Error Inserting Entry With Text Column That Contains New Line And Quotes - sql

I have an Informix 11.70 database.I am unable to sucessfully execute this insert statement on a table.
INSERT INTO some_table(
"row1","some data","some other data"
"row2","some data","some other"' AS TEXT),
The error I receive is:
[Error Code: -9634, SQL State: IX000] No cast from char to text.
I found that I should add this statement in order to allow using new lines in text literals, so I added this above the same query I have already written:
Still, I receive the same error.
I have also read the IBM documentation that says: to alternatively allow new lines, I could set the ALLOW_NEWLINE parameter in the ONCONFIG file. I suppose the last one requires administrative access to the server to alter that config file, which I do not have, and I prefer not to take advantage of this setting.

Informix's TEXT (and BYTE) columns pre-date any standard, and are in many ways very peculiar types. TEXT in Informix is very different from TEXT found in other DBMS. One of the long-standing (over 20 years) problems with them is that there isn't a string literal notation that can be used to insert data into them. The 'No cast from char to text' is saying there is no explicit conversion from string literal to TEXT, either.
You have a variety of options:
Use LVARCHAR in the table (good if your values won't be longer than a few KiB, because the total row length is approximately 32 KiB). Maximum size of an LVARCHAR column is just under 32 KiB.
Use a programming language which can handle Informix 'locator' structures — in ESQL/C, the type used to hold a TEXT is loc_t.
Consider using CLOB instead. However, this has the same limitation (no string to CLOB conversion), but you'd be able to use the FILETOCLOB() function to get the information from a file on the client to the database (and LOTOFILE transfers information from the DB to a file on the client).
If you can use LVARCHAR, that is by far the simplest alternative.

I forgot to mention an important detail in the question - I use Java and the Hibernate ORM to access my Informix database, thus some of the suggested approaches (the loc_t handling in particular) in Jonathan Leffler's answer are unfortunately not applicable. Also, I need to store large data of dynamic length and I fear the LVARCHAR column would not be sufficient to hold it.
The way I got it working was to follow Michał Niklas's suggestion from his comment, and use PreparedStatement. This could potentially be explained by Informix handing the TEXT data type in its own manner.


HANA: Unknown Characters in Database column of datatype BLOB

I need help on how to resolve characters of unknown type from a database field into a readable format, because I need to overwrite this value on database level with another valid value (in the exact format the application stores it in) to automate system copy acitvities.
I have a proprietary application that also allows users to configure it in via the frontend. This configuration data gets stored in a table and the values of a configuration property are stored in a column of type "BLOB". For the here desired value, I provide a valid URL in the application frontend (like http://myserver:8080). However, what gets stored in the database is not readable (some square characters). I tried all sorts of conversion functions of HANA (HEX, binary), simple, and in a cascaded way (e.g. first to binary, then to varchar) to make it readable. Also, I tried it the other way around and make the value that I want to insert appear in the correct format (conversion to BLOL over hex or binary) but this does not work either. I copied the value to clipboard and compared it to all sorts of character set tables (although I am not sure if this can work at all).
My conversion tries look somewhat like this:
while the brackets would contain the characters in question. I cant even print them here.
How can one approach this and maybe find out the character set that is used by this application? I would be grateful for some more ideas.
What you have in your BLOB column is a series of bytes. As you mentioned, these bytes have been written by an application that uses an unknown character set.
In order to interpret those bytes correctly, you need to know the character set as this is literally the mapping of bytes to characters or character identifiers (e.g. code points in UTF).
Now, HANA doesn't come with a whole lot of options to work on LOB data in the first place and for C(haracter)LOB data most manipulations implicitly perform a conversion to a string data type.
So, what I would recommend is to write a custom application that is able to read out the BLOB bytes and perform the conversion in that custom app. Once successfully converted into a string you can store the data in a new NVCLOB field that keeps it in UTF-8 encoding.
You will have to know the character set in the first place, though. No way around that.
I assume you are on Oracle. You can convert BLOB to CLOB as described here.
In case of your example try this query:
select UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(<your_blob_value)) from dual;
Obviously this only works for values below 32767 characters.

Inserting Unicode string without prefix ' N....'

