How can I speed up my array search with an NSPredicate? - objective-c

I have an array of categories, and another array of category IDs. I want to pull out the categories with matching IDs. At the moment, my code looks a bit like this:
- (NSArray *)categoriesFromArray:(NSArray *)categories withIDs:(NSArray *)categoryIDs {
NSMutableArray *categoriesWithIDs = [NSMutableArray array];
for (SGBCategory *category in categories) {
for (NSNumber *categoryID in categoryIDs) {
if ([category.categoryID isEqual:categoryID]) {
[categoriesWithIDs addObject:category];
return categoriesWithIDs;
Ewww, I know. So what I'd like to do is something like SELECT * FROM categories WHERE categories.categoryID in (categoryIDs) does in SQL. I think NSPredicate is the objective-c way of expressing that sort of thing, but I don't know how to get it to do what I want. How can I speed up my array search with an NSPredicate?

return [categories filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"categoryID IN %#", categoryIDs]];
I don't know that it will be any faster, though. It basically has to do the same sort of thing as your code, plus build a predicate.
You can improve your code by making an NSSet from the categoryIDs and using -containsObject: instead of looping over the categoryIDs and calling -isEqual: manually.

I'm not sure about the predicate thing but an immediate optimisation is to put your category ids in a set
- (NSArray *)categoriesFromArray:(NSArray *)categories withIDsFromSet:(NSSet *)categoryIDs {
NSMutableArray *categoriesWithIDs = [NSMutableArray array];
for (SGBCategory *category in categories) {
if ([categoryIDS containsObject: [category categoryID]])
[categoriesWithIDs addObject:category];
return categoriesWithIDs;
If you want to continue using your old method, modify it thusly:
- (NSArray *)categoriesFromArray:(NSArray *)categories withIDs:(NSArray *)categoryIDs {
return [self categoriesFromArray: categories withIDsFromSet: [NSSet setWithArray: categoryIDs]];
This will still be vastly more efficient than your original method provided either categories or categoryIDs is largish.

NSPredicate* searchPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"categoryID == %f", categoryID];
NSArray *categoriesWithIDs =[categories filteredArrayUsingPredicate:searchPredicate];
return categoriesWithIDs;
This is how you would do what you want i think. Assuming that the category id is a float. change the %f as needed, just as you would with NSLog.


distinctUnionOfObjects case insensitive

I have an array of NSDictionary. Each array item has a key named "Name". Now I want to remove duplicate entries based on this name value.
This work perfectly:
aMyArray = [aMyArray valueForKeyPath:#"#distinctUnionOfObjects.Name"];
The problem are that result array still contains duplicates string, based on the case. Ex: [#"Franck", "franck"]
How can I remove these duplicate?
You could try to do this
// in your class implementation
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object {
if (![object isKindOfClass:[self class]]) {
return NO;
typeof(self) obj = (typeof(self))object;
return ([self.Name caseInsensitiveCompare:obj.Name] == NSOrderedSame);
- (NSUInteger)hash
return [[self.Name lowercaseString] hash];
// and then
NSSet *distinctObjects = [[NSSet alloc] initWithArray:array];
NSArray *result = distinctObjects.allObjects;
Alternatively you could customise this KVC collection operator by swizzling valueForKeyPath: to parse your custom DSL, possibly winding up with something like
aMyArray = [aMyArray valueForKeyPath:#"#distinctUnionOfObjects[caseInsensitive].Name"];
which doesn't seem to be a good idea for me, but it certainly a viable solution to your problem.

