Omitting columns of parent-table when creating Foreign Key - sql

To create a Foreign Key in Oracle, some times I see
FOREIGN KEY (Supplier_id)
REFERENCES Supplier(Supplier_id)
But, some other times, I see this
FOREIGN KEY (Supplier_id)
The difference is that the column Supplier_id comes after the table Supplier in the first statement but it is omitted in the second statement.
Thanks for helping

This is described in the documentation:
If you identify only the parent table or view and omit the column
name, then the foreign key automatically references the primary key of
the parent table or view. The corresponding column or columns of the
foreign key and the referenced key must match in order and datatype.

One of the major criticisms of SQL as regards not being faithful to the relational model is reliance on column ordering. However, just because SQL includes non-relational feature it does not mean that one should use them; in fact, I feel strongly that such features should be avoided or, when avoidance is impossible, mitigated against.
Standard SQL provides some syntax to avoid column ordering reliance (NATURAL JOIN, UNION CORRESPONDING, etc). Other syntax helps mitigate against such reliance (e.g. INSERT INTO (<comma list of columns>) VALUES (<comma list of fields in same order>)). FOREIGN KEY syntax falls into this second category.
Conclusion: always use the syntax in your first example and avoid the second.


REFERENCES keyword in SQLite3

I was hoping someone could explain to me the purpose of the SQL keyword REFERENCES
name TEXT,
, color TEXT);
name STRING,
damage INTEGER,
wizard_id INTEGER REFERENCES wizards(id)
I've spent a lot of time trying to look this up and I initially thought that it would constrain the type of data you can enter into the powers table (based on whether the wizard_id ) However, I am still able to insert data into both columns without any constraint that I have noticed.
So, is the keyword REFERENCES just for increasing querying speed? What is its true purpose?
It creates a Foreign Key to the other table. This can have performance benefits, but foreign keys are mostly about data integrity. It means that (in your case) the wizard_id filed of powers must have a value that exists in the id field of the wizards table. In other words, powers must refer to a valid wizard. Many databases also use this information to propagate deletions or other changes, so the tables stay in sync.
Just noticed this. A reason that you're able to bypass the key constraint may be that foreign keys aren't enabled. See Enabling foreign keys in the SQLite3 documentation.
From what I've gathered, there are two main benefits of using REFERENCES, and an important distinction to be made between its use with and without FOREIGN KEY.
It gives the DBMS room to optimize
Without using REFERENCES, SQLite would not know that attribute id and attribute wizard_id are functionally equivalent. The more known constraints you can define for the Database Management System (SQLite in this case), the more freedom it has to optimize the way it handles your data under the hood.
It can enforce or encourage good practice
Reference declaration can also be useful for enforcement and warning provision. For example, say you have two tables, A and B, and you assume that is functionally equivalent to, so you attempt a join: SELECT * FROM A, B WHERE = If REFERENCE was never used to indicate functional equivalency between these two attributes, the DBMS could warn you when you make the join, which would be helpful in the case that these attributes only happen to have the same name but are not actually meant to represent the same thing.
REFERENCES does not always create a "foreign key"
Contrary to what has already been suggested, references and foreign keys are not the same thing. A reference declares functional equivalency between attributes. A foreign key refers to the primary key of another table.
EDIT: #IanMcLaird has corrected me: the use of REFERENCES does always create a foreign key of some kind, although this conflicts with the popular definition of foreign key as "a set of attributes in a table that refers to the primary key of another table" (Wikipedia).
Using REFERENCES without FOREIGN KEY may create a "column-level foreign key" which operates contrary to the popular definition of "foreign key."
There is a difference between the following statements.
driver_id INT REFERENCES Drivers
driver_id INT REFERENCES Drivers(id)
driver_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY(driver_id) REFERENCES Drivers(id)
The first statement assumes that you would like to reference the primary key of Drivers since no attribute is specified. The third statement requires that id be the primary key of Drivers. Both assume you want to make a foreign key by the popular definition provided above; both create a table-level foreign key.
The second statement is tricky. If specifying an attribute which is the primary key of Drivers, the DBMS may opt to create a table-level foreign key. But the specified attribute does not have to be the primary key of Drivers, and if it isn't, the DBMS will create a column-level foreign key. This is somewhat unintuitive for those who are first approaching databases and learn the less-flexible, popular definition of "foreign key."
Some people may use these three statements as if they are the same, and they may be functionally identical in many general use cases, but they are not the same.
All that said, this is just my understanding. I am not an expert in this subject and would greatly appreciate additions, corrections, and affirmations.