The background of this question is that I have a column with the following definition:
FirstName VARCHAR(100).
I can insert a THAI/Chinese/European value if I change the column datatype to NVARCHAR and when inserting a value I need to Prefix it with N, as
Insert into table ([FirstName]) value(N'THAI/Chinese/European value').
There are a lot of applications that update this particular column and for me to assist this change I need to make a lot of changes to the procedures and various other application level changes. Is there a way I can make a change at the database level where I can accommodate this change.
Is there a way I can make a change at the database level where I can accommodate this change.
I don't believe there is any way to force SQL Server to handle all varchars as unicode nvarchars. They are simply different datatypes.
If you are using literals in your SQL code, you will have to use N''. Any columns, parameters, or variables that hold the data will have to be nchar/nvarchar. Your apps will all have to send unicode values to the DB.
I would search for "sql server migrate to unicode" for additional reading before you take this on.
While I agree with #TimLehner that I do not know of a way to force SQL Server to handle all varchar columns as nvarchar columns, there are a few things that could make your transition to Unicode strings in the column easier:
To support Unicode values in the column one-off or in an upgrade script, use ALTER TABLE [table] ALTER COLUMN FirstName nvarchar(100). (Of course, be sure to update your create script for [table] if applicable too - i.e. CREATE TABLE [table] (FirstName nvarchar(100)...).)
Use Unicode (i.e. N'SomeFirstName') literals where you expect to insert or set strings with Unicode characters; but continue to use non-Unicode (i.e. 'SomeFirstName') literals where you do not in transition.
Work your way up to altering procedures' parameters (i.e. from varchar to nvarchar) as needed.
Basically, ideally you would change the column and everything related to it to support Unicode at once; but you may be able to limit initial changes to application(s), procedure(s) etcetera that initially need to leverage the column's underlying Unicode support.
You could make use of a stored procedure for inserts and updates. If then the entire application uses that, you can solely update the stored procedure...
But i guess that would still require an update on all locations, so i guess this is not that much help...

operations on blob data in informix

How can we use substring, trim, length operations on some text of blob datatype. And how can we update a column of blob datatype using query?
With difficulty!
First of all, which of the 4 various types of blob are you discussing:
These come in pairs (like Sith Lords): there is a binary version (BYTE, BLOB) and a text version (TEXT, CLOB). There's also another pairing: old (BYTE, TEXT) and newer (BLOB, CLOB). The BYTE and TEXT types were introduced with Informix OnLine 4.00 in about 1989. The BLOB and CLOB types were introduced with Informix Universal Server 9.00 in 1996, and are also known as SmartBlobs.
However, there's a very real sense in which it doesn't matter which of the types you are referring to.
There are very few operations that can be performed on BYTE and TEXT blobs. They can be fetched and stored, but for all practical purposes, that's all. I believe you can use LENGTH to determine the length of a TEXT blob. I don't believe there are any methods available to update part of BYTE or TEXT blob; it is an all-or-nothing replacement. Further, the replacement is from a host variable of the appropriate type - there are no BYTE or TEXT literals.
The situation is a bit better with SmartBlobs, but I'm not an expert on them. There are mechanisms for obtaining a LO (large object) handle and then manipulating that, but I don't think those are available server-side (from SQL or SPL). I may be willfully not understanding what's available with the SmartBlobs, but I think the operations are only available from programming APIs and not within SQL. There are no BLOB or CLOB literals either. However, you can use SQL to load from files (FILETOBLOB, FILETOCLOB) and write to files (LOTOFILE) - with the files either on the server or on the client.
I have already answered your question about substring: substring operation on blob text in informix
. With BLOBs you can use substring operator, but not SUBSTRING() nor SUBST() functions.
You can also use LENGTH(), but not TRIM().
Example code:
CREATE TABLE _text_test (id serial, txt_vch varchar(200), txt_text text);
INSERT INTO _text_test (txt_vch, txt_text) VALUES ('1234567890', '1234567890');
SELECT txt_vch, txt_text, txt_vch[3,5], txt_text[3,5], length(txt_text) FROM _text_test;
In my example I used TEXT blob type (Jonathan showed you more blob types, you should show us what kind of blob you use in question). Last select shows usage of substring operator and LENGTH() function. You can replace LENGTH() function with other functions like TRIM() to test it with your environment. In my case TRIM() test ends with:
ODBC Error: -880 [Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]
Trim character and trim source must be of string data type.
Last select works well with JDBC 3.70JC1 driver, but it seems that ODBC 3.70TC1 driver has bug and shows 3 first chars: 123 instead of 345. Test it yourself.
In recent version (12.10) there is DBMS_LOB package
However it doesn't work as documented: for example there is no dbms_lob.get_length function. Instead I've found that dbms_lob_get_length is working as expected.
So for CLOB fields you have following usefull operations:
dbms_lob_substr (unfortunately it gets data after get_length too);
I've found also one undocumented but very, very useful function: dbms_lob_new_clob which gets lvarchar argument and it converts it to CLOB.
I know that this answer is very late. I think that it can be usefull for other people searching ways to handle blobs in Informix (I've found this post few days ago when I was starting mini-research about using blobs for storing xml).

