What does "<>" mean? - operators

Looking over code examples in my lecture slides, I notice this:
c = head();
s = null;
while (c <> null && s == null) {
if (c.value().matches("33812"))
s = c
c = next
Whilst I understand basically what the code does, I don't understand this particular part of the while loop condition "c <> null".
Thanks in advance!

It's almost certainly just a typo/braino for != ("not equal to"). <> is used in Basic and SQL, but not in any C-like language I'm familiar with.

c <> null is the same as c != null, which means that c is not equal to null. I can't think of any languages offhand that use it, but I know they exist. (Haskell uses <>, but it's for something completely different, and uses /= for null because it looks like the symbol ≠.)

As stated, <> means != or not equal to. The reasoning behind this is one operand cannot be equal if it is strictly greater/less than the other operand, thus <> really means all numeric possibilities EXCEPT ==, that is, !=.

<> and != mean "not equal to". SQL uses <> in general; depending on the language, this is either equivalent to != or not supported by its lexer.


In SQL, is there a difference between "IS" and "=" when returning values in where statements?

I am currently learning SQL utilizing Codecademy and am curious if there is a difference between using "IS" or "=".
In the current lesson, I wrote this code:
FROM nomnom
WHERE neighborhood IS 'Midtown'
OR neighborhood IS 'Downtown'
OR neighborhood IS 'Chinatown';
Which ran perfectly fine. I always like to look at the answer after to see if there was something I did wrong or could improve on. The answer had this code:
FROM nomnom
WHERE neighborhood = 'Midtown'
OR neighborhood = 'Downtown'
OR neighborhood = 'Chinatown';
Do IS and = function the same?
All that you want to know you can find it here:
The IS and IS NOT operators work like = and != except when one or both
of the operands are NULL. In this case, if both operands are NULL,
then the IS operator evaluates to 1 (true) and the IS NOT operator
evaluates to 0 (false). If one operand is NULL and the other is not,
then the IS operator evaluates to 0 (false) and the IS NOT operator is
1 (true). It is not possible for an IS or IS NOT expression to
evaluate to NULL. Operators IS and IS NOT have the same precedence as
taken from: SQL As Understood By SQLite.
The important part is: ...except when one or both of the operands are NULL... because when using = or != (<>) and 1 (or both) of the operands is NULL then the result is also NULL and this is the difference to IS and IS NOT.
They work the same but "IS" is a keyword in MySQL and is generally used while comparing NULL values. While comparing NULL values "=" does not work.
SELECT * FROM nomnom WHERE neighborhood IS NULL
The above statement would run perfectly fine but
SELECT * FROM nomnom WHERE neighborhood = NULL
would result in an error.
They are the same for these cases, but further down the line you will discover one nifty little value called NULL.
NULL is a pain because... it doesn't exist.
0 = NULL returns FALSE;
Date <> [Column] will not return lines with NULL, only those with a value that is different.
Hell, even NULL = NULL returns false. And NULL <> NULL also returns false. That is why "IS" exists. Because NULL IS NULL will return true.
So as a general rule, use = for values.
Keep "IS" for null.
[Column] IS NULL
[Column] IS NOT NULL
And remember to always check if your column is nullable that you need to plan for null values in your WHERE or ON clauses.

What does "<>" symbol mean?

I read the Laravel manual and found this symbol in the code below:
select * from users where name = 'John' or (votes > 100 and title <> 'Admin')
So what dose "<>" mean??
It means "not equal to" in SQL.
Both <> and != are OK I think!
Both != and <> has same Properties IN SQL:
!= :
Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal then condition becomes true.
(a != b) is true.
Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal then condition becomes true.
(a <> b) is true.

What is the SQL operator name for "<>"?

