AppHarbor + RavenDB - EsentFileAccessDeniedException - ravendb

I'm trying to get my application running in AppHarbor using a RavenDB instance. I've updated my raven libs to build 888 and I'm still getting the error below. I've also allowed file system write access but im still getting the same error. Any ideas how to resolve this issue?
[EsentFileAccessDeniedException: Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use]
at Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.Api.Check(Int32 err) in C:\Work\ravendb\SharedLibs\Sources\managedesent-61618\EsentInterop\Api.cs:line 2739
at Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.Api.JetInit(JET_INSTANCE& instance) in C:\Work\ravendb\SharedLibs\Sources\managedesent-61618\EsentInterop\Api.cs:line 131
at Raven.Storage.Esent.TransactionalStorage.Initialize(IUuidGenerator uuidGenerator) in c:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable\Raven.Storage.Esent\TransactionalStorage.cs:line 205

It appears that during app startup, my app was creating a data directory in the application root. I discovered that I had an old reference to RavenDB Embedded which was on longer being used in the project which was creating the unneeded data directory. Once I removed that reference and pushed, everything began working correctly.

Are you trying to use the AppHarbor web worker instance file storage for the RavenDB backing store? That's a bad idea, use the hosted RavenHQ add-on instead.
The self-hosted RavenDB not working on AppHarbor is a known problem.
Even if you get it to work, note that the worker filesystems are not persisted when you deploy new versions of your code or in case of worker instance failure.


Anypoint Platform application name missing (flowVars._clientName)

I am facing a weird problem today, when running my MuleSoft application locally from my AnypointStudio and firing a request from postman, I am getting 403 error. When debugging I found out that the application is checking for flowVars._clientName, however it is missing. According to this documentation, actually yes flowVars._clientName is expected.
So my application fails with 403 error. Seems that other environments are working perfectly fine.
And yes it is using Client Id enforcement.
Any clues?
Without more details it looks like the issue is inside the logic of your application. The KB article that you referenced is a how to in case you need to obtain the client name. It doesn't say that you have to use for authentication. You don't describe how the application does authentication/authorization. Is it in a flow? Or in a policy? If it is the standard Client ID enforcement policy, the expressions to evaluate client id and secret can be configured, but I don't think the default is not #[flowVars._clientName] nor #[flowVars._clientId].
Note that Exchange is basically a repository of APIs and other artifacts. It doesn't authenticate anything at execution time. Unless your application is trying to use it somehow, but I can't think of a reason for that.
The issue was resolved only by re-downloading Anypoint Studio and mule runtime. Very weird, it was happening only for one application, not for the others. Creating a new workspace did not help, deleting the application and re-cloning and installing did not help, even recloning in a new directory did not help. Only using a new Anypoint Studio and runtime installation resolved it (even with the old code base) ...

Unable to host an NServiceBus Saga from another Service with SQL Persistence

I am attempting to host a Saga from one project in another project using NServiceBus 6 with SqlPersistence and SqlDialect.MsSqlServer. In most examples I have found, the Saga is contained in the same assembly as the hosting app, and perhaps this is why I am struggling.
When hosting everything in the same app, the NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql.MsBuild package correctly outputs Saga .sql files during the build and then picks these up and executes them on run. Using a separate app, only the Outbox, Subscription and Timeout .sql files are generated, not the Saga ones. The following entry is then logged on run:
INFO NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql.Installer Directory '[PATH]\SagaPersistence\Service\bin\Debug\NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql\MsSqlServer\Sagas' not found so no saga creation scripts will be executed.
A full VS 2017 repro may be found at
Firstly, is it a bad idea to host a Sagas from another service, rather than being self-hosted? If not, can someone advise the best way to resolve the SQL Persistence issue?
Can you add NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql.MsBuild to the Saga project? The scripts should then be found there. Unfortunately they're not copied to the host its folder, so you'll have to take them from there into production. Or have them generated by using EnableInstallers, like you're already doing.

unable to delete osb_server1 in the osb

There are scripts that build the admin server, then create clusters, managed servers, machines etc and when this domain is built, it is seen that an additional phantom server osb_server1 with port 8011, is getting built that isn't attached to any cluster or any machine.
This is built when the wlsb.jar was being referenced during one of the scripts.
Once after the admin server is up and running and we have other managed servers as well, Was trying to remove osb_server1 and this error creeps up
Errors must be corrected before processding
There are like 120 default deployments on OSB that are targeted to osb_server1, was trying to retarget them to another server, but that is also throwing an error ...
Any ideas ???
That's due to the weird behaviour/bug of the standard osb template. There is a discussion here.
I didnt follow the steps given by Oracle(as in the URL). What I did was,
I keep the default osb_server1, and make it part of the cluster during the domain creation(ie, it's the first server). Once the domain is created, I re-set the osb_server1 to the desired value. That way the singleton services will still be deployed to the 1st server and others to cluster. Using WLST:
set('ListenPort', osb1_listen_port)
set('Name', osb1_name)
cd('/Servers/' + osb1_name + '/ServerDiagnosticConfig/osb_server1')
set('Name', osb1_name)