Oracle Database Enforce CHECK on multiple tables

I am trying to enforce a CHECK Constraint in a ORACLE Database on multiple tables
CREATE TABLE RollingStocks (
Name Varchar2(80) NOT NULL,
RollingStockCategoryId NUMBER NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT Pk_RollingStocks Primary Key (Id),
CONSTRAINT Check_RollingStocks_CategoryId
CHECK ((RollingStockCategoryId IN (SELECT Id FROM FreightWagonTypes))
(RollingStockCategoryId IN (SELECT Id FROM LocomotiveClasses)))
...but i get the following error:
*Cause: Subquery is not allowed here in the statement.
*Action: Remove the subquery from the statement.
Can you help me understanding what is the problem or how to achieve the same result?
Check constraints are very limited in Oracle. To do a check like you propose, you'd have to implement a PL/SQL trigger.
My advise would be to avoid triggers altogether. Implement a stored procedure that modifies the database and includes the checks. Stored procedures are easier to maintain, although they are slightly harder to implement. But changing a front end from direct table access to stored procedure access pays back many times in the long run.
What you are trying to is ensure that the values inserted in one table exist in another table i.e. enforce a foreign key. So that would be :
CREATE TABLE RollingStocks (
CONSTRAINT Pk_RollingStocks Primary Key (Id),
CONSTRAINT RollingStocks_CategoryId_FK (RollingStockCategoryId )
REFERENCES FreightWagonTypes (ID)
Except that you want to enforce a foreign key which references two tables. This cannot be done.
You have a couple of options. One would be to merge FreightWagonTypes and LocomotiveClasses into a single table. If you need separate tables for other parts of your application then you could build a materialized view for the purposes of enforcing the foreign key. Materialized Views are like tables and can be referenced by foreign keys. This option won't work if the key values for the two tables clash.
Another option is to recognise that the presence of two candidate referenced tables suggests that RollingStock maybe needs to be split into two tables - or perhaps three: a super type and two sub-type tables, that is RollingStock and FreightWagons, Locomotives.
By the way, what about PassengerCoaches, GuardsWagons and RestaurantCars?
Oracle doesn't support complex check constraints like that, unfortunately.
In this case, your best option is to change the data model a bit - add a parent table over FreightWagonTypes and LocomotiveClasses, which will hold all the ids from both of these tables. That way you can add a FK to a single table.

What is the difference between check and foreign key?