Count equal objects in NSArray

I've been trying to figure out a way of checking how many of a certain object are in an NSArray.
I've looked through the docs and I'm pretty sure there is no premade method for this. Also I can't find anything here on SO.
Do anybody know about a good way to do this? Because I seriously can't come up with anything.
In this specific case I have an array with strings (most cases several of each) and I want to count how many strings in the array that matches to whatever I ask for.
If this is a primary use of the data structure and order doesn't matter, consider switching to an NSCountedSet which is specifically for solving this problem efficiently.
If you need an ordered collection, and you don't have a huge set of objects, than the fast enumeration answers are the best approach.
If you want to know where the objects are, then use indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:.
If you have a huge number of object, I would look at indexesOfObjectsWithOptions:passingTest: with the NSEnumerationConcurrent option. This will allow you to search the array on multiple cores. (This is only possibly faster on a multi-core device, and even then is probably only faster if you have a very large collection. You should absolutely test before assuming that concurrent will be faster.) Even if you just need the final count, it may be faster for certain data sets to use this method and then use count on the final index set.
There actually is a method for this: - (NSIndexSet *)indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:(BOOL (^)(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop))predicate
NSIndexSet *indexes = [array indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
return [obj isEqualTo:myOtherObject];
Sounds like a case for NSCountedSet, which does what you are after with its initWithArray: initializer:
// Example array of strings
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
#"Joe", #"Jane", #"Peter", #"Paul",
#"Joe", #"Peter", #"Paul",
#"Jane", #"Peter",
NSCountedSet *countedSet = [[NSCountedSet alloc] initWithArray: array];
// for-in will let you loop over the counted set
for (NSString *str in countedSet) {
NSLog(#"Count of %#: %ld", str, (long)[countedSet countForObject:str]);
One approach would be to iterate and check.
- (int)repeatsOf:(NSString *)repeater inArray:(NSArray *)array {
int count = 0;
for (NSString *item in array) {
if ([item isEqualToString:repeater]) {
return count;
You could try a simple loop. Suppose needle is your reference string and array is your NSArray of strings:
unsigned int n = 0;
for (NSString * str in array)
if ([needle isEqualToString:str])
Now n holds the count of strings in equal to needle.
You could define a function like this:
- (int)countStringsThatMatch:(NSString*)match inArray:(NSArray*)array
int matches = 0;
for (id string in array) {
if ([string isEqualToString:match]) {
return matches;
And then use it like:
int count = [self countStringsThatMatch:#"someString" inArray:someArray];
- (NSUInteger) objectCountInArray:(NSArray *)array
matchingString:(NSString *)stringToMatch {
NSUInteger count = 0;
for (NSString *string in array) {
count += [string isEqualToString:stringToMatch] ? 1 : 0;
return count;
You can try to expand this to use a block that gets an object and returns a BOOL. Then you can use it to compare an array of whatever you want.

Removing duplicates from array based on a property in Objective-C

I have an array with custom objects. Each array item has a field named "name". Now I want to remove duplicate entries based on this name value.
How should I go about achieving this?
I do not know of any standard way to to do this provided by the frameworks. So you will have to do it in code. Something like this should be doable:
NSArray* originalArray = ... // However you fetch it
NSMutableSet* existingNames = [NSMutableSet set];
NSMutableArray* filteredArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (id object in originalArray) {
if (![existingNames containsObject:[object name]]) {
[existingNames addObject:[object name]];
[filteredArray addObject:object];
You might have to actually write this filtering method yourself:
#interface NSArray (CustomFiltering)
#implementation NSArray (CustomFiltering)
- (NSArray *) filterObjectsByKey:(NSString *) key {
NSMutableSet *tempValues = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *ret = [NSMutableArray array];
for(id obj in self) {
if(! [tempValues containsObject:[obj valueForKey:key]]) {
[tempValues addObject:[obj valueForKey:key]];
[ret addObject:obj];
[tempValues release];
return ret;
I know this is an old question but here is another possibility, depending on what you need.
Apple does provide a way to do this -- Key-Value Coding Collection Operators.
Object operators let you act on a collection. In this case, you want:
The #distinctUnionOfObjects operator returns an array containing the distinct objects in the property specified by the key path to the right of the operator.
NSArray *distinctArray = [arrayWithDuplicates valueForKeyPath:#""];
In your case, though, you want the whole object. So what you'd have to do is two-fold:
1) Use #distinctUnionOfArrays instead. E.g. If you had these custom objects coming from other collections, use #distinctUnionOfArray.myCollectionOfObjects
2) Implement isEqual: on those objects to return if their .name's are equal
I'm going to get flak for this...
You can convert your array into a dictionary. Not sure how efficient this is, depends on the implementation and comparison call, but it does use a hash map.
//Get unique entries
NSArray *myArray = #[#"Hello", #"World", #"Hello"];
NSDictionary *uniq = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:myArray forKeys:myArray];
NSLog(#"%#", uniq.allKeys);
*Note, this may change the order of your array.
If you'd like your custom NSObject subclasses to be considered equal when their names are equal you may implement isEqual: and hash. This will allow you to add of the objects to an NSSet/NSMutableSet (a set of distinct objects).
You may then easily create a sorted NSArray by using NSSet's sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:method.
MikeAsh wrote a pretty solid piece about implementing custom equality: Friday Q&A 2010-06-18: Implementing Equality and Hashing
If you are worried about the order
NSArray * newArray =
[[NSOrderedSet orderedSetWithArray:oldArray] array]; **// iOS 5.0 and later**
It is quite simple in one line
NSArray *duplicateList = ...
If you don't care about elements order then (unordered)
NSArray *withoutDUP1 = [[NSSet setWithArray:duplicateList] allObjects];
Keep the elements in order then (ordered)
NSArray *withoutDUP2 = [[NSOrderedSet orderedSetWithArray:duplicateList] array];
Implement isEqual to make your objects comparable:
#interface SomeObject (Equality)
#implementation SomeObject (Equality)
- (BOOL)isEqual:(SomeObject*)other
return self.hash == other.hash;
- (NSUInteger)hash
return;///your case
How to use:
- (NSArray*)distinctObjectsFromArray:(NSArray*)array
return [array valueForKeyPath:#"#distinctUnionOfObjects.self"];

