Objective C - HTTP/0.9 response from GET using ASIHTTPRequest - objective-c

I've started using ASIHTTPRequest in my iOS project to execute REST server method calls and so far have been very successful with it. I just have one strange intermittent problem. Very occasionally I get the following response from using [ASIHTTPRequest startAsynchronous] :
HTTP/0.9 200 OK
When this occurs my server method doesn't get called. Normally every method call returns with a response starting 'HTTP/1.1'. I'm using HTTPS with a GeoTrust/RapidSSL certificate to secure the connection. Interestingly I've found that I get the same 'HTTP/0.9 200 OK' response if I try to connect to the SSL port (443) but specifying 'http' as the protocol.
Just to add more info - the problem mostly occurs after the app has been left idle for a period of time. E.g. request completes successfully, then leave app idle for a while, then on the next request the problem occurs then app continues to work fine.
Can anybody shed some light on what might be occurring?
Many thanks,
UPDATE : I've pasted below some debug information output by ASIHTTPRequest when the problem occurred :
2012-07-12 09:35:49.376 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Closing connection #13 because it has expired
2012-07-12 09:35:49.377 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Closing connection #14 because it has expired
2012-07-12 09:35:49.378 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Closing connection #15 because it has expired
2012-07-12 09:35:49.380 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Request #39 will use connection #16
2012-07-12 09:35:49.381 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Request #40 will use connection #17
2012-07-12 09:35:49.382 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Request #41 will use connection #18
2012-07-12 09:35:49.529 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [STATUS] Request <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a1e00> finished downloading data (0 bytes)
2012-07-12 09:35:49.529 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [STATUS] Request <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a1e00> received response headers
2012-07-12 09:35:49.530 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [AUTH] Request <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a1e00> has passed Basic authentication
2012-07-12 09:35:49.530 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Got no keep-alive header, will keep this connection open for 60.000000 seconds
2012-07-12 09:35:49.530 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Request #41 finished using connection #18
2012-07-12 09:35:49.531 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [STATUS] Request finished: <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a1e00>
2012-07-12 09:35:49.531 mytestapp[3038:15803] responseHeaders={
2012-07-12 09:35:49.531 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [STATUS] Request cancelled: <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a1e00>
2012-07-12 09:35:49.532 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [STATUS] Request cancelled: <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a0200>
2012-07-12 09:35:49.532 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [STATUS] Request <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a0200>: Cancelled
2012-07-12 09:35:49.532 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Request #39 failed and will invalidate connection #16
2012-07-12 09:35:49.533 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [STATUS] Request cancelled: <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a0a00>
2012-07-12 09:35:49.533 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [STATUS] Request <ASIHTTPRequest: 0x88a0a00>: Cancelled
2012-07-12 09:35:49.533 mytestapp[3038:18f07] [CONNECTION] Request #40 failed and will invalidate connection #17

Unsure about IOS specifics in this case but HTTP 0.9 is completely abandoned. There is clear reason for this - it does not support "Host:" header. This means single IP cannot have virtual hosts at all. Such things became obsolete at end of 90-s.
Such response should never happen in real life. If it still happens, some client made request like "GET / HTTP/0.9". But these clients have disappeared ~15 years ago.
SSL is something HTTP is not much aware of. So I believe this is not related. SSL tunnel is set up and after that plain HTTP is ran.
As conclusion I would say you or someone possibly triggered obsolete method. And IOS maybe just have no idea what to do with it. Maybe IOS method is limited methods with host name included and therefore it does not trigger. Anyway you should not worry about it if client is really speaking 0.9 because it anyway does not get proper answers from most of sites. If client speaking 1.1 and you answer 0.9, then possibly request is misunderstood somehow and fallback mechanism to lowest possible HTTP version occurs. Maybe you forgot to setup host name for request or made syntax error in it?

There are some mentions about this problem on the web, and basically it is related to persistent connections, and when something wrong with a Content-length header and a content itself that returned by some buggy servers. It could screw up the browsers and iOS framework, and they don't actually notice the headers.
Here is the one of the possible explanations.
Try to disable persistent connections, it should help. This advice came from developers of ASIHTTPRequest (quite similar situation).
[httpRequest setShouldAttemptPersistentConnection:NO];

HTTP/0.9 200 OK is a non-existant message header. HTTP/0.9 is defined as the request: GET <Request-URI> HTTP/0.9 <CRLF>, the response to which is [Entity-Body], without any status lines nor header. (<urn:ietf:rfc:1945>)
There's an error in your software somewhere. I guess the request either failed, or it's not yet received.