Informix 7.3 isql insert statement - text/blob/clob field insert error

Is a way around this??
I am trying to insert some data into a table whose structure is:
Column name Type Nulls
crs_no char(12) no
cat char(4) no
pr_cat char(1) yes
pr_sch char(1) yes
abstr text yes
The type of the last field reads 'text', but when trying to insert into this table, I get this error:
insert into crsabstr_rec values ("COMS110","UG09","Y","Y","CHEESE");
617: A blob data type must be supplied within this context.
Error in line 1
Near character position 66
So this field is some sort of blob apparently, but won't take inserts (or updates). Normally, these records are inserted into a GUI form, then C code handles the insertions.
There are no blob (BYTE or TEXT) literals in Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) - nor for CLOB or BLOB types in IDS 9.00 and later. It is an ongoing source of frustration to me; I've had the feature request in the system for years, but it never reaches the pain threshold internally that means it gets fixed -- other things get given a higher priority.
Nevertheless, it bites people all the time.
In IDS 7.3 (which you should aim to upgrade - it goes out of service in September 2009 after a decade or so), you are pretty much stuck with using C to get the data into the TEXT field of a database. You have to use the approved C type 'loc_t' to store the information about the BYTE or TEXT data, and pass that to the server.
If you need examples in ESQL/C, look at the International Informix User Group web site, and especially the Software Repository. Amongst other things, you'll find the original SQLCMD program (Microsoft's program of the same name is a Johnny-Come-Lately) in source form. It also includes a set of programs that I dub 'vignettes'; they manipulate blobs in various ways, and are designed to show how to use 'loc_t' structures in various scenarios.
in iSQL....
Load from desc.txt insert into crsabstr_rec;
3 row(s) loaded.
desc.txt is a | (pipe) delimited text file and the number of fields in the txt have to match the number of fields in the table

Informix SQL text Blob wildcard search

I am looking for an efficient way to use a wild card search on a text (blob) column.
I have seen that it is internally stored as bytes...
The data amount will be limited, but unfortunately my vendor has decided to use this stupid datatype. I would also consider to move everything in a temp table if there is an easy system side function to modify it - unfortunately something like rpad does not work...
I can see the text value correctly via using the column in the select part or when reading the data via Perl's DBI module.
Unfortunately, you are stuck - there are very few operations that you can perform on TEXT or BYTE blobs. In particular, none of these work:
+ create table t (t text in table);
+ select t from t where t[1,3] = "abc";
SQL -615: Blobs are not allowed in this expression.
+ select t from t where t like "%abc%";
SQL -219: Wildcard matching may not be used with non-character types.
+ select t from t where t matches "*abc*";
SQL -219: Wildcard matching may not be used with non-character types.
Depending on the version of IDS, you may have options with BTS - Basic Text Search (requires IDS v11), or with other text search data blades. On the other hand, if the data is already in the DB and cannot be type-converted, then you may be forced to extract the blobs and search them client-side, which is less efficient. If you must do that, ensure you filter on as many other conditions as possible to minimize the traffic that is needed.
You might also notice that DBD::Informix has to go through some machinations to make blobs appear to work - machinations that it should not, quite frankly, have to go through. So far, in a decade of trying, I've not persuaded people that these things need fixing.