filtering NSArray into a new NSArray in Objective-C

I have an NSArray and I'd like to create a new NSArray with objects from the original array that meet certain criteria. The criteria is decided by a function that returns a BOOL.
I can create an NSMutableArray, iterate through the source array and copy over the objects that the filter function accepts and then create an immutable version of it.
Is there a better way?
NSArray and NSMutableArray provide methods to filter array contents. NSArray provides filteredArrayUsingPredicate: which returns a new array containing objects in the receiver that match the specified predicate. NSMutableArray adds filterUsingPredicate: which evaluates the receiver’s content against the specified predicate and leaves only objects that match. These methods are illustrated in the following example.
NSMutableArray *array =
[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"Bill", #"Ben", #"Chris", #"Melissa", nil];
NSPredicate *bPredicate =
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF beginswith[c] 'b'"];
NSArray *beginWithB =
[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:bPredicate];
// beginWithB contains { #"Bill", #"Ben" }.
NSPredicate *sPredicate =
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF contains[c] 's'"];
[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:sPredicate];
// array now contains { #"Chris", #"Melissa" }
There are loads of ways to do this, but by far the neatest is surely using [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:]:
NSArray *filteredArray = [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(id object, NSDictionary *bindings) {
return [object shouldIKeepYou]; // Return YES for each object you want in filteredArray.
I think that's about as concise as it gets.
For those working with NSArrays in Swift, you may prefer this even more concise version:
let filteredArray = array.filter { $0.shouldIKeepYou() }
filter is just a method on Array (NSArray is implicitly bridged to Swift’s Array). It takes one argument: a closure that takes one object in the array and returns a Bool. In your closure, just return true for any objects you want in the filtered array.
Based on an answer by Clay Bridges, here is an example of filtering using blocks (change yourArray to your array variable name and testFunc to the name of your testing function):
yourArray = [yourArray objectsAtIndexes:[yourArray indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
return [self testFunc:obj];
If you are OS X 10.6/iOS 4.0 or later, you're probably better off with blocks than NSPredicate. See -[NSArray indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:] or write your own category to add a handy -select: or -filter: method (example).
Want somebody else to write that category, test it, etc.? Check out BlocksKit (array docs). And there are many more examples to be found by, say, searching for e.g. "nsarray block category select".
Assuming that your objects are all of a similar type you could add a method as a category of their base class that calls the function you're using for your criteria. Then create an NSPredicate object that refers to that method.
In some category define your method that uses your function
#implementation BaseClass (SomeCategory)
- (BOOL)myMethod {
return someComparisonFunction(self, whatever);
Then wherever you'll be filtering:
- (NSArray *)myFilteredObjects {
NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"myMethod = TRUE"];
return [myArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];
Of course, if your function only compares against properties reachable from within your class it may just be easier to convert the function's conditions to a predicate string.
NSPredicate is nextstep's way of constructing condition to filter a collection (NSArray, NSSet, NSDictionary).
For example consider two arrays arr and filteredarr:
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF contains[c] %#",#"c"];
filteredarr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[arr filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate]];
the filteredarr will surely have the items that contains the character c alone.
to make it easy to remember those who little sql background it is
*--select * from tbl where column1 like '%a%'--*
1)select * from tbl --> collection
2)column1 like '%a%' --> NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF contains[c] %#",#"c"];
3)select * from tbl where column1 like '%a%' -->
[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[arr filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate]];
I hope this helps
Checkout this library
It comes with lots of easy array functions to never write a loop again
So you can just do:
NSArray* youngHeroes = [self.heroes filter:^BOOL(Hero *object) {
return object.age.intValue < 20;
NSArray* oldHeroes = [self.heroes reject:^BOOL(Hero *object) {
return object.age.intValue < 20;
The Best and easy Way is to create this method And Pass Array And Value:
- (NSArray *) filter:(NSArray *)array where:(NSString *)key is:(id)value{
NSMutableArray *temArr=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for(NSDictionary *dic in self)
if([dic[key] isEqual:value])
[temArr addObject:dic];
return temArr;
Another category method you could use:
- (NSArray *) filteredArrayUsingBlock:(BOOL (^)(id obj))block {
NSIndexSet *const filteredIndexes = [self indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL (id _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *_Nonnull stop) {
return block(obj);
return [self objectsAtIndexes:filteredIndexes];

Best way to remove from NSMutableArray while iterating?

