What are the optimizations facilitated by -ffinite-math-only? - optimization

All the info I can find in documentation and the web for -ffinite-math-only is "Allow optimizations for floating-point arithmetic that assume that arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Infs." This does not seem forthcoming to me. Does anyone know exactly what those optimizations are?

Lots of little things can be optimized under that assumption, like:
x == x --> 1
x * 1 --> x
x >= y --> !(x < y) and similar.
x/x --> 1 if the compiler can prove x != 0.
it may allow a compiler to use hardware max/min instructions for expressions like x > y ? x : y.
... lots more
You often see this assumption together with assumptions like "sign of zero doesn't matter", which then allows things like:
x - x --> 0
0 / x --> 0
x * 0 --> 0


How to convert the following if conditions to Linear integer programming constraints?

These are the conditions:
if(x > 0)
y >= a;
z <= b;
It is quite easy to convert the conditions into Linear Programming constraints if x were binary variable. But I am not finding a way to do this.
You can do this in 2 steps
Step 1: Introduce a binary dummy variable
Since x is continuous, we can introduce a binary 0/1 dummy variable. Let's call it x_positive
if x>0 then we want x_positive =1. We can achieve that via the following constraint, where M is a very large number.
x < x_positive * M
Note that this forces x_positive to become 1, if x is itself positive. If x is negative, x_positive can be anything. (We can force it to be zero by adding it to the objective function with a tiny penalty of the appropriate sign.)
Step 2: Use the dummy variable to implement the next 2 constraints
In English: if x_positive = 1, then y >= a
However, if x_positive = 0, y can be anything (y > -inf)
y > a - M (1 - x_positive)
if x_positive = 1, then z <= b
z <= b + M * (1 - x_positive)
Both the linear constraints above will kick in if x>0 and will be trivially satisfied if x <=0.

Unique variable names in Z3

I need to rely on the fact that two Z3 variables
can not have the same name.
To be sure of that,
I've used tuple_example1() from test_capi.c in z3/examples/c and changed the original code from:
// some code before that ...
x = mk_real_var(ctx, "x");
y = mk_real_var(ctx, "y"); // originally y is called "y"
// some code after that ...
// some code before that ...
x = mk_real_var(ctx, "x");
y = mk_real_var(ctx, "x"); // but now both x and y are called "x"
// some code after that ...
And (as expected) the output changed from:
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
y -> 0.0
x -> 1.0
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
BUG: unexpected result.
However, when I looked closer, I found out that Z3 did not really fail or anything, it is just a naive (driver) print out to console.
So I went ahead and wrote the exact same test with y being an int sort called "x".
To my surprise, Z3 could handle two variables with the same name when they have different sorts:
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
x -> 1.0
x -> 0
Is that really what's going on? or is it just a coincidence??
Any help is very much appreciated, thanks!
In general, SMT-Lib does allow repeated variable names, so long as they have different sorts. See page 27 of the standard. In particular, it says:
Concretely, a variable can be any symbol, while a function symbol
can be any identifier (i.e., a symbol or an indexed symbol). As a
consequence, contextual information is needed during parsing to know
whether an identifier is to be treated as a variable or a function
symbol. For variables, this information is provided by the three
binders which are the only mechanism to introduce variables. Function
symbols, in contrast, are predefined, as explained later. Recall that
every function symbol f is separately associated with one or more
ranks, each specifying the sorts of f’s arguments and result. To
simplify sort checking, a function symbol in a term can be annotated
with one of its result sorts σ. Such an annotated function symbol is a
qualified identifier of the form (as f σ).
Also on page 31 of the same document, it further clarifies "ambiguity" thusly:
Except for patterns in match expressions, every occurrence of an
ambiguous function symbol f in a term must occur as a qualified
identifier of the form (as f σ) where σ is the intended output sort of
that occurrence
So, in SMT-Lib lingo, you'd write like this:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun x () Real)
(assert (= (as x Real) 2.5))
(assert (= (as x Int) 2))
This produces:
(define-fun x () Int
(define-fun x () Real
(/ 5.0 2.0))
What you are observing in the C-interface is essentially a rendering of the same. Of course, how much "checking" is enforced by the interface is totally solver specific as SMT-Lib says nothing about C API's or API's for other languages. That actually explains the BUG line you see in the output there. At this point, the behavior is entirely solver specific.
But long story short, SMT-Lib does indeed allow two variables have the same name used so long as they have different sorts.

Does the predicate `contracting/1` restore deleted inconsistent values?

This question is subsequent to another one I posted earlier on custom labeling in Prolog.
Does the contracting/1 predicate, when used after a value assignment to a variable in a custom labeling predicate, delete the "inconsistent" values from the domain permanently ? Or are these values restored when backtracking ?
These values are of course restored on backtracking.
It is the nature of pure Prolog predicates, such as CLP(FD) constraints, that everything they state is completely undone on backtracking. Without this, many important declarative properties would not hold. See logical-purity for more information.
You can see easily that this also holds for clpfd:contracting/1, using for example a sample session:
?- X in 0..5, X mod Y #= 2, Y in 0..2.
X in 0..5,
X mod Y#=2,
Y in 1..2.
?- X in 0..5, X mod Y #= 2, Y in 0..2, clpfd:contracting([X,Y]).
?- X in 0..5, X mod Y #= 2, Y in 0..2, ( clpfd:contracting([X,Y]) ; true ).
X in 0..5,
X mod Y#=2,
Y in 1..2.

