Grails error installing searchable plugin - grails-plugin

When I try to install the searchable plugin in a grails app, I'm told that grails can't resolve the following dependencies:
:: org.grails.plugins#searchable;0.6.3: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.AbstractResolver.initRepositoryCacheManagerFromSettings(
Grails version is 2.0.3
What can i do?

Are you trying to install it from a zip file? This might be caused by GRAILS-9006, which prevents plugins from being installed via a local directory, to be fixed in Grails 2.0.4.

Try uncommenting the mavenCentral line in BuildConfig.groovy then try the install-plugin again.


Could Not Find statisfactory version from options when trying to install fishtown-analytics/codegen

I'm upgrading my dbt version from 0.16.0 to 0.17.2, and trying to update our codegen package as well.
My packages YML looks like this:
- package: fishtown-analytics/codegen
version: 0.2.0
The error I receive is this:
$ dbt deps
Running with dbt=0.17.2
Encountered an error:
Version error for package fishtown-analytics/codegen: Could not find a satisfactory version from options: ['=0.2.0', '=0.0.4', '=0.0.4']
Any Ideas?
I Also had some local packages within the packages.yml file which were dependent on a bad version of fishtown-analytics/codegen. After, I fixed all the dependencies in the downstream packages files everything imported correctly.

How to fix "Error: Could not find the implementation for builder #angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server"

I upgrade my angular project to angular 8 and now when I type
ng serve
I receive this error:
Error: Could not find the implementation for builder #angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server
For the upgrade I used ng update. When I type
ng update
I get:
Using package manager: 'npm'
Collecting installed dependencies...
Found 41 dependencies.
We analyzed your package.json and everything seems to be in order. Good work!
Maybe this'll help
npm install --save-dev #angular-devkit/build-angular

Error while installing AndroMDA

Error in installing the AndroMDA. while installing the maven archetype code = mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=testapp -DartifactId=testapp. It is saying BUILD FALIURE

JUI Extension for Yii 2 can not be installed

I want to install JUI Extension for Yii 2, but composer reports me the following issues:
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
- yiisoft/yii2-jui 2.0.4 requires bower-asset/jquery-ui 1.11.*#stable -> no matching package found.
- yiisoft/yii2-jui 2.0.3 requires bower-asset/jquery-ui 1.11.*#stable -> no matching package found.
- yiisoft/yii2-jui 2.0.2 requires bower-asset/jquery-ui 1.11.*#stable -> no matching package found.
- yiisoft/yii2-jui 2.0.1 requires bower-asset/jquery-ui 1.11.*#stable -> no matching package found.
- yiisoft/yii2-jui 2.0.0 requires bower-asset/jquery-ui 1.11.*#stable -> no matching package found.
- Installation request for yiisoft/yii2-jui ^2.0 -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii2-jui[2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4].
Potential causes:
- A typo in the package name
- The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
see <> for more details.
Read <> for further common problems.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
What I can do in order to fix this?
Finally I found the solution:
If you want to install the JUI extension for Yii2, you should do the following steps:
Run the following composer command: php composer.phar require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.0"
Run php composer.phar update
Run php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-jui
I had the same problem while I was trying to install Kartik's extension for Yii2 framework. Adding "fxp/composer-asset-plugin": "*" to the require section of my composer.json file solved it.
Need to install the Composer Asset Plugin first:
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.0"
This one worked for me

Puppet - Install module dependencies for non forge modules

I have some puppet module, which is not in the forge and I am not interested to put it there. The module has all it's dependencies written down in the metadata.json and for the installation I usually just clone the module from its git repo directly into /etc/puppet/modules/.
When I now call puppet module list the missing modules are listed, for example like this:
Warning: Missing dependency 'puppetlabs-apt':
'<name>' (v0.0.0) requires 'puppetlabs-apt' (>= 0.0.0)
Warning: Missing dependency 'puppetlabs-stdlib':
'<name>' (v0.0.0) requires 'puppetlabs-stdlib' (>= 0.0.0)
Warning: Missing dependency 'puppetlabs-vcsrepo':
Is there anyway to let puppet install the dependencies for non-forge modules, despite the manual way by installing it with puppet module install ... ?
You need librarian-puppet. With it you can easily manage the modules and its dependencies.
Librarian-puppet is a bundler for your puppet infrastructure. You can use librarian-puppet to manage the puppet modules your infrastructure depends on, whether the modules come from the Puppet Forge, Git repositories or just a path.
You can download it from here librarian-puppet