i am quite confused about the difference between a FOREIGN KEY and CHECK constraint - they appear to me to achieve the same result.
I mean I could create a table and enforce a Foreign key on another table, but i could create a CHECK to ensure the value in in another table.
What is the difference and when to use the one or the other?
A FOREIGN KEY constrain ensures that the entry DOES EXISTS in
another table
as per correct comment Exists in another table... or the same table. – Mark Byers
A CHECK constrain ensures that the entry follows some rule.
CHECK Constraints
CHECK constraints enforce domain integrity by limiting the values that are accepted by a column. They are similar to FOREIGN KEY constraints in that they control the values that are put in a column. The difference is in how they determine which values are valid: FOREIGN KEY constraints obtain the list of valid values from another table, and CHECK constraints determine the valid values from a logical expression that is not based on data in another column.
A foreign key constraint is more powerful than a CHECK constraint.
A foreign key constraint means that the column (in the current table) can only have values that already exist in the column of the foreign table (which can include the be the same table, often done for hierarchical data). This means that as the list of values changes - gets bigger or smaller - there's no need to update the constraint.
A check constraint can not reference any columns outside of the current table, and can not contain a subquery. Often, the values are hard coded like BETWEEN 100 and 999 or IN (1, 2, 3). This means that as things change, you'll have to update the CHECK constraint every time. Also, a foreign key relationship is visible on an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), while a CHECK constraint will never be. The benefit is that someone can read the ERD and construct a query from it without using numerous DESC table commands to know what columns are where and what relates to what to construct proper joins.
Best practice is to use foreign keys (and supporting tables) first. Use CHECK constraints as a backup for situations where you can't use a foreign key, not as the primary solution to validate data.
It depends on your DBMS (which you didn't specify), but in one sense, you are correct: a foreign key constraint is a particular case of a check constraint. There are DBMS which would not allow you to formulate a foreign key constraint as a check constraint.
The main intention of a check constraint is to describe conditions that apply to a single row in the table. For example, I have a table of elements (as in Hydrogen, Helium, ...) and the symbols for the elements are constrained to start with an upper-case letter and are followed by zero, one or two lower-case letters (two lower-case letters for as yet undiscovered but predicted elements: Uus - ununseptium (117), which has just been isolated but has yet to be named). This can be the subject of a CHECK constraint:
CHECK(Symbol MATCHES "[A-Z][a-z]{0,2}")
assuming MATCHES exists and supports an appropriate regular expression language.
You can also have check constraints that compare values:
CHECK(OrderDate <= ShipDate OR ShipDate IS NULL)
To express a foreign key constraint as a check constraint, you have to be permitted to execute a query in the CHECK clause. Hypothetically:
WHERE ThisTable.pk_col1 = s.pk_col1 AND
ThisTable.pk_col2 = s.pk_col2))
This example shows some of the problems. I don't have a convenient table alias for the table in which I'm writing the check constraint - I assumed it was 'ThisTable'. The construct is verbose. Assuming that the primary key on SomeTable is declared on columns pk_col1 and pk_col2, then the FOREIGN KEY clause is much more compact:
FOREIGN KEY (pk_col1, pk_col2) REFERENCES SomeTable
Or, if you are referencing an alternative key, not the primary key:
FOREIGN KEY (pk_col1, pk_col2) REFERENCES SomeTable(ak_col1, ak_col2)
This is notationally more compact - so there is less chance of getting it wrong - and can be special-cased by the server because the special notation means it knows that it is dealing with a foreign key constraint whereas the general check clause has to be scrutinized to see if it matches one of many possible forms that are equivalent to the foreign key.
The question asks: when to use a check constraint and when to use a foreign key constraint?
Use a CHECK constraint to specify criteria that can be checked in a single row.
Use a FOREIGN KEY constraint to specify that the values in the current row must match the values of a row in some other unique key (a candidate key, usually the primary key rather than an alternative key) of some table - which may be the same table or (more usually) a different table.
Consider a scenario like this:
Table A has a keyword column, and the value must be among thousand of keywords provided.
How would you like to implement the constraint?
Hard coded check condition like check (keyword in ('a', 'b', 'c' .......)) or simply import the provided keywords as another table and set a foreign key constraint to keyword column of Table A.

What is the difference between a primary key and a unique constraint?