RTSP: Not receiving SDP from the server after sending "describe" request

I have a Bosch camera(server) and my end goal is to get the video content description via metadata from it. I am using LwIP Raw API's(1.4.0) for this purpose. At present, I am trying to authenticate with the camera and receive the SDP so I can setup the session. However, after I authenticate by resending the describe request with the digest, I don't get any response from the server and after a while the server resets the connection. Below is the sequence of operations I perform for authentication.
Step 1: Client to Server (mcu sends 1st describe request)
DESCRIBE rtsp://service:PRBUWPCs7*f40j# RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 1
User-Agent: rtsp://service:PRBUWPCs7*f40j# Streaming Media v2018.02.28)
Accept: application/sdp
Step 2: Server to Client (server responds with nonce for authentication, rx via callback)
Payload:RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
CSeq: 1
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Please log in with a valid
Step 3: Client to Server (mcu computes the response and resends the describe command )
DESCRIBE rtsp://service:PRBUWPCs7*f40j# RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2
Authorization: Digest username="service", realm="Please log in with a valid username", nonce="7bd251bb670e45966c415838679f778f", uri="rtsp://service:PRBUWPCs7*f40j#", response="4c87974de2e3ecc3d534beddef9e6962"
User-Agent: rtsp://service:PRBUWPCs7*f40j# Streaming Media v2018.02.28)
Accept: application/sdp
Step 4: mcu waiting for SDP, but instead receives pbuf *p as null in the receive call back function.
After a few seconds, also receives a tcp err callback with err code ERR_RST i.e. connection reset.
Could anyone please clarify if my above procedure is correct and if so, any insights on what could likely cause the camera not to respond with the SDP description leading to connection reset and receiving pbuff as NULL in the receive callback? 
Fixed it. There was an issue with md5 module.

Spring Cloud Gateway hides server websocket handshake 401 failures to clients

I'm reverse proxying a websocket backend API with spring-cloud-gateway 2.2.3. When this backend API rejects some websocket handshake request with a 401 Unauthorized status response, then spring-cloud-gateway still returns a 101 handshake status to the client (which gets confused and then misbehaves)
I need spring-cloud-gateway to return the original 401 websocket handshake error to the client so the SCG reverse proxy is transparent to the client (which is conforming to the WebSocket specs handshake)
Here are the full wiretap traces and exception (I have redacted hostnames).
The client-side response in this WSS request is available as a HAR file captured from chrome and which displays in chrome
as this screenpshot.
Here is my spring cloud gateway configuration
- id: route_shield
uri: https://shield-webui-cf-mysql.nd-int-cfapi.was.redacted
- Host=**
- SetRequestHostHeader=shield-webui-cf-mysql.nd-int-cfapi.was.redacted
useInsecureTrustManager: true
I'm wondering whether this is a spring-cloud-gateway bug, or a desired behavior which I can override.
To override it, here are alternatives I'm considering:
using circuit breaker filter and fallback to a local handler returning a 401
write a custom post-filter
Override/patch the WebsocketRoutingFilter
However my debugger breakpoint in the handle(WebSocketSession session) method does not trigger, suspecting it is not called
Likely would need to provide a RequestUpgradeStrategy bean as an alternative to the default implementation of org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.server.upgrade.ReactorNettyRequestUpgradeStrategy#getNativeResponse mentionned in the trace
io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketHandshakeException: Invalid handshake response getStatus: 401 Unauthorized
at io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketClientHandshaker13.verify(WebSocketClientHandshaker13.java:274) ~[netty-codec-http-4.1.51.Final.jar:4.1.51.Final]
Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException:
Error has been observed at the following site(s):
|_ checkpoint ⇢ http://localhost:8080/v2/events [ReactorNettyRequestUpgradeStrategy]

Gwan report.c statistics

I am testing on G-wan server performance and it's very amazing!!! Here is the output from report.c
All: 5,725 (6.06% of Cache misses)
HTTP: 66 (1.15% of all requests)
Errors: 70 (1.22% of all requests)
CSP: 5,650 (98.69% of all requests) Exceptions: 1
Accepted: 4,717 (1.21 requests per connection)
Closed: 4,372
Timeouts: 682 (14.46%) Accept:682 Read:0 Slow:0 Build:0 Send:0 Close:0
Busy: 345 (Waiting: 334 Reading: 9 Replying: 2 Sending: 0 Pushing: 0 Relaying: 0 Closing: 0)
I found that the Errors rate seem to be quite high, and there an exceptions occur on CSP too, could anyone tell me what did "Errors" mean and how to avoid it? Thanks!
the "Errors" rate seem to be quite high
That's HTTP errors (wrong requests coming from a client, not found resources, etc. - look at the error.log file for a trace).
The only way to avoid HTTP errors is to prevent clients from connecting to the server.
If you can't live with this "high rate of HTTP errors" of 1.22% of all requests then use a G-WAN connection handler (with the HTTP_ERROR notification) to make G-WAN ignore HTTP errors and close the connection without sending an HTTP error message (just return 0; in the handler) - but that's probably not what most users want.
there an exceptions occur on CSP too
An exception means a 'graceful crash report' was issued for a servlet bug. As you have only 1 crash on 5,650 dynamic requests, that was probably during the servlet development. Look at your error.log and trace files to check what happened.
Note that the "cache misses" statistics are for static contents only (1.15% of all your HTTP requests).
Apparently, not all your clients are responding in the timely fashion: you have timeouts and pending requests.

Websocket and Safari 6.0

I am using Safari 6 and websockets. My server is receiving the following handshake from the browser:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Host: nomad.local:1299
Origin: file://
Sec-WebSocket-Key: WhZTuybN4i2ZshDBxco42w==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame
There is no Protocol included. My server can deal with that, but when it tries to complete the handshake with the browser client I get the following message:
Error during WebSocket handshake: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol mismatch
Is there an implied Protocol in the message sent to server that I need to return in the handshake to the client?
This worked before I upgraded to latest Safari
If the client does not send any sub-protocols in the handshake (Sec-WebSocket-Protocol) then the server must not send back a sub-protocol header (Sec-WebSocket-Protocol). If the server sends back the common default of "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat" even though the client did not include a sub-protocol header, the client must refuse the connection. Some browsers were sloppy about this and have recently begun to tighten up their compliance.
If the client does send a sub-protocol list, then the server must select a single sub-protocol that it supports and send this back to the client as the chosen sub-protocol.
Well the protocol is WebSockets ;-) See the RFC for further explanations on Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc6455/?include_text=1
The handshake from the client looks as follows:
GET /chat HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Origin: http://example.com
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
The handshake from the server looks as follows:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
Don't know wether the Safari 6 implemenation differs, but protocols from RFC are usually a nightmare... There might be a standard implied?

Apache, mod_ssl "request failed: error reading the headers" for a specific user

Currently we have an Apache 2.2.3 server with mod_ssl 2.2.3 running Django, with users authenticating by using a x509 certificate.
So far the system is running perfectly except for a single user, who when trying to upload a file receives 400 Bad Request error, and the contents of the ssl_error_log regarding this operation are:
[<date>] [error] [client <client ip>] request failed: error reading the headers, referer: <referrer url>
The contents of the ssl_access_log are:
<client ip> - - [<date>] "POST <target page> HTTP/1.1" 400 321
Also, the user's browser is Firefox as far as I know.
I am completely unable to reproduce this bug and so far none of the other users have experienced it. Could you point out some reasons for this to happen?
I've experienced connectivity that stops the upstream after an X amount of bytes is sent. X was a pretty low value, as in enough to request some simple pages, but not to deal with ajax requests much less upload files. As far as I recall, this connectivity problem occurred only when tethering (from a specific Android phone, but I didnt even test other phones).
So if the upstream gets interrupted and the upload stalls, it makes sense apache would return this error, according to this post: "Apache waits a time equal to the Timeout directive (defaults to 5 minutes if not defined) for a response from the client. It is likely Apache is waiting for the CRLF that indicates the end of the headers, yet it is never received.."