Linear programming and event occurrence

Suppose we have N (in this example N = 3) events that can happen depending on some variables. Each of them can generate certain profit or loses (event1 = 300, event2 = -100, event3 = 200), they are constrained by rules when they happen.
event 1 happens only when x > 5,
event 2 happens only when x = 2 and y = 3
event 3 happens only when x is odd.
The problem is to know the maximum profit.
Assume x, y are integer numbers >= 0
In the real problem there are many events and many dimensions.
(the solution should not be specific)
My question is:
Is this linear programming problem? If yes please provide solution to the example problem using this approach. If no please suggest some algorithms to optimize such problem.
This can be formulated as a mixed integer linear program. This is a linear program where some of the variables are constrained to be integer. Contrary to linear programs, solving the general integer program is NP-hard. However, there are many commercial or open source solvers that can solve efficiently large-scale problems. For up to 300 variables and constraints, you can use excel's solver.
Here is a way to formulate the above constraints:
If you go down this route, you might find this document useful.
the last constraint in an interesting one. I am assuming that x has to be integer, but if x can be either integer or continuous I will edit the answer accordingly.
I hope this helps!
Edit: L and U above should be interpreted as L1 and U1.
Edit 2: z2 needs to changed to (1-z2) on the 3rd and 4th constraint.
A specific answer:
seems more like a mathematical calculation than a programming problem, can't you just run a loop for x= 1->1000 to see what results occur?
for the example:
as x = 2 or 3 = -200 then x > 2 or 3, and if x < 5 doesn't get the 300, so all that is really happening is x > 5 and x = odd = maximum results.
x = 7 = 300 + 200 . = maximum profit for x
A general answer:
I don't see how to answer the question without seeing what the events are and how the events effect X ? Weather it's a linear or functional (mathematical) answer seems rather beside the point of finding the desired solution.

Treatment of error values in the SQL standard

I have a question about the SQL standard which I'm hoping a SQL language lawyer can help with.
Certain expressions just don't work. 62 / 0, for example. The SQL standard specifies quite a few ways in which expressions can go wrong in similar ways. Lots of languages deal with these expressions using special exceptional flow control, or bottom psuedo-values.
I have a table, t, with (only) two columns, x and y each of type int. I suspect it isn't relevant, but for definiteness let's say that (x,y) is the primary key of t. This table contains (only) the following values:
x y
7 2
3 0
4 1
26 5
31 0
9 3
What behavior is required by the SQL standard for SELECT expressions operating on this table which may involve division(s) by zero? Alternatively, if no one behavior is required, what behaviors are permitted?
For example, what behavior is required for the following select statements?
The easy one:
SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot
A harder one:
SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot
WHERE y != 0
An even harder one:
SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot
WHERE x % 2 = 0
Would an implementation (say, one that failed to realize on a more complex version of this query that the restriction could be moved inside the extension) be permitted to produce a division by zero error in response to this query, because, say it attempted to divide 3 by 0 as part of the extension before performing the restriction and realizing that 3 % 2 = 1? This could become important if, for example, the extension was over a small table but the result--when joined with a large table and restricted on the basis of data in the large table--ended up restricting away all of the rows which would have required division by zero.
If t had millions of rows, and this last query were performed by a table scan, would an implementation be permitted to return the first several million results before discovering a division by zero near the end when encountering one even value of x with a zero value of y? Would it be required to buffer?
There are even worse cases, ponder this one, which depending on the semantics can ruin boolean short-circuiting or require four-valued boolean logic in restrictions:
WHERE ((x / y) >= 2) AND ((x % 2) = 0)
If the table is large, this short-circuiting problem can get really crazy. Imagine the table had a million rows, one of which had a 0 divisor. What would the standard say is the semantics of:
SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot
END AS what_is_my_value
It seems like this value should probably be an error since it depends on the emptiness or non-emptiness of a result which is an error, but adopting those semantics would seem to prohibit the optimizer for short-circuiting the table scan here. Does this existence query require proving the existence of one non-bottoming row, or also the non-existence of a bottoming row?
I'd appreciate guidance here, because I can't seem to find the relevant part(s) of the specification.
All implementations of SQL that I've worked with treat a division by 0 as an immediate NaN or #INF. The division is supposed to be handled by the front end, not by the implementation itself. The query should not bottom out, but the result set needs to return NaN in this case. Therefore, it's returned at the same time as the result set, and no special warning or message is brought up to the user.
At any rate, to properly deal with this, use the following query:
x, y,
case y
when 0 then null
else x / y
end as quot
To answer your last question, this statement:
SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot
Would return this:
x y quot
7 2 3.5
3 0 NaN
4 1 4
26 5 5.2
31 0 NaN
9 3 3
So, your exists would find all the rows in t, regardless of what their quotient was.
Additionally, I was reading over your question again and realized I hadn't discussed where clauses (for shame!). The where clause, or predicate, should always be applied before the columns are calculated.
Think about this query:
select x, y, x/y as quot from t where x%2 = 0
If we had a record (3,0), it applies the where condition, and checks if 3 % 2 = 0. It does not, so it doesn't include that record in the column calculations, and leaves it right where it is.