Interface Builder sets control outlets to nil -- why? - objective-c

Using xcode 4.2 for iPhone app, without ARC ---
When I create an outlet using the interface builder xcode adds two lines of code to my viewController. One in viewDidUnload: -- [self setMyOutlet:nil] and second in dealloc -- [myOutlet release].
I understand the latter (the release). But why set the outlet to nil in viewDidUnload. Doesn't viewDidUnload get called before dealloc and won't setting the outlet to nil negate the release operation in dealloc? Setting to nil makes sense I would think for building a Mac application which is using garbage collection -- but it doesn't make sense for an iPhone app.
Why does the interface builder do this? Should I delete the lines which set the outlets to nil?

viewDidUnload may be called and may be not called. It depends on the current memory usage. dealloc is a place where you should clean all your properties (like arrays, custom objects). In viewDidUnload you clean views and perhaps objects created to support the view. viewDidUnload mean that your view is unloaded (but not whole view controller) and it may be created and loaded again (in viewDidLoad, of course) in the future.
Why to nil - Objective-C Difference between setting nil and
Understanding How Views Are Loaded and

viewDidUnload is not called everytime before a dealloc, see what the apple docs say..
When a low-memory condition occurs and the current view controller’s
views are not needed, the system may opt to remove those views from
memory. This method is called after the view controller’s view has
been released and is your chance to perform any final cleanup. If your
view controller stores separate references to the view or its
subviews, you should use this method to release those references. You
can also use this method to remove references to any objects that you
created to support the view but that are no longer needed now that the
view is gone. You should not use this method to release user data or
any other information that cannot be easily recreated.
so the idea behind it is too release any unwanted objects which can be created easily.
Now coming to the part where it sets the properties to nil.. it does so because this way you release all the memory and set the objects to nil (thus bringing your down your memory usage) and after this if a dealloc is called your app will not crash as in objective-c you can send release messages to nil objects..
I would advise you to read the apple ViewController Programming Guide , it will clear a lot of your questions.... hoping this clears some of the air.. :D


A few questions about ARC for iOS?

I'm fairly new to ARC for iOS (and pretty new to iOS in general) and I have a few quick questions about ARC.
~ In a View Controller, if I do not have statements in my viewDidUnload() method setting my properties to nil, will the properties' memory still be freed when my view controller is released? If so, why do I need to explicitly have this viewDidUnload method?
~ In objects that are not View Controllers, where should I set the properties to nil at? In dealloc? What about primitive properties such as #property BOOL isActive; I need to set them equal to nil/zero?
You don't need to set your properties to nil as long as they're weak references. IBOutlets should generally be weak references, since they the view controller contains a strong reference to the view, which in turn contains strong references to all of its subviews. (If you have IBOutlets that aren't part of that view hierarchy, they should be strong.)
You shouldn't need nil or zero anything, objects or scalars. Xcode will insert nilling statements when working with Interface Builder, but this is it still generating code for pre-ARC Objective-C.
You probably don't even need a viewDidUnload; it's only called in special circumstances, when there's low memory stress. Thus, you can't depend on it for cleaning up. Your IBOutlets should be weak, so they'll be cleaned automatically when the view is purged from the viewcontroller (and they'll be restored if the view is reloaded).
I'm assuming here that you're writing a new product, which means you're targeting iOS 5 or later only. If you're targeting iOS 4 in a new product, you really shouldn't be. The world has moved on, with 80% of the market on iOS 5 or later. And that's today. Going forward, it's going to be even harder to avoid iOS 5 features for an even smaller percentage of people.
Memory management for #properties is handled automatically under ARC. For times when you have set yourself as delegate, it is common to set the delegate to nil before going away (in viewWillDisapear for instance) so that future calls to delegate don't reference garbage. Stay tuned for the soon-to-be-posted WWDC videos for the latest guidance.
In viewDidUnload you need to set outlet references to nil, because ARC will release them and you do not want to accidentally use them after that happens.
You don't have to do anything with properties, they will be handled automatically. In fact you really do not normally even have a dealloc method any more with ARC.

Keeping pointers to subviews

Subviews added to a view are automatically retained by the view. Suppose you want to have a separate pointer to the same subview so you don't need to constantly retrieve it via its tag.
What type of #property is necessary for such a case? I assume that setting the property to retain is not a good idea since the main view is already retaining it? Should it be assign?
Or, is using #property entirely unnecessary here unless you plan to re-assign it later or refer to it with dot notation?
You can use either retain or assign.
Of course, if you use retain, you have to set the property to nil or release its object in viewDidUnload and dealloc.
The reason some people prefer retain is because it means the property is still valid in viewDidUnload. So if you have other cleanup to do, and that cleanup requires the view to still exist, you can do it in viewDidUnload.
If you use assign, you don't have to set the property to nil in viewDidUnload and dealloc (though it would be good practice). However, by the time you receive viewDidUnload, the view has already been released, so you can't use it at that point for other cleanup. Instead you have to override didReceiveMemoryWarning to do the cleanup before calling [super didReceiveMemoryWarning].
In iOS 5.0, you can do the cleanup in viewWillUnload instead of overriding didReceiveMemoryWarning.
Consider these two things:
There's no problem with retaining an object several times provided that each retain is balanced with release. With respect to properties, this just means that you should set your property to nil when you're done with it.
The basic idea behind memory management in Objective-C is that you worry about retaining the objects that you're using and let other objects worry about the objects that they're using.
Considering these, I'd advocate using retain. If you rely on he fact that a view retains its subviews, you've suddenly made your code dependant on external behavior. I'm not saying that UIView is likely to stop retaining its subviews, but if you keep a non-retained reference to a subview and later remove that subview from its superview you're code is likely to crash.
Some folks do use assign for outlets pointing to subviews when they know those subviews will never be removed. Personally, I don't see the point of relying on another object to retain something for you when retaining that thing yourself is so simple and cheap.

