Facebook Canvas App Height less than 800px - facebook-apps

I have 2 facebook app one that is 872px height and another one that is 712px height. For the 827px app I have successfully re-sized the app from 800 to 872px using the facebook JS SDK. But for the 712px I haven't been able to get it down from 800px. Is there a minimum height for facebook canvas app or I'm doing something wrong?

Apparently Canvas APP can't go lower than 800 px.

have you tried to set the height dynamically? this worked for me as i am attempting to display multiple pages that are less than 800px in height. the usual height of my page tabs were ~700px.
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId: window.FB_APP_ID
// set height dependent on page (min height is 800px)
// but we are attempting to get it shorter
var body_height = $('body').first().outerHeight();
height: body_height
what also worked for me, if not grabbing the body height is to set the height to something shorter than any of your pages at load, then triggering the setAutoGrow() function to expand it to the proper height with some delay. though this will cause your canvas to be the initial set height (eg. 480px) then will expand to size whenever your timeout fires.
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId: window.FB_APP_ID
height: 480 // some height shorter than necessary
}, 500);

To deal with it:
function(info) {
// console.log(info);
if (info.clientHeight< 800) FB.Canvas.setSize({ height: 800 });


Does pdf.js allow rendering of a selected (rectangular) part of a page instead of rendering an entire page to a canvas?

Does pdf.js allow to render a PDF page only partially? More specifically, is it possible to tell pdf.js to render a selected "rectangle of pixels" out of an entire PDF page?
Assuming a resolution of 144 dpi, a typical page (DIN A4) would have approx. 684 (width) by 1190 (height) pixels. I would like to render (for example) a rectangle like [100, 100] (top left coordinate in pixels) and [400, 400] (bottom right coordinate in pixels).
A typical use case could be a scanned document with several handwritten notes that I would like to display and further process individually.
I do understand that a "workaround" could be to save the entire page as jpg (or any other suitable bitmap format) and apply some clipping function. But this would for sure be a less performant approach than selected rendering.
pdfs.js uses a viewport object (presumably containing parameters) for rendering. This object contains
viewBox (by default [0, 0, width / scale, height / scale])
One might think that manipulating the viewBox inside it might lead to the desired outcome, but I have found that changing the viewBox parameters does not do anything at all. The entire page is rendered every time that I apply the render method.
What might I have done wrong? Does pdf.js offer the desired functionality? And if so, how can I get it to work? Thank you very much!
Here is a very simple React component demonstrating my approach (that does not work):
import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = 'pdf.worker.js';
function PdfTest() {
// useRef hooks
const myCanvas: React.RefObject<HTMLCanvasElement> = useRef(null);
const test = () => {
const loadDocument = pdfjs.getDocument('...');
.then((pdf) => {
return pdf.getPage(1);
.then((page) => {
const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 2 });
// Here I modify the viewport object on purpose
viewport.viewBox = [100, 100, 400, 400];
if (myCanvas.current) {
const context = myCanvas.current.getContext('2d');
if (context) {
page.render({ canvasContext: context, viewport: viewport });
myCanvas.current.height = viewport.height;
myCanvas.current.width = viewport.width;
// Render function
return (
<button onClick={test}>Test!</button>
<canvas ref={myCanvas} />
export default PdfTest;
My initial thought was also to modify a viewBox of page Viewport. This was not the right guess (I hope that you already figured it out).
What do you need really to do to project only a part of a page to canvas is to prepare correctly the transformation of Viewport.
So it will look more or less like following:
const scale = 2
const viewport = page.getViewport({
offsetX: -100 * scale,
offsetY: - 100 * scale
This will move your your box section to the beginning of the canvas coordinates.
What probably you would like to do next is to make a canvas equal to the selected rectangle size (in your case is 300x300 scaled by your scale) and this solved the issue in my case.

Bootstrap affix smooth scroll

I have been working on bootstrap scrollspy (affix) and it worked fine. I added a script for a smooth movement whenever you click sections.
But it doesn't seem to be working properly.
When you click "section3", it's not move section3.
When you double click, it goes wrong section.
fix nav is not fixed and not showing on responsive.
This is an example page, with the following code:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Add scrollspy to <body>. changed to half-right-wrap
target: ".navbar",
offset: 50
// Add smooth scrolling on all links inside the navbar
$("#myNavbar a").on('click', function(event) {
// Make sure this.hash has a value before overriding default behavior
if (this.hash !== "") {
// Prevent default anchor click behavior
// Store hash
var hash = this.hash;
// Using jQuery's animate() method to add smooth page scroll
// The optional number (800) specifies the number of milliseconds it takes to scroll to the specified area
scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top
}, 600, function() {
// Add hash (#) to URL when done scrolling (default click behavior)
window.location.hash = hash;
} // End if
** Please have a look at PC size to see "affix nav"
How can we make it properly? I guess I added wrong selector in js. It was "body" and add my own selector.

Cropping PhantomJS screen capture sized to content

PhantomJS is doing a great job of capturing web pages into image files for me. I am using a script based on rasterize.js.
However, for certain web elements of a fixed size, I need the resulting image to match the size of the web element.
e.g. I have a page like this:
<div id="wrapper" style="width:600px; height:400px;">
Content goes here...
In this example, I need it to produce an image sized at 600x400. Is thre a way to get the viewport size dynamically based on a web element in the page I am rasterizing.
I know this one is not a easy one... Ideas?
Wow. Not that hard after all. Just set the viewport really big and use the cropRect function. What a great tool!
Mods to rasterize.js:
page.open(address, function (status) {
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('Unable to load the address!');
} else {
var height = page.evaluate(function(){
return document.getElementById('wrapper').offsetHeight;
var width = page.evaluate(function(){
return document.getElementById('wrapper').offsetWidth;
console.log('Crop to: '+width+"x"+height);
page.clipRect = { top: 0, left: 0, width: width, height: height };
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);

How to re-size the Strobe media player dynamically?

I'm using the Strobe media player (with OSMF). I need to re-size the player when someone clicks a re-size button (built into the player). How can i do this? I've searched high and low but found no results.
Set scaleMode to "letterbox", then the player automatically adjusts its size depending on its parent div. You can then change its size, for example using jquery:
function getHeight() { return $(window).height(); };
function getWidth() { return $(window).width(); };
$(window).resize(function () {
$("#strobemediaplayback").css({ height: getHeight(), width: getWidth() });

jquery animation help

I have two circles, one is small (thumb) another one is big (info), and when the user hover over the small (thumb), then the small icon need to resize in to big one. I also need to show the new information in the big. I think I have to do this by width and height animation, because small is 100px X 100px, and big is 200 X 200 size.
Please advice on the best way to do this. I would like to avoid using plug-ins.
using jquery 1.4.2 or up, you can achieve this by using:
function () {
width: '200px',
height: '200px'
}, 200, function() {
// Animation complete.
//do whatever
function () {
width: '100px',
height: '100px'
}, 200, function() {
// Animation complete.
//do whatever
put the class "smallCircle" in the small circle.
P.S. in each state of the hover, you can control what happens after the animation is done (the place where I put "//do whatever"), that's the place where you could insert the content of the big cicrle.