Someone asked me this question on an interview...
Primary keys can't be null. Unique keys can.
A primary key is a unique field on a table but it is special in the sense that the table considers that row as its key. This means that other tables can use this field to create foreign key relationships to themselves.
A unique constraint simply means that a particular field must be unique.
Primary key can not be null but unique can have only one null value.
Primary key create the cluster index automatically but unique key not.
A table can have only one primary key but unique key more than one.
TL;DR Much can be implied by PRIMARY KEY (uniqueness, reference-able, non-null-ness, clustering, etc) but nothing that can't be stated explicitly using UNIQUE.
I suggest that if you are the kind of coder who likes the convenience of SELECT * FROM... without having to list out all those pesky columns then PRIMARY KEY is just the thing for you.
a relvar can have several keys, but we choose just one for underlining
and call that one the primary key. The choice is arbitrary, so the
concept of primary is not really very important from a logical point
of view. The general concept of key, however, is very important! The
term candidate key means exactly the same as key (i.e., the addition
of candidate has no real significance—it was proposed by Ted Codd
because he regarded each key as a candidate for being nominated as the
primary key)... SQL allows a subset of a table's columns to be
declared as a key for that table. It also allows one of them to be
nominated as the primary key. Specifying a key to be primary makes
for a certain amount of convenience in connection with other
constraints that might be needed
What Is a Key? by Hugh Darwen
it's usual... to single out one key as the primary key (and any other
keys for the relvar in question are then said to be alternate keys).
But whether some key is to be chosen as primary, and if so which one,
are essentially psychological issues, beyond the purview of the
relational model as such. As a matter of good practice, most base
relvars probably should have a primary key—but, to repeat, this rule,
if it is a rule, really isn't a relational issue as such... Strong
recommendation [to SQL users]: For base tables, at any rate, use
PRIMARY KEY and/or UNIQUE specifications to ensure that every such
table does have at least one key.
SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code
By C. J. Date
implies uniqueness but you can specify that explicitly (using UNIQUE).
implies NOT NULL but you can specify that explicitly when creating columns (but you should be avoiding nulls anyhow!)
allows you to omit its columns in a FOREIGN KEY but you can specify them explicitly.
can be declared for only one key per table but it is not clear why (Codd, who originally proposed the concept, did not impose such a restriction).
In some products PRIMARY KEY implies the table's clustered index but you can specify that explicitly (you may not want the primary key to be the clustered index!)
For some people PRIMARY KEY has purely psychological significance:
they think it signifies that the key will be referenced in a foreign key (this was proposed by Codd but not actually adopted by standard SQL nor SQL vendors).
they think it signifies the sole key of the table (but the failure to enforce other candidate keys leads to loss of data integrity).
they think it implies a 'surrogate' or 'artificial ' key with no significance to the business (but actually imposes unwanted significance on the enterprise by being exposed to users).
Every primary key is a unique constraint, but in addition to the PK, a table can have additional unique constraints.
Say you have a table Employees, PK EmployeeID. You can add a unique constraint on SSN, for example.
Unique Key constraints:
Unique key constraint will provide you a constraint like the column values should retain uniqueness.
It will create non-clustered index by default
Any number of unique constraints can be added to a table.
It will allow null value in the column.
ALTER TABLE table_name
UNIQUE (column_name1, column_name2, ...)
Primary Key:
Primary key will create column data uniqueness in the table.
Primary key will create clustered index by default
Only one Primay key can be created for a table
Multiple columns can be consolidated to form a single primary key
It wont allow null values.
ALTER TABLE table_name
PRIMARY KEY (column_name)
In addition to Andrew's answer, you can only have one primary key per table but you can have many unique constraints.
Primary key's purpose is to uniquely identify a row in a table. Unique constraint ensures that a field's value is unique among the rows in table.
You can have only one primary key per table. You can have more than one unique constraint per table.
A primary key is a minimal set of columns such that any two records with identical values in those columns have identical values in all columns. Note that a primary key can consist of multiple columns.
A uniqueness constraint is exactly what it sounds like.
The UNIQUE constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.
The UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints both provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns.
A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint defined on it.
Note that you can have many UNIQUE constraints per table, but only one PRIMARY KEY constraint per table
Primary key can't be null but unique constraint is nullable.
when you choose a primary key for your table it's atomatically Index that field.
Primary keys are essentially combination of (unique +not null). also when referencing a foreign key the rdbms requires Primary key.
Unique key just imposes uniqueness of the column.A value of field can be NULL in case of uniqe key. Also it cannot be used to reference a foreign key, that is quite obvious as u can have null values in it
Both guarantee uniqueness across the rows in the table, with the exception of nulls as mentioned in some of the other answers.
Additionally, a primary key "comes with" an index, which could be either clustered or non-clustered.
There are several good answers in here so far. In addition to the fact that a primary key can't be null, is a unique constraint itself, and can be comprised of multiple columns, there are deeper meanings that depend on the database server you are using.
I am a SQL Server user, so a primary key has a more specific meaning to me. In SQL Server, by default, primary keys are also part of what is called the "clustered index". A clustered index defines the actual ordering of data pages for that particular table, which means that the primary key ordering matches the physical order of rows on disk.
I know that one, possibly more, of MySql's table formats also support clustered indexing, which means the same thing as it does in SQL defines the physical row ordering on disk.
Oracle provides something called Index Organized Tables, which order the rows on disk by the primary key.
I am not very familiar with DB2, however I think a clustered index means the rows on disk are stored in the same order as a separate index. I don't know if the clustered index must match the primary key, or if it can be a distinct index.
A great number of the answers here have discussed the properties of PK vs unique constraints. But it is more important to understand the difference in concept.
A primary key is considered to be an identifier of the record in the database. So these will for example be referenced when creating foreign key references between tables. A primary key should therefore under normal circumstances never contain values that have any meaining in your domain (often automatically incremential fields are used for this).
A unique constraint is just a way of enforcing domain specific business rules in your database schema.
Becuase a PK it is an identifier for the record, you can never change the value of a primary key.

