find the Max and Min with AWK in specific range - awk

I have file with three columns , I want to get max of $3 and min of $2 but in specific range of $1 with awk:
Col1 Col2 Col3
X 1 2
X 3 4
Y 5 6
Y 7 8
E.g. I want to get the minimum value of Col2 , and the maximum value of Col3 while Col1=X.
I could handle max and min value but I dont find out how to find it in specific range
this is my code :
awk ' min=="" || $2 < min {min=$2; minline=$0} $3 > max {max=$3; maxline=$0};END {print $1,min,max}'
I tried to add {If ($1==X)} but It doesnt work well.

kent$ echo "X 1 2
X 3 4
Y 5 6
Y 7 8
"|awk '$1=="X"{min=$2<min||min==""?$2:min;max=$3>max||max==""?$3:max}END{print min,max}'
1 4
is this what you want?

What about:
awk 'BEGIN { c=1 }
$1 == "X" { if (c==1) { mmin=$2; mmax=$3 ;c++ }
if ($2<mmin) { mmin=$2 }
if ($3>mmax) { mmax=$3 }
END { print "X min: " mmin ", max: " mmax }' INPUTFILE
See it in action # Ideone.

If you want to collect all the minima and maxima:
awk '
$2 < min[$1] {min[$1] = $2}
$3 > max[$1] {max[$1] = $3}
{col1[$1] = 1}
END {for (c in col1) {print c, min[c], max[c]}}
' file


Making AWK code more efficient when evaluating sets of records

I have a file with 5 fields of content. I am evaluating 4 lines at a time in the file. So, records 1-4 are evaluated as a set. Records 5-8 are another set. Within each set, I want to extract the time from field 5 when field 4 has the max value. If there are duplicate values in field 4, then evaluate the maximum value in field 2 and use the time in field 5 associated with the max value in field 2.
For example, in the first 4 records, there is a duplicate max value in field 4 (value of 53). If that is true, I need to look at field 2 and find the maximum value. Then print the time associated with the max value in field 2 with the time in field 5.
The Data Set is:
00 31444 8.7 24 00:04:32
00 44574 12.4 25 00:01:41
00 74984 20.8 53 00:02:22
00 84465 23.5 53 00:12:33
01 34748 9.7 38 01:59:28
01 44471 12.4 37 01:55:29
01 74280 20.6 58 01:10:24
01 80673 22.4 53 01:55:49
The desired Output for records 1 through 4 is 00:12:33
The desired output for records 5 through 8 is 01:10:24
Here is my answer:
Evaluate Records 1 through 4
awk 'NR==1,NR==4 {if(max <= $4) {max = $4; time = $5} else if(max == $4) {max = $2; time = $5};next}END {print time}' test.txt test.txt
Output is: 00:12:33
Evaluate Records 5 through 8
awk 'NR==5,NR==8 {if(max <= $4) {max = $4; time = $5} else if(max == $4) {max = $2; time = $5};next}END {print time}' test.txt test.txt
Output is 01:10:24
Any suggestions on how to evaluate the record ranges more efficiently without having to write an awk statement for each set of records?
Based on your sample input, the fact there's 4 lines for each key (first field) seems to be irrelevant and what you really want is to just produce output for each key so consider sorting the input by your desired comparison fields (field 4 then field 2) then printing the first desired output (field 5) value seen for each block per key (field 1):
$ sort -n -k1,1 -k4,4r -k2,2r file | awk '!seen[$1]++{print $5}'
This awk code
NR % 4 == 1 {max4 = $4; max2 = $2}
$4 > max4 || $4 == max4 && $2 >= max2 {max4 = $4; max2 = $2; val5 = $5}
NR % 4 == 0 {printf "lines %d-%d: %s\n", (NR - 3), NR, val5}
lines 1-4: 00:12:33
lines 5-8: 01:10:24
Looking at the data, you might want to group sets by $1 instead of hardcoding 4 lines:
awk '
function emit(nr) {printf "lines %d-%d: %s\n", nr - 3, nr, val5}
$1 != setId {
if (NR > 1) emit(NR - 1)
setId = $1
max4 = $4
max2 = $2
$4 > max4 || $4 == max4 && $2 >= max2 {max4 = $4; max2 = $2; val5 = $5}
END {emit(NR)}
' data
an awk-based solution that utilizes a synthetic ascii-string-comparison key combining $4 and $5, while avoiding any %-modulo operations :
mawk '
BEGIN { CONVFMT = "%020.f" (__=___=____=_____="")
_+=_+=++_ } { ____= __!=(__=__==$((_____=(+$_ "")"(" $NF)^!_) \
? __ : $!!_) || ____<_____ ? _____ : ____
} _==++___ {
printf(" group %-*s [%*.f, %-*.f] :: %s\n", --_*--_, "\"" (__) "\"", _+_,
NR-++_, ++_, NR, substr(____, index(____, "(")+_^(_____=____=___=""))) }'
group "00" [ 1, 4 ] :: 00:12:33
group "01" [ 5, 8 ] :: 01:10:24

