Get data between record in table - sql

I have data like this:
For example, today is on April 2012. Referring to data above, I want to get the data with M_PER = 03-2012 because this month is in the range 03-2012 TO 06-2012.
--EditedIn this case, I wanna get a rate for used currency code. Because today is still in April, and I want to know rate US Dollar (USD) to Indonesia Rupiah (IDR) I must get the data with M_PER = 03-2012 and CRR_CURRENCY_CODE = USD.
The question is what query can retrieve data like that?

Since you seem to be using quarterly values, I would use the TRUNC function with the 'Q' format model. This truncates a date to 1/1/YYYY, 1/4/YYYY, 1/7/YYYY and 1/10/YYYY, i.e. the first day of the quarter.
To fit your model which is the month at the end of the quarter, you would then have to add two months. This assumes that the MONTH_PERIOD column is a SQL date and not some other data type.
Included below is an example, using SYSDATE as the input date.
select *
from your_table
where add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'Q'),2) = month_period;

I use the rownum and order by to get the value.
SELECT * FROM tables WHERE m_per > '04-2012' AND ROWNUM = 1 ORDER BY month_period ASC


Fetching records from SQL based on Month name

So this my table structure and data.
Now I want to filter data based on Month by ExpenseDate column.
So how can I achieve that?
I was trying
select * from tblExpenses where (ExpenseDate = MONTH('April'))
But it throws an error: "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."
Please help. Thank you.
You are putting month() on the wrong column. It can be applied to ExpensesDate:
select *
from tblExpenses
where month(ExpenseDate) = 4;
Note that month() returns a number, not the name of the month.
I think it is more likely that you want records from a particular April, not every April. This would be expressed as:
where ExpenseDate >= '2018-04-01' and ExpenseDate < '2018-05-01'
I think your where clause is just reversed I think you want this (and change the word to a number)
select * from tblExpenses where Month(ExpenseDate) = 4

Teradata filter query to pull all data for a month

I have a query below which fetches me the data for last day of a month. In this query, ME_DT is defined as date time type. So when I do the max on ME_DT then it gives me the data for last day of a month. I think I need to convert the date time type to integer YYYYMM in a teradata filter condition, so that it gives me the data for the entire month not just for the last day of a month. How should I modify my existing query to get my desired result?
You should try to avoid calculations on a column in the WHERE-condition to get better estimates and possible index/partition-access:
with cte (dt) as
select ....
between TRUNC(dt, 'mon')
and last_day(dt)
I have to use filer on the table because it has millions of records...
i did this ...but still verifying if I have got what i want...
(select max (cast(PADW.PL_CURR_DEFN_LOSS_FRCST_ME.ME_DT as date format 'YYYYMM')) from PADW.PL_CURR_DEFN_LOSS_FRCST_ME))

View data by date after Format 'mmyy'

I'm trying to answer questions like, how many POs per month do we have? Or, how many lines are there in every PO by month, etc. The original PO dates are all formatted #1/1/2013#. So my first step was to Format each PO record date into 'mmyy' so I could group and COUNT them.
This worked well but, now I cannot view the data by date... For example, I cannot ask 'How many POs after December did we get?' I think this is because SQL does not recognize mm/yy as a comparable date.
Any ideas how I could restructure this?
There are 2 queries I wrote. This is the query to format the dates. This is also the query I was trying to add the date filter to (ex: >#3/14#)
SELECT qryALL_PO.POLN, Format([PO CREATE DATE],"mm/yy") AS [Date]
GROUP BY qryALL_PO.POLN, Format([PO CREATE DATE],"mm/yy");
My group and counting query is:
You can still count and group dates, as long as you have a way to determine the part of the date you are looking for.
In Access you can use year and month for example to get the year and month part of the date:
select year(mydate)
, month(mydate)
, count(*)
from tableX
by year(mydate)
, month(mydate)
You can format it 'YYYY-MM' , and then use '>' for 'after' clause

How best store year, month, and day in a MySQL database?

How best store year, month, and day in a MySQL database so that it would be easily retrieved by year, by year-month, by year-month-day combinations?
Let's say you have a table tbl with a column d of type DATE.
All records in 1997:
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE YEAR(d) = 1997
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE d BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-12-31'
All records in March of 1997:
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE YEAR(d) = 1997 AND MONTH(d) = 3
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE d BETWEEN '1997-03-01' AND '1997-03-31'
All records on March 10, 1997:
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE d = '1997-03-10'
Unless a time will ever be involved, use the DATE data type. You can use functions from there to select portions of the date.
I'd recommend the obvious: use a DATE.
It stores year-month-day with no time (hour-minutes-seconds-etc) component.
Store as date and use built in functions:day(), month() or year() to return the combination you wish.
What's wrong with DATE? As long as you need Y, Y-M, or Y-M-D searches, they should be indexable. The problem with DATE would be if you want all December records across several years, for instance.
This may be related to the problem that archivists have with common date datatypes. Often, you want to be able to encode just the year, or just the year and the month, depending on what information is available, but you want to be able to encode this information in just one datatype. This is a problem which doesn't apply in very many other situations. (In answer to this question in the past, I've had techie types dismiss it as a problem with the data: your data is faulty!)
e.g., in a composer catalogue you are recording the fact that the composer dated a manuscript "January 1951". What can you put in a MySQL DATE field to represent this? "1951-01"? "1951-01-00"? Neither is really valid. Normally you end up encoding years, months and days in separate fields and then having to implement the semantics at application level. This is far from ideal.
If you're doing analytics against a fixed range of dates consider using a date dimension (fancy name for table) and use a foreign key into the date dimension. Check out this link:
If you use this date dimension consider how easily it will be to construct queries against any kind of dates you can think of.
SELECT * FROM my_table
JOIN DATE_DIM date on date.PK = my_table.date_FK
date.month = 1 AND
date.year = 2010
SELECT * FROM my_table
JOIN DATE_DIM date on date.PK = my_table.date_FK
WHERE date.day_of_week = 1 AND
date.month = 1 AND
date.year = 2010
SELECT *, date.day_of_week_name FROM my_table
JOIN DATE_DIM date on date.PK = my_table.date_FK
WHERE date.is_US_civil_holiday = 1

mysql return rows matching year month

How would I go about doing a query that returns results of all rows that contain dates for current year and month at the time of query.
Timestamps for each row are formated as such: yyyy-mm-dd
I know it probably has something to do with the date function and that I must somehow set a special parameter to make it spit out like such: yyyy-mm-%%.
Setting days to be wild card character would do the trick but I can't seem to figure it out how to do it.
Here is a link to for quick reference to date-time functions in mysql:
I think EXTRACT is the function you are looking for:
you could extract the year and month using a function, but that will not be able to use an index.
if you want scalable performance, you need to do this:
FROM myTable
WHERE some_date_column BETWEEN '2009-01-01' AND '2009-01-31'
select * from someTable where year(myDt) = 2009 and month(myDt) = 9 and day(myDt) = 12