Why is this kind of foreign keys possible?

Why does the SQL Standard accept this? Which are the benefits?
If have those tables:
create table prova_a (a number, b number);
alter table prova_a add primary key (a,b);
create table prova_b (a number, b number);
alter table prova_b add foreign key (a,b) references prova_a(a,b) ;
insert into prova_a values (1,2);
You can insert this without error:
insert into prova_b values (123,null);
insert into prova_b values (null,123);
Note1: This comes from this answer.
Note2: This can be avoid, setting not null on both columns.
Remarks: I'm not asking about avoid, I'm interested on which are the beneficts.
Oracle documentation: The relational model permits the value of foreign keys to match either the referenced primary or unique key value, or be null. If any column of a composite foreign key is null, then the non-null portions of the key do not have to match any corresponding portion of a parent key.
SQL Server documentation: A FOREIGN KEY constraint can contain null values; however, if any column of a composite FOREIGN KEY constraint contains null values, verification of all values that make up the FOREIGN KEY constraint is skipped.
I know some DBMSs simply don't enforce referential integrity when it comes to foreign keys with foreign key constraints. SQLite comes to mind. It's talked about here.
Other DBMSs are different, I know that MS SQL Server will complain if you attempt something like that.
SQLite has its uses but it is not meant to be used in high-concurrency situations. If you are seeing this behavior in a different DBMS, check their documentation to see if they did something similar. Most should be enforcing integrity however.
at least do your DEV work with a reasonably standard RDBMS, even if you are doing your production system with something like SQLite (which is an excellent database- it runs in your Ipod touch!) It will flush out all these mistakes- like Lint really. If you run your code with SQL Server Express, which you can download for free, you'll get plenty of errors such as...
Msg 8111, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'prova_a'.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 2
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
Oracle and SQL Server both allow NULL foreign keys, and it is easily understandable why this is necessary.
Think of a tree, for instance, where every row has a parent key that references the primary key of the same table. There has to be a root node in the tree that does not have a parent, and the parent key will be null.
A more tangible example: think of employees and managers. Some people in the company, and if it is only the CEO, will not have a manager. Were it not possible to set the manager id on the employee table to NULL, you would have to create a "No Manager" employee - something that is just wrong, because it has no real-life correspondence.
Now that we know this, it is obvious why your composite keys behave like they do. Logically, if part of the composite is NULL, the entire key is null. A string concatenation returns NULL if one of the pieces is NULL. There cannot be a match, and the constraint is not enforced in these cases.
The SQL standard doesn't accept this; you've found a DBMS that doesn't enforce referential integrity. Uninstall it now if you're smart. At a bare minimum, don't use it for production purposes.
Earlier SQL standards (SQL86) had no referential integrity and SQL89 level 2 fixed that.
Try adding this declaration:
alter table prova_b add primary key (a,b);
This will forbid NULLS in prova_b. It will also forbid duplicate entries. In Oracle and SQL server, it will also create an index. This index will speed up lookups and joins, at the cost of slowing down inserts a tiny bit.
Is this what you want to do?
As to why standard SQL lets you do something you consider stupid, that's a philosophical question. Most tools allow some stupid choices. Tools that try to forbid all stupid choices generally end up forbidding some really smart choices unintentionally.