UIViewController does not release its views

I was trying to fix a memory leak in my application and stumbled upon a very interesting thing. Now i'm not sure if there's a bug that i made somewhere or simply misuse of the technology so i'll try to get things clear with your help. Here's what happens:
i create a custom uiviewcontroller that loads its view from nib file
i release the controller
controller's dealloc method gets called where i release a custom view that i've specifically added to the view hierarchy as an outlet (i made a retainable property out of it). It has a dealloc method with a call to nslog.
the main view in the nib file (connected to controller's view outlet) is also a subclass of a uiview which also has a call to nslog in its dealloc
The problem is - even though the uiviewcontroller's dealloc is getting called, neither the main view nor the child (the one with outlet) gets released (their NSLogs don't fire).
Is it normal that this happens? Maybe iOS doesn't release the views right away? Or should i start looking for bugs in the code? If so - what could be the most probable causes?
Thanks for reading
The problem with late night debugging is that you don't consider even the simplest angles. Since i like to know how things work and do everything from scratch, i've created my own system for switching view controllers. The problem was that even though i used to deallocate the view controller when needed, i forgot to remove it from superview, thus having one more retain too many. Now there's a leak somewhere else, but i'm sure i'll solve it myself. Thanks for your comments.

Memory management help for Objective-C

I'm studying memory managment in UIviewController, i'm a little confused, the important points to remember are:
viewDidLoad is called every time the view is shown, here I alloc variables of any kind.
viewDidUnload is called in case of low memory, I set all the property to nil.
dealloc, I release all property.
Is it all right?
Also, if I don't link a label to a IBOutlet, have I a memory leak or the system dealloc it anyway?
No. -viewDidLoad is called when the controller loads its view, not every time the view is displayed. Perhaps you're thinking of -viewWillAppear. Otherwise, your points are about right.
If you don't connect something to an outlet, the outlet will simply remain nil -- there's no leak. The label will generally be retained by its enclosing view, and will be released when the rest of the view hierarchy is released.

How does NSViewController avoid bindings memory leak? [have sample app]

I'm trying to implement my own version of NSViewController (for backwards compatibility), and I've hit a problem with bindings: Since bindings retain their target, I have a retain circle whenever I bind through File's owner.
So I thought I'd just explicitly remove my view from its superview and release the top level objects, and that would take care of the bindings, because my controller isn't holding on to the views anymore, so they release me and I can go away. But for some reason, my view controller still doesn't get released. Here's a sample app exhibiting the problem:
Build it, launch it, and hit Cmd-K ("Create Nib" in "Edit" menu) to load a NIB into the empty window. Hit Cmd-K again to release the first view controller (TestNibOwner) and load a new one. The old view controller never gets dealloced, though.
Remove the "value" binding on the checkbox, and it gets released just fine.
If you set breakpoints at the release/retain/autorelease overrides, you see that _NSBindingInfo retains the TestNibOwner, but never releases it in the leaking case.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Doing a little investigation with class-dump and friends, it looks like Apple has a private class called NSAutounbinder that takes care of this dirty work for classes such as NSViewController and NSWindowController. Can't really tell how it works or how to replicate it though.
So, I can't really answer your question on how to prevent the retain cycle from happening for arbitrary bindings in a loaded nib, but perhaps it's some consolation to know that Apple is cheating, and you're not missing anything obvious. :-)
One thing I've done for the same problem is to create a proxy NSObjectController inside my nib. My NSViewController-like class has a pointer to this proxy and all bindings are bound through it. When I want to cleanup the view controller, I then do [selfProxy setContent:nil] on the object controller and release the view controller. In this instance the NSObjectController proxy acts as the auto-unbinder in this case.
It's more manual and you can't just release the view by itself, but it does solve the retain problem.
I'd suggest you do this:
-(void) releaseTopLevelObjects
// Unbind the object controller's content by setting it to nil.
[selfProxy setContent:nil];
NSLog( #"topLevelObjects = %#", topLevelObjects );
[topLevelObjects release];
topLevelObjects = nil;
In your nib, bindings would happen through a path like:
When you remove your view from its superview, are you also sending it another -release message? It was created by unarchiving from the nib, right?