In Cocoa, if I want to loop through an NSMutableArray and remove multiple objects that fit a certain criteria, what's the best way to do this without restarting the loop each time I remove an object?
Edit: Just to clarify - I was looking for the best way, e.g. something more elegant than manually updating the index I'm at. For example in C++ I can do;
iterator it = someList.begin();
while (it != someList.end())
if (shouldRemove(it))
it = someList.erase(it);
For clarity I like to make an initial loop where I collect the items to delete. Then I delete them. Here's a sample using Objective-C 2.0 syntax:
NSMutableArray *discardedItems = [NSMutableArray array];
for (SomeObjectClass *item in originalArrayOfItems) {
if ([item shouldBeDiscarded])
[discardedItems addObject:item];
[originalArrayOfItems removeObjectsInArray:discardedItems];
Then there is no question about whether indices are being updated correctly, or other little bookkeeping details.
Edited to add:
It's been noted in other answers that the inverse formulation should be faster. i.e. If you iterate through the array and compose a new array of objects to keep, instead of objects to discard. That may be true (although what about the memory and processing cost of allocating a new array, and discarding the old one?) but even if it's faster it may not be as big a deal as it would be for a naive implementation, because NSArrays do not behave like "normal" arrays. They talk the talk but they walk a different walk. See a good analysis here:
The inverse formulation may be faster, but I've never needed to care whether it is, because the above formulation has always been fast enough for my needs.
For me the take-home message is to use whatever formulation is clearest to you. Optimize only if necessary. I personally find the above formulation clearest, which is why I use it. But if the inverse formulation is clearer to you, go for it.
One more variation. So you get readability and good performace:
NSMutableIndexSet *discardedItems = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
SomeObjectClass *item;
NSUInteger index = 0;
for (item in originalArrayOfItems) {
if ([item shouldBeDiscarded])
[discardedItems addIndex:index];
[originalArrayOfItems removeObjectsAtIndexes:discardedItems];
This is a very simple problem. You just iterate backwards:
for (NSInteger i = array.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ElementType* element = array[i];
if ([element shouldBeRemoved]) {
[array removeObjectAtIndex:i];
This is a very common pattern.
Some of the other answers would have poor performance on very large arrays, because methods like removeObject: and removeObjectsInArray: involve doing a linear search of the receiver, which is a waste because you already know where the object is. Also, any call to removeObjectAtIndex: will have to copy values from the index to the end of the array up by one slot at a time.
More efficient would be the following:
NSMutableArray *array = ...
NSMutableArray *itemsToKeep = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[array count]];
for (id object in array) {
if (! shouldRemove(object)) {
[itemsToKeep addObject:object];
[array setArray:itemsToKeep];
Because we set the capacity of itemsToKeep, we don't waste any time copying values during a resize. We don't modify the array in place, so we are free to use Fast Enumeration. Using setArray: to replace the contents of array with itemsToKeep will be efficient. Depending on your code, you could even replace the last line with:
[array release];
array = [itemsToKeep retain];
So there isn't even a need to copy values, only swap a pointer.
You can use NSpredicate to remove items from your mutable array. This requires no for loops.
For example if you have an NSMutableArray of names, you can create a predicate like this one:
NSPredicate *caseInsensitiveBNames =
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF beginswith[c] 'b'"];
The following line will leave you with an array that contains only names starting with b.
[namesArray filterUsingPredicate:caseInsensitiveBNames];
If you have trouble creating the predicates you need, use this apple developer link.
I did a performance test using 4 different methods. Each test iterated through all elements in a 100,000 element array, and removed every 5th item. The results did not vary much with/ without optimization. These were done on an iPad 4:
(1) removeObjectAtIndex: -- 271 ms
(2) removeObjectsAtIndexes: -- 1010 ms (because building the index set takes ~700 ms; otherwise this is basically the same as calling removeObjectAtIndex: for each item)
(3) removeObjects: -- 326 ms
(4) make a new array with objects passing the test -- 17 ms
So, creating a new array is by far the fastest. The other methods are all comparable, except that using removeObjectsAtIndexes: will be worse with more items to remove, because of the time needed to build the index set.
Either use loop counting down over indices:
for (NSInteger i = array.count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
or make a copy with the objects you want to keep.
In particular, do not use a for (id object in array) loop or NSEnumerator.
