Objective C: Using '%' Operator With Doubles - objective-c

I had an interesting problem today. As part of practice with my fluency with objective-c, as I sit in math class, I write programs for each problem done on the board in hopes to increase my math and programming capabilities.
However, today I encountered a problem. One of the questions was something like "Find the greatest prime number that 10564245 (<-- example number) is divisible by"
So, I went in and made the program. I got as far as doing the loop for values to check, and then began to code the part where it checks the reminder, and if it's 0, it logs it, and if it isn't, it skips it.
However, since the number is too big to be an int, it had to be a double. When I tried to plug the number in, the program gave me errors when I wanted to use the % operator with the double. Is there any way to find remainders if you have a very large number?
ERROR: Invalid operands to binary expression
I took a little from each answer. We have the fmod capability, but I ended up using long instead of int, I don't know why I didn't think of the origionally

Use fmod().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double a = 77879878978942312315687897;
double b = 10;
printf("%.f",fmod(a, b));

Double values aren't precise for integer values and so probably shouldn't be used for this sort of thing. Instead, you can use a long into or even a long long int to do your calculations


Using data type like uint64_t in cgal's exact kernel

I am beginning with CGAL. What I would like to do is to create point that coordinates are number ~ 2^51.
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel K;
typedef K::Point_2 P;
uint_64 x,y;
//init them somehow
P sp0(x,y);
Then I got a long template error. Someone could help?
I guess you realize that changing the kernel may have other effects on your program.
Concerning your original question, if your integer values are smaller than 2^51, then they fit exactly in doubles (with 53 bit mantissa), so one simple option is to cast them to double, as in :
P sp0((double)x,(double)y);
Otherwise, the Exact_predicates_exact_construction_kernel should have its main number type be able to read your uint64 values (maybe cast them to unsigned long long if it's OK on your platform) :
typedef K::FT FT;
P sp0((FT)x,(FT)y);
CGAL Number types are only documented to interoperate with int and double. I recently added some code so we can construct more numbers from long (required for Eigen), and your code will work in the next version of CGAL (except that you typo-ed uint64_t) on platforms where uint64_t is unsigned int or unsigned long (not windows). For long long support, since many of our number types are based on other libraries (GMP) that do not support long long themselves yet, it may have to wait a bit.
Ok. I think that I found solution. The problem was that I used exact Kernel that supports only double, switching to inexact kernel solved the problem. It was also possible to use just double. (one of the requirements was to use data type that supports intergers up to 2^48).

Input setting using Registers

I have a simple c program for printing n Fibonacci numbers and I would like to compile it to ELF object file. Instead of setting the number of fibonacci numbers (n) directly in my c code, I would like to set them in the registers since I am simulating it for an ARM processor.How can I do that?
Here is the code snippet
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ITERATIONS 3
static float fib(float i) {
return (i>1) ? fib(i-1) + fib(i-2) : i;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
float i;
for(i=0; i<ITERATIONS; i++) {
printf("fib(%f) = %f\n", i, fib(i));
return 0;
I would like to set the ITERATIONS counter in my Registers rather than in the code.
Thanks in advance
The register keyword can be used to suggest to the compiler that it uses a registers for the iterator and the number of iterations:
register float i;
register int numIterations = ITERATIONS;
but that will not help much. First of all, the compiler may or may not use your suggestion. Next, values will still need to be placed on the stack for the call to fib(), and, finally, depending on what functions you call within your loop, code in the procedure are calling could save your register contents in the stack frame at procedure entry, and restore them as part of the code implementing the procedure return.
If you really need to make every instruction count, then you will need to write machine code (using an assembly language). That way, you have direct control over your register usage. Assembly language programming is not for the faint of heart. Assembly language development is several times slower than using higher level languages, your risk of inserting bugs is greater, and they are much more difficult to track down. High level languages were developed for a reason, and the C language was developed to help write Unix. The minicomputers that ran the first Unix systems were extremely slow, but the reason C was used instead of assembly was that even then, it was more important to have code that took less time to code, had fewer bugs, and was easier to debug than assembler.
If you want to try this, here are the answers to a previous question on stackoverflow about resources for ARM programming that might be helpful.
One tactic you might take is to isolate your performance-critical code into a procedure, write the procedure in C, the capture the generated assembly language representation. Then rewrite the assembler to be more efficient. Test thoroughly, and get at least one other set of eyeballs to look the resulting code over.
Good Luck!
Make ITERATIONS a variable rather than a literal constant, then you can set its value directly in your debugger/simulator's watch or locals window just before the loop executes.
Alternatively as it appears you have stdio support, why not just accept the value via console input?