Changing a list of values in Awk

I am trying to change values in the following list:
A 0.702
B 0.868
C 3.467
D 2.152
If the second column is less than 0.5 I would like to change to -2, between 0.5-1 to -1, between 1-1.5 to 1 and if > 1.5 then to 2.
When I try the following:
awk '$2<0.9 || $2>2' | awk '{if ($2 < 0.5) print $1,-2;}{if($2>0.5 || $2<1) print $1,-1;}{if($2>1 || $2<1.5) print $1,1;}{if($2>2) print $1,2;}'
I get the following:
A -1
A 1
B -1
B 1
C 1
C 2
D 1
D 2
I know I am missing something but for the life of me I can't figure out what - any help gratefully recieved.
If you have multiple if statements and the current value can match multiple statements, you can print multiple outputs.
If you only want to print the output of the first match, you would have to prevent running the if statements that follow.
You can use a single awk and define non overlapping matches with greater than and && lower than.
Note that using only > and < you will not for example 0.5
awk '{
if($2 < 0.5) print($1, -2)
if($2 > 0.5 && $2<1) print($1,-1)
if($2 > 1 && $2<1.5) print($1, 1)
if($2 > 1.5) print($1 ,2)
' file
A -1
B -1
C 2
D 2
With your shown samples only. Adding one more solution with using ternary operators for condition checking(for Fun :) ).
awk '{print (NF?($2>1.5?($1 OFS 2):($2>1?($1 OFS 1):($2>0.5?($1 OFS "-1"):($1 OFS "-2")))):"")}' Input_file
Better readable form of above awk code. Since its a one-liner so breaking it up into multi form for better readability here.
awk '
print \
($1 OFS 2)\
($1 OFS 1)\
($1 OFS "-1")\
($1 OFS "-2")\
' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be using ternary operators to perform conditions and accordingly printing values(since its happening in print function).
Another. Replace <s with <=s where needed:
$ awk '{
if($2<0.5) # from low to higher sets the lower limit
else if($2<1) # so only upper limit needs to be tested
else if($2<1.5)
}1' file
A -1
B -1
C 2
D 2
Probably overkill for your needs but here's a data-driven approach using GNU awk for arrays of arrays and +/-inf:
$ cat tst.awk
range["-inf"][0.5] = -2
range[0.5][1] = -1
range[1][1.5] = 1
range[1.5]["+inf"] = 2
val = ""
for ( beg in range ) {
for ( end in range[beg] ) {
if ( (beg+0 < $2) && ($2 <= end+0) ) {
val = range[beg][end]
print $1, val
$ awk -f tst.awk file
A -1
B -1
C 2
D 2
I'm assuming above that "between" excludes the start of the range but includes the end of it. You could make it slightly more efficient with:
for ( beg in range ) {
if ( beg+0 < $2 ) {
for ( end in range[beg] ) {
if ( $2 <= end+0 ) {
val = range[beg][end]
but I just like having the range comparison all on 1 line and there's only 1 end for every begin so it doesn't make much difference.
UPDATE 1 : new equation should cover nearly all scenarios :
1st half equation handles the sign +/-
2nd half handles the magnitude of the binning
mawk '$NF = (-++_)^(+(__=$NF)<_) * ++_^(int(__+_--^-_)!=_--)'
X -1.25 -2
X -1.00 -2
X -0.75 -2
X -0.50 -2
X -0.25 -2
X 0.00 -2
X 0.25 -2
X 0.50 -1
X 0.75 -1
X 1.00 1
X 1.25 1
X 1.50 2
X 1.75 2
X 2.00 2
X 2.25 2
X 2.50 2
this may not cover every possible scenario, but if u want a single liner to cover the samples shown :
mawk '$NF = 4 < (_=int(2*$NF)-2)^2 ? 1+(-3)^(_<-_) :_'
A -1
B -1
C 2
D 2