I am confused and did not find in Google. Can anyone tell me What is Sql <> operator name?
<> is NOT Equal to, it's the same as !=
It's "not equal". Look in the list of operators for the database you're using, and find the appropriate section (usually "comparison operators"). For example:
SQL server
It is the not equals operator.
select *
from table
where foo <> 0
It is the Not Equal operator, but I am going to have to be verbose to get my answer posted because I haven't entered enough characters yet.
<> means not equal same as !=
Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal then condition becomes true. (a <> b) or (a != b) is true.
Here is the answer – Technically there is no difference between != and <>. Both of them work the same way and there is absolutely no difference in terms of performance or result.
If != and <> both are the same, which one should be used in SQL queries?
You can use either != or <> both in your queries as both technically same but I prefer to use <> as that is SQL-92 standard.

In most SQL implementations, as opposed to standard programming languages, why doesn't x != null return true?

Let's suppose that x is some variable that has any value other than null, say 4, as an example. What should the following expression return?
x != null
In just about every programming language I have ever worked with (C#, Javascript, PHP, Python), this expression, or an equivalent expression in that language, evaluates to true.
SQL implementations, on the other hand, all seem to handle this quite differently. If one or both operands of the inequality operator are NULL, either NULL or False will be returned. This is basically the opposite of the behavior that most programming languages use, and it is extremely unintuitive to me.
Why is the behavior in SQL like this? What is it about relationaly database logic that makes null behave so much differently than it does in general purpose programming?
The null in most programming languages is considered "known", while NULL in SQL is considered "unknown".
So X == null compares X with a known value and the result is known (true or false).
But X = NULL compares X with an unknown value and the result is unknown (i.e. NULL, again). As a consequence, we need a special operator IS [NOT] NULL to test for it.
I'm guessing at least part of the motivation for such NULLs would be the behavior of foreign keys. When a child endpoint of a foreign key is NULL, it shouldn't match any parent, even if the parent is NULL (which is possible if parent is UNIQUE instead of primary key). Unfortunately, this brings many more gotchas than it solves and I personally think SQL should have gone the route of the "known" null and avoided this monkey business altogether.
Even E. F. Codd, inventor or relational model, later indicated that the traditional NULL is not optimal. But for historical reasons, we are pretty much stuck with it.
the reason is that the concept of equality doesn't apply to null. it's not logically true to say that this null does or does not equal this other null.
so, that's all fine for a theoretical reason, but for the sake of convenience, why does sql not allow your to say (x != null)?
well, the reason is because sometimes you want to handle nulls differently.
if I say (columnA = columnB) for example, should that return true if both columns are null?
if I say (columnA != columnB) - should it give the same result when column A is "a" and column B is null, and when column A is "a" and column B is "b"?
the people who made sql decided that distinction was important and so they wrote it to treat the 2 cases differently.
the wikipedia page on this has a pretty decent writeup - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_%28SQL%29
well in sql engines you usually don't use the "=" operator but "IS", which then makes it more intuitive.
> 0
> 1
NULL doesn't stand for null pointer, it's just not the same concept at all.
sql NULL is a I don't know the value flag, it's not a "there's no pointer" flag. You just should not compare them, they shouldn't be used the same way. This is pretty unintuitive you're right, they should have named it differently.
In SQL, NULL means "an unknown value".
If you say x != NULL you are saying "is the value of x unequal to an unknown value". Well, since we don't know what unknown value is, we don't know if x is equal to it or not. So the answer is "I don't know".
x = NULL OR 1=2 -- Unknown. 1=2 is not true, but we don't know about x=NULL
x = NULL OR 1=1 -- True. We know that at least 1=1 is true, so the OR is fulfulled regardless.
x = NULL AND 1=1 -- Unknown. We want them both to be true to fulful the AND
x = NULL AND 1=2 -- False. We know 1=2 is false, so the AND is not fulfilled regardless.
-- Neither statement will select rows where x is null
select x from T where x = 1
select x from T where x != 1
The only way to check a null is to specificaly ask "is it true that we don't know what the value of x is". That has a yes or no answer, and uses the IS keyword.
If you just want nulls to be treated as zero, or another value, you can use the COALESCE or ISNULL function.
COALESCE(x, y, z, 0) -- x, unless it is null, then y, unless it is null, then z, unless it is null in which case 0.

