 http://localhost:8081/app1/
ProxyPassReverse /app1 http://localhost:8081/app1/
ProxyPass /app2 http://localhost:8082/app2/
ProxyPassReverse /app2 http://localhost:8082/app2/

Apache VirtualHost with mod-proxy and SSL

I am trying to setup a server with multiple web applications which will all be served through apache VirtualHost (apache running on the same server). My main constrain is that each web application must use SSL encryption. After googling for a while and looking other questions on stackoverflow, I wrote the following configuration for the VirtualHost:
ServerName host.domain.org
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
SSLProxyEngine On
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / https://localhost:8443/
ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:8443/
Even though https://host.domain.org:8443 is accessible, https://host.domain.org is not, which defeats the purpose of my virtual host configuration. Firefox complains that even though it successfully connected to the server, the connection was interrupted. Chrome return an error 107: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.
Finally I should also mention that the virtual host works perfectly fine when I do not use SSL.
How can I make this work ?
You don't need to configure SSL in both Apache and Tomcat.
The easiest way to accomplish that is configure SSL just on Apache and proxy to tomcat using http.