Successive averaging of repeating data but different number of lines

I have the following format of data:
1 3
1.723608 0.8490000
1.743011 0.8390000
1.835833 0.7830000
2 5
1.751377 0.8350000
1.907603 0.7330000
1.780053 0.8190000
1.601427 0.9020000
1.950540 0.6970000
3 2
1.993951 0.6610000
1.796519 0.8090000
4 4
1.734961 0.8430000
1.840741 0.7800000
1.818444 0.7950000
1.810717 0.7980000
5 1
2.037940 0.6150000
6 7
1.738221 0.8330000
1.767678 0.8260000
1.788517 0.8140000
2.223586 0.4070000
1.667492 0.8760000
2.039232 0.6130000
1.758823 0.8300000
Data consists of data blocks. Each data block has the same format as follows:
The very first line is the header line. The header line contains the ID number and the total number of lines of each data block. For example, the first data block's ID is 1, and the total number of lines is 3. For the third data block, ID is 3, and the total number of lines is 2. All data blocks have this header line.
Then, the "real data" follows. As I explained, the number of lines of "real data" is designated in the second integer of the header line.
Accordingly, the total number of lines for each data block will be number_of_lines+1. In this example, the total number of lines for data block 1 is 4, and data block 2 costs 6 lines...
This format repeats all the way up to 10000 number of data blocks in my current data, but I can provide this 10000 as a variable in the bash or awk script as an input value. I know the total number of data blocks.
Now, what I wish to do is, I want to get the average of data of each two columns and print it out with data block ID number and a total number of lines. The output text will have:
ID_number number_of_lines average_of_column_1 average_of_column_2
using 5 spaces between columns with 6 decimal places format. The result will have 10000 lines, and each line will have ID, number of lines, avg of column 1 of data, and avg of column 2 of data for each data block. The result of this example will look like
1 3 1.767484 0.823666
2 5 1.798200 0.797200
3 2 1.895235 0.735000
I know how to get the average of a simple data column in awk and bash. These are already answered in StackOverflow a lot of times. For example, I really favor using
awk '{ total += $2; count++ } END { print total/count }' data.txt
So, I wish to this using awk or bash. But I really have no clue how can I approach and even start to get this kind of average of multiple repeating data blocks, but with a different number of lines for each data block.
I was trying based on awk, following
Awk average of n data in each column
But I'm not sure how can I use NR or FNR for the average of data with a varying number of total lines of data, for each data block.
You may try this awk:
awk -v OFS='\t' '$2 ~ /\./ {s1 += $1; s2 += $2; next} {if (id) {print id, num, s1/num, s2/num; s1=s2=0} id=$1; num=$2} END {print id, num, s1/num, s2/num}' file
1 3 1.76748 0.823667
2 5 1.7982 0.7972
3 2 1.89524 0.735
4 4 1.80122 0.804
5 1 2.03794 0.615
6 7 1.85479 0.742714
If you have gnu awk then use OFMT for getting fixed size decimal numbers like this:
awk -v OFMT="%.6f" -v OFS='\t' '$2 ~ /\./ {s1 += $1; s2 += $2; next} {if (id) {print id, num, s1/num, s2/num; s1=s2=0} id=$1; num=$2} END {print id, num, s1/num, s2/num}' file
1 3 1.767484 0.823667
2 5 1.798200 0.797200
3 2 1.895235 0.735000
4 4 1.801216 0.804000
5 1 2.037940 0.615000
6 7 1.854793 0.742714
An expanded form:
awk OFMT='%.6f' -v OFS='\t' '
$2 ~ /\./ {
s1 += $1
s2 += $2
if (id) {
print id, num, s1/num, s2/num
s1 = s2 = 0
id = $1
num = $2
print id, num, s1/num, s2/num
}' file
And yet another one:
awk -v num_blocks=10000 '
OFS = "\t"
OFMT = "%.6f"
num_lines == 0 {
id = $1
num_lines = $2
sum1 = sum2 = 0
lines_read < num_lines {
sum1 += $1
sum2 += $2
lines_read >= num_lines {
print id, num_lines,
sum1 / num_lines,
sum2 / num_lines
num_lines = lines_read = 0
num_blocks <= 0 {
}' file
You could try
awk -v qnt=none 'qnt == "none" {id = $1; qnt = $2; s1 = s2 = line = 0;next}{s1 += $1; s2 += $2; ++line} line == qnt{printf "%d %d %.6f %.6f\n", id, qnt, s1/qnt, s2/qnt; qnt="none"}'
The above is expanded as follows:
qnt == "none"
id = $1;
qnt = $2;
s1 = s2 = line = 0;
s1 += $1;
s2 += $2;
line == qnt
printf "%d %d %.6f %.6f\n", id, qnt, s1/qnt, s2/qnt;
After a data block is processed (or at the beginning), record header info.
Otherwise, add to sum and print the result when we've done with all lines in this block.