Unexpected looping in Objective C

I have this code:
unsigned int k=(len - sizeof(MSG_INFO));
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < k; ix++)
m_pOutPacket->m_buffer[ix] = (char)(pbuf[ix + sizeof(MSG_INFO)]);
The problem is, when:
len = 0 and sizeof(MSG_INFO)=68;
This condition gets into the for loop and is continuing for infinite times.
Your code says: unsigned int k. So k isn't -68, it's unsigned. This makes k a very big number, based around a 4 byte int, it would be 4294967210. This is obviously quite a lot more than 0, so it's going to take your for loop a while to get that high, although it would terminate eventually.
The reason you think that it's -86, is that when you print it out with a function like NSLog, it has no direct knowledge about the arguments passed in, it determines how to treat the arguments, based around the format string, supplied as the first argument.
You're calling:
This tells NSLog to treat the argument as a signed int (%d). You should be doing this:
So that NSLog treats the argument as the type that it is: unsigned (%u). See the NSLog documentation.
As it stands, I'd expect your buffer to overrun, trashing memory as the loop runs and your application to crash.
After reflecting, I believe #FreeAsInBeer is correct and you don't want to iterate through the for loop in this situation and you could probably fix this by using signed ints. However, It seems to me like you would be better off, checking len > sizeof(MSG_INFO) and if this isn't the case handling it differently. Most situations I can think of, I wouldn't want to perform any processing after the for loop, if I'd failed to read sufficient information for a message...
I'm not really sure what is going on here, as the loop should never execute. I've loaded up your code, and it seems that the unsigned part of your int declaration is causing the issues. If you remove both of your unsigned specifiers, your code will execute as it should, without ever entering the loop.

What is _Complex?

Reading Objective-C type encodings documentation (GCC's and Apple's pages somewhat complement each other), I stumbled upon the _Complex keyword. I've never heard about it, and when I tried to look it up, I found tons of results talking about erroneous uses of it, but never what it really did.
What is _Complex, and how does it work?
A complex number type which looks like it uses half the bit-width for the real part and half for the imaginary part:
_Complex double x; declares x as a variable whose real part and imaginary
part are both of type double.
_Complex short int y; declares y to
have real and imaginary parts of type
short int; this is not likely to be
useful, but it shows that the set of
complex types is complete.
Posts about "EXC_BAD_ACCESS _Complex double return"
Complex numbers.

C89: signed/unsigned mismatch

Are signed/unsigned mismatches necessarily bad?
Here is my program:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { // signed/unsigned mismatch here
argc is signed, i is not. Is this a problem?
"signed/unsigned mismatches" can be bad. In your question, you are asking about comparisons. When comparing two values of the same base type, but one signed and one unsigned, the signed value is converted to unsigned. So,
int i = -1;
unsigned int j = 10;
if (i < j)
prints 2, not 1. This is because in i < j, i is converted to an unsigned int. (unsigned int)-1 is equal to UINT_MAX, a very large number. The condition thus evaluates to false, and you get to the else clause.
For your particular example, argc is guaranteed to be non-negative, so you don't have to worry about the "mismatch".
It is not a real problem in your particular case, but the compiler can't know that argc will always have values that will not cause any problems.
Its not bad. I'd fix compiler warnings concerning signed/unsigned mismatch because bad things can happen even if they are unlikely or impossible. When you do have to fix a bug because of signed/unsigned mismatch the compiler is basically saying "I told you so". Don't ignore the warning its there for a reason.
It is only indirectly a problem.
Bad things can happen if you use signed integers for bitwise operations such as &, |, << and >>.
Completely different bad things can happen if you use unsigned integers for arithmetic (underflow, infinite loops when testing if a number is >= 0 etc.)
Because of this, some compilers and static checking tools will issue warnings when you mix signed and unsigned integers in either type of operation (arithmetic or bit manipulation.)
Although it can be safe to mix them in simple cases like your example, if you do that it means you cannot use those static checking tools (or must disable those warnings) which may mean other bugs go undetected.
Sometimes you have no choice, e.g. when doing arithmetic on values of type size_t in memory management code.
In your example I would stick to int, just because it is simpler to have fewer types, and the int is going to be in there anyway as it is the type of the first argument to main().