Replacing nth occurrence of string -

This should be fairly simple but I'm having one of those days. Can anyone advise me as to how to replace the first and third occurrence of a character within a string? I have looked at replace but that cannot work as the string could be of different lengths. All I want to do is replace the first and third occurrence.

There is an overload of the IndexOf method which takes a start position as a parameter. Using a loop you'll be able to find the position of the first and third occurences. Then you could use a combination of the Remove and Insert methods to do the replacements.
You could also use a StringBuilder to do the replacements. The StringBuilder has a Replace method for which you can specify a start index and a number of characters affected.

Perhaps something like this might be useful to you (in line with what Meta-Knight was talking about <+1>)
Dim str As String = "this is a test this is a test this is a test"
Dim first As Integer
Dim third As Integer
Dim base As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer
While str.length > 0
If i = 0 Then
first = str.IndexOf("test")
else if i = 2 Then
third = base + str.IndexOf("test")
end if
base = base + str.IndexOf("test")
str = str.Remove(0, str.IndexOf("test") + "test".length -1 )
End While
It might have a one-off error somewhere...but this should at least get you started.


Get the nth character, string, or number after delimiter in Visual Basic

In (Visual Studio 2015) how can I get the nth string (or number) in a comma-separated list?Say I have a comma-separated list of numbers like so:13,1,6,7,2,12,9,3,5,11,4,8,10How can I get, say, the 5th value in this string, in this case 12?I've looked at the Split function, but it converts a string into an array. I guess I could do that and then get the 5th element of that array, but that seems like a lot to go through just to get the 5th element. Is there a more direct way to do this, or am I pretty much limited to the Split function?
In case you are looking for an alternative method, which is more basic, you can try this:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim a As String = "13,1,6,7,2,12,9,3,5,11,4,8,10"
Dim counter As Integer = 5 'the number you want (in this case, 5th one)
Dim movingcounter As Integer = 0 'how many times we have moved
Dim startofnumber, endofnumber, i As Integer
Dim numberthatIwant As String
Do Until movingcounter = counter
startofnumber = InStr(i + 1, a, ",")
i = startofnumber
movingcounter = movingcounter + 1
endofnumber = InStr(startofnumber + 1, a, ",")
numberthatIwant = (Mid(a, startofnumber + 1, endofnumber - startofnumber - 1))
Console.WriteLine("The number that I want: " + numberthatIwant)
End Sub
End Module
Edit: You can make this into a procedure or function if you wish to use it in a larger program, but this code run in console mode will give the output of 12.
The solution provided by Plutonix as a comment to my question is straightforward and exactly what I was looking for, to wit:result = csv.Split(","c)(5)In my case I was incrementing a variable each time my program ran and needed to get the nth character or string after the incremented value. That is, if my program had incremented the variable 5 times, then I needed the string after the 4th comma, which of course, is the 5th string. So my solution was something like this:result = WholeString.Split(","c)(IncrementedVariable)Note that this is a zero-based variable.Thanks, Plutonix.

using IndexOf in Mid function

Perhaps this is a simple solution for most, but I can't get this to work like it should according to syntax.
I have this line of text "Part Number123456Price$50.00"
I want to pull the part number out of it, so I use this function...
str = Mid(str, str.IndexOf("Part Number") + 12, str.IndexOf("Price"))
My results are str = "123456Price$50.0" every time. I know the part number can vary in length so I need a solid solution of pulling this out.
It can be confusing to mix the legacy VB string methods (such as Mid) with the .Net string methods (like IndexOf). The VB methods use 1 as the index of the first character while the .Net methods use 0.
The following code will extract the part number from a string
Dim str As String = "Part Number123456Price$50.00"
Dim iPart As Integer = str.IndexOf("Part Number") + 11
Dim iPrice As Integer = str.IndexOf("Price")
str = str.Substring(iPart, iPrice - iPart).Trim
The Mid() function of Visual Basic is documented as having three arguments: (1) a string, (2) the beginning location in the string, and (3) the number of characters to copy.
So if your string is "Part Number123456Price$50.00" and you want to pull the part number as a series of digits, the "123456" part of the string, using the Mid() function then you need to find the beginning of the part number digit string and to then know the number of digits.
If your string is in the variable str then you can find the offset by something like str.IndexOf("Number") + len("Number") which will provide the offset to after the string "Number".
Next you need to find the number of digits so you would do something like str.IndexOf("Price") to find where the text "Price" begins and then subtract from that offset the offset of where the digits begin.
The result of all of this is you need a bit of code something like the following. I have not tested this source as I am not a VB programmer so it may need a tweak and you might want to put some checks on data validity as well.
Dim TextNumber as String = "Number"
Dim TextPrice as String = "Price"
iOffset = str.IndexOf(TextNumber) + len(TextNumber)
str = Mid(str, iOffset, str.IndexOf(TextPrice) - iOffset)
Alternatively, if Price is always the format $00.00, this will also work.
Dim str as String = "Part Number123456Price$50.00"
str = str.Remove(str.IndexOf("Price"))