why is null not equal to null false

I was reading this article:
Get null == null in SQL
And the consensus is that when trying to test equality between two (nullable) sql columns, the right approach is:
where ((A=B) OR (A IS NULL AND B IS NULL))
When A and B are NULL, (A=B) still returns FALSE, since NULL is not equal to NULL. That is why the extra check is required.
What about when testing inequalities? Following from the above discussion, it made me think that to test inequality I would need to do something like:
However, I noticed that that is not necessary (at least not on informix 11.5), and I can just do:
where (A<>B)
If A and B are NULL, this returns FALSE. If NULL is not equal to NULL, then shouldn't this return TRUE?
These are all good answers, but I think my question was a little vague. Allow me to rephrase:
Given that either A or B can be NULL, is it enough to check their inequality with
where (A<>B)
Or do I need to explicitly check it like this:
REFER to this thread for the answer to this question.
Because that behavior follows established ternary logic where NULL is considered an unknown value.
If you think of NULL as unknown, it becomes much more intuitive:
Is unknown a equal to unknown b? There's no way to know, so: unknown.
relational expressions involving NULL actually yield NULL again
here, <> stands for arbitrary binary operator, NULL is the SQL placeholder, and value is any value (NULL is not a value):
NULL <> value -> NULL
the logic is: NULL means "no value" or "unknown value", and thus any comparison with any actual value makes no sense.
is X = 42 true, false, or unknown, given that you don't know what value (if any) X holds? SQL says it's unknown. is X = Y true, false, or unknown, given that both are unknown? SQL says the result is unknown. and it says so for any binary relational operation, which is only logical (even if having NULLs in the model is not in the first place).
SQL also provides two unary postfix operators, IS NULL and IS NOT NULL, these return TRUE or FALSE according to their operand.
All comparisons involving null are undefined, and evaluate to false. This idea, which is what prevents null being evaluated as equivalent to null, also prevents null being evaluated as NOT equivalent to null.
The short answer is... NULLs are weird, they don't really behave like you'd expect.
Here's a great paper on how NULLs work in SQL. I think it will help improve your understanding of the topic. I think the sections on handling null values in expressions will be especially useful for you.
The default (ANSI) behaviour of nulls within an expression will result in a null (there are enough other answers with the cases of that).
There are however some edge cases and caveats that I would place when dealing with MS Sql Server that are not being listed.
Nulls within a statement that is grouping values together will be considered equal and be grouped together.
Null values within a statement that is ordering them will be considered equal.
Null values selected within a statement that is using distinct will be considered equal when evaluating the distinct aspect of the query
It is possible in SQL Server to override the expression logic regarding the specific Null = Null test, using the SET ANSI_NULLS OFF, which will then give you equality between null values - this is not a recommended move, but does exist.
select result =
when null=null then 'eq'
else 'ne'
select result =
when null=null then 'eq'
else 'ne'
Here is a Quick Fix
0 can be changed to something that can never happen in your data
"Is unknown a equal to unknown b? There's no way to know, so: unknown."
The question was : why does the comparison yield FALSE ?
Given three-valued logic, it would indeed be sensible for the comparison to yield UNKNOWN (not FALSE). But SQL does yield FALSE, and not UNKNOWN.
One of the myriads of perversities in the SQL language.
Furthermore, the following must be taken into account :
If "unkown" is a logical value in ternary logic, then it ought to be the case that an equality comparison between two logical values that both happen to be (the value for) "unknown", then that comparison ought to yield TRUE.
If the logical value is itself unknown, then obviously that cannot be represented by putting the value "unknown" there, because that would imply that the logical value is known (to be "unknown"). That is, a.o., how relational theory proves that implementing 3-valued logic raises the requirement for a 4-valued logic, that a 4 valued logic leads to the need for a 5-valued logic, etc. etc. ad infinitum.