For iOS 4+ or OS X 10.6+, Apple added passingTest series of APIs in NSMutableArray, like – indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:. A solution with such API would be:
NSIndexSet *indexesToBeRemoved = [someList indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:
^BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
return [self shouldRemove:obj];
[someList removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexesToBeRemoved];
Nowadays you can use reversed block-based enumeration. A simple example code:
NSMutableArray *array = [#[#{#"name": #"a", #"shouldDelete": #(YES)},
#{#"name": #"b", #"shouldDelete": #(NO)},
#{#"name": #"c", #"shouldDelete": #(YES)},
#{#"name": #"d", #"shouldDelete": #(NO)}] mutableCopy];
[array enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationReverse usingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
if([obj[#"shouldDelete"] boolValue])
[array removeObjectAtIndex:idx];
name = b;
shouldDelete = 0;
name = d;
shouldDelete = 0;
another option with just one line of code:
[array filterUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"shouldDelete == NO"]];
In a more declarative way, depending on the criteria matching the items to remove you could use:
[theArray filterUsingPredicate:aPredicate]
#Nathan should be very efficient
Here's the easy and clean way. I like to duplicate my array right in the fast enumeration call:
for (LineItem *item in [NSArray arrayWithArray:self.lineItems])
if ([item.toBeRemoved boolValue] == YES)
[self.lineItems removeObject:item];
This way you enumerate through a copy of the array being deleted from, both holding the same objects. An NSArray holds object pointers only so this is totally fine memory/performance wise.
Add the objects you want to remove to a second array and, after the loop, use -removeObjectsInArray:.
this should do it:
NSMutableArray* myArray = ....;
int i;
for(i=0; i<[myArray count]; i++) {
id element = [myArray objectAtIndex:i];
if(element == ...) {
[myArray removeObjectAtIndex:i];
hope this helps...
Why don't you add the objects to be removed to another NSMutableArray. When you are finished iterating, you can remove the objects that you have collected.
How about swapping the elements you want to delete with the 'n'th element, 'n-1'th element and so on?
When you're done you resize the array to 'previous size - number of swaps'
If all objects in your array are unique or you want to remove all occurrences of an object when found, you could fast enumerate on an array copy and use [NSMutableArray removeObject:] to remove the object from the original.
NSMutableArray *myArray;
NSArray *myArrayCopy = [NSArray arrayWithArray:myArray];
for (NSObject *anObject in myArrayCopy) {
if (shouldRemove(anObject)) {
[myArray removeObject:anObject];
benzado's anwser above is what you should do for preformace. In one of my applications removeObjectsInArray took a running time of 1 minute, just adding to a new array took .023 seconds.
I define a category that lets me filter using a block, like this:
#implementation NSMutableArray (Filtering)
- (void)filterUsingTest:(BOOL (^)(id obj, NSUInteger idx))predicate {
NSMutableIndexSet *indexesFailingTest = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
NSUInteger index = 0;
for (id object in self) {
if (!predicate(object, index)) {
[indexesFailingTest addIndex:index];
[self removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexesFailingTest];
[indexesFailingTest release];
which can then be used like this:
[myMutableArray filterUsingTest:^BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx) {
return [self doIWantToKeepThisObject:obj atIndex:idx];
A nicer implementation could be to use the category method below on NSMutableArray.
#implementation NSMutableArray(BMCommons)
- (void)removeObjectsWithPredicate:(BOOL (^)(id obj))predicate {
if (predicate != nil) {
NSMutableArray *newArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:self.count];
for (id obj in self) {
BOOL shouldRemove = predicate(obj);
if (!shouldRemove) {
[newArray addObject:obj];
[self setArray:newArray];
The predicate block can be implemented to do processing on each object in the array. If the predicate returns true the object is removed.
An example for a date array to remove all dates that lie in the past:
NSMutableArray *dates = ...;
[dates removeObjectsWithPredicate:^BOOL(id obj) {
NSDate *date = (NSDate *)obj;
return [date timeIntervalSinceNow] < 0;
Iterating backwards-ly was my favourite for years , but for a long time I never encountered the case where the 'deepest' ( highest count) object was removed first. Momentarily before the pointer moves on to the next index there ain't anything and it crashes.
Benzado's way is the closest to what i do now but I never realised there would be the stack reshuffle after every remove.
under Xcode 6 this works
NSMutableArray *itemsToKeep = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[array count]];
for (id object in array)
if ( [object isNotEqualTo:#"whatever"]) {
[itemsToKeep addObject:object ];
array = nil;
array = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithArray:itemsToKeep];