How to add numbers from files to computation?

I need to get results of this formula - a column of numbers
{x = ($1-T1)/Fi; print (x-int(x))}
from inputs file1
4 4
8 4
7 78
45 2
From this files should be 4 outputs.
$1 is the first column from file1, T1 is the first line in first column of the file1 (number 4) - it is alway this number, Fi, where i = 1, 2, 3, 4 are numbers from the second file. So I need a cycle for i from 1 to 4 and compute the term one times with F1=0.2, the second output with F2=3, then third output with F3=2 and the last output will be for F4=1. How to express T1 and Fi in this way and how to do a cycle?
awk 'FNR == NR { F[++n] = $1; next } FNR == 1 { T1 = $1 } { for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { x = ($1 - T1)/F[i]; print x - int(x) >"output" FNR} }' file2 file1
This gives more than 4 outputs. What is wrong please?
FNR == 1 { T1 = $1 } is being run twice, when file2 is started being read T1 is set to 0.2,
>"output" FNR is problematic, you should enclose the output name expression in parentheses.
Here's how I'd do it:
awk '
NR==1 {t1=$1}
NR==FNR {f[NR]=$1; next}
for(i in f) {
print x-int(x) >fn
' file1 file2

Iterate awk function for every unique field in column

I have write an awk script to analyse my table data - I am calculating p-value and log2 odds ratio.
This is an example of data table I have.
Label Value1 Value2
Label1 9 6
Label1 7 6
Label1 1 6
Label2 5 7
Label2 3 7
Label2 8 7
For every label (Label1/2) I count how many times value1 > value2 and divide this number by total times Label was observed - I am getting p-value.
Additionally to this, I compare their log2 ratio.
This is my awk script.
awk '{a[$1]=$1}; ($2>=$3) {c++}; {sum+=$2} END
{print c/NR,log($3/(sum/NR))/log(2),a[$1]}'
And this is result I get
0.666667 0.0824622 Label1
Column1 is p-value; Column 2 is odds ratio; Column 3 is Label.
Problem is that I don't know how to apply this calculation for both Labels - I am getting result only for the first one.
My question is - how to iterate such awk function for every unique field in column 1 (Label1/2)
I assume two lines before first line of data, so I compare NR with 3. The program saves previous label name ($1) and only when it changes ($1 != label) it does the calculations and print. Other condition (NR >= 3) only saves data while processing same label.
awk '
NR == 3 { label = $1 }
NR >=3 && $1 != label {
printf "%.6f %.6f %s\n", c/l, log( v / (sum/l) ) / log(2), label
c = l = sum = 0
label = $1
NR >= 3 {
if ( $2 >= $3 ) { c++ }
sum += $2
v = $3
printf "%.6f %.6f %s\n", c/l, log( v / (sum/l) ) / log(2), label
' infile
It yields:
0.666667 0.082462 Label1
0.333333 0.392317 Label2
Another way with awk (using arrays):
awk '
NR>1 && $2>$3 {
for(label in times) {
print times[label]/seen[label],log(col3[label]/(total[label]/seen[label]))/log(2),label
}' inputFile
0.666667 0.0824622 Label1
0.333333 0.392317 Label2