Deploy sync error: maximum number of sync passes '5' has been exceeded

When running a web deploy to a specific IIS site I get the following error:
Error: The synchronization is being stopped because the maximum number of sync passes '5' has been exceeded even though all the changes could not be applied. This could occur if there are external changes being made to the destination.
At C:\Code\.....\deploy.ps1:185 char:10
+ & <<<< ($appDeployCmd) $type /M:$url /U:$user /P:$pass /A:Basic -allowUntrusted -useCheckSum
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Error: The sync...he destination.:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
Web Deploy is working fine on this environment against other IIS sites and file syncs are also working. I have previously been able to use web deploy to deploy this specific site without issue. All of the sudden out of nowhere, this issue started happening and I can no longer deploy this site.
I'm doing a basic site deploy with a package built from msbuild. I don't think the specifics are that important because as I said this was all working before and currently works against other sites on the same server farm without issues.
The error message says:
"This could occur if there are external changes being made to the destination."
but I'm not sure how to track this down or if it is even the issue to begin with. I've made sure all explorer windows are closed in all remote sessions. I've tried restarting the site and the app pool. The only thing I have not tried is rebooting the server which is not possible at moment.
Any ideas what might be cause this web deploy to fail?
I had the same error and the problem was my dropbox.
I was working directly in my dropbox folder, and when you publish, it causes dropbox to syncronize at the same time, which caused the error.
Disabling dropbox sync while working solved the problem.
I recon the problem also could happen with onedrive, google drive and so on.
We had this problem when converting from a previously adhoc deploy of a service to MSDeploy, and found that if there were files that were either
marked as read-only via the DOS/Windows read-only file attribute.
inaccessible due to ACLs
then we would get the "maximum number of sync passes" error on deploying.
Once we fixed the attributes/ACLs, we were able to sync.
Quick and easy way to resolve this issue is to delete the files in the destination and re-run the web deploy.
The issue seems to revolve around the ACL step of the web deploy, which attempts to change the permissions of your websites files as a safety measure intended to ensure they are not changed during a deployment.
By default Web Deploy sets the ACL of the sites anonymous user to read only while also overwriting Control Panel access to your website.
You can turn of ACL in future to avoid this if you wish, but it's not really worth it. This will also speed up web deploys - but that is a separate issue.
Not really an answer, but one workaround you can try if you are using the Web Deploy dirPath, filePath, or contentPath providers is the ignoreErrors provider setting. If you know that you are consistently hitting a certain error number, you can specify that that error be ignored when it's hit. See the dirPath provider article for full details (and caveats).
In my case I couldn't fix it but realised the deployment worked regardless.
If you are reading this I wouldn't suggest to just assume it worked, and if it did that it deployed fully, but consider that it may be a false alarm!

FluentNHibernate blows up in Windows Service but not website

I've got a class library doing all my NHibernate stuff. It also handles all the mapping using Fluent NHibernate - no mapping files to deploy.
This class library is consumed by a number of apps, including a Windows Service running on my computer. Although it works fine in all my web apps, the Windows Service gets this when it tries to use NHibernate:
An invalid or incomplete configuration was used while creating a SessionFactory. Check PotentialReasons collection, and InnerException for more detail.
at FluentNHibernate.Cfg.FluentConfiguration.BuildSessionFactory()
at Kctc.NHibernate.KctcSessionFactory.get_SessionFactory() in C:\Kctc\Trunk\Kctc.NHibernate\KctcSessionFactory.cs:line 28
...more stack trace...
I have checked for an InnerException and there doesn't appear to be one. I have no idea what the PotentialReasons collection is, and Google doesn't seem to be forthcoming either.
This is my dev machine, so when I'm working on my web apps they run locally (i.e. using the web server in Visual Studio). The fact that the Windows Service and my dev web apps are running on this same machine suggest it's not to do with trust settings or what have you.
Can anyone suggest what I should try? This is one of those ones where I'm so stumped I can't even think of how to get more information about the problem.
Just a wild guess. NHibernate picks up the hibernate.cfg.xml file from the execution directory. Did you configure the execution directory of the service that it can find this file?
I've found out what the problem is. The Service did not deploy with the required NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.dll.
I appear to have an ongoing problem with the Visual Studio compiler not always copying indirect dependencies (i.e. dlls required by class libraries required by the app) into the output folder during the build. I should have thought of this sooner really.
Thanks for racking your brains on my behalf guys.
I bet the name of the connection string is missing from the app.config. For me that message is almost exclusively a missing connection string.
Are you targeting the same database or could it be some sort of schema mismatch between databases?
Could it be authentication issues on the service like you use windows authentication where it can't be used (or the sql authentication that doesn't work)?
It's hard to tell when there is no code, just an exception!
EDIT Are you ever using HttpContext, HostingEnvironment or anything else specific to "web"?