Get substring until first numeric character

like my title already explained, I want to get a substring of a string (who contains a address) and I would like to have only the street..
It's not possible to only take the text (non-numeric) chars, because then the box will remain.
It's not possible to take substring till first space, because the streetname can contain a space..
For example 'developerstreet 123a' -> would like to have 'developerstreet'
The 'a' is a box number of the house, which I'm not interested in..
How can I do this in VB.NET?
Parsing addresses is notoriously difficult, so I caution you to make sure that you a very deliberate about the choices you make. I would strongly recommend reviewing the documentation provided by the postal service. If these are US addresses, you should start by looking at the USPS Publication 28.
However, to answer your specific question, you can find the index of the first numeric character in a string by using the Char.IsDigit method. You may also want to take a look at the Char.IsNumber method, but that's probably more inclusive than what you really want. For instance, this will get the index of the first numeric character in the input string:
Dim index As Integer = -1
For i As Integer = 0 to input.Length - 1
If Char.IsDigit(input(i)) Then
index = i
Exit For
End If
However, for complex string parsing, like this, I would suggest learning Regular Expressions. Getting the non-numeric portion at the beginning of a string becomes trivial with RegEx:
Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(input, "^\D+")
If m.Success Then
Dim nonNumericPart As String = m.Value
End If
Here is the meaning of the regular expression in the above example:
^ - The matching string must start at the beginning of the line
\D - Any non-numeric character
+ - One or more times
try this:
Private Sub MyFormLoad(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim str As String = "developerstreet 123a"
Dim index As Integer = GetIndexOfNumber(str)
Dim substr As String = str.Substring(0, index)
End Sub
Public Function GetIndexOfNumber(ByVal str As String)
For n = 0 To str.Length - 1
If IsNumeric(str.Substring(n, 1)) Then
Return n
End If
Return -1
End Function
output will be: developerstreet
text.Substring(0, text.IndexOfAny("0123456789"))

splitting a string to access integer within it

i have a string "<PinX F='53mm'></PinX>", I want to access the 53 within the string and do some addition to it and then add the answer back into that string. I've been thinking about this and wasn't sure whether this can be done with regular expression or not? Can anybody help me out.
Yes, you can use a regular expression. This will get the digits, parse them to a number, add one to it, and put it back in the string (that is, the result is actually a new string as strings are immutable).
string s = Regex.Replace(
m => (Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value) + 1).ToString()
Take a look at the HTML Agility Pack.
A regular expression looks like a good fit for this particular problem:
Will match one or more digits.
Int32.Parse(Regex.Match("<PinX F='53mm'></PinX>", #"\d+").Value)
Will return 53.
In this single case yes. "'(.*?)' then access the first group, but if this is part of a larger xml regular expressions should not be used. You should utilize the xml parser build into .net find the attribute with xsd and get the value.
Alternatively, here's a small routine...
' Set testing string
Dim s As String = "<PinX F='53mm'></PinX>"
' find first occurence of CHAR ( ' )
Dim a As Integer = s.IndexOf("'")
' find last occurence of CHAR ( ' )
Dim b As Integer = s.LastIndexOf("'")
' get substring "53mm" from string
Dim substring As String = s.Substring(a, b - a)
' get integer values from substring
Dim length As Integer = substring.Length
Dim c As Char = Nothing
Dim result As String = Nothing
For i = 1 To length - 1
c = substring.Chars(i)
If IsNumeric(c) Then
result = result & c
End If

Shortening a repeating sequence in a string

I have built a blog platform in VB.NET where the audience are very young, and for some reason like to express their commitment by repeating sequences of characters in their comments.
..and so on.
I don't want to filter this out completely, however, I would like to shorten it down to a maximum of 5 repeating characters or sequences in a row.
I have no problem writing a function to handle a single repeating character. But what is the most effective way to filter out a repeating sequence as well?
This is what I used earlier for the single repeating characters
Private Shared Function RemoveSequence(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
sb.Capacity = str.Length
Dim c As Char
Dim prev As Char = String.Empty
Dim prevCount As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To str.Length - 1
c = str(i)
If c = prev Then
If prevCount < 10 Then
End If
prevCount += 1
prevCount = 0
End If
prev = c
Return sb.ToString
End Function
Any help would be greatly appreciated
You should be able to recursively use the 'Longest repeated substring problem' to solve this. On the first pass you will get two matching sub-strings, and will need to check if they are contiguous. Then repeat the step for one of the sub-strings. Cut off the algo, if the strings are not contiguous, or if the string size become less than a certain number of characters. Finally, you should be able to keep the last match, and discard the rest. You will need to dig around for an implementation :(
Also have a look at this previously asked question: finding long repeated substrings in a massive string