Program to optimize cost - optimization

This is my problem set for one of my CS class and I am kind of stuck. Here is the summary of the problem.
Create a program that will:
1) take a list of grocery stores and its available items and prices
2) take a list of required items that you need to buy
3) output a supermarket where you can get all your items with the cheapest price
input: supermarkets.list, [tomato, orange, turnip]
output: supermarket_1
The list looks something like
$2.00 tomato
$3.00 orange
$4.00 tomato, orange, turnip
$3.00 tomato
$2.00 orange
$3.00 turnip
$15.00 tomato, orange, turnip
If we want to buy tomato and orange, then the optimal solution would be buying
from supermarket_1 $4.00. Note that it is possible for an item to be bough
twice. So if wanted to buy 2 tomatoes, buying from supermarket_1 would be the
optimal solution.
So far, I have been able to put the dataset into a data structure that I hope will allow me to easily do operations on it. I basically have a dictionary of supermarkets and the value would point to a another dictionary containing the mapping from each entry to its price.
supermarket_1 --> [turnip --> $2.00]
[orange --> $1.50]
One way is to use brute force, to get all combinations and find whichever satisfies the solution and find the one with the minimum. So far, this is what I can come up with. There is no assumption that the price of a combination of two items would be less than buying each separately.
Any suggestions hints are welcome

Finding the optimal solution for a specific supermarket is a generalization of the set cover problem, which is NP-complete. The reduction goes as follows:
Given an instance of the set cover problem, just define a cost function assigning 1 to each combination, apply an algorithm that solves your problem, and you obtain an optimal solution of the set cover instance. (Finding the minimal price hence corresponds to finding the minimum number of covering sets.) Thus, your Problem is NP-hard, and you cannot expect to finde a solution that runs in polynomial time.
You really should implement the brute-force method you mentioned. I too recommand you to do this as a first step. If the performance is not sufficient, you can try a
using a MIP-formulation and a solver like CPLEX, or you have to devolop a heuristic approach.
For a single supermarket, it is rather trivial to find a mixed integer program (MIP). Let x_i be the integer number how often product combination i is contained in a solution, c_i its cost and w_ij the number how often product j is contained in product combination i. Then, you are minimizing
sum_i x_i * c_i
subject to conditions like
sum_i x_i * w_ij >= r_j,
where r_j is the number how often product j is required.

Well, you have one method, so implement it now so you have something that works to submit. A brute-force solution should not take long to code up, then you can get some performance data and you can think about the problem more deeply. Guesstimate the number of supermarkets in a reasonable shopping range in a large city. Create that many supermarket records and link them to product tables with random-ish prices, (this is more work than the solution).
Run your brute-force solution. Does it work? If it outputs a solution, 'manually' add up the prices and list them against three other 'supermarket' records taken at random, (just pick a number), showing that the total is less or equal. Modify the price of an item on your list so that the solution is no longer cheap and re-run, so that you get a different solution.
Is it so fast that no further work is justified? If so, say so in the conclusions section of your report and post the lot to your prof/TA. You understood the task, thought about it, came up with a solution, implemented it, tested it with a representative dataset and so shown that functionality is demonstrable and performance is adequate - your assignment is over, go to the bar, think about the next one over a beer.

I am not sure what you mean by "brute force" solution.
Why don't you just calculate the cost of your list of items in each of the supermarkets, and then select the minimum? Complexity would be in O(#items x #supermarkets) which is good.
Regarding your data structure you can also simply have a matrix (2 dimension array) price[super][item], and use ids for your supermarkets/items.


Select the best "team" of 9 "players" based on overall "team" performance only

I have 9 bins named A through I containing the following number of objects:
A(8), B(7), C(6), D(7), E(5), F(6), G(6), H(6), I(6)
Objects from each bin fulfill a specific role and cannot be interchanged. I am selecting one object from each bin at random forming a "team" of 9 "players":
T_ijklmnopq = {a_i, b_j, c_k, d_l, e_m, f_n, g_o, h_p, i_q}
There are 15,240,960 such combinations - a huge number. I have means of evaluating performance of each "team" via a costly objective function, F(T_ijklmnopq). Thus, I can feasibly sample a limited number of random combinations, say no more than 500 samples.
Having results of such sampling, I want to predict the most likely best combination of "players". How to do it?
Keep in mind this is different from classical team selection because there is no meaningful evaluation of F() based on individual performance. For example, "player" a_6 may be good individually, but he may not "like" e_2 and therefore the performance of "team" containing the two suffers. Conversely, three mediocre players b_1, f_5, i_2 may be a part of an awesome "team". What's know is the whole "team" performance, that's all.
One more detail: contributions of the individual roles A through I are not weighted equally. Position of, say, E may be more important than, say, H. Unfortunately, these weights are not known upfront.
The described problem must be know to combinatorial analysts, but I haven't found anything exactly like it. Linear programming solutions with known individual "player" scores do not apply here. I will be most grateful for a specific name under which this problem is known to experts.
So far I have collected 400 samples. Here is a graph of the sorted F(T) values vs. a (arbitrary) sample number to illustrate that F(T) is "reasonable".
F(T) graph of sorted samples

Can proc sql embedded in sas macros dynamically merge to data-sets, simulating residential treatment placement decisions for trouble youth?

Good afternoon and happy Friday, folks
I’m trying to automate a placement simulation of youth into residential treatment where they will have the highest likelihood of success. Success is operationalized as “not recidivating” within 3 years of entering treatment. Equations predicting recidivism have been generated for each location, and the equations have been applied to each individual in the scenario (based on youth characteristics like risk, age, etc., LOS). Each youth has predicted success rates for every location, which throws in a wrench: youth are not qualified for all of the treatment facilities for which they have predicted success rates. Indeed, treatment locations have differing, yet overlapping qualifications.
Let’s take a made-up example. Johnny (ID # 5, below) is a 15-year-old boy with drug charges. He could have “predicted success rates” of 91% for location A, 88% for location B, 50% for location C, and 75% for location D. Johnny is most likely to be successful (i.e., not recidivate within three years of entering treatment) if he is treated at location A; unfortunately, location A only accepts youth who are 17 years old or older; therefore, Johnny would not qualify for treatment here. Alternatively, for Johnny, location B is the next best location. Let us assume that Johnny is qualified for location B, but that all of location-B beds are filled; so, we must now look to location D, as it is now Johnny’s “best available” option at 75%.
The score so far: We are matching youth to available beds in location for which they qualify and might enjoy the greatest likelihood of success. Unfortunately, each location only has a certain number of available beds, and the number of available beds different across locations. The qualifications of entry into treatment facilities differ, yet overlap (e.g., 12-17 year-olds vs 14-20 year-olds).
In order to simulate what placement decisions might look like based on success rates, I went through the scenario describe above for over 400 youth, by hand, in excel. It took me about a week. I’d like to use PROC SQL imbedded in a SAS MACRO to automate these placement scenarios with the ultimate goals of a) obtain the ability to bootstrap iterations in order to examine effect sizes across distributions, b) save time, and c) prevent further brain damage from banging my head again desk and wall in frustration whilst doing this by hand. Whilst never having had the necessity—nay—the privilege of using SQL in my typical roll as a researcher, I believe that this time has now come to pass and I’m excited about it! Honestly. I believe it has the capacity I’m looking for. Unfortunately, it is beating the devil out of me!
Here’s what I’ve got cookin’ so far: I want to create and automate the placement simulation with the clever use of merging/joining/switching/or something like that.
I have two datasets (tables). The first dataset contains all of the youth information (one row per youth; several columns with demographics, location ranks, which correspond to the predicted success rates). The order of rows in the youth dataset (was/will be randomly generated (to simulate the randomness with which youth enter the system and are subsequently place into treatment). Note that I will be “cleaning” the youth dataset prior to merging such that rank-column cells will only be populated for programs for which a respective youth qualifies. This should take the “does the youth even qualify for the program” problem out of the equation.
However, it still leaves the issue of availability left to be contended with in the scenario.
The second dataset containing the treatment facility beds, with each row corresponding to an available bed in one of the treatment location; two columns contain bed numbers and location names. Each bed (row) has only one location cell populated, but locations will populate several cells.
Thus, in descending order, I want to merge each youth row with the available bed that represents his/her best chance of success, and so the merge/join/switch/thing should take place
on youth.Rank1= distinct TF.Location,
and if youth.Rank1≠ TF.location then
merge on youth.Rank2= TF.location,
if youth.Rank2≠ TF.location then merge at
youth.Rank3 = TF.location, etc.
Put plainly: “Merge on rank1 unless rank1 location is no longer available, then merge on rank2, unless rank2 location is no longer available, and on down the line, etc., etc., until all option are exhausted and foster care (i.e., alternative services). Is the only option.
I’ve had no success getting this to work. I haven’t even been successful getting the union function to work. About the only successful thing I’ve done in SQL so far is create a view of a single dataset. It’s pretty sad. I’ve been following this guidance, but I get hung up around the “where” command:
proc sql; /Calls the SQL procedure*/;
create table x as /*Tells SAS to create a table called x*/
select /*Specifies the column(s) to be selected*/
from /*Specificies the tables(s) (data sets) to be queried*/
where /*Subjests the data based on a condition*/
group by /*Classifies the data into groups based on the specified
order by /*Sorts the resulting rows observations) by the specified
; quit; /*Ends the proc sql procedure*/
Frankly, I’m stuck and I could use some advice. This greenhorn in me is in way over his head.
I appreciate any help or guidance anyone might lend.
The process you describe (and to be honest I skiped to the end so I might of missed something) does not lend itself to SQL because each step could affect the results of the next one. However, you want to get the most best results for the most kids. (I think a lot of that text was to convince us how important it is to help out). You don't actually give us anything we can really use to help since you don't give any details of your data model, your data, or expected results. There really is no way to answer this question. But I don't care -- I'm going to go forward with some suggestions because it is a friday and I've never done a stream of consciousness answer to a stream of consciousness question before. I will suggest you don't formulate your solution just in sql, but instead use a higher level program and engage is a process like the one described below -- because this a DB questions I've noted the locations where the DB might be involved.
Generate a list kids (this can be in a table -- called NEEDY-KID)
Have a list of locations to assign (this can also be a table LOCATION)
Run your matching for best fit from KID to location -- at this point don't worry about assign more than one kid to a location -- there can be duplicates (put this in table called KID2LOC using a query)
Check KID2LOC for locations assigned twice -- use some method to remove the duplicate ones so each loc is only assigned once. (remove from the KID2LOC using a query)
Prune the LOCATION list to remove assigned locations (once again -- a query)
If kids exist without a location go to 3 with new pruned location list.

Similarity matching algorithm

I have products with different details in different attributes and I need to develop an algorithm to find the most similar to the one I'm trying to find.
For example, if a product has:
Weight: 100lb
Color: Black, Brown, White
Height: 10in
Conditions: new
Others can have different colors, weight, etc. Then I need to do a search where the most similar return first. For example, if everything matches but the color is only Black and White but not Brown, it's a better match than another product that is only Black but not White or Brown.
I'm open to suggestions as the project is just starting.
One approach, for example, I could do is restrict each attribute (weight, color, size) a limited set of option, so I can build a binary representation. So I have something like this for each product:
Colors Weight Height Condition
00011011000 10110110 10001100 01
Then if I do an XOR between the product's binary representation and my search, I can calculate the number of set bits to see how similar they are (all zeros would mean exact match).
The problem with this approach is that I cannot index that on a database, so I would need to read all the products to make the comparison.
Any suggestions on how I can approach this? Ideally I would like to have something I can index on a database so it's fast to query.
Further question: also if I could use different weights for each attribute, it would be awesome.
You basically need to come up with a distance metric to define the distance between two objects. Calculate the distance from the object in question to each other object, then you can either sort by minimum distance or just select the best.
Without some highly specialized algorithm based on the full data set, the best you can do is a linear time distance comparison with every other item.
You can estimate the nearest by keeping sorted lists of certain fields such as Height and Weight and cap the distance at a threshold (like in broad phase collision detection), then limit full distance comparisons to only those items that meet the thresholds.
What you want to do is a perfect use case for elasticsearch and other similar search oriented databases. I don't think you need to hack with bitmasks/etc.
You would typically maintain your primary data in your existing database (sql/cassandra/mongo/etc..anything works), and copy things that need searching to elasticsearch.
What are you talking about very similar to BK-trees. BK-tree constructs search tree with some metric associated with keys of this tree. Most common use of this tree is string corrections with Levenshtein or Damerau-Levenshtein distances. This is not static data structure, so it supports future insertions of elements.
When you search exact element (or insert element), you need to look through nodes of this tree and go to links with weight equal to distance between key of this node and your element. if you want to find similar objects, you need to go to several nodes simultaneously that supports your wishes of constrains of distances. (Maybe it can be even done with A* to fast finding one most similar object).
Simple example of BK-tree (from the second link)
/ \
/(1) \(4)
/ \
/ / \
/(2) /(1) \(2)
/ | |
Your metric should be Hamming distance (count of differences between bit representations of two objects).
BUT! is it good to compare two integers as count of different bits in their representation? With Hamming distance HD(10000, 00000) == HD(10000, 10001). I.e. difference between numbers 16 and 0, and 16 and 17 is equal. Is it really what you need?
BK-tree with details:

Optimizing lumber purchasing

I would like to know how to classify the following optimization problem.
A lumber yard sells 2x4's in various stock lengths. For example, an 8ft could be $3 and a 10ft could be $4, while a 14ft might be $5.50. Importantly, the lengths are not linearly related to price and not all discrete lengths can be purchased as stock. It can be assumed that the available stock units are inexhaustible in these discrete lengths.
length cost
7.7ft $2.75
8ft $3.00
10ft $4.00
14ft $5.50
I need to create a set of 2x4's with given lengths by cutting them from the above stock (say I need lengths of 2ft, 2.5ft, 6ft once all is said and done). Also, each "cut" incurs a material cost of 1/8" (i.e. 0.0104ft). The solution of the problem is an assignment of each desired length to a piece of stock with the total cost of all stock minimized. In this example, the optimal solution minimizing cost is to buy a 14ft board at $5.50. (A runner-up solution is to buy two 8ft boards and allocate as {6ft} and {2ft, 0.0104ft, 2.5ft} for a cost of $6.)
It does not seem to be a Knapsack-class problem. It does not seem to be a cutting stock problem (because I would like to minimize cost rather than minimize waste). What sort of problem is this, and how can I go about efficiently solving it?
(As an after-note, this is a non-fictional problem I have solved in the obvious, inefficient way using multiset partitions and iteration in Haskell. The runtime is prohibitive to practical use with more than 23 desired lengths and 6 available stock sizes.)
I believe that this is a cutting stock problem, except that it's a multi-objective or multi-criteria cutting stock problem (where you want to minimize monetary cost as well as material cost), see for this example this article. Unfortunately almost all of the online resources I found for this breed of cutting stock problem were behind paywalls; in addition, I haven't done any integer-linear programming in several years, but if I remember correctly multi-objective problems are much more difficult than single-objective problems.
One option is to implement a two-pass algorithm. The first pass completely ignores the material cost of cutting the boards, and only uses the monetary cost (in place of the waste cost in a standard cutting stock problem) in a single-objective problem. This may leave you with an invalid solution, at which point you perform a local search to e.g. replace two 10-foot boards with a 14-foot board and an 8-foot bard until you reach a valid solution. Once you find a valid solution, you can continue the local search for several more iterations to see if you can improve on the solution. This algorithm will likely be sub-optimal when compared to a one-pass multi-objective solution, but it ought to be much easier to implement.

Building ranking with genetic algorithm,

Question after BIG edition :
I need to built a ranking using genetic algorithm, I have data like this :
now, lets interpret a,b,c,d as names of football teams, and P(x>y) is probability that x wins with y. We want to build ranking of teams, we lack some observations P(a>d),P(a>c) are missing due to lack of matches between a vs d and a vs c.
Goal is to find ordering of team names, which the best describes current situation in that four team league.
If we have only 4 teams than solution is straightforward, first we compute probabilities for all 4!=24 orderings of four teams, while ignoring missing values we have :
and we choose the ranking with highest probability. I don't want to use any other fitness function.
My question :
As numbers of permutations of n elements is n! calculation of probabilities for all
orderings is impossible for large n (my n is about 40). I want to use genetic algorithm for that problem.
Mutation operator is simple switching of places of two (or more) elements of ranking.
But how to make crossover of two orderings ?
Could P(abcd) be interpreted as cost function of path 'abcd' in assymetric TSP problem but cost of travelling from x to y is different than cost of travelling from y to x, P(x>y)=1-P(y<x) ? There are so many crossover operators for TSP problem, but I think I have to design my own crossover operator, because my problem is slightly different from TSP. Do you have any ideas for solution or frame for conceptual analysis ?
The easiest way, on conceptual and implementation level, is to use crossover operator which make exchange of suborderings between two solutions :
CrossOver(ABcD,AcDB) = AcBD
for random subset of elements (in this case 'a,b,d' in capital letters) we copy and paste first subordering - sequence of elements 'a,b,d' to second ordering.
Edition : asymetric TSP could be turned into symmetric TSP, but with forbidden suborderings, which make GA approach unsuitable.
It's definitely an interesting problem, and it seems most of the answers and comments have focused on the semantic aspects of the problem (i.e., the meaning of the fitness function, etc.).
I'll chip in some information about the syntactic elements -- how do you do crossover and/or mutation in ways that make sense. Obviously, as you noted with the parallel to the TSP, you have a permutation problem. So if you want to use a GA, the natural representation of candidate solutions is simply an ordered list of your points, careful to avoid repitition -- that is, a permutation.
TSP is one such permutation problem, and there are a number of crossover operators (e.g., Edge Assembly Crossover) that you can take from TSP algorithms and use directly. However, I think you'll have problems with that approach. Basically, the problem is this: in TSP, the important quality of solutions is adjacency. That is, abcd has the same fitness as cdab, because it's the same tour, just starting and ending at a different city. In your example, absolute position is much more important that this notion of relative position. abcd means in a sense that a is the best point -- it's important that it came first in the list.
The key thing you have to do to get an effective crossover operator is to account for what the properties are in the parents that make them good, and try to extract and combine exactly those properties. Nick Radcliffe called this "respectful recombination" (note that paper is quite old, and the theory is now understood a bit differently, but the principle is sound). Taking a TSP-designed operator and applying it to your problem will end up producing offspring that try to conserve irrelevant information from the parents.
You ideally need an operator that attempts to preserve absolute position in the string. The best one I know of offhand is known as Cycle Crossover (CX). I'm missing a good reference off the top of my head, but I can point you to some code where I implemented it as part of my graduate work. The basic idea of CX is fairly complicated to describe, and much easier to see in action. Take the following two points:
Pick a starting point in parent 1 at random. For simplicity, I'll just start at position 0 with the "a".
Now drop straight down into parent 2, and observe the value there (in this case, "c").
Now search for "c" in parent 1. We find it at position 2.
Now drop straight down again, and observe the "h" in parent 2, position 2.
Again, search for this "h" in parent 1, found at position 7.
Drop straight down and observe the "a" in parent 2.
At this point note that if we search for "a" in parent one, we reach a position where we've already been. Continuing past that will just cycle. In fact, we call the sequence of positions we visited (0, 2, 7) a "cycle". Note that we can simply exchange the values at these positions between the parents as a group and both parents will retain the permutation property, because we have the same three values at each position in the cycle for both parents, just in different orders.
Make the swap of the positions included in the cycle.
Note that this is only one cycle. You then repeat this process starting from a new (unvisited) position each time until all positions have been included in a cycle. After the one iteration described in the above steps, you get the following strings (where an "X" denotes a position in the cycle where the values were swapped between the parents.
Just keep finding and swapping cycles until you're done.
The code I linked from my github account is going to be tightly bound to my own metaheuristics framework, but I think it's a reasonably easy task to pull the basic algorithm out from the code and adapt it for your own system.
Note that you can potentially gain quite a lot from doing something more customized to your particular domain. I think something like CX will make a better black box algorithm than something based on a TSP operator, but black boxes are usually a last resort. Other people's suggestions might lead you to a better overall algorithm.
I've worked on a somewhat similar ranking problem and followed a technique similar to what I describe below. Does this work for you:
Assume the unknown value of an object diverges from your estimate via some distribution, say, the normal distribution. Interpret your ranking statements such as a > b, 0.9 as the statement "The value a lies at the 90% percentile of the distribution centered on b".
For every statement:
def realArrival = calculate a's location on a distribution centered on b
def arrivalGap = | realArrival - expectedArrival |
def fitness = Σ arrivalGap
Fitness function is MIN(fitness)
FWIW, my problem was actually a bin-packing problem, where the equivalent of your "rank" statements were user-provided rankings (1, 2, 3, etc.). So not quite TSP, but NP-Hard. OTOH, bin-packing has a pseudo-polynomial solution proportional to accepted error, which is what I eventually used. I'm not quite sure that would work with your probabilistic ranking statements.
What an interesting problem! If I understand it, what you're really asking is:
"Given a weighted, directed graph, with each edge-weight in the graph representing the probability that the arc is drawn in the correct direction, return the complete sequence of nodes with maximum probability of being a topological sort of the graph."
So if your graph has N edges, there are 2^N graphs of varying likelihood, with some orderings appearing in more than one graph.
I don't know if this will help (very brief Google searches did not enlighten me, but maybe you'll have more success with more perseverance) but my thoughts are that looking for "topological sort" in conjunction with any of "probabilistic", "random", "noise," or "error" (because the edge weights can be considered as a reliability factor) might be helpful.
I strongly question your assertion, in your example, that P(a>c) is not needed, though. You know your application space best, but it seems to me that specifying P(a>c) = 0.99 will give a different fitness for f(abc) than specifying P(a>c) = 0.01.
You might want to throw in "Bayesian" as well, since you might be able to start to infer values for (in your example) P(a>c) given your conditions and hypothetical solutions. The problem is, "topological sort" and "bayesian" is going to give you a whole bunch of hits related to markov chains and markov decision problems, which may or may not be helpful.