How to use java.util.logging in Weblogic? - weblogic

I have an application that was migrated from Glassfish to Weblogic, and it uses java.util.logging as logging framework.
The only way I have found to make the logs work is by editing the file of the JVM and restart the server. This solution is awkward and gives problems because the log is written to a different file than the standard ones for weblogic, so we have to look at too many files for a log in a clustered environment. Besides, for some reason this does not work on some Windows systems.
Is there a way to keep using standard java logging to write messages to weblogic's standard log files? I tried the instructions on this page but it doesn't work either.

WebLogic Server ships with a JDK logging handler which will pick up log messages emitted from JDK logging framework and direct them into the WebLogic Server logging system.
Set the default logging level for new ServerLoggingHandler instances in as well as adding the ServerLoggingHandler to the handlers.
handlers = weblogic.logging.ServerLoggingHandler
weblogic.logging.ServerLoggingHandler.level = ALL
To direct the JDK logging framework to use the file, the standard System property java.util.logging.config.file is used. With WebLogic Server, this can be easily accomplished by setting the JAVA_OPTIONS System property with the corresponding value.
$ export JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/Users/xxx/Projects/Domains/wls1035/"
Some more hints here:


Read-only web console access in ActiveMQ

I'm using ActiveMQ 5.10 and would like to create a user that has read-only access through the web console.
Red Hat published this article, mentioning that it's not really read only due to a bug in ActiveMQ.
According to the bug report AMQ-4567, the bug is fixed as of ActiveMQ 5.9. However, I'm not seeing it work appropriately.
I have tried a number of different configurations, with the most recent being two separate JAAS implementations, one for Jetty and one for ActiveMQ. The relevant property files are excerpted below.
I can mostly log in to the web console using the "system" user. But the guest user doesn't work at all. The application user (appuser) doesn't need access to the web console at all.
My authN/authZ needs are pretty trivial: one admin user, one application account, and one read-only monitoring account.
Is there any good way to get this working with a recent version of ActiveMQ (>= 5.9.0)?
system={password redacted}
system: MD5:46cf1b5451345f5176cd70713e0c9e07,user,admin
guest: guest,guest
As an aside, I used the Jetty tutorial and the Rundeck instructions to figure out the file and chapter 6 of ActiveMQ in Action to work out the ActiveMQ JAAS.
I was finally able to get to what I wanted by deploying the web console to an external Tomcat instance. I assume that when it runs out of process, it can't bypass security and so has to use whatever credentials you provide. In this case, I gave the Tomcat instance the read-only JMX user credentials.
It's not great, as there is no security trimmed UI. You can still attempt to create new destinations, delete destinations, etc. When you try with a read-only user, you get an error. That gets a "D" for UX, but a "B" for security.

Can one change the domain xml configuration file of glassfish while the server is running?

I changed the domain.xml while the server was running and it seems like old configuration has been restored later again. Is it not allowed to change the file directly while the server is running? Does one need to use the admin console in this case?
With dynamic configuration, changes take effect while the DAS or instance is running. The following configuration changes do not require restart:
1) Adding or deleting add-on components
2) Adding or removing JDBC, JMS, and connector resources and pools (Exception: Some connection pool properties affect applications.)
3) Changing a system property that is not referenced by a JVM option or a port
4) Adding file realm users
5) Changing logging levels
6) Enabling and disabling monitoring
7) Changing monitoring levels for modules
8) Enabling and disabling resources and applications
9) Deploying, undeploying, and redeploying applications
One is not allowed to edit this configuration file manually at all:
Note –
Changes are automatically applied to the appropriate configuration
file. Do not edit the configuration files directly. Manual editing is
prone to error and can have unexpected results.

Integration of log4j v2 into JBoss 7.1.1

I am curious how should I force jboss 7.1.1 to use Apaches Log4j 2 instead of, because I would like to do some performance comparison of log4j2 and (I have given up on log4j because it seems to have similar performance as
Log4j2 Official website:
I suppose I need to create a new module for the log4j2 library in jboss modules.
Then what? Do I need any changes in standalone.xml? Any changes for jboss-deployment-structure.xml?
How can I tell jboss where to search for the log4j2 library?
Thanks for any suggestions. I am a bit stuck here.
JBoss Logging is just a logging facade similar to slf4j. JBoss AS 7 uses JBoss Log Manager for it's log manager.
Without changing some code you and removing the logging subsystem you cannot use another log manager like log4j2 for the server wide log manager. You'd have to make some changes here and remove the STDIO stuff. It's probably not worth the effort TBH.
JBoss Log Manager is fairly fast. You could try using an async-handler to see if that helps performance at all. It probably won't make a significant difference though if you're just using a standard console-handler and file-handler of some sort.
Some ruff measuring results between JBoss Default Logging and Log4J 2 (by configuring it native and therefore skipping the LogManager), by logging with 10 Threads at the same time:
JBoss Default Log Async Rolling File Appender -> 200.000 Logs/minute
Log4j 2 ASync File Appender -> 5.000.000 Logs/minute
These are really only ruff results, the second case uses a different logger and does not use the Log Manager, these things must be measured independently ... maybe I will do that too. Nevertheless, the bottom line is that default logging is damn slow.

tomcat7 clickstack not finding Config params

I am testing the tomcat7 clickstack for our application which has some config parameters set using the built in Config features of Cloudbees. The tomcat7 clickstack does not find them, but the standard tomcat6 container does. I have double checked them and reset them through the cloudbees sdk and they are there and correct, but are coming back as null for tomcat7.
The switch to clickstacks requires us to refactor how the servlet container gets configured so that the injection points such as cloudbees-web.xml and jvm system properties behave consistently across all the servlet container clickstacks.
Some of that refactoring has been committed but some of the work is still in my backlog... Assuming none of the other bees steal that task from my backlog before I get to it ;-)
IF I recall correctly, the parameters should be available as environment variables (sub optimal I know, but all containers should be giving this as a consistent UX for all clickstacks, eg both non-java based and java-based) and may be already available as system properties (again sub optimal, but the java container refactoring should be giving this as a consistent UX for all java based clickstacks). The consistent java servlet UX has not been committed yet but should be available soon.

Steps to execute .ear file from Glassfish server into Tomee+ server

As a newbie to Enterprise Applications I'm trying to get it done.
I developed an Enterprise application in Netbeans 7.1.2. It runs successfully using the default Glassfish server. With the need to change the server, I downloaded and installed Tomee+ server, and made some changes to make Tomee Manager Interface work on my system.
I deployed the .ear file (Glassfish server output) into Tomee+ by placing it in the Tomee webapps folder, with the server in the running state. It gets automatically deployed and appears in the Tomcat Web Application Manager interface.
Then, by providing the suitable path in the address bar, like http://localhost:8080/app-war/faces/app.xhtml, it provides the frontend screen but the backend process is not working if I click the submit button. Instead, it simply provides a status page, like HTTP Status 500 - javax.el.ELException: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction was rolled back, presumably because setRollbackOnly was called during a synchronization.
My question is: what went wrong with the steps I took for deploying it in Tomee+ server?
no more verbose stack?
btw can you try to:
1) check you have in tomee.xml the line
2) put your ear in /apps/ instead of webapps/
The point is by default (can be configured with the snapshot/next release) tomee extracts the ear in a folder simply removing the extension (webapps/your-ear/ for instance) and then tomcat takes this folder as a webapp so your deployment is no more the one expected. That's why moving it over a folder not managed by tomcat (apps) is often enough.
That's said, Glassfish transaction management is sometimes too tolerant